import glob import re import json import os if not os.path.exists("Makefile"): print("Please run this script from your root folder.") quit() # scan incs incs_to_check = glob.glob('./data/scripts/*.inc') # all .incs in the script folder incs_to_check += glob.glob('./data/maps/*/') # all map scripts pories_to_check = glob.glob('./data/scripts/*.pory') ## all .porys in the script folder pories_to_check += glob.glob('./data/maps/*/scripts.pory') # all map scripts array = [] array_pories = [] # make a list of which script corresponds to which item for file in incs_to_check: with open(file, "r") as f2: raw = array += re.findall("(.*)::\n[ ]*finditem (.*)\n[ ]*end", raw) # since this doesn't catch poryscript-generated inc files, do the same for poryscript for file in pories_to_check: with open(file, "r") as f2: raw = array_pories += re.findall("script ([\w]*)[ \n]*\{[ \n]*finditem\((.*)\)[ \n]*\}", raw) dict = {} # poryscript values are prioritised because they would overwrite inc files anyway if different for x in array_pories: dict[x[0]] = x[1] for x in array: if not x[0] in dict: dict[x[0]] = x[1] # apply changes to inc files for map in glob.glob('./data/maps/*/map.json'): with open(map, "r") as f2: data = json.load(f2) if not 'object_events' in data: continue for objevent in data['object_events']: if objevent["script"] in dict: objevent["trainer_sight_or_berry_tree_id"] = dict[objevent["script"]] objevent["script"] = "Common_EventScript_FindItem" with open(map, "w") as f2: f2.write(json.dumps(data, indent=2) + "\n") # do another map search to find out which finditem scripts would somehow be still in use still_in_use = [] for map in glob.glob('./data/maps/*/map.json'): with open(map, "r") as f2: data = json.load(f2) if not 'object_events' in data: continue for objevent in data['object_events']: if objevent["script"] in dict and not objevent["script"] in still_in_use: still_in_use.append(objevent["script"]) for x in list(dict.keys()): if x in still_in_use: del dict[x] # clean up scripts that are now no longer in use for file in incs_to_check: with open(file, "r") as f2: raw = for unused in list(dict.keys()): raw = re.sub("%s::\n[ ]*finditem (.*)\n[ ]*end\n*" % unused, "", raw) with open(file, "w") as f2: f2.write(raw) # also clean up pory files for file in pories_to_check: with open(file, "r") as f2: raw = for unused in list(dict.keys()): raw = re.sub("script %s[ \n]*\{[ \n]*finditem\((.*)\)[ \n]*\}[ \n]*" % unused, "", raw) with open(file, "w") as f2: f2.write(raw) print("Done!")