MtPyre_Summit_MapScripts:: @ 8231FF7 map_script MAP_SCRIPT_ON_TRANSITION, MtPyre_Summit_OnTransition .byte 0 MtPyre_Summit_OnTransition: @ 8231FFD compare VAR_MT_PYRE_STATE, 2 call_if_eq MtPyre_Summit_EventScript_SetArchieMaxiePositions end MtPyre_Summit_EventScript_SetArchieMaxiePositions:: @ 8232009 setobjectxyperm 8, 23, 6 setobjectxyperm 2, 22, 6 end MtPyre_Summit_EventScript_TeamAquaTrigger0:: @ 8232018 lockall setvar VAR_0x8008, 0 goto MtPyre_Summit_EventScript_TeamAquaExits end MtPyre_Summit_EventScript_TeamAquaTrigger1:: @ 8232024 lockall setvar VAR_0x8008, 1 goto MtPyre_Summit_EventScript_TeamAquaExits end MtPyre_Summit_EventScript_TeamAquaTrigger2:: @ 8232030 lockall setvar VAR_0x8008, 2 goto MtPyre_Summit_EventScript_TeamAquaExits end MtPyre_Summit_EventScript_TeamAquaExits:: @ 823203C playbgm MUS_AQA_0, 0 applymovement EVENT_OBJ_ID_PLAYER, Common_Movement_FaceUp waitmovement 0 applymovement 2, Common_Movement_WalkInPlaceFastestDown waitmovement 0 delay 50 compare VAR_0x8008, 0 call_if_eq MtPyre_Summit_EventScript_ArchieFacePlayer0 compare VAR_0x8008, 1 call_if_eq MtPyre_Summit_EventScript_ArchieFacePlayer1 compare VAR_0x8008, 2 call_if_eq MtPyre_Summit_EventScript_ArchieFacePlayer2 msgbox MtPyre_Summit_Text_ArchieWeGotTheOrbLetsGo, MSGBOX_DEFAULT closemessage fadescreen 1 removeobject 2 removeobject 4 removeobject 5 removeobject 6 removeobject 7 setflag FLAG_HIDE_MT_PYRE_SUMMIT_ARCHIE setflag FLAG_HIDE_MT_PYRE_SUMMIT_TEAM_AQUA fadedefaultbgm fadescreen 0 delay 20 setvar VAR_MT_PYRE_STATE, 1 compare VAR_0x8008, 0 call_if_eq MtPyre_Summit_EventScript_OldLadyApproachPlayer0 compare VAR_0x8008, 1 call_if_eq MtPyre_Summit_EventScript_OldLadyApproachPlayer1 compare VAR_0x8008, 2 call_if_eq MtPyre_Summit_EventScript_OldLadyApproachPlayer2 msgbox MtPyre_Summit_Text_BothOrbsTakenMagmaLeftThis, MSGBOX_DEFAULT giveitem_std ITEM_MAGMA_EMBLEM setflag FLAG_RECEIVED_RED_OR_BLUE_ORB setflag FLAG_HIDE_JAGGED_PASS_MAGMA_GUARD releaseall end MtPyre_Summit_EventScript_ArchieFacePlayer0:: @ 82320E0 applymovement 2, MtPyre_Summit_Movement_ArchieFacePlayer0 waitmovement 0 return @ Archie is already facing player MtPyre_Summit_EventScript_ArchieFacePlayer1:: @ 82320EB return MtPyre_Summit_EventScript_ArchieFacePlayer2:: @ 82320EC applymovement 2, MtPyre_Summit_Movement_ArchieFacePlayer2 waitmovement 0 return MtPyre_Summit_EventScript_OldLadyApproachPlayer0:: @ 82320F7 applymovement 3, MtPyre_Summit_Movement_OldLadyApproachPlayer0 waitmovement 0 applymovement EVENT_OBJ_ID_PLAYER, Common_Movement_WalkInPlaceFastestRight waitmovement 0 return MtPyre_Summit_EventScript_OldLadyApproachPlayer1:: @ 823210C applymovement 3, MtPyre_Summit_Movement_OldLadyApproachPlayer1 waitmovement 0 return MtPyre_Summit_EventScript_OldLadyApproachPlayer2:: @ 8232117 applymovement 3, MtPyre_Summit_Movement_OldLadyApproachPlayer2 waitmovement 0 applymovement EVENT_OBJ_ID_PLAYER, Common_Movement_WalkInPlaceFastestLeft waitmovement 0 return MtPyre_Summit_Movement_OldLadyApproachPlayer0: @ 823212C walk_down walk_down walk_in_place_fastest_left step_end MtPyre_Summit_Movement_OldLadyApproachPlayer1: @ 8232130 walk_down step_end MtPyre_Summit_Movement_OldLadyApproachPlayer2: @ 8232132 walk_down walk_down walk_in_place_fastest_right