#include "global.h" #include "event_data.h" #include "field_door.h" #include "field_camera.h" #include "fieldmap.h" #include "metatile_behavior.h" #include "task.h" #include "constants/songs.h" #include "constants/metatile_labels.h" #define DOOR_SOUND_NORMAL 0 #define DOOR_SOUND_SLIDING 1 #define DOOR_SOUND_ARENA 2 struct DoorGraphics { u16 metatileNum; u8 sound; u8 size; const void *tiles; const void *palettes; }; struct DoorAnimFrame { u8 time; u16 offset; }; static bool8 ShouldUseMultiCorridorDoor(void); static const u8 sDoorAnimTiles_Littleroot[] = INCBIN_U8("graphics/door_anims/littleroot.4bpp"); static const u16 sDoorNullPalette1[16] = {}; static const u8 sDoorAnimTiles_BirchsLab[] = INCBIN_U8("graphics/door_anims/birchs_lab.4bpp"); static const u16 sDoorNullPalette2[16] = {}; static const u8 sDoorAnimTiles_FallarborLightRoof[] = INCBIN_U8("graphics/door_anims/fallarbor_light_roof.4bpp"); static const u16 sDoorNullPalette3[16] = {}; static const u8 sDoorAnimTiles_Lilycove[] = INCBIN_U8("graphics/door_anims/lilycove.4bpp"); static const u16 sDoorNullPalette4[16] = {}; static const u8 sDoorAnimTiles_LilycoveWooden[] = INCBIN_U8("graphics/door_anims/lilycove_wooden.4bpp"); static const u16 sDoorNullPalette5[16] = {}; static const u8 sDoorAnimTiles_General[] = INCBIN_U8("graphics/door_anims/general.4bpp"); static const u16 sDoorNullPalette6[16] = {}; static const u8 sDoorAnimTiles_PokeCenter[] = INCBIN_U8("graphics/door_anims/poke_center.4bpp"); static const u8 sDoorAnimTiles_Gym[] = INCBIN_U8("graphics/door_anims/gym.4bpp"); static const u8 sDoorAnimTiles_PokeMart[] = INCBIN_U8("graphics/door_anims/poke_mart.4bpp"); static const u8 sDoorAnimTiles_RustboroTan[] = INCBIN_U8("graphics/door_anims/rustboro_tan.4bpp"); static const u16 sDoorNullPalette7[16] = {}; static const u8 sDoorAnimTiles_RustboroGray[] = INCBIN_U8("graphics/door_anims/rustboro_gray.4bpp"); static const u16 sDoorNullPalette8[16] = {}; static const u8 sDoorAnimTiles_Oldale[] = INCBIN_U8("graphics/door_anims/oldale.4bpp"); static const u8 sFiller1[0x5900] = {}; static const u8 sDoorAnimTiles_UnusedTops[] = INCBIN_U8("graphics/door_anims/unused_top.4bpp"); static const u8 sFiller2[0x140] = {}; static const u8 sDoorAnimTiles_UnusedBottoms[] = INCBIN_U8("graphics/door_anims/unused_bottom.4bpp"); static const u16 sDoorNullPalette11[16] = {}; static const u8 sDoorAnimTiles_Mauville[] = INCBIN_U8("graphics/door_anims/mauville.4bpp"); static const u16 sDoorNullPalette12[16] = {}; static const u8 sDoorAnimTiles_Verdanturf[] = INCBIN_U8("graphics/door_anims/verdanturf.4bpp"); static const u16 sDoorNullPalette13[16] = {}; static const u8 sDoorAnimTiles_Slateport[] = INCBIN_U8("graphics/door_anims/slateport.4bpp"); static const u16 sDoorNullPalette14[16] = {}; static const u8 sDoorAnimTiles_Dewford[] = INCBIN_U8("graphics/door_anims/dewford.4bpp"); static const u16 sDoorNullPalette15[16] = {}; static const u8 sDoorAnimTiles_Contest[] = INCBIN_U8("graphics/door_anims/contest.4bpp"); static const u16 sDoorNullPalette16[16] = {}; static const u8 sDoorAnimTiles_Mossdeep[] = INCBIN_U8("graphics/door_anims/mossdeep.4bpp"); static const u16 sDoorNullPalette17[16] = {}; static const u8 sDoorAnimTiles_SootopolisPeakedRoof[] = INCBIN_U8("graphics/door_anims/sootopolis_peaked_roof.4bpp"); static const u16 sDoorNullPalette18[16] = {}; static const u8 sDoorAnimTiles_Sootopolis[] = INCBIN_U8("graphics/door_anims/sootopolis.4bpp"); static const u16 sDoorNullPalette19[16] = {}; static const u8 sDoorAnimTiles_PokemonLeague[] = INCBIN_U8("graphics/door_anims/pokemon_league.4bpp"); static const