@ commands .macro attackcanceler .byte 0x0 .endm .macro accuracycheck failInstr:req, move:req .byte 0x1 .4byte \failInstr .2byte \move .endm .macro attackstring .byte 0x2 .endm .macro ppreduce .byte 0x3 .endm .macro critcalc .byte 0x4 .endm .macro damagecalc .byte 0x5 .endm .macro typecalc .byte 0x6 .endm .macro adjustdamage .byte 0x7 .endm .macro multihitresultmessage .byte 0x8 .endm .macro attackanimation .byte 0x9 .endm .macro waitanimation .byte 0xa .endm .macro healthbarupdate battler:req .byte 0xb .byte \battler .endm .macro datahpupdate battler:req .byte 0xc .byte \battler .endm .macro critmessage .byte 0xd .endm .macro effectivenesssound .byte 0xe .endm .macro resultmessage .byte 0xf .endm .macro printstring id:req .byte 0x10 .2byte \id .endm .macro printsavedstring printstring 0 .endm .macro printselectionstring id:req .byte 0x11 .2byte \id .endm .macro waitmessage time:req .byte 0x12 .2byte \time .endm .macro printfromtable ptr:req .byte 0x13 .4byte \ptr .endm .macro printselectionstringfromtable ptr:req .byte 0x14 .4byte \ptr .endm .macro setadditionaleffects 1: .byte 0x15 jumpifhalfword CMP_EQUAL, sMOVE_EFFECT, MOVE_EFFECT_CONTINUE, 1b .endm .macro seteffectprimary moveEffect=0 .if \moveEffect != 0 setmoveeffect \moveEffect .endif .byte 0x16 .endm .macro seteffectsecondary moveEffect=0 .if \moveEffect != 0 setmoveeffect \moveEffect .endif .byte 0x17 .endm .macro clearstatusfromeffect battler:req, moveEffect=0 .if \moveEffect != 0 setmoveeffect \moveEffect .endif .byte 0x18 .byte \battler .endm .macro tryfaintmon battler:req .byte 0x19 .byte \battler .byte FALSE .4byte NULL .endm .macro tryfaintmon_spikes battler:req, instr:req .byte 0x19 .byte \battler .byte TRUE .4byte \instr .endm .macro dofaintanimation battler:req .byte 0x1a .byte \battler .endm .macro cleareffectsonfaint battler:req .byte 0x1b .byte \battler .endm .macro jumpifstatus battler:req, flags:req, jumpInstr:req .byte 0x1c .byte \battler .4byte \flags .4byte \jumpInstr .endm .macro jumpifstatus2 battler:req, flags:req, jumpInstr:req .byte 0x1d .byte \battler .4byte \flags .4byte \jumpInstr .endm .macro jumpifability battler:req, ability:req, jumpInstr:req .byte 0x1e .byte \battler .2byte \ability .4byte \jumpInstr .endm .macro jumpifsideaffecting battler:req, flags:req, jumpInstr:req .byte 0x1f .byte \battler .4byte \flags .4byte \jumpInstr .endm .macro jumpifstat battler:req, comparison:req, stat:req, value:req, jumpInstr:req .byte 0x20 .byte \battler .byte \comparison .byte \stat .byte \value .4byte \jumpInstr .endm .macro jumpifstatus3condition battler:req, flags:req, jumpIfTrue:req, jumpInstr:req .byte 0x21 .byte \battler .4byte \flags .byte \jumpIfTrue .4byte \jumpInstr .endm .macro jumpbasedontype battler:req, type:req, jumpIfType:req, jumpInstr:req .byte 0x22 .byte \battler .byte \type .byte \jumpIfType .4byte \jumpInstr .endm .macro jumpiftype battler:req, type:req, jumpInstr:req jumpbasedontype \battler, \type, TRUE, \jumpInstr .endm .macro jumpifnottype battler:req, type:req, jumpInstr:req jumpbasedontype \battler, \type, FALSE, \jumpInstr .endm .macro getexp battler:req .byte 0x23 .byte \battler .endm .macro checkteamslost jumpInstr:req .byte 0x24 .4byte \jumpInstr .endm .macro movevaluescleanup .byte 0x25 .endm .macro setmultihit value:req .byte 0x26 .byte \value .endm .macro decrementmultihit loopInstr:req .byte 0x27 .4byte \loopInstr .endm .macro goto instr:req .byte 0x28 .4byte \instr .endm .macro jumpifbyte comparison:req, bytePtr:req, value:req, jumpInstr:req .byte 0x29 .byte \comparison .4byte \bytePtr .byte \value .4byte \jumpInstr .endm .macro jumpifhalfword comparison:req, halfwordPtr:req, value:req, jumpInstr:req .byte 0x2a .byte \comparison .4byte \halfwordPtr .2byte \value .4byte \jumpInstr .endm .macro jumpifword comparison:req, wordPtr:req, value:req, jumpInstr:req .byte 0x2b .byte \comparison .4byte \wordPtr .4byte \value .4byte \jumpInstr .endm .macro jumpifarrayequal array1:req, array2:req, size:req, jumpInstr:req .byte 0x2c .4byte \array1 .4byte \array2 .byte \size .4byte \jumpInstr .endm .macro jumpifarraynotequal array1:req, array2:req, size:req, jumpInstr:req .byte 0x2d .4byte \array1 .4byte \array2 .byte \size .4byte \jumpInstr .endm .macro setbyte bytePtr:req, value:req .byte 0x2e .4byte \bytePtr .byte \value .endm .macro addbyte bytePtr:req, value:req .byte 0x2f .4byte \bytePtr .byte \value .endm .macro subbyte bytePtr:req, value:req .byte 0x30 .4byte \bytePtr .byte \value .endm .macro copyarray dest:req, src:req, size:req .byte 0x31 .4byte \dest .4byte \src .byte \size .endm .macro copyarraywithindex dest:req, src:req, indexPtr:req, size:req .byte 0x32 .4byte \dest .4byte \src .4byte \indexPtr .byte \size .endm .macro orbyte bytePtr:req, value:req .byte 0x33 .4byte \bytePtr .byte \value .endm .macro orhalfword halfwordPtr:req, value:req .byte 0x34 .4byte \halfwordPtr .2byte \value .endm .macro orword wordPtr:req, value:req .byte 0x35 .4byte \wordPtr .4byte \value .endm .macro bicbyte bytePtr:req, value:req .byte 0x36 .4byte \bytePtr .byte \value .endm .macro bichalfword halfwordPtr:req, value:req .byte 0x37 .4byte \halfwordPtr .2byte \value .endm .macro bicword wordPtr:req, value:req .byte 0x38 .4byte \wordPtr .4byte \value .endm .macro pause frames:req .byte 0x39 .2byte \frames .endm .macro waitstate .byte 0x3a .endm .macro healthbar_update battler:req .byte 0x3b .byte \battler .endm .macro return .byte 0x3c .endm .macro end .byte 0x3d .endm .macro end2 .byte 0x3e .endm .macro end3 .byte 0x3f .endm .macro call instr:req .byte 0x41 .4byte \instr .endm .macro setroost .byte 0x42 .endm .macro jumpifabilitypresent ability:req, jumpInstr:req .byte 0x43 .2byte \ability .4byte \jumpInstr .endm .macro endselectionscript .byte 0x44 .endm .macro playanimation battler:req, animId:req, argPtr=NULL .byte 0x45 .byte \battler .byte \animId .4byte \argPtr .endm .macro playanimation_var battler:req, animIdPtr:req, argPtr=NULL .byte 0x46 .byte \battler .4byte \animIdPtr .4byte \argPtr .endm .macro setgraphicalstatchangevalues .byte 0x47 .endm .macro playstatchangeanimation battler:req, stats:req, flags:req .byte 0x48 .byte \battler .byte \stats .byte \flags .endm .macro moveend endMode:req, endState:req .byte 0x49 .byte \endMode .byte \endState .endm @ Help macros for 5 uses of moveend command @ All cases .macro moveendall setbyte sMOVEEND_STATE, 0 moveend 0, 0 .endm @ Chosen case .macro moveendcase case:req setbyte sMOVEEND_STATE, \case moveend 1, 0 .endm @ All cases from (inclusive) .macro moveendfrom from:req setbyte sMOVEEND_STATE, \from moveend 0, 0 .endm @ All cases from 0 to (not inclusive) .macro moveendto to:req setbyte sMOVEEND_STATE, 0 moveend 2, \to .endm @ Cases from (inclusive) to (not inclusive) .macro moveendfromto from:req, to:req setbyte sMOVEEND_STATE, \from moveend 2, \to .endm .macro sethealblock failInstr:req .byte 0x4a .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro returnatktoball .byte 0x4b .endm .macro getswitchedmondata battler:req .byte 0x4c .byte \battler .endm .macro switchindataupdate battler:req .byte 0x4d .byte \battler .endm .macro switchinanim battler:req, dontClearSubstitute:req .byte 0x4e .byte \battler .byte \dontClearSubstitute .endm .macro jumpifcantswitch battler:req, jumpInstr:req .byte 0x4f .byte \battler .4byte \jumpInstr .endm .macro openpartyscreen battler:req, failInstr:req .byte 0x50 .byte \battler .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro switchhandleorder battler:req, state:req .byte 0x51 .byte \battler .byte \state .endm .macro switchineffects battler:req .byte 0x52 .byte \battler .endm .macro trainerslidein position:req .byte 0x53 .byte \position .endm .macro playse song:req .byte 0x54 .2byte \song .endm .macro fanfare song:req .byte 0x55 .2byte \song .endm .macro playfaintcry battler:req .byte 0x56 .byte \battler .endm .macro endlinkbattle .byte 0x57 .endm .macro returntoball battler:req, changingForm:req .byte 0x58 .byte \battler .byte \changingForm .endm .macro handlelearnnewmove learnedMoveInstr:req, nothingToLearnInstr:req, isFirstMove:req .byte 0x59 .4byte \learnedMoveInstr .4byte \nothingToLearnInstr .byte \isFirstMove .endm .macro yesnoboxlearnmove forgotMoveInstr:req .byte 0x5a .4byte \forgotMoveInstr .endm .macro yesnoboxstoplearningmove noInstr:req .byte 0x5b .4byte \noInstr .endm .macro hitanimation battler:req .byte 0x5c .byte \battler .endm .macro getmoneyreward .byte 0x5d .endm .macro updatebattlermoves battler:req .byte 0x5e .byte \battler .endm .macro swapattackerwithtarget .byte 0x5f .endm .macro incrementgamestat stat:req .byte 0x60 .byte \stat .endm .macro drawpartystatussummary battler:req .byte 0x61 .byte \battler .endm .macro hidepartystatussummary battler:req .byte 0x62 .byte \battler .endm .macro jumptocalledmove notChosenMove:req .byte 0x63 .byte \notChosenMove .endm .macro statusanimation battler:req .byte 0x64 .byte \battler .endm .macro status2animation battler:req, status2:req .byte 0x65 .byte \battler .4byte \status2 .endm .macro chosenstatusanimation battler:req, isStatus2:req, status:req .byte 0x66 .byte \battler .byte \isStatus2 .4byte \status .endm .macro yesnobox .byte 0x67 .endm .macro cancelallactions .byte 0x68 .endm .macro setgravity failInstr:req .byte 0x69 .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro removeitem battler:req .byte 0x6a .byte \battler .endm .macro atknameinbuff1 .byte 0x6b .endm .macro drawlvlupbox .byte 0x6c .endm .macro resetsentmonsvalue .byte 0x6d .endm .macro setatktoplayer0 .byte 0x6e .endm .macro makevisible battler:req .byte 0x6f .byte \battler .endm .macro recordability battler:req .byte 0x70 .byte \battler .endm .macro buffermovetolearn .byte 0x71 .endm .macro jumpifplayerran jumpInstr:req .byte 0x72 .4byte \jumpInstr .endm .macro hpthresholds battler:req .byte 0x73 .byte \battler .endm .macro hpthresholds2 battler:req .byte 0x74 .byte \battler .endm .macro useitemonopponent .byte 0x75 .endm .macro various battler:req, id:req .byte 0x76 .byte \battler .byte \id .endm .macro setprotectlike .byte 0x77 .endm .macro tryexplosion .byte 0x78 .endm .macro setatkhptozero .byte 0x79 .endm .macro jumpifnexttargetvalid jumpInstr:req .byte 0x7a .4byte \jumpInstr .endm .macro tryhealhalfhealth failInstr:req, battler:req .byte 0x7b .4byte \failInstr .byte \battler .endm .macro trymirrormove .byte 0x7c .endm .macro setfieldweather weather:req .byte 0x7d .byte \weather .endm .macro setreflect .byte 0x7e .endm .macro setseeded .byte 0x7f .endm .macro manipulatedamage mode:req .byte 0x80 .byte \mode .endm .macro trysetrest failInstr:req .byte 0x81 .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro jumpifnotfirstturn jumpInstr:req .byte 0x82 .4byte \jumpInstr .endm .macro setmiracleeye failInstr:req .byte 0x83 .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro jumpifuproarwakes jumpInstr:req .byte 0x84 .4byte \jumpInstr .endm .macro stockpile id:req .byte 0x85 .byte \id .endm .macro stockpiletobasedamage failInstr:req .byte 0x86 .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro stockpiletohpheal failInstr:req .byte 0x87 .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro setdrainedhp .byte 0x88 .endm .macro statbuffchange flags:req, failInstr:req .byte 0x89 .2byte \flags .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro normalisebuffs .byte 0x8a .endm .macro setbide .byte 0x8b .endm .macro twoturnmoveschargestringandanimation .byte 0x8c .4byte 1f @animation then attack string @default - attack string then animation printsavedstring waitmessage B_WAIT_TIME_LONG attackanimation waitanimation goto 2f 1: attackanimation waitanimation printsavedstring waitmessage B_WAIT_TIME_LONG 2: .endm .macro setmultihitcounter value:req .byte 0x8d .byte \value .endm .macro initmultihitstring .byte 0x8e .endm .macro forcerandomswitch failInstr:req .byte 0x8f .