step_end MtPyre_Summit_Movement_ArchieFacePlayer0: @ 8232136 walk_left walk_in_place_fastest_down step_end MtPyre_Summit_Movement_ArchieFacePlayer2: @ 8232139 walk_right walk_in_place_fastest_down step_end MtPyre_Summit_EventScript_OldMan:: @ 823213C lock faceplayer goto_if_set FLAG_SOOTOPOLIS_ARCHIE_MAXIE_LEAVE, MtPyre_Summit_EventScript_OldManAfterRayquaza msgbox MtPyre_Summit_Text_WillYouHearOutMyTale, MSGBOX_YESNO compare VAR_RESULT, 1 call_if_eq MtPyre_Summit_EventScript_OldManTale compare VAR_RESULT, 0 call_if_eq MtPyre_Summit_EventScript_DeclineOldManTale release end MtPyre_Summit_EventScript_OldManAfterRayquaza:: @ 8232167 msgbox MtPyre_Summit_Text_HearTheNewLegendOfHoenn, MSGBOX_YESNO compare VAR_RESULT, 1 call_if_eq MtPyre_Summit_EventScript_OldManNewTale compare VAR_RESULT, 0 call_if_eq MtPyre_Summit_EventScript_DeclineOldManTale release end MtPyre_Summit_EventScript_OldManTale:: @ 8232187 msgbox MtPyre_Summit_Text_GroudonKyogreTale, MSGBOX_DEFAULT return MtPyre_Summit_EventScript_DeclineOldManTale:: @ 8232190 msgbox MtPyre_Summit_Text_WellThatTooIsFine, MSGBOX_DEFAULT return MtPyre_Summit_EventScript_OldManNewTale:: @ 8232199 msgbox MtPyre_Summit_Text_HoennTrioTale, MSGBOX_DEFAULT return MtPyre_Summit_EventScript_OldLady:: @ 82321A2 lock faceplayer goto_if_set FLAG_RETURNED_RED_OR_BLUE_ORB, MtPyre_Summit_EventScript_OldLadyAfterOrbsReturned compare VAR_MT_PYRE_STATE, 3 call_if_ge MtPyre_Summit_EventScript_OldLadyOrbsReturned goto_if_set FLAG_KYOGRE_ESCAPED_SEAFLOOR_CAVERN, MtPyre_Summit_EventScript_OldLadyLegendariesAwake msgbox MtPyre_Summit_Text_OrbsHaveBeenTaken, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end MtPyre_Summit_EventScript_OldLadyOrbsReturned:: @ 82321CB msgbox MtPyre_Summit_Text_ThoseTwoMenReturnedOrbs, MSGBOX_DEFAULT setflag FLAG_RETURNED_RED_OR_BLUE_ORB release end MtPyre_Summit_EventScript_OldLadyLegendariesAwake:: @ 82321D8 msgbox MtPyre_Summit_Text_GroudonKyogreAwakened, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end MtPyre_Summit_EventScript_OldLadyAfterOrbsReturned:: @ 82321E2 msgbox MtPyre_Summit_Text_SuperAncientPokemonTaughtUs, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end MtPyre_Summit_EventScript_ArchieMaxieTrigger0:: @ 82321EC lockall setvar VAR_0x8008, 0 goto MtPyre_Summit_EventScript_ArchieMaxieReturnOrbs end MtPyre_Summit_EventScript_ArchieMaxieTrigger1:: @ 82321F8 lockall setvar VAR_0x8008, 1 goto MtPyre_Summit_EventScript_ArchieMaxieReturnOrbs end MtPyre_Summit_EventScript_ArchieMaxieTrigger2:: @ 8232204 lockall setvar VAR_0x8008, 2 goto MtPyre_Summit_EventScript_ArchieMaxieReturnOrbs end MtPyre_Summit_EventScript_ArchieMaxieReturnOrbs:: @ 8232210 applymovement EVENT_OBJ_ID_PLAYER, Common_Movement_WalkInPlaceFastestUp waitmovement 0 delay 60 compare VAR_0x8008, 0 call_if_eq MtPyre_Summit_EventScript_ArchieMaxieBeginExit0 compare VAR_0x8008, 1 call_if_eq MtPyre_Summit_EventScript_ArchieMaxieBeginExit1 compare VAR_0x8008, 2 call_if_eq MtPyre_Summit_EventScript_ArchieMaxieBeginExit2 playse SE_PIN applymovement 8, Common_Movement_ExclamationMark waitmovement 0 applymovement 8, Common_Movement_Delay48 waitmovement 0 delay 30 compare VAR_0x8008, 0 call_if_eq MtPyre_Summit_EventScript_MaxieApproachPlayer0 compare VAR_0x8008, 