u16 sDoorNullPalette20[16] = {}; static const u8 sDoorAnimTiles_Pacifidlog[] = INCBIN_U8("graphics/door_anims/pacifidlog.4bpp"); static const u16 sDoorNullPalette21[16] = {}; static const u8 sDoorAnimTiles_PetalburgGym[] = INCBIN_U8("graphics/door_anims/petalburg_gym.4bpp"); static const u16 sDoorNullPalette22[16] = {}; static const u8 sDoorAnimTiles_CyclingRoad[] = INCBIN_U8("graphics/door_anims/cycling_road.4bpp"); static const u16 sDoorNullPalette23[16] = {}; static const u8 sDoorAnimTiles_LilycoveDeptStore[] = INCBIN_U8("graphics/door_anims/lilycove_dept_store.4bpp"); static const u16 sDoorNullPalette24[16] = {}; static const u8 sDoorAnimTiles_SafariZone[] = INCBIN_U8("graphics/door_anims/safari_zone.4bpp"); static const u16 sDoorNullPalette25[16] = {}; static const u8 sDoorAnimTiles_MossdeepSpaceCenter[] = INCBIN_U8("graphics/door_anims/mossdeep_space_center.4bpp"); static const u16 sDoorNullPalette26[16] = {}; static const u8 sDoorAnimTiles_CableClub[] = INCBIN_U8("graphics/door_anims/cable_club.4bpp"); static const u16 sDoorNullPalette27[16] = {}; static const u8 sDoorAnimTiles_AbandonedShip[] = INCBIN_U8("graphics/door_anims/abandoned_ship.4bpp"); static const u16 sDoorNullPalette28[16] = {}; static const u8 sDoorAnimTiles_FallarborDarkRoof[] = INCBIN_U8("graphics/door_anims/fallarbor_dark_roof.4bpp"); static const u16 sDoorNullPalette29[16] = {}; static const u8 sDoorAnimTiles_AbandonedShipRoom[] = INCBIN_U8("graphics/door_anims/abandoned_ship_room.4bpp"); static const u16 sDoorNullPalette30[16] = {}; static const u8 sDoorAnimTiles_LilycoveDeptStoreElevator[] = INCBIN_U8("graphics/door_anims/lilycove_dept_store_elevator.4bpp"); static const u16 sDoorNullPalette31[16] = {}; static const u8 sDoorAnimTiles_BattleTowerOld[] = INCBIN_U8("graphics/door_anims/battle_tower_old.4bpp"); static const u16 sDoorNullPalette32[16] = {}; static const u8 sDoorAnimTiles_BattleTowerElevator[] = INCBIN_U8("graphics/door_anims/battle_tower_elevator.4bpp"); static const u16 sDoorNullPalette33[16] = {}; static const u8 sDoorAnimTiles_UnusedBattleFrontier[] = INCBIN_U8("graphics/door_anims/unused_battle_frontier.4bpp"); static const u16 sDoorNullPalette34[16] = {}; static const u8 sDoorAnimTiles_BattleDome[] = INCBIN_U8("graphics/door_anims/battle_dome.4bpp"); static const u16 sDoorNullPalette35[16] = {}; static const u8 sDoorAnimTiles_BattleFactory[] = INCBIN_U8("graphics/door_anims/battle_factory.4bpp"); static const u16 sDoorNullPalette36[16] = {}; static const u8 sDoorAnimTiles_BattleTower[] = INCBIN_U8("graphics/door_anims/battle_tower.4bpp"); static const u16 sDoorNullPalette37[16] = {}; static const u8 sDoorAnimTiles_BattleArena[] = INCBIN_U8("graphics/door_anims/battle_arena.4bpp"); static const u16 sDoorNullPalette38[16] = {}; static const u8 sDoorAnimTiles_BattleArenaLobby[] = INCBIN_U8("graphics/door_anims/battle_arena_lobby.4bpp"); static const u16 sDoorNullPalette39[16] = {}; static const u8 sDoorAnimTiles_BattleDomeLobby[] = INCBIN_U8("graphics/door_anims/battle_dome_lobby.4bpp"); static const u16 sDoorNullPalette40[16] = {}; static const u8 sDoorAnimTiles_BattlePalaceLobby[] = INCBIN_U8("graphics/door_anims/battle_palace_lobby.4bpp"); static const u8 sDoorAnimTiles_BattleTent[] = INCBIN_U8("graphics/door_anims/battle_tent.4bpp"); static const u16 sDoorNullPalette41[16] = {}; static const u8 sDoorAnimTiles_BattleDomeCorridor[] = INCBIN_U8("graphics/door_anims/battle_dome_corridor.4bpp"); static const u16 sDoorNullPalette42[16] = {}; static const u8 sDoorAnimTiles_BattleTowerMultiCorridor[] = INCBIN_U8("graphics/door_anims/battle_tower_multi_corridor.4bpp"); static