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro tryconversiontypechange failInstr:req .byte 0x90 .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro givepaydaymoney .byte 0x91 .endm .macro setlightscreen .byte 0x92 .endm .macro tryKO failInstr:req .byte 0x93 .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro damagetohalftargethp .byte 0x94 .endm .macro unused_95 .byte 0x95 .endm .macro unused_96 .byte 0x96 .endm .macro tryinfatuating failInstr:req .byte 0x97 .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro updatestatusicon battler:req .byte 0x98 .byte \battler .endm .macro setmist .byte 0x99 .endm .macro setfocusenergy battler:req .byte 0x9a .byte \battler .endm .macro transformdataexecution .byte 0x9b .endm .macro setsubstitute .byte 0x9c .endm .macro mimicattackcopy failInstr:req .byte 0x9d .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro metronome .byte 0x9e .endm .macro dmgtolevel .byte 0x9f .endm .macro psywavedamageeffect .byte 0xa0 .endm .macro counterdamagecalculator failInstr:req .byte 0xa1 .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro mirrorcoatdamagecalculator failInstr:req .byte 0xa2 .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro disablelastusedattack failInstr:req .byte 0xa3 .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro trysetencore failInstr:req .byte 0xa4 .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro painsplitdmgcalc failInstr:req .byte 0xa5 .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro settypetorandomresistance failInstr:req .byte 0xa6 .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro setalwayshitflag .byte 0xa7 .endm .macro copymovepermanently failInstr:req .byte 0xa8 .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro trychoosesleeptalkmove failInstr:req .byte 0xa9 .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro setdestinybond .byte 0xaa .endm .macro trysetdestinybondtohappen .byte 0xab .endm .macro settailwind failInstr:req .byte 0xac .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro tryspiteppreduce failInstr:req .byte 0xad .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro healpartystatus .byte 0xae .endm .macro cursetarget failInstr:req .byte 0xaf .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro trysetspikes failInstr:req .byte 0xb0 .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro setforesight .byte 0xb1 .endm .macro trysetperishsong failInstr:req .byte 0xb2 .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro handlerollout .byte 0xb3 .endm .macro jumpifconfusedandstatmaxed stat:req, jumpInstr:req .byte 0xb4 .byte \stat .4byte \jumpInstr .endm .macro handlefurycutter .byte 0xb5 .endm .macro setembargo failInstr:req .byte 0xb6 .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro presentdamagecalculation .byte 0xb7 .endm .macro setsafeguard .byte 0xb8 .endm .macro magnitudedamagecalculation .byte 0xb9 .endm .macro jumpifnopursuitswitchdmg jumpInstr:req .byte 0xba .4byte \jumpInstr .endm .macro unused_bb .byte 0xbb .endm .macro halvehp failInstr:req .byte 0xbc .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro copyfoestats unused:req .byte 0xbd .4byte \unused .endm .macro rapidspinfree .byte 0xbe .endm .macro setdefensecurlbit .byte 0xbf .endm .macro recoverbasedonsunlight failInstr:req .byte 0xc0 .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro setstickyweb failInstr:req .byte 0xc1 .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro selectfirstvalidtarget .byte 0xc2 .endm .macro trysetfutureattack failInstr:req .byte 0xc3 .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro trydobeatup endInstr, failInstr .byte 0xc4 .4byte \endInstr .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro setsemiinvulnerablebit clear=FALSE .byte 0xc5 .byte \clear .endm .macro clearsemiinvulnerablebit setsemiinvulnerablebit TRUE .endm .macro tryfiretwoturnmovenowbyeffect battler:req, checkChargeTurnEffects:req, jumpInstr:req .byte 0xc6 .byte \battler .byte \checkChargeTurnEffects .4byte \jumpInstr .endm .macro tryfiretwoturnmovewithoutcharging battler:req, jumpInstr:req tryfiretwoturnmovenowbyeffect \battler, TRUE, \jumpInstr .endm .macro tryfiretwoturnmoveaftercharging battler:req, jumpInstr:req tryfiretwoturnmovenowbyeffect \battler, FALSE, \jumpInstr .endm .macro setminimize .byte 0xc7 .endm .macro unused_c8 .byte 0xc8 .endm .macro trymemento failInstr:req .byte 0xc9 .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro setforcedtarget .byte 0xca .endm .macro setcharge battler:req .byte 0xcb .byte \battler .endm .macro callterrainattack .byte 0xcc .endm .macro cureifburnedparalysedorpoisoned failInstr:req .byte 0xcd .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro settorment failInstr:req .byte 0xce .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro jumpifnodamage jumpInstr:req .byte 0xcf .4byte \jumpInstr .endm .macro settaunt failInstr:req .byte 0xd0 .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro trysethelpinghand failInstr:req .byte 0xd1 .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro tryswapitems failInstr:req .byte 0xd2 .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro trycopyability battler:req, failInstr:req .byte 0xd3 .byte \battler .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro trywish turnNumber:req, failInstr:req .byte 0xd4 .byte \turnNumber .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro settoxicspikes failInstr:req .byte 0xd5 .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro setgastroacid failInstr:req .byte 0xd6 .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro setyawn failInstr:req .byte 0xd7 .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro setdamagetohealthdifference failInstr:req .byte 0xd8 .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro setroom .byte 0xd9 .endm .macro tryswapabilities failInstr:req .byte 0xda .