1 call_if_eq MtPyre_Summit_EventScript_MaxieApproachPlayer1 compare VAR_0x8008, 2 call_if_eq MtPyre_Summit_EventScript_MaxieApproachPlayer2 msgbox MtPyre_Summit_Text_MaxieSilence, MSGBOX_DEFAULT closemessage compare VAR_0x8008, 0 call_if_eq MtPyre_Summit_EventScript_MaxieApproachArchie0 compare VAR_0x8008, 1 call_if_eq MtPyre_Summit_EventScript_MaxieApproachArchie1 compare VAR_0x8008, 2 call_if_eq MtPyre_Summit_EventScript_MaxieApproachArchie2 delay 30 applymovement 2, MtPyre_Summit_Movement_MaxieExit applymovement 8, MtPyre_Summit_Movement_ArchieExit waitmovement 0 removeobject 2 removeobject 8 setvar VAR_MT_PYRE_STATE, 3 releaseall end MtPyre_Summit_EventScript_ArchieMaxieBeginExit0:: @ 82322C4 applymovement EVENT_OBJ_ID_PLAYER, MtPyre_Summit_Movement_PlayerWatchArchieMaxieExit0 applymovement 2, MtPyre_Summit_Movement_MaxieExit applymovement 8, MtPyre_Summit_Movement_ArchieExit waitmovement 0 return MtPyre_Summit_EventScript_ArchieMaxieBeginExit1:: @ 82322DD applymovement EVENT_OBJ_ID_PLAYER, MtPyre_Summit_Movement_PlayerWatchArchieMaxieExit1 applymovement 2, MtPyre_Summit_Movement_MaxieExit applymovement 8, MtPyre_Summit_Movement_ArchieExit waitmovement 0 return MtPyre_Summit_EventScript_ArchieMaxieBeginExit2:: @ 82322F6 applymovement EVENT_OBJ_ID_PLAYER, MtPyre_Summit_Movement_PlayerWatchArchieMaxieExit2 applymovement 2, MtPyre_Summit_Movement_MaxieExit applymovement 8, MtPyre_Summit_Movement_ArchieExit waitmovement 0 return MtPyre_Summit_EventScript_MaxieApproachPlayer0:: @ 823230F applymovement EVENT_OBJ_ID_PLAYER, MtPyre_Summit_Movement_PlayerFaceMaxie0 applymovement 2, MtPyre_Summit_Movement_ArchieWatchMaxie applymovement 8, MtPyre_Summit_Movement_MaxieApproachPlayer0 waitmovement 0 return MtPyre_Summit_EventScript_MaxieApproachPlayer1:: @ 8232328 applymovement EVENT_OBJ_ID_PLAYER, MtPyre_Summit_Movement_PlayerFaceMaxie applymovement 2, MtPyre_Summit_Movement_ArchieWatchMaxie applymovement 8, MtPyre_Summit_Movement_MaxieApproachPlayer1 waitmovement 0 return MtPyre_Summit_EventScript_MaxieApproachPlayer2:: @ 8232341 applymovement EVENT_OBJ_ID_PLAYER, MtPyre_Summit_Movement_PlayerFaceMaxie applymovement 2, MtPyre_Summit_Movement_ArchieWatchMaxie applymovement 8, MtPyre_Summit_Movement_MaxieApproachPlayer2 waitmovement 0 return MtPyre_Summit_EventScript_MaxieApproachArchie0:: @ 823235A applymovement EVENT_OBJ_ID_PLAYER, MtPyre_Summit_Movement_PlayerWatchMaxie applymovement 8, MtPyre_Summit_Movement_MaxieApproachArchie0 waitmovement 0 applymovement 2, Common_Movement_WalkInPlaceFastestRight waitmovement 0 return MtPyre_Summit_EventScript_MaxieApproachArchie1:: @ 8232376 applymovement EVENT_OBJ_ID_PLAYER, MtPyre_Summit_Movement_PlayerWatchMaxie applymovement 8, MtPyre_Summit_Movement_MaxieApproachArchie1 waitmovement 0 applymovement 2, Common_Movement_WalkInPlaceFastestRight waitmovement 0 return MtPyre_Summit_EventScript_MaxieApproachArchie2:: @ 8232392 applymovement EVENT_OBJ_ID_PLAYER, MtPyre_Summit_Movement_PlayerWatchMaxie applymovement 8, MtPyre_Summit_Movement_MaxieApproachArchie2 waitmovement 0 applymovement 2, Common_Movement_WalkInPlaceFastestRight waitmovement 0 return MtPyre_Summit_Movement_PlayerFaceMaxie0: @ 82323AE delay_16 delay_16 walk_in_place_fastest_right step_end