const u16 sDoorNullPalette43[16] = {}; static const u8 sDoorAnimTiles_BattleFrontier[] = INCBIN_U8("graphics/door_anims/battle_frontier.4bpp"); static const u16 sDoorNullPalette44[16] = {}; static const u8 sDoorAnimTiles_BattleFrontierSliding[] = INCBIN_U8("graphics/door_anims/battle_frontier_sliding.4bpp"); static const u16 sDoorNullPalette45[16] = {}; static const u8 sDoorAnimTiles_BattleDomePreBattleRoom[] = INCBIN_U8("graphics/door_anims/battle_dome_pre_battle_room.4bpp"); static const u16 sDoorNullPalette46[16] = {}; static const u8 sDoorAnimTiles_BattleTentInterior[] = INCBIN_U8("graphics/door_anims/battle_tent_interior.4bpp"); static const u16 sDoorNullPalette47[16] = {}; static const u8 sDoorAnimTiles_TrainerHillLobbyElevator[] = INCBIN_U8("graphics/door_anims/trainer_hill_lobby_elevator.4bpp"); static const u16 sDoorNullPalette48[16] = {}; static const u8 sDoorAnimTiles_TrainerHillRoofElevator[] = INCBIN_U8("graphics/door_anims/trainer_hill_roof_elevator.4bpp"); static const u16 sDoorNullPalette49[16] = {}; static const struct DoorAnimFrame sDoorOpenAnimFrames[] = { {4, -1}, {4, 0}, {4, 0x100}, {4, 0x200}, {0, 0}, }; static const struct DoorAnimFrame sDoorCloseAnimFrames[] = { {4, 0x200}, {4, 0x100}, {4, 0}, {4, -1}, {0, 0}, }; static const struct DoorAnimFrame sBigDoorOpenAnimFrames[] = { {4, -1}, {4, 0}, {4, 0x200}, {4, 0x400}, {0, 0}, }; static const struct DoorAnimFrame sBigDoorCloseAnimFrames[] = { {4, 0x400}, {4, 0x200}, {4, 0}, {4, -1}, {0, 0}, }; static const u8 sDoorAnimPalettes_General[] = {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1}; static const u8 sDoorAnimPalettes_PokeCenter[] = {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1}; static const u8 sDoorAnimPalettes_Gym[] = {5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5}; static const u8 sDoorAnimPalettes_PokeMart[] = {0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1}; static const u8 sDoorAnimPalettes_Littleroot[] = {10, 10, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6}; static const u8 sDoorAnimPalettes_BirchsLab[] = {8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8}; static const u8 sDoorAnimPalettes_RustboroTan[] = {11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11}; static const u8 sDoorAnimPalettes_RustboroGray[] = {10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10}; static const u8 sDoorAnimPalettes_FallarborLightRoof[] = {7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7}; static const u8 sDoorAnimPalettes_Lilycove[] = {8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8}; static const u8 sDoorAnimPalettes_Oldale[] = {10, 10, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9}; static const u8 sDoorAnimPalettes_Mossdeep[] = {9, 9, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1}; static const u8 sDoorAnimPalettes_PokemonLeague[] = {8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8}; static const u8 sDoorAnimPalettes_Pacifidlog[] = {9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9}; static const u8 sDoorAnimPalettes_SootopolisPeakedRoof[] = {6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6}; static const u8 sDoorAnimPalettes_Sootopolis[] = {6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6}; static const u8 sDoorAnimPalettes_Dewford[] = {0, 0, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5}; static const u8 sDoorAnimPalettes_Slateport[] = {6, 6, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1}; static const u8 sDoorAnimPalettes_Mauville[] = {7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7}; static