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro tryimprison failInstr:req .byte 0xdb .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro setstealthrock failInstr:req .byte 0xdc .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro setuserstatus3 flags:req, failInstr:req .byte 0xdd .4byte \flags .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro assistattackselect failInstr:req .byte 0xde .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro trysetmagiccoat failInstr:req .byte 0xdf .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro trysetsnatch failInstr:req .byte 0xe0 .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro unused2 ptr:req .byte 0xe1 .4byte \ptr .endm .macro switchoutabilities battler:req .byte 0xe2 .byte \battler .endm .macro jumpifhasnohp battler:req, jumpInstr:req .byte 0xe3 .byte \battler .4byte \jumpInstr .endm .macro jumpifnotcurrentmoveargtype battler:req, failInstr:req .byte 0xe4 .byte \battler .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro pickup .byte 0xe5 .endm .macro unused3 .byte 0xe6 .endm .macro unused4 .byte 0xe7 .endm .macro settypebasedhalvers failInstr:req .byte 0xe8 .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro jumpifsubstituteblocks jumpInstr:req .byte 0xe9 .4byte \jumpInstr .endm .macro tryrecycleitem failInstr:req .byte 0xea .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro settypetoterrain failInstr:req .byte 0xeb .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro pursuitdoubles failInstr:req .byte 0xec .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro snatchsetbattlers .byte 0xed .endm .macro removelightscreenreflect .byte 0xee .endm .macro handleballthrow .byte 0xef .endm .macro givecaughtmon .byte 0xf0 .endm .macro trysetcaughtmondexflags failInstr:req .byte 0xf1 .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro displaydexinfo .byte 0xf2 .endm .macro trygivecaughtmonnick successInstr:req .byte 0xf3 .4byte \successInstr .endm .macro subattackerhpbydmg .byte 0xf4 .endm .macro removeattackerstatus1 .byte 0xf5 .endm .macro finishaction .byte 0xf6 .endm .macro finishturn .byte 0xf7 .endm .macro trainerslideout position:req .byte 0xf8 .byte \position .endm .macro settelekinesis failInstr:req .byte 0xf9 .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro swapstatstages stat:req .byte 0xfa .byte \stat .endm .macro averagestats stat:req .byte 0xfb .byte \stat .endm .macro jumpifoppositegenders jumpInstr:req .byte 0xfc .4byte \jumpInstr .endm .macro unused ptr:req .byte 0xfd .4byte \ptr .endm .macro tryworryseed failInstr:req .byte 0xfe .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro callnative func:req .byte 0xff .4byte \func .endm .macro savetarget callnative BS_SaveTarget .endm .macro restoretarget callnative BS_RestoreTarget .endm .macro saveattacker callnative BS_SaveAttacker .endm .macro restoreattacker callnative BS_RestoreAttacker .endm .macro metalburstdamagecalculator failInstr:req callnative BS_CalcMetalBurstDmg .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro jumpifcantfling battler:req, jumpInstr:req callnative BS_JumpIfCantFling .byte \battler .4byte \jumpInstr .endm .macro itemstatchangeeffects battler:req callnative BS_RunStatChangeItems .byte \battler .endm .macro allyswitchswapbattlers callnative BS_AllySwitchSwapBattler .endm .macro allyswitchfailchance jumpInstr:req callnative BS_AllySwitchFailChance .4byte \jumpInstr .endm .macro dostockpilestatchangeswearoff, battler:req, statChangeInstr:req callnative BS_DoStockpileStatChangesWearOff .byte \battler .4byte \statChangeInstr .endm .macro jumpifmorethanhalfHP battler:req, jumpInstr:req callnative BS_JumpIfMoreThanHalfHP .byte \battler .4byte \jumpInstr .endm .macro itemrestorehp jumpInstr:req, restoreBattlerInstr:req callnative BS_ItemRestoreHP .4byte \jumpInstr .4byte \restoreBattlerInstr .endm .macro itemcurestatus jumpInstr:req callnative BS_ItemCureStatus .4byte \jumpInstr .endm .macro itemincreasestat callnative BS_ItemIncreaseStat .endm .macro itemrestorepp callnative BS_ItemRestorePP .endm .macro tryrevertweatherform callnative BS_TryRevertWeatherForm .endm .macro applysaltcure battler:req callnative BS_ApplySaltCure .byte \battler .endm .macro trysetoctolock battler:req, failInstr:req callnative BS_TrySetOctolock .byte \battler .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro setglaiverush callnative BS_SetGlaiveRush .endm .macro tryrelicsong callnative BS_TryRelicSong .endm .macro setpledge jumpInstr:req callnative BS_SetPledge .4byte \jumpInstr .endm .macro setpledgestatus battler:req sidestatus:req callnative BS_SetPledgeStatus .byte \battler .4byte \sidestatus .endm .macro trycopycat failInstr:req callnative BS_TryCopycat .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro setzeffect callnative BS_SetZEffect .endm @ Used by effects that may proc Symbiosis but do not call removeitem. .macro trysymbiosis callnative BS_TrySymbiosis .endm @ returns B_SIDE_x to gBattleCommunication[0] .macro getbattlerside battler:req callnative BS_GetBattlerSide .byte \battler .endm .macro checkparentalbondcounter counter:req, ptr:req callnative BS_CheckParentalBondCounter .byte \counter .4byte \ptr .endm .macro jumpifcantloseitem battler:req, ptr:req callnative BS_JumpIfCantLoseItem .byte \battler .4byte \ptr .endm .macro handlemegaevo battler:req, case:req callnative BS_HandleMegaEvolution .byte \battler .byte \case .endm .macro handleprimalreversion battler:req, case:req callnative BS_HandlePrimalReversion .byte \battler .byte \case .endm .macro handleultraburst battler:req, case:req callnative BS_HandleUltraBurst .byte \battler .byte \case .endm .macro jumpifshelltrap battler:req, jumpInstr:req callnative BS_JumpIfShellTrap .byte \battler .4byte \jumpInstr .endm .macro jumpifemergencyexited battler:req, jumpInstr:req callnative BS_JumpIfEmergencyExited .byte \battler .4byte \jumpInstr .endm .macro jumpifelectricabilityaffected battler:req, ability:req, jumpInstr:req callnative BS_JumpIfElectricAbilityAffected .byte \battler .2byte \ability .4byte \jumpInstr .endm .macro jumpifargument argument:req, jumpInstr:req callnative BS_JumpIfArgument .byte \argument .4byte \jumpInstr .endm .macro setremoveterrain failInstr:req callnative BS_SetRemoveTerrain .