MtPyre_Summit_Movement_PlayerFaceMaxie: @ 82323B2 delay_16 delay_16 walk_in_place_fastest_left step_end MtPyre_Summit_Movement_MaxieExit: @ 82323B6 walk_down walk_down walk_down walk_down walk_down walk_down step_end MtPyre_Summit_Movement_ArchieExit: @ 82323BD walk_down walk_down walk_down walk_down walk_down walk_down step_end MtPyre_Summit_Movement_PlayerWatchArchieMaxieExit0: @ 82323C4 delay_16 delay_8 walk_left walk_in_place_fastest_right delay_16 walk_in_place_fastest_down step_end MtPyre_Summit_Movement_PlayerWatchArchieMaxieExit1: @ 82323CB delay_16 delay_8 walk_right walk_in_place_fastest_left delay_16 walk_in_place_fastest_down step_end MtPyre_Summit_Movement_PlayerWatchArchieMaxieExit2: @ 82323D2 delay_16 delay_8 walk_in_place_fastest_left delay_16 walk_in_place_fastest_down step_end MtPyre_Summit_Movement_MaxieApproachPlayer0: @ 82323D8 walk_up walk_up walk_up walk_left step_end MtPyre_Summit_Movement_MaxieApproachPlayer1: @ 82323DD walk_up walk_up walk_up walk_in_place_fastest_right step_end MtPyre_Summit_Movement_MaxieApproachPlayer2: @ 82323E2 walk_up walk_up walk_up walk_in_place_fastest_right step_end MtPyre_Summit_Movement_ArchieWatchMaxie: @ 82323E7 delay_16 walk_in_place_fastest_up step_end MtPyre_Summit_Movement_PlayerWatchMaxie: @ 82323EA delay_16 walk_in_place_fastest_down step_end MtPyre_Summit_Movement_MaxieApproachArchie0: @ 82323ED walk_down walk_right walk_down walk_down walk_in_place_fastest_left step_end MtPyre_Summit_Movement_MaxieApproachArchie1: @ 82323F3 walk_down walk_down walk_down walk_in_place_fastest_left step_end MtPyre_Summit_Movement_MaxieApproachArchie2: @ 82323F8 walk_down walk_down walk_down walk_in_place_fastest_left step_end MtPyre_Summit_EventScript_Grunt17:: @ 82323FD trainerbattle_single TRAINER_GRUNT_17, MtPyre_Summit_Text_Grunt17Intro, MtPyre_Summit_Text_Grunt17Defeat msgbox MtPyre_Summit_Text_Grunt17PostBattle, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end MtPyre_Summit_EventScript_Grunt18:: @ 8232414 trainerbattle_single TRAINER_GRUNT_18, MtPyre_Summit_Text_Grunt18Intro, MtPyre_Summit_Text_Grunt18Defeat msgbox MtPyre_Summit_Text_Grunt18PostBattle, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end MtPyre_Summit_EventScript_Grunt19:: @ 823242B trainerbattle_single TRAINER_GRUNT_19, MtPyre_Summit_Text_Grunt19Intro, MtPyre_Summit_Text_Grunt19Defeat msgbox MtPyre_Summit_Text_Grunt19PostBattle, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end MtPyre_Summit_EventScript_Grunt29:: @ 8232442 trainerbattle_single TRAINER_GRUNT_29, MtPyre_Summit_Text_Grunt29Intro, MtPyre_Summit_Text_Grunt29Defeat msgbox MtPyre_Summit_Text_Grunt29PostBattle, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end MtPyre_Summit_Text_Grunt17Intro: @ 8232459 .string "No! Those TEAM MAGMA goons got\n" .string "here ahead of us!\p" .string "We can't fall behind!$" MtPyre_Summit_Text_Grunt17Defeat: @ 82324A0 .string "I thought you were one of the MAGMAS\n" .string "who happened to come back…$" MtPyre_Summit_Text_Grunt17PostBattle: @ 82324E0 .string "Yeah, so you are strong…\n" .string "But there're a lot of us!$" MtPyre_Summit_Text_Grunt18Intro: @ 8232513 .string "Hah!\n" .string "Too bad for you!\p" .string "If you came earlier, you only would've\n" .string "had to battle the wimpy TEAM MAGMA.