#ifndef GUARD_RTC_UTIL_H #define GUARD_RTC_UTIL_H #include "siirtc.h" #define RTC_INIT_ERROR 0x0001 #define RTC_INIT_WARNING 0x0002 #define RTC_ERR_12HOUR_CLOCK 0x0010 #define RTC_ERR_POWER_FAILURE 0x0020 #define RTC_ERR_INVALID_YEAR 0x0040 #define RTC_ERR_INVALID_MONTH 0x0080 #define RTC_ERR_INVALID_DAY 0x0100 #define RTC_ERR_INVALID_HOUR 0x0200 #define RTC_ERR_INVALID_MINUTE 0x0400 #define RTC_ERR_INVALID_SECOND 0x0800 #define RTC_ERR_FLAG_MASK 0x0FF0 //Morning and evening don't exist in Gen 3 #if OW_TIMES_OF_DAY == GEN_3 #define MORNING_HOUR_BEGIN 0 #define MORNING_HOUR_END 0 #define DAY_HOUR_BEGIN 12 #define DAY_HOUR_END HOURS_PER_DAY #define EVENING_HOUR_BEGIN 0 #define EVENING_HOUR_END 0 #define NIGHT_HOUR_BEGIN 0 #define NIGHT_HOUR_END 12 //Evening doesn't exist in Gen 4 #elif OW_TIMES_OF_DAY == GEN_4 #define MORNING_HOUR_BEGIN 4 #define MORNING_HOUR_END 10 #define DAY_HOUR_BEGIN 10 #define DAY_HOUR_END 20 #define EVENING_HOUR_BEGIN 0 #define EVENING_HOUR_END 0 #define NIGHT_HOUR_BEGIN 20 #define NIGHT_HOUR_END 4 //Gen 5 currently not included as the seasons change the times of day #elif OW_TIMES_OF_DAY <= GEN_6 #define MORNING_HOUR_BEGIN 4 #define MORNING_HOUR_END 11 #define DAY_HOUR_BEGIN 11 #define DAY_HOUR_END 18 #define EVENING_HOUR_BEGIN 18 #define EVENING_HOUR_END 21 #define NIGHT_HOUR_BEGIN 21 #define NIGHT_HOUR_END 4 //These are the Sun/Ultra Sun times #elif OW_TIMES_OF_DAY == GEN_7 #define MORNING_HOUR_BEGIN 6 #define MORNING_HOUR_END 10 #define DAY_HOUR_BEGIN 10 #define DAY_HOUR_END 17 #define EVENING_HOUR_BEGIN 17 #define EVENING_HOUR_END 18 #define NIGHT_HOUR_BEGIN 18 #define NIGHT_HOUR_END 6 #elif OW_TIMES_OF_DAY >= GEN_8 #define MORNING_HOUR_BEGIN 6 #define MORNING_HOUR_END 10 #define DAY_HOUR_BEGIN 10 #define DAY_HOUR_END 19 #define EVENING_HOUR_BEGIN 19 #define EVENING_HOUR_END 20 #define NIGHT_HOUR_BEGIN 20 #define NIGHT_HOUR_END 6 #endif #define TIME_MORNING 0 #define TIME_DAY 1 #define TIME_EVENING 2 #define TIME_NIGHT 3 extern struct Time gLocalTime; void RtcDisableInterrupts(void); void RtcRestoreInterrupts(void); u32 ConvertBcdToBinary(u8 bcd); bool8 IsLeapYear(u32 year); u16 ConvertDateToDayCount(u8 year, u8 month, u8 day); u16 RtcGetDayCount(struct SiiRtcInfo *rtc); void RtcInit(void); u16 RtcGetErrorStatus(void); void RtcGetInfo(struct SiiRtcInfo *rtc); void RtcGetDateTime(struct SiiRtcInfo *rtc); void RtcGetStatus(struct SiiRtcInfo *rtc); void RtcGetRawInfo(struct SiiRtcInfo *rtc); u16 RtcCheckInfo(struct SiiRtcInfo *rtc); void RtcReset(void); void FormatDecimalTime(u8 *dest, s32 hour, s32 minute, s32 second); void FormatHexTime(u8 *dest, s32 hour, s32 minute, s32 second); void FormatHexRtcTime(u8 *dest); void FormatDecimalDate(u8 *dest, s32 year, s32 month, s32 day); void FormatHexDate(u8 *dest, s32 year, s32 month, s32 day); void RtcCalcTimeDifference(struct SiiRtcInfo *rtc, struct Time *result, struct Time *t); void RtcCalcLocalTime(void); bool8 IsBetweenHours(s32 hours, s32 begin, s32 end); u8 GetTimeOfDay(void); void RtcInitLocalTimeOffset(s32 hour, s32 minute); void RtcCalcLocalTimeOffset(s32 days, s32 hours, s32 minutes, s32 seconds); void CalcTimeDifference(struct Time *result, struct Time *t1, struct Time *t2); u