const u8 sDoorAnimPalettes_Verdanturf[] = {6, 6, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5}; static const u8 sDoorAnimPalettes_LilycoveWooden[] = {5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5}; static const u8 sDoorAnimPalettes_Contest[] = {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1}; static const u8 sDoorAnimPalettes_PetalburgGym[] = {6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6}; static const u8 sDoorAnimPalettes_CyclingRoad[] = {7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7}; static const u8 sDoorAnimPalettes_LilycoveDeptStore[] = {5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5}; static const u8 sDoorAnimPalettes_SafariZone[] = {9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9}; static const u8 sDoorAnimPalettes_MossdeepSpaceCenter[] = {8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8}; static const u8 sDoorAnimPalettes_CableClub[] = {6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6}; static const u8 sDoorAnimPalettes_AbandonedShip[] = {7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7}; static const u8 sDoorAnimPalettes_FallarborDarkRoof[] = {11, 11, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7}; static const u8 sDoorAnimPalettes_AbandonedShipRoom[] = {7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7}; static const u8 sDoorAnimPalettes_LilycoveDeptStoreElevator[] = {6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7}; static const u8 sDoorAnimPalettes_BattleTowerOld[] = {9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9}; static const u8 sDoorAnimPalettes_BattleTowerElevator[] = {7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7}; static const u8 sDoorAnimPalettes_UnusedBattleFrontier[] = {9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9}; static const u8 sDoorAnimPalettes_BattleDome[] = {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1}; static const u8 sDoorAnimPalettes_BattleFactory[] = {9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9}; static const u8 sDoorAnimPalettes_BattleTower[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; static const u8 sDoorAnimPalettes_BattleArena[] = {5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5}; static const u8 sDoorAnimPalettes_BattleArenaLobby[] = {7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7}; static const u8 sDoorAnimPalettes_BattleDomeLobby[] = {7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7}; static const u8 sDoorAnimPalettes_BattlePalaceLobby[] = {7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7}; static const u8 sDoorAnimPalettes_BattleTent[] = {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1}; static const u8 sDoorAnimPalettes_BattleDomeCorridor[] = {7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7}; static const u8 sDoorAnimPalettes_BattleTowerMultiCorridor[] = {7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7}; static const u8 sDoorAnimPalettes_Unused[] = {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1}; static const u8 sDoorAnimPalettes_BattleFrontier[] = {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1}; static const u8 sDoorAnimPalettes_BattleDomePreBattleRoom[] = {9, 9, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7}; static const u8 sDoorAnimPalettes_BattleTentInterior[] = {9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9}; static const u8 sDoorAnimPalettes_TrainerHillLobbyElevator[] = {7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7}; static const u8 sDoorAnimPalettes_TrainerHillRoofElevator[] = {9, 9, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7}; static