\p" .string "But since you arrived now, you have\n" .string "to take on us toughies!$" MtPyre_Summit_Text_Grunt18Defeat: @ 82325B0 .string "Urgh… I should've let you take on\n" .string "TEAM MAGMA first…$" MtPyre_Summit_Text_Grunt18PostBattle: @ 82325E4 .string "You don't know anything!\n" .string "So why are you messing with us?$" MtPyre_Summit_Text_Grunt19Intro: @ 823261D .string "You…\n" .string "We saw you at MT. CHIMNEY.\p" .string "You don't belong to either TEAM,\n" .string "so why would you be here?$" MtPyre_Summit_Text_Grunt19Defeat: @ 8232678 .string "If you're going to mess with anyone,\n" .string "let it be TEAM MAGMA…$" MtPyre_Summit_Text_Grunt19PostBattle: @ 82326B3 .string "Heh, it doesn't matter!\n" .string "We bought ourselves some time!\p" .string "The BOSS should have snatched what\n" .string "he was after!$" MtPyre_Summit_Text_Grunt29Intro: @ 823271B .string "Oh, I know!\n" .string "You tried to join TEAM MAGMA,\l" .string "but they wouldn't have you!\p" .string "Well, don't think that we'll let you\n" .string "join our TEAM AQUA!$" MtPyre_Summit_Text_Grunt29Defeat: @ 823279A .string "If you want to join TEAM AQUA that\n" .string "badly, we can consider it…$" MtPyre_Summit_Text_Grunt29PostBattle: @ 82327D8 .string "We have a great combination going\n" .string "with us members and our leader.$" MtPyre_Summit_Text_ArchieWeGotTheOrbLetsGo: @ 823281A .string "ARCHIE: TEAM MAGMA's MAXIE got ahead\n" .string "of us, but we also got what we wanted.\p" .string "The RED ORB preserved at MT. PYRE…\n" .string "I, ARCHIE, now have it in my possession!\p" .string "Fufufu… Now we can bring our ultimate\n" .string "objective to fruition!\p" .string "Okay, TEAM!\n" .string "We're pulling out!$" MtPyre_Summit_Text_BothOrbsTakenMagmaLeftThis: @ 823290E .string "Oh, no…\n" .string "This cannot happen…\p" .string "Not only the BLUE ORB, but even\n" .string "the RED ORB has been taken…\p" .string "The BLUE ORB and RED ORB must never\n" .string "be separated. They belong together.\p" .string "What are those men trying to do with\n" .string "the two ORBS?\p" .string "… … … … … …\n" .string "… … … … … …\p" .string "Oh, yes. Was it TEAM MAGMA who came\n" .string "and took the BLUE ORB first?\p" .string "Well, in their haste, they left this\n" .string "behind.\p" .string "I couldn't imagine what exactly it\n" .string "could be.\p" .string "I would like you to have it.\n" .string "Perhaps it will be useful in some way.$" MtPyre_Summit_Text_OrbsHaveBeenTaken: @ 8232AD8 .string "The BLUE ORB and RED ORB taken by\n" .string "those sinister men…\p" .string "They must never be apart…\n" .string "I fear something terrible will happen…$" MtPyre_Summit_Text_GroudonKyogreAwakened: @ 8232B4F .string "Oh, my goodness…\p" .string "You say that both GROUDON and KYOGRE\n" .string "have been awakened?\p" .string "It is said that the BLUE ORB and\n" .string "the RED ORB quelled the rage of\l" .string "the two POKéMON…\p" .string "It is also said that the true owner\n" .string "of the ORBS still exists.\p" .string "However, no one knows who, or what\n" .string "exactly, the ORBS belong to.\p" .string "It could be a human, or perhaps\n" .string "a POKéMON, but no one knows.