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro jumpifterrainaffected battler:req, terrainFlags:req, jumpInstr:req callnative BS_JumpIfTerrainAffected .byte \battler .4byte \terrainFlags .4byte \jumpInstr .endm .macro tryreflecttype failInstr:req callnative BS_TryReflectType .4byte \failInstr .endm @ Used to active a different Max Move effects. .macro setmaxmoveeffect callnative BS_SetMaxMoveEffect .endm .macro setsteelsurge, failInstr:req callnative BS_SetSteelsurge .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro trysetstatus1, ptr:req callnative BS_TrySetStatus1 .4byte \ptr .endm .macro trysetstatus2, ptr:req callnative BS_TrySetStatus2 .4byte \ptr .endm .macro tryhealsixthhealth, ptr:req callnative BS_HealOneSixth .4byte \ptr .endm .macro tryrecycleberry, ptr:req callnative BS_TryRecycleBerry .4byte \ptr .endm .macro updatedynamax callnative BS_UpdateDynamax .endm .macro jumpiftargetdynamaxed, ptr:req callnative BS_JumpIfDynamaxed .4byte \ptr .endm .macro trytrainerslidezmovemsg callnative BS_TryTrainerSlideZMoveMsg .endm .macro trytrainerslidemegaevolutionmsg callnative BS_TryTrainerSlideMegaEvolutionMsg .endm .macro trytrainerslidedynamaxmsg callnative BS_TryTrainerSlideDynamaxMsg .endm .macro tryhealpulse failInstr:req callnative BS_TryHealPulse .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro trydefog clear:req, failInstr:req callnative BS_TryDefog .byte \clear .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro trytriggerstatusform callnative BS_TryTriggerStatusForm .endm .macro setphotongeysercategory callnative BS_SetPhotonGeyserCategory .endm .macro tryupperhand failInstr:req callnative BS_TryUpperHand .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro tryupdaterecoiltracker callnative BS_TryUpdateRecoilTracker .endm .macro tryupdateleaderscresttracker callnative BS_TryUpdateLeadersCrestTracker .endm .macro trytidyup clear:req, jumpInstr:req callnative BS_TryTidyUp .byte \clear .4byte \jumpInstr .endm .macro trygulpmissile callnative BS_TryGulpMissile .endm .macro tryactivategulpmissile callnative BS_TryActivateGulpMissile .endm .macro tryquash failInstr:req callnative BS_TryQuash .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro copyfoesstatincrease battler:req, failInstr:req callnative BS_CopyFoesStatIncrease .byte \battler .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro removeweather callnative BS_RemoveWeather .endm .macro applyterastallization callnative BS_ApplyTerastallization .endm .macro damagetoquartertargethp callnative BS_DamageToQuarterTargetHP .endm .macro ficklebeamdamagecalculation callnative BS_FickleBeamDamageCalculation .endm .macro trytarshot failInstr:req callnative BS_TryTarShot .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro jumpifteainvulnerable battler:req, jumpInstr:req callnative BS_TeatimeInvul .byte \battler .4byte \jumpInstr .endm .macro jumpifteanoberry failInstr:req callnative BS_TeatimeTargets .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro trywindriderpower battler:req, failInstr:req callnative BS_TryWindRiderPower .byte \battler .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro activateweatherchangeabilities battler:req callnative BS_ActivateWeatherChangeAbilities .byte \battler .endm .macro activateterrainchangeabilities battler:req callnative BS_ActivateTerrainChangeAbilities .byte \battler .endm @ Stores Healing Wish effect. .macro storehealingwish battler:req callnative BS_StoreHealingWish .byte \battler .endm .macro hitswitchtargetfailed callnative BS_HitSwitchTargetFailed .endm .macro tryrevivalblessing, failInstr:req callnative BS_TryRevivalBlessing .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro jumpifblockedbysoundproof battler:req, failInstr:req callnative BS_JumpIfBlockedBySoundproof .byte \battler .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro tryhitswitchtarget failInstr:req callnative BS_TryHitSwitchTarget .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro jumpifcommanderactive jumpInstr:req callnative BS_JumpIfCommanderActive .4byte \jumpInstr .endm .macro checkpokeflute callnative BS_CheckPokeFlute .endm .macro waitfanfare callnative BS_WaitFanfare .endm @ various command changed to more readable macros .macro cancelmultiturnmoves battler:req various \battler, VARIOUS_CANCEL_MULTI_TURN_MOVES .endm .macro setmagiccoattarget battler:req various \battler, VARIOUS_SET_MAGIC_COAT_TARGET .endm .macro getifcantrunfrombattle battler:req various \battler, VARIOUS_IS_RUNNING_IMPOSSIBLE .endm .macro getmovetarget battler:req various \battler, VARIOUS_GET_MOVE_TARGET .endm .macro getbattlerfainted battler:req various \battler, VARIOUS_GET_BATTLER_FAINTED .endm .macro resetswitchinabilitybits battler:req various \battler, VARIOUS_RESET_SWITCH_IN_ABILITY_BITS .endm .macro updatechoicemoveonlvlup battler:req various \battler, VARIOUS_UPDATE_CHOICE_MOVE_ON_LVL_UP .endm .macro resetplayerfainted various BS_ATTACKER, VARIOUS_RESET_PLAYER_FAINTED .endm .macro palaceflavortext battler:req various \battler, VARIOUS_PALACE_FLAVOR_TEXT .endm .macro arenajudgmentwindow various BS_ATTACKER, VARIOUS_ARENA_JUDGMENT_WINDOW .endm .macro arenaopponentmonlost various BS_ATTACKER, VARIOUS_ARENA_OPPONENT_MON_LOST .endm .macro arenaplayermonlost various BS_ATTACKER, VARIOUS_ARENA_PLAYER_MON_LOST .endm .macro arenabothmonlost various BS_ATTACKER, VARIOUS_ARENA_BOTH_MONS_LOST .endm .macro forfeityesnobox battler:req various \battler, VARIOUS_EMIT_YESNOBOX .endm .macro arenadrawreftextbox various BS_ATTACKER, VARIOUS_DRAW_ARENA_REF_TEXT_BOX .endm .macro arenaerasereftextbox