#include "global.h" const u8 gText_MysteryGiftBerry[] = _("Obtained a {STR_VAR_2} BERRY!\nDad has it at PETALBURG GYM."); const u8 gText_MysteryGiftBerryTransform[] = _("The {STR_VAR_1} BERRY transformed into\none {STR_VAR_2} BERRY."); const u8 gText_MysteryGiftBerryObtained[] = _("The {STR_VAR_1} BERRY has already been\nobtained."); const u8 gText_MysteryGiftSpecialRibbon[] = _("A special RIBBON was awarded to\nyour party POKéMON."); const u8 gText_MysteryGiftNationalDex[] = _("The POKéDEX has been upgraded\nwith the NATIONAL MODE."); const u8 gText_MysteryGiftRareWord[] = _("A rare word has been added."); const u8 gText_MysteryGiftSentOver[] = _("{STR_VAR_1} was sent over!"); const u8 gText_MysteryGiftFullParty[] = _("Your party is full.\n{STR_VAR_1} could not be sent over."); const u8 gText_MysteryGiftNewTrainer[] = _("A new TRAINER has arrived in\nHOENN."); const u8 gText_MysteryGiftNewAdversaryInBattleTower[] = _("A new adversary has arrived in the\nBATTLE TOWER."); const u8 gText_MysteryGiftCantBeUsed[] = _("This data can’t be used in\nthis version.");