const struct DoorGraphics sDoorAnimGraphicsTable[] = { {METATILE_General_Door, DOOR_SOUND_NORMAL, 1, sDoorAnimTiles_General, sDoorAnimPalettes_General}, {METATILE_General_Door_PokeCenter, DOOR_SOUND_SLIDING, 1, sDoorAnimTiles_PokeCenter, sDoorAnimPalettes_PokeCenter}, {METATILE_General_Door_Gym, DOOR_SOUND_SLIDING, 1, sDoorAnimTiles_Gym, sDoorAnimPalettes_Gym}, {METATILE_General_Door_PokeMart, DOOR_SOUND_SLIDING, 1, sDoorAnimTiles_PokeMart, sDoorAnimPalettes_PokeMart}, {METATILE_Petalburg_Door_Littleroot, DOOR_SOUND_NORMAL, 1, sDoorAnimTiles_Littleroot, sDoorAnimPalettes_Littleroot}, {METATILE_Petalburg_Door_BirchsLab, DOOR_SOUND_NORMAL, 1, sDoorAnimTiles_BirchsLab, sDoorAnimPalettes_BirchsLab}, {METATILE_Rustboro_Door_Tan, DOOR_SOUND_NORMAL, 1, sDoorAnimTiles_RustboroTan, sDoorAnimPalettes_RustboroTan}, {METATILE_Rustboro_Door_Gray, DOOR_SOUND_NORMAL, 1, sDoorAnimTiles_RustboroGray, sDoorAnimPalettes_RustboroGray}, {METATILE_Fallarbor_Door_LightRoof, DOOR_SOUND_NORMAL, 1, sDoorAnimTiles_FallarborLightRoof, sDoorAnimPalettes_FallarborLightRoof}, {METATILE_Petalburg_Door_Oldale, DOOR_SOUND_NORMAL, 1, sDoorAnimTiles_Oldale, sDoorAnimPalettes_Oldale}, {METATILE_Mauville_Door, DOOR_SOUND_NORMAL, 1, sDoorAnimTiles_Mauville, sDoorAnimPalettes_Mauville}, {METATILE_Mauville_Door_Verdanturf, DOOR_SOUND_NORMAL, 1, sDoorAnimTiles_Verdanturf, sDoorAnimPalettes_Verdanturf}, {METATILE_Slateport_Door, DOOR_SOUND_NORMAL, 1, sDoorAnimTiles_Slateport, sDoorAnimPalettes_Slateport}, {METATILE_Dewford_Door, DOOR_SOUND_NORMAL, 1, sDoorAnimTiles_Dewford, sDoorAnimPalettes_Dewford}, {METATILE_General_Door_Contest, DOOR_SOUND_SLIDING, 1, sDoorAnimTiles_Contest, sDoorAnimPalettes_Contest}, {METATILE_Lilycove_Door, DOOR_SOUND_NORMAL, 1, sDoorAnimTiles_Lilycove, sDoorAnimPalettes_Lilycove}, {METATILE_Lilycove_Door_Wooden, DOOR_SOUND_NORMAL, 1, sDoorAnimTiles_LilycoveWooden, sDoorAnimPalettes_LilycoveWooden}, {METATILE_Mossdeep_Door, DOOR_SOUND_NORMAL, 1, sDoorAnimTiles_Mossdeep, sDoorAnimPalettes_Mossdeep}, {METATILE_Sootopolis_Door_PeakedRoof, DOOR_SOUND_NORMAL, 1, sDoorAnimTiles_SootopolisPeakedRoof, sDoorAnimPalettes_SootopolisPeakedRoof}, {METATILE_Sootopolis_Door, DOOR_SOUND_NORMAL, 1, sDoorAnimTiles_Sootopolis, sDoorAnimPalettes_Sootopolis}, {METATILE_EverGrande_Door_PokemonLeague, DOOR_SOUND_SLIDING, 1, sDoorAnimTiles_PokemonLeague, sDoorAnimPalettes_PokemonLeague}, {METATILE_Pacifidlog_Door, DOOR_SOUND_NORMAL, 1, sDoorAnimTiles_Pacifidlog, sDoorAnimPalettes_Pacifidlog}, {METATILE_PetalburgGym_Door, DOOR_SOUND_NORMAL, 1, sDoorAnimTiles_PetalburgGym, sDoorAnimPalettes_PetalburgGym}, {METATILE_Mauville_Door_CyclingRoad, DOOR_SOUND_NORMAL, 1, sDoorAnimTiles_CyclingRoad, sDoorAnimPalettes_CyclingRoad}, {METATILE_Lilycove_Door_DeptStore, DOOR_SOUND_SLIDING, 1, sDoorAnimTiles_LilycoveDeptStore, sDoorAnimPalettes_LilycoveDeptStore}, {METATILE_Lilycove_Door_SafariZone, DOOR_SOUND_SLIDING, 1, sDoorAnimTiles_SafariZone, sDoorAnimPalettes_SafariZone}, {METATILE_Mossdeep_Door_SpaceCenter, DOOR_SOUND_SLIDING, 1, sDoorAnimTiles_MossdeepSpaceCenter, sDoorAnimPalettes_MossdeepSpaceCenter}, {METATILE_PokemonCenter_Door_CableClub, DOOR_SOUND_SLIDING, 1, sDoorAnimTiles_CableClub, sDoorAnimPalettes_CableClub}, {METATILE_InsideShip_IntactDoor_Bottom_Unlocked, DOOR_SOUND_NORMAL, 1, sDoorAnimTiles_AbandonedShip, sDoorAnimPalettes_AbandonedShip}, {METATILE_Fallarbor_Door_DarkRoof, DOOR_SOUND_NORMAL, 1, sDoorAnimTiles_FallarborDarkRoof, sDoorAnimPalettes_FallarborDarkRoof}, {METATILE_InsideShip_IntactDoor_Bottom_Interior, DOOR_SOUND_NORMAL, 