various BS_ATTACKER, VARIOUS_ERASE_ARENA_REF_TEXT_BOX .endm .macro arenajudgmentstring id:req various \id, VARIOUS_ARENA_JUDGMENT_STRING .endm .macro arenawaitmessage id:req various \id, VARIOUS_ARENA_WAIT_STRING .endm .macro waitcry battler:req various \battler, VARIOUS_WAIT_CRY .endm .macro returnopponentmon1toball battler:req various \battler, VARIOUS_RETURN_OPPONENT_MON1 .endm .macro returnopponentmon2toball battler:req various \battler, VARIOUS_RETURN_OPPONENT_MON2 .endm .macro volumedown various BS_ATTACKER, VARIOUS_VOLUME_DOWN .endm .macro volumeup various BS_ATTACKER, VARIOUS_VOLUME_UP .endm .macro setalreadystatusedmoveattempt battler:req various \battler, VARIOUS_SET_ALREADY_STATUS_MOVE_ATTEMPT .endm .macro palacetryescapestatus battler:req various \battler, VARIOUS_PALACE_TRY_ESCAPE_STATUS .endm .macro setoutcomeonteleport battler:req various \battler, VARIOUS_SET_TELEPORT_OUTCOME .endm .macro playtrainerdefeatbgm battler:req various \battler, VARIOUS_PLAY_TRAINER_DEFEATED_MUSIC .endm .macro stattextbuffer battler:req various \battler, VARIOUS_STAT_TEXT_BUFFER .endm .macro switchinabilities battler:req various \battler, VARIOUS_SWITCHIN_ABILITIES .endm .macro instanthpdrop battler:req various \battler, VARIOUS_INSTANT_HP_DROP .endm .macro clearstatus battler:req various \battler, VARIOUS_CLEAR_STATUS .endm .macro restorepp battler:req various \battler, VARIOUS_RESTORE_PP .endm .macro tryactivatemoxie battler:req various \battler, VARIOUS_TRY_ACTIVATE_MOXIE .endm .macro tryactivatebeastboost battler:req various \battler, VARIOUS_TRY_ACTIVATE_BEAST_BOOST .endm .macro tryactivatereceiver battler:req various \battler, VARIOUS_TRY_ACTIVATE_RECEIVER .endm .macro tryactivatesoulheart various BS_ATTACKER, VARIOUS_TRY_ACTIVATE_SOULHEART .endm .macro tryactivatefellstinger battler:req various \battler, VARIOUS_TRY_ACTIVATE_FELL_STINGER .endm .macro playmoveanimation battler:req, move:req various \battler, VARIOUS_PLAY_MOVE_ANIMATION .2byte \move .endm .macro setluckychant battler:req, failInstr:req various \battler VARIOUS_SET_LUCKY_CHANT .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro suckerpunchcheck failInstr:req various BS_ATTACKER, VARIOUS_SUCKER_PUNCH_CHECK .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro setabilitysimple battler:req, failInstr:req various \battler VARIOUS_SET_SIMPLE_BEAM .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro tryentrainment failInstr:req various BS_ATTACKER, VARIOUS_TRY_ENTRAINMENT .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro setlastusedability battler:req various \battler, VARIOUS_SET_LAST_USED_ABILITY .endm .macro tryafteryou failInstr:req various BS_ATTACKER, VARIOUS_AFTER_YOU .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro trybestow failInstr:req various BS_ATTACKER, VARIOUS_BESTOW .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro invertstatstages battler:req various \battler, VARIOUS_INVERT_STAT_STAGES .endm .macro trymefirst failInstr:req various BS_ATTACKER, VARIOUS_TRY_ME_FIRST .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro jumpifbattleend jumpInstr:req various BS_ATTACKER, VARIOUS_JUMP_IF_BATTLE_END .4byte \jumpInstr .endm .macro tryelectrify failInstr:req various BS_ATTACKER, VARIOUS_TRY_ELECTRIFY .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro trysoak failInstr:req various BS_ATTACKER, VARIOUS_TRY_SOAK .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro handleformchange battler:req, case:req various \battler, VARIOUS_HANDLE_FORM_CHANGE .byte \case .endm .macro jumpifcantuselastresort battler:req, jumpInstr:req various \battler, VARIOUS_TRY_LAST_RESORT .4byte \jumpInstr .endm .macro setargtobattledamage various BS_ATTACKER, VARIOUS_SET_ARG_TO_BATTLE_DAMAGE .endm .macro tryautotomize battler:req, failInstr:req various \battler, VARIOUS_TRY_AUTOTOMIZE .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro jumpifcantusesynchronoise jumpInstr:req various BS_ATTACKER, VARIOUS_TRY_SYNCHRONOISE .4byte \jumpInstr .endm .macro showabilitypopup battler:req various \battler, VARIOUS_ABILITY_POPUP .endm .macro updateabilitypopup battler:req various \battler, VARIOUS_UPDATE_ABILITY_POPUP .endm .macro jumpiftargetally jumpInstr:req various BS_ATTACKER, VARIOUS_JUMP_IF_TARGET_ALLY .4byte \jumpInstr .endm .macro trypsychoshift failInstr:req various BS_ATTACKER, VARIOUS_PSYCHO_SHIFT .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro curestatus battler:req various \battler, VARIOUS_CURE_STATUS .endm .macro powertrick battler:req various \battler, VARIOUS_POWER_TRICK .endm .macro jumpifnotgrounded battler:req, jumpInstr:req various \battler, VARIOUS_JUMP_IF_NOT_GROUNDED .4byte \jumpInstr .endm .macro handletrainerslidemsg battler:req, case:req various \battler, VARIOUS_HANDLE_TRAINER_SLIDE_MSG .byte \case .endm .macro trytrainerslidefirstdownmsg battler:req various \battler, VARIOUS_TRY_TRAINER_SLIDE_MSG_FIRST_OFF .endm .macro trytrainerslidelastonmsg battler:req various \battler, VARIOUS_TRY_TRAINER_SLIDE_MSG_LAST_ON .endm .macro setauroraveil battler:req various \battler, VARIOUS_SET_AURORA_VEIL .endm .macro trysetthirdtype battler:req, failInstr:req various \battler, VARIOUS_TRY_THIRD_TYPE .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro tryaccupressure battler:req, failInstr:req various \battler, VARIOUS_ACUPRESSURE .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro setpowder battler:req various \battler, VARIOUS_SET_POWDER .endm .macro spectralthiefprintstats various BS_ATTACKER, VARIOUS_SPECTRAL_THIEF .endm .macro bringdownairbornebattler battler:req various \battler, VARIOUS_GRAVITY_ON_AIRBORNE_MONS .endm .macro checkgrassyterrainheal battler:req, failInstr:req various \battler, VARIOUS_CHECK_IF_GRASSY_TERRAIN_HEALS .