#ifndef GUARD_CONSTANTS_OVERWORLD_CONFIG_H #define GUARD_CONSTANTS_OVERWORLD_CONFIG_H // Movement config #define OW_RUNNING_INDOORS GEN_LATEST // In Gen4+, players are allowed to run indoors. // Overworld flags #define OW_FLAG_NO_ENCOUNTER 0 // If this flag is set, wild encounters will be disabled. #define OW_FLAG_NO_TRAINER_SEE 0 // If this flag is set, trainers will not battle the player unless they're talked to. // Debug options #define DEBUG_SYSTEM_ENABLE TRUE // Enables a overworld debug menu for changing flags, variables, giving pokemon and more, accessed by holding R and pressing START while in the overworld by default. #define DEBUG_SYSTEM_HELD_KEYS (R_BUTTON) // The keys required to be held to open the debug menu. #define DEBUG_SYSTEM_TRIGGER_EVENT pressedStartButton // The event that opens the menu when holding the key(s) defined in DEBUG_SYSTEM_HELD_KEYS. #define DEBUG_SYSTEM_IN_MENU FALSE // Replaces the overworld debug menu button combination with a start menu entry (above Pokédex). // Replace the used flags with others or disable with a 0 #define DEBUG_FLAG_NO_COLLISION 0 // If this flag is set, the debug function in the Utility submenu to disable player collision can be used. #endif // GUARD_CONSTANTS_OVERWORLD_CONFIG_H