Route114_LanettesHouse_MapScripts:: @ 822B2C8 map_script MAP_SCRIPT_ON_TRANSITION, Route114_LanettesHouse_OnTransition .byte 0 Route114_LanettesHouse_OnTransition: @ 822B2CE setflag FLAG_LANDMARK_LANETTES_HOUSE end Route114_LanettesHouse_EventScript_Lanette:: @ 822B2D2 lock faceplayer goto_if_set FLAG_RECEIVED_DOLL_LANETTE, Route114_LanettesHouse_EventScript_OfferAdvice setflag FLAG_SYS_PC_LANETTE msgbox Route114_LanettesHouse_Text_EverythingClutteredKeepThis, MSGBOX_DEFAULT givedecoration_std DECOR_LOTAD_DOLL compare VAR_RESULT, FALSE goto_if_eq Common_EventScript_ShowNoRoomForDecor setflag FLAG_RECEIVED_DOLL_LANETTE release end Route114_LanettesHouse_EventScript_OfferAdvice:: @ 822B2FF msgbox Route114_LanettesHouse_Text_OrganizeYourBoxes, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end Route114_LanettesHouse_EventScript_Notebook:: @ 822B309 lockall msgbox Route114_LanettesHouse_Text_ResearchNotesPage1, MSGBOX_YESNO compare VAR_RESULT, YES goto_if_eq Route114_LanettesHouse_EventScript_NotebookPage2 msgbox Route114_LanettesHouse_Text_ClosedTheNotebook, MSGBOX_DEFAULT releaseall end Route114_LanettesHouse_EventScript_NotebookPage2:: @ 822B327 msgbox Route114_LanettesHouse_Text_ResearchNotesPage2, MSGBOX_YESNO compare VAR_RESULT, YES call_if_eq Route114_LanettesHouse_EventScript_NotebookPage3 releaseall end Route114_LanettesHouse_EventScript_NotebookPage3:: @ 822B33C msgbox Route114_LanettesHouse_Text_ResearchNotesPage3, MSGBOX_DEFAULT return Route114_LanettesHouse_EventScript_PC:: @ 822B345 msgbox Route114_LanettesHouse_Text_EmailFromBill, MSGBOX_SIGN end Route114_LanettesHouse_Text_EverythingClutteredKeepThis: @ 822B34E .string "LANETTE: Oh! {PLAYER}{KUN}!\p" .string "I'm sorry everything is so cluttered…\n" .string "When I get engrossed in research,\l" .string "things end up this way…\p" .string "This is embarrassing… Please keep\n" .string "this a secret in exchange for this.$" Route114_LanettesHouse_Text_OrganizeYourBoxes: @ 822B407 .string "May I offer advice about my POKéMON\n" .string "Storage System?\p" .string "You should organize your BOXES so you\n" .string "can tell which POKéMON are in them.$" Route114_LanettesHouse_Text_ResearchNotesPage1: @ 822B485 .string "It's LANETTE's research notes.\n" .string "There's information about BOXES.\p" .string "Design BOXES to hold 30 POKéMON each.\p" .string "Each TRAINER should be able to store\n" .string "420 POKéMON on the PC system.\p" .string "Keep reading?$" Route114_LanettesHouse_Text_ResearchNotesPage2: @ 822B53C .string "A marking system should be added to\n" .string "make POKéMON easier to organize.\p" .string "The name and wallpaper design of each\n" .string "BOX will be made changeable to please\l" .string "the stored POKéMON.\p" .string "Keep reading?$" Route114_LanettesHouse_Text_ResearchNotesPage3: @ 822B5EF .string "When storing a POKéMON, it should be\n" .string "sent to the BOX inspected last.\p" .string "If that BOX is full, the received\n" .string "POKéMON is stored in the next BOX.\p" .string "In other words, when a BOX is examined,\n" .string "it is automatically selected as the BOX\l" .string "to which POKéMON are sent.$" Route114_LanettesHouse_Text_ClosedTheNotebook: @ 822B6E4 .string "{PLAYER} closed the notebook.$" Route114_LanettesHouse_Text_EmailFromBill: @ 822B6FC .string "There's an e-mail from someone on\n" .string "the PC.\p" .string "“… … … … … … …\p" .string "“Your Storage System offers more\n" .string "convenience than mine.\p" .string "“It has a lot of user-friendly features\n" .string "that make it fun and useful, too.\p" .string "“It makes me proud that I played\n" .string "a part in its development.\p" .string "“Here's hoping that you'll continue\n" .string "research in Storage Systems.\p" .string "“From BILL\n" .string "… … … … … … … …”$"