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro jumpifnotberry battler:req, jumpInstr:req various \battler, VARIOUS_JUMP_IF_NOT_BERRY .4byte \jumpInstr .endm .macro jumpifroarfails jumpInstr:req various BS_ATTACKER, VARIOUS_JUMP_IF_ROAR_FAILS .4byte \jumpInstr .endm .macro tryinstruct failInstr:req various BS_ATTACKER, VARIOUS_TRY_INSTRUCT .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro settracedability battler:req various \battler, VARIOUS_TRACE_ABILITY .endm .macro updatenick battler:req various \battler, VARIOUS_UPDATE_NICK .endm .macro tryillusionoff battler:req various \battler, VARIOUS_TRY_ILLUSION_OFF .endm .macro spriteignore0hp value:req various BS_ATTACKER, VARIOUS_SET_SPRITEIGNORE0HP .byte \value .endm .macro getstatvalue battler:req, stat:req various \battler, VARIOUS_GET_STAT_VALUE .byte \stat .endm .macro jumpiffullhp battler:req, jumpInstr:req various \battler, VARIOUS_JUMP_IF_FULL_HP .4byte \jumpInstr .endm .macro losetype battler:req, type:req various \battler, VARIOUS_LOSE_TYPE .byte \type .endm .macro tryfriskmsg battler:req various \battler, VARIOUS_TRY_FRISK .endm .macro jumpifshieldsdown battler:req, jumpInstr:req various \battler, VARIOUS_JUMP_IF_SHIELDS_DOWN_PROTECTED .4byte \jumpInstr .endm .macro trypoisontype attacker:req, target:req, failInstr:req various \attacker, VARIOUS_POISON_TYPE_IMMUNITY .byte \target .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro tryparalyzetype attacker:req, target:req, failInstr:req various \attacker, VARIOUS_PARALYZE_TYPE_IMMUNITY .byte \target .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro trysetfairylock failInstr:req various BS_ATTACKER, VARIOUS_TRY_FAIRY_LOCK .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro jumpifnoally battler:req, jumpInstr:req various \battler, VARIOUS_JUMP_IF_NO_ALLY .4byte \jumpInstr .endm .macro jumpifholdeffect battler:req, holdEffect:req, jumpInstr:req, equal=TRUE various \battler, VARIOUS_JUMP_IF_HOLD_EFFECT .byte \holdEffect .4byte \jumpInstr .byte \equal .endm .macro jumpifnoholdeffect battler:req, holdEffect:req, jumpInstr:req jumpifholdeffect \battler, \holdEffect, \jumpInstr, FALSE .endm .macro infatuatewithbattler battler:req, infatuateWith:req various \battler, VARIOUS_INFATUATE_WITH_BATTLER .byte \infatuateWith .endm .macro setlastuseditem battler:req various \battler, VARIOUS_SET_LAST_USED_ITEM .endm .macro jumpifabsent battler:req, jumpInstr:req various \battler, VARIOUS_JUMP_IF_ABSENT .4byte \jumpInstr .endm .macro destroyabilitypopup various BS_ABILITY_BATTLER, VARIOUS_DESTROY_ABILITY_POPUP .endm .macro gettotemboost jumpInstr:req various BS_ATTACKER, VARIOUS_TOTEM_BOOST .4byte \jumpInstr .endm .macro tryactivategrimneigh, battler:req various \battler, VARIOUS_TRY_ACTIVATE_GRIM_NEIGH .endm .macro consumeberry battler:req, fromBattler:req various \battler, VARIOUS_CONSUME_BERRY .byte \fromBattler .endm .macro activateitemeffects battler:req various \battler, VARIOUS_MOVEEND_ITEM_EFFECTS .endm .macro pickpocketsteal various 0, VARIOUS_PICKPOCKET .endm .macro doterrainseed battler:req, failInstr:req various \battler, VARIOUS_TERRAIN_SEED .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro makeinvisible battler:req various \battler, VARIOUS_MAKE_INVISIBLE .endm .macro tryroomservice battler:req, failInstr:req various \battler, VARIOUS_ROOM_SERVICE .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro jumpifpranksterblocked battler:req, jumpInstr:req various \battler, VARIOUS_JUMP_IF_PRANKSTER_BLOCKED .4byte \jumpInstr .endm .macro eeriespellppreduce failInstr:req various BS_TARGET, VARIOUS_EERIE_SPELL_PP_REDUCE .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro jumpifteamhealthy battler:req, jumpInstr:req various \battler, VARIOUS_JUMP_IF_TEAM_HEALTHY .4byte \jumpInstr .endm .macro tryhealquarterhealth battler:req, failInstr:req various \battler, VARIOUS_TRY_HEAL_QUARTER_HP .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro removeterrain various BS_ATTACKER, VARIOUS_REMOVE_TERRAIN .endm .macro trytoclearprimalweather various BS_ATTACKER, VARIOUS_TRY_TO_CLEAR_PRIMAL_WEATHER .endm .macro setattackertostickywebuser various BS_TARGET, VARIOUS_SET_ATTACKER_STICKY_WEB_USER .endm .macro getrototillertargets failInstr:req various BS_ATTACKER, VARIOUS_GET_ROTOTILLER_TARGETS .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro jumpifnotrototilleraffected battler:req, jumpInstr:req various \battler, VARIOUS_JUMP_IF_NOT_ROTOTILLER_AFFECTED .4byte \jumpInstr .endm .macro tryactivatebattlebond battler:req various \battler, VARIOUS_TRY_ACTIVATE_BATTLE_BOND .endm .macro jumpifcantreverttoprimal jumpInstr:req various BS_ATTACKER, VARIOUS_JUMP_IF_CANT_REVERT_TO_PRIMAL .4byte \jumpInstr .endm .macro jumpifweatheraffected battler:req, flags:req, jumpInstr:req various \battler, VARIOUS_JUMP_IF_WEATHER_AFFECTED .4byte \flags .4byte \jumpInstr .endm .macro jumpifspecies battler:req, species:req, jumpInstr:req various \battler, VARIOUS_JUMP_IF_SPECIES .2byte \species .4byte \jumpInstr .endm .macro tryendneutralizinggas battler:req various \battler, VARIOUS_TRY_END_NEUTRALIZING_GAS .endm .macro trynoretreat battler:req, failInstr:req various \battler, VARIOUS_TRY_NO_RETREAT .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro cantarshotwork battler:req, failInstr:req various \battler, VARIOUS_CAN_TAR_SHOT_WORK .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro checkpoltergeist battler:req, failInstr:req various \battler, VARIOUS_CHECK_POLTERGEIST .