1, sDoorAnimTiles_AbandonedShipRoom, sDoorAnimPalettes_AbandonedShipRoom}, {METATILE_Shop_Door_Elevator, DOOR_SOUND_SLIDING, 1, sDoorAnimTiles_LilycoveDeptStoreElevator, sDoorAnimPalettes_LilycoveDeptStoreElevator}, {METATILE_Dewford_Door_BattleTower, DOOR_SOUND_SLIDING, 1, sDoorAnimTiles_BattleTowerOld, sDoorAnimPalettes_BattleTowerOld}, {METATILE_BattleFrontier_Door_Elevator, DOOR_SOUND_SLIDING, 1, sDoorAnimTiles_BattleTowerElevator, sDoorAnimPalettes_BattleTowerElevator}, // The metatile for this door doesn't seem to correspond to a door in any Emerald tileset. Given the surrounding door animations, it was likely cut from the Battle Frontier. // From the palettes array we know it uses palette 9, and the door's shadow looks correct using either the Battle Tent or Battle Frontier Outside's 9th palette. {0x3B0, DOOR_SOUND_SLIDING, 1, sDoorAnimTiles_UnusedBattleFrontier, sDoorAnimPalettes_UnusedBattleFrontier}, {METATILE_BattleFrontierOutsideWest_Door_BattleDome, DOOR_SOUND_SLIDING, 1, sDoorAnimTiles_BattleDome, sDoorAnimPalettes_BattleDome}, {METATILE_BattleFrontierOutsideWest_Door_BattleFactory, DOOR_SOUND_SLIDING, 1, sDoorAnimTiles_BattleFactory, sDoorAnimPalettes_BattleFactory}, {METATILE_BattleFrontierOutsideEast_Door_BattleTower, DOOR_SOUND_SLIDING, 1, sDoorAnimTiles_BattleTower, sDoorAnimPalettes_BattleTower}, {METATILE_BattleFrontierOutsideEast_Door_BattleArena, DOOR_SOUND_NORMAL, 1, sDoorAnimTiles_BattleArena, sDoorAnimPalettes_BattleArena}, {METATILE_BattleArena_Door, DOOR_SOUND_ARENA, 1, sDoorAnimTiles_BattleArenaLobby, sDoorAnimPalettes_BattleArenaLobby}, {METATILE_BattleDome_Door_Lobby, DOOR_SOUND_SLIDING, 1, sDoorAnimTiles_BattleDomeLobby, sDoorAnimPalettes_BattleDomeLobby}, {METATILE_BattlePalace_Door, DOOR_SOUND_NORMAL, 1, sDoorAnimTiles_BattlePalaceLobby, sDoorAnimPalettes_BattlePalaceLobby}, {METATILE_Slateport_Door_BattleTent, DOOR_SOUND_SLIDING, 1, sDoorAnimTiles_BattleTent, sDoorAnimPalettes_BattleTent}, {METATILE_Mauville_Door_BattleTent, DOOR_SOUND_SLIDING, 1, sDoorAnimTiles_BattleTent, sDoorAnimPalettes_BattleTent}, {METATILE_Fallarbor_Door_BattleTent, DOOR_SOUND_SLIDING, 1, sDoorAnimTiles_BattleTent, sDoorAnimPalettes_BattleTent}, {METATILE_BattleDome_Door_Corridor, DOOR_SOUND_SLIDING, 1, sDoorAnimTiles_BattleDomeCorridor, sDoorAnimPalettes_BattleDomeCorridor}, {METATILE_BattleFrontier_Door_MultiCorridor, DOOR_SOUND_SLIDING, 2, sDoorAnimTiles_BattleTowerMultiCorridor, sDoorAnimPalettes_BattleTowerMultiCorridor}, {METATILE_BattleFrontierOutsideWest_Door, DOOR_SOUND_NORMAL, 1, sDoorAnimTiles_BattleFrontier, sDoorAnimPalettes_BattleFrontier}, {METATILE_BattleFrontierOutsideWest_Door_Sliding, DOOR_SOUND_SLIDING, 1, sDoorAnimTiles_BattleFrontierSliding, sDoorAnimPalettes_BattleFrontier}, {METATILE_BattleDome_Door_PreBattleRoom, DOOR_SOUND_SLIDING, 1, sDoorAnimTiles_BattleDomePreBattleRoom, sDoorAnimPalettes_BattleDomePreBattleRoom}, {METATILE_BattleTent_Door, DOOR_SOUND_SLIDING, 1, sDoorAnimTiles_BattleTentInterior, sDoorAnimPalettes_BattleTentInterior}, {METATILE_TrainerHill_Door_Elevator_Lobby, DOOR_SOUND_SLIDING, 1, sDoorAnimTiles_TrainerHillLobbyElevator, sDoorAnimPalettes_TrainerHillLobbyElevator}, {METATILE_TrainerHill_Door_Elevator_Roof, DOOR_SOUND_SLIDING, 1, sDoorAnimTiles_TrainerHillRoofElevator, sDoorAnimPalettes_TrainerHillRoofElevator}, {}, }; // NOTE: The tiles of a door's animation must be copied to VRAM because they are not already part of any given tileset. // This means that if there are any pre-existing tiles in this copied region that are visible when the door // animation is played they will be