$" MtPyre_Summit_Text_ThoseTwoMenReturnedOrbs: @ 8232CA6 .string "The two men who took the ORBS came\n" .string "back to return them on their own.\p" .string "Those men…\n" .string "Perhaps they are not so evil after all…$" MtPyre_Summit_Text_SuperAncientPokemonTaughtUs: @ 8232D1E .string "The embodiments of the land, sea,\n" .string "and the sky…\p" .string "That is said to be the identities of\n" .string "the super-ancient POKéMON…\p" .string "In the same way that we humans and\n" .string "POKéMON have life, our world, too,\l" .string "is alive…\p" .string "The super-ancient POKéMON have\n" .string "taught us that…$" MtPyre_Summit_Text_WillYouHearOutMyTale: @ 8232E0C .string "MT. PYRE is where we calm the spirits\n" .string "of POKéMON that have passed on…\p" .string "This is a high place where one can\n" .string "see all of HOENN…\p" .string "The disembodied spirits of POKéMON\n" .string "must find solace here…\p" .string "Is it coincidence that you are here…\p" .string "Will you hear out my tale? A tale long\n" .string "told in the HOENN region?$" MtPyre_Summit_Text_GroudonKyogreTale: @ 8232F27 .string "It happened long, long ago…\p" .string "The world was wracked by a ferocious\n" .string "clash between the POKéMON of the land\l" .string "and the POKéMON of the sea…\p" .string "The POKéMON of the land raised\n" .string "mountains and created continents…\p" .string "The POKéMON of the sea raised huge\n" .string "waves and carved out oceans…\p" .string "Their fierce duel raged without end.\p" .string "The world was engulfed in massive\n" .string "infernos and vicious storms.\p" .string "The BLUE ORB and the RED ORB brought\n" .string "an end to the calamity.\p" .string "Light poured from the two ORBS and\n" .string "becalmed the enraged adversaries.\p" .string "The pair, made docile, dove deep into\n" .string "the sea where eventually they\l" .string "disappeared…$" MtPyre_Summit_Text_WellThatTooIsFine: @ 8233162 .string "I see…\n" .string "Well, that, too, is fine…$" MtPyre_Summit_Text_MaxieSilence: @ 8233183 .string "MAXIE: {PLAYER}…\p" .string "… … … … … …\n" .string "… … … … … …$" MtPyre_Summit_Text_HearTheNewLegendOfHoenn: @ 82331A6 .string "It is my role to pass on the legends\n" .string "of HOENN to future generations.\p" .string "And the crisis that just ended in\n" .string "SOOTOPOLIS rewrote a legend…\p" .string "Have you the time to hear the new\n" .string "legend of HOENN?$" MtPyre_Summit_Text_HoennTrioTale: @ 823325D .string "It happened long, long ago…\p" .string "The world was wracked by a ferocious\n" .string "clash between the POKéMON of the land\l" .string "and the POKéMON of the sea…\p" .string "The POKéMON of the land raised\n" .string "mountains and created continents…\p" .string "The POKéMON of the sea raised huge\n" .string "waves and carved out oceans…\p" .string "Their fierce duel raged without end.\p" .string "The world was engulfed in massive\n" .string "fires and vicious storms.\p" .string "It was then that the POKéMON of\n" .string "the sky descended from a storm.\p" .string "The POKéMON, shining a vivid green,\n" .string "becalmed the two enraged POKéMON.\p" .string "Then, its duty done, the green POKéMON\n" .string "flew off into the wild blue yonder…$"