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro cutonethirdhpraisestats failInstr:req various BS_ATTACKER, VARIOUS_CUT_1_3_HP_RAISE_STATS .4byte \failInstr .endm .macro curecertainstatuses battler:req various \battler, VARIOUS_CURE_CERTAIN_STATUSES .endm .macro tryresetnegativestatstages battler:req various \battler, VARIOUS_TRY_RESET_NEGATIVE_STAT_STAGES .endm .macro jumpiflastuseditemberry jumpInstr:req various BS_ATTACKER, VARIOUS_JUMP_IF_LAST_USED_ITEM_BERRY .4byte \jumpInstr .endm .macro jumpiflastuseditemholdeffect battler:req, holdEffect:req, jumpInstr:req various \battler, VARIOUS_JUMP_IF_LAST_USED_ITEM_HOLD_EFFECT .byte \holdEffect .4byte \jumpInstr .endm .macro savebattleritem battler:req various \battler, VARIOUS_SAVE_BATTLER_ITEM .endm .macro restorebattleritem battler:req various \battler, VARIOUS_RESTORE_BATTLER_ITEM .endm .macro battleritemtolastuseditem battler:req various \battler, VARIOUS_BATTLER_ITEM_TO_LAST_USED_ITEM .endm .macro setbeakblast battler:req various \battler, VARIOUS_SET_BEAK_BLAST .endm .macro swapsidestatuses various BS_ATTACKER, VARIOUS_SWAP_SIDE_STATUSES .endm .macro swapstats stat:req various BS_ATTACKER, VARIOUS_SWAP_STATS .byte \stat .endm @ helpful macros .macro setstatchanger stat:req, stages:req, down:req setbyte sSTATCHANGER, \stat | \stages << 3 | \down << 7 .endm .macro setmoveeffect effect:req sethword sMOVE_EFFECT, \effect sethword sSAVED_MOVE_EFFECT, \effect .endm .macro chosenstatus1animation battler:req, status:req chosenstatusanimation \battler, 0x0, \status .endm .macro chosenstatus2animation battler:req, status:req chosenstatusanimation \battler, 0x1, \status .endm .macro sethword dst:req, value:req setbyte \dst, (\value) & 0xFF setbyte \dst + 1, ((\value) >> 8) & 0xFF .endm .macro setword dst:req, value:req setbyte \dst, (\value) & 0xFF setbyte \dst + 1, ((\value) >> 8) & 0xFF setbyte \dst + 2, ((\value) >> 16) & 0xFF setbyte \dst + 3, ((\value) >> 24) & 0xFF .endm .macro copybyte dst:req, src:req copyarray \dst, \src, 0x1 .endm .macro copyhword dst:req, src:req copyarray \dst, \src, 0x2 .endm .macro copyword dst:req, src:req copyarray \dst, \src, 0x4 .endm .macro jumpifbytenotequal byte1:req, byte2:req, jumpInstr:req jumpifarraynotequal \byte1, \byte2, 0x1, \jumpInstr .endm .macro jumpifbyteequal byte1:req, byte2:req, jumpInstr:req jumpifarrayequal \byte1, \byte2, 0x1, \jumpInstr .endm .macro jumpifmove move:req, jumpInstr:req jumpifhalfword CMP_EQUAL, gCurrentMove, \move, \jumpInstr .endm .macro jumpifnotmove move:req, jumpInstr:req jumpifhalfword CMP_NOT_EQUAL, gCurrentMove, \move, \jumpInstr .endm .macro jumpifnotchosenmove move:req, jumpInstr:req jumpifhalfword CMP_NOT_EQUAL, gChosenMove, \move, \jumpInstr .endm .macro jumpifstatus3 battler:req, flags:req, jumpInstr:req jumpifstatus3condition \battler, \flags, FALSE, \jumpInstr .endm .macro jumpifnostatus3 battler:req, flags:req, jumpInstr:req jumpifstatus3condition \battler, \flags, TRUE, \jumpInstr .endm .macro jumpifmovehadnoeffect jumpInstr:req jumpifbyte CMP_COMMON_BITS, gMoveResultFlags, MOVE_RESULT_NO_EFFECT, \jumpInstr .endm .macro jumpifside battler:req, side:req, equalJumpInstr:req getbattlerside \battler jumpifbyte CMP_EQUAL, gBattleCommunication, \side, \equalJumpInstr .endm .macro jumpifbattletype flags:req, jumpInstr:req jumpifword CMP_COMMON_BITS, gBattleTypeFlags, \flags, \jumpInstr .endm .macro jumpifnotbattletype flags:req, jumpInstr:req jumpifword CMP_NO_COMMON_BITS, gBattleTypeFlags, \flags, \jumpInstr .endm .macro dmg_1_8_targethp manipulatedamage DMG_1_8_TARGET_HP .endm .macro dmgtomaxattackerhp manipulatedamage DMG_FULL_ATTACKER_HP .endm .macro dmgtocurrattackerhp manipulatedamage DMG_CURR_ATTACKER_HP .endm .macro jumpifflowerveil jumpInstr:req jumpifnottype BS_TARGET, TYPE_GRASS, 1f jumpifability BS_TARGET_SIDE, ABILITY_FLOWER_VEIL, \jumpInstr 1: .endm .macro jumpifflowerveilattacker jumpInstr:req jumpifnottype BS_ATTACKER, TYPE_GRASS, 1f jumpifability BS_ATTACKER_SIDE, ABILITY_FLOWER_VEIL, \jumpInstr 1: .endm .macro setallytonexttarget jumpInstr:req jumpifbyte CMP_GREATER_THAN, gBattlerTarget, 0x1, 1f addbyte gBattlerTarget, 0x2 goto \jumpInstr 1: subbyte gBattlerTarget, 0x2 goto \jumpInstr .endm .macro setallytonextattacker jumpInstr:req jumpifbyte CMP_GREATER_THAN, gBattlerAttacker, 0x1, 1f addbyte gBattlerAttacker, 0x2 goto \jumpInstr 1: subbyte gBattlerAttacker, 0x2 goto \jumpInstr .endm .macro jumpifleafguardprotected battler:req, jumpInstr:req various \battler, VARIOUS_JUMP_IF_LEAF_GUARD_PROTECTED .4byte \jumpInstr .endm .macro jumpifsafeguard jumpInstr:req jumpifability BS_ATTACKER, ABILITY_INFILTRATOR, 1f jumpifsideaffecting BS_TARGET, SIDE_STATUS_SAFEGUARD, \jumpInstr 1: .endm @ Will jump to script pointer if the target weighs less than 200 kg, or 441 lbs. .macro jumpifunder200 battler:req, failInstr:req various \battler, VARIOUS_JUMP_IF_UNDER_200 .4byte \failInstr .endm @ Sets the sky drop status and does all other necessary operations .macro setskydrop various 0, VARIOUS_SET_SKY_DROP .endm @ Clears the sky drop status and does all other necessary operations. @ If the target fainted in before this script is called, it goes to the given script. .macro clearskydrop failInstr:req various 0, VARIOUS_CLEAR_SKY_DROP .4byte \failInstr .endm @ Accounts for if the target of Sky Drop was in confuse_lock when the attacker falls asleep due to Yawn. .macro skydropyawn various 0, VARIOUS_SKY_DROP_YAWN .endm @ Tries to increase or decrease a battler's stat's stat stage by a specified amount. If impossible, jumps to \script. .macro modifybattlerstatstage battler:req, stat:req, mode:req, amount:req, script:req, animation:req, customString @ \mode parameters INCREASE = FALSE DECREASE = TRUE @ \animation parameters ANIM_OFF = FALSE ANIM_ON = TRUE setstatchanger \stat, \amount, \mode statbuffchange STAT_CHANGE_ALLOW_PTR, \script setgraphicalstatchangevalues .if \animation == TRUE playanimation \battler, B_ANIM_STATS_CHANGE, sB_ANIM_ARG1 .endif .ifnb \customString printstring \customString .else .if \mode == DECREASE printfromtable gStatDownStringIds .else .if \mode == INCREASE printfromtable gStatUpStringIds .endif .endif .endif waitmessage B_WAIT_TIME_LONG .endm @ Will jump to script pointer if the specified battler has or has not fainted. .macro jumpiffainted battler:req, value:req, ptr:req getbattlerfainted \battler jumpifbyte CMP_EQUAL, gBattleCommunication, \value, \ptr .endm .macro flushtextbox printstring STRINGID_EMPTYSTRING3 waitmessage 1 .endm