overwritten. #define DOOR_TILE_START_SIZE1 (NUM_TILES_TOTAL - 8) #define DOOR_TILE_START_SIZE2 (NUM_TILES_TOTAL - 16) static void CopyDoorTilesToVram(const struct DoorGraphics *gfx, const struct DoorAnimFrame *frame) { if (gfx->size == 2) CpuFastCopy(gfx->tiles + frame->offset, (void *)(VRAM + TILE_OFFSET_4BPP(DOOR_TILE_START_SIZE2)), 16 * TILE_SIZE_4BPP); else CpuFastCopy(gfx->tiles + frame->offset, (void *)(VRAM + TILE_OFFSET_4BPP(DOOR_TILE_START_SIZE1)), 8 * TILE_SIZE_4BPP); } static void BuildDoorTiles(u16 *tiles, u16 tileNum, const u8 *paletteNums) { int i; u16 tile; // Only the first 4 tiles of each metatile (bottom layer) actually use the door tiles for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { tile = *(paletteNums++) << 12; tiles[i] = tile | (tileNum + i); } // The remaining layers are left as tile 0 (with the same palette) for (; i < 8; i++) { tile = *(paletteNums++) << 12; tiles[i] = tile; } } static void DrawCurrentDoorAnimFrame(const struct DoorGraphics *gfx, u32 x, u32 y, const u8 *paletteNums) { u16 tiles[24]; if (gfx->size == 2) { // Top left metatile BuildDoorTiles(&tiles[8], DOOR_TILE_START_SIZE2 + 0, &paletteNums[0]); DrawDoorMetatileAt(x, y - 1, &tiles[8]); // Bottom left metatile BuildDoorTiles(&tiles[8], DOOR_TILE_START_SIZE2 + 4, &paletteNums[4]); DrawDoorMetatileAt(x, y, &tiles[8]); // Top right metatile BuildDoorTiles(&tiles[8], DOOR_TILE_START_SIZE2 + 8, &paletteNums[0]); DrawDoorMetatileAt(x + 1, y - 1, &tiles[8]); // Bottom right metatile BuildDoorTiles(&tiles[8], DOOR_TILE_START_SIZE2 + 12, &paletteNums[4]); DrawDoorMetatileAt(x + 1, y, &tiles[8]); } else { // Top metatile BuildDoorTiles(&tiles[0], DOOR_TILE_START_SIZE1 + 0, &paletteNums[0]); DrawDoorMetatileAt(x, y - 1, &tiles[0]); // Bottom metatile BuildDoorTiles(&tiles[0], DOOR_TILE_START_SIZE1 + 4, &paletteNums[4]); DrawDoorMetatileAt(x, y, &tiles[0]); } } static void DrawClosedDoorTiles(const struct DoorGraphics *gfx, u32 x, u32 y) { CurrentMapDrawMetatileAt(x, y - 1); CurrentMapDrawMetatileAt(x, y); if (gfx->size == 2) { CurrentMapDrawMetatileAt(x + 1, y - 1); CurrentMapDrawMetatileAt(x + 1, y); } } static void DrawDoor(const struct DoorGraphics *gfx, const struct DoorAnimFrame *frame, u32 x, u32 y) { if (frame->offset == 0xFFFF) { DrawClosedDoorTiles(gfx, x, y); if (ShouldUseMultiCorridorDoor()) DrawClosedDoorTiles(gfx, gSpecialVar_0x8004 + MAP_OFFSET, gSpecialVar_0x8005 + MAP_OFFSET); } else { CopyDoorTilesToVram(gfx, frame); DrawCurrentDoorAnimFrame(gfx, x, y, gfx->palettes); if (ShouldUseMultiCorridorDoor()) DrawCurrentDoorAnimFrame(gfx, gSpecialVar_0x8004 + MAP_OFFSET, gSpecialVar_0x8005 + MAP_OFFSET, gfx->palettes); } } #define tFramesHi data[0] #define tFramesLo data[1] #define tGfxHi data[2] #define tGfxLo data[3] #define tFrameId data[4] #define tCounter data[5] #define tX data[6] #define tY data[7] // Draws a single frame of the door animation, or skips drawing to wait between frames. // Returns FALSE when the final frame has been reached static bool32 AnimateDoorFrame(struct DoorGraphics *gfx, struct DoorAnimFrame *frames, s16 *data) { if (tCounter == 0) DrawDoor(gfx, &frames[tFrameId], tX, tY); if (tCounter == frames[tFrameId].time) { tCounter = 0; tFrameId++; if (frames[tFrameId].time == 0) return FALSE; else return TRUE; } tCounter++; return TRUE; } static void Task_AnimateDoor(u8 taskId) { u16 *data = (u16*) gTasks[taskId].data; struct DoorAnimFrame *frames = (struct DoorAnimFrame *)(tFramesHi << 16 | tFramesLo); struct DoorGraphics *gfx = (struct DoorGraphics *)(tGfxHi << 16 | tGfxLo); if (AnimateDoorFrame(gfx, frames, gTasks[taskId].data) == FALSE) DestroyTask(taskId); } static const struct DoorAnimFrame *GetLastDoorFrame(const struct DoorAnimFrame *frame, const void *unused) { while (frame->time != 0) frame++; return frame - 1; } static const struct DoorGraphics *GetDoorGraphics(const struct DoorGraphics *gfx, u16 metatileNum) { while (gfx->tiles != NULL) { if (gfx->metatileNum == metatileNum) return gfx; gfx++; } return NULL; } static s8 StartDoorAnimationTask(const struct DoorGraphics *gfx, const struct DoorAnimFrame *frames, u32 x, u32 y) { if (FuncIsActiveTask(Task_AnimateDoor) == TRUE) return -1; else { u8 taskId = CreateTask(Task_AnimateDoor, 0x50); s16 *data = gTasks[taskId].data; tX = x; tY = y; tFramesLo = (u32)frames; tFramesHi = (u32)frames >> 16; tGfxLo = (u32)gfx; tGfxHi = (u32)gfx >> 16; return taskId; } } static void DrawClosedDoor(const struct DoorGraphics *gfx, u32 x, u32 y) { DrawClosedDoorTiles(gfx, x, y); } static void DrawOpenedDoor(const struct DoorGraphics *gfx, u32 x, u32 y) { gfx = GetDoorGraphics(gfx, MapGridGetMetatileIdAt(x, y)); if (gfx != NULL) DrawDoor(gfx, GetLastDoorFrame(sDoorOpenAnimFrames, sDoorOpenAnimFrames), x, y); } static s8 StartDoorOpenAnimation(const struct DoorGraphics *gfx, u32 x, u32 y) { gfx = GetDoorGraphics(gfx, MapGridGetMetatileIdAt(x, y)); if (gfx == NULL) { return -1; } else { if (gfx->size == 2) return StartDoorAnimationTask(gfx, sBigDoorOpenAnimFrames, x, y); else return StartDoorAnimationTask(gfx, sDoorOpenAnimFrames, x, y); } } static s8 StartDoorCloseAnimation(const struct DoorGraphics *gfx, u32 x, u32 y) { gfx = GetDoorGraphics(gfx, MapGridGetMetatileIdAt(x, y)); if (gfx == NULL) return -1; else return StartDoorAnimationTask(gfx, sDoorCloseAnimFrames, x, y); } static s8 GetDoorSoundType(const struct DoorGraphics *gfx, u32 x, u32 y) { gfx = GetDoorGraphics(gfx, MapGridGetMetatileIdAt(x, y)); if (gfx == NULL) return -1; else return gfx->sound; } // Debug? Same as FieldAnimateDoorOpen but doesnt return or check if metatile is actually a door static void UNUSED Debug_FieldAnimateDoorOpen(u32 x, u32 y) { StartDoorOpenAnimation(sDoorAnimGraphicsTable, x, y); } void FieldSetDoorOpened(u32 x, u32 y) { if (MetatileBehavior_IsDoor(MapGridGetMetatileBehaviorAt(x, y))) DrawOpenedDoor(sDoorAnimGraphicsTable, x, y); } void FieldSetDoorClosed(u32 x, u32 y) { if (MetatileBehavior_IsDoor(MapGridGetMetatileBehaviorAt(x, y))) DrawClosedDoor(sDoorAnimGraphicsTable, x, y); } s8 FieldAnimateDoorClose(u32 x, u32 y) { if (!MetatileBehavior_IsDoor(MapGridGetMetatileBehaviorAt(x, y))) return -1; else return StartDoorCloseAnimation(sDoorAnimGraphicsTable, x, y); } s8 FieldAnimateDoorOpen(u32 x, u32 y) { if (!MetatileBehavior_IsDoor(MapGridGetMetatileBehaviorAt(x, y))) return -1; else return StartDoorOpenAnimation(sDoorAnimGraphicsTable, x, y); } bool8 FieldIsDoorAnimationRunning(void) { return FuncIsActiveTask(Task_AnimateDoor); } u32 GetDoorSoundEffect(u32 x, u32 y) { int sound = GetDoorSoundType(sDoorAnimGraphicsTable, x, y); if (sound == DOOR_SOUND_NORMAL) return SE_DOOR; else if (sound == DOOR_SOUND_SLIDING) return SE_SLIDING_DOOR; else if (sound == DOOR_SOUND_ARENA) return SE_REPEL; else return SE_DOOR; } // Opens the Battle Tower multi partner's door in sync with the player's door static bool8 ShouldUseMultiCorridorDoor(void) { if (FlagGet(FLAG_ENABLE_MULTI_CORRIDOR_DOOR)) { if (gSaveBlock1Ptr->location.mapGroup == MAP_GROUP(BATTLE_FRONTIER_BATTLE_TOWER_MULTI_CORRIDOR) && gSaveBlock1Ptr->location.mapNum == MAP_NUM(BATTLE_FRONTIER_BATTLE_TOWER_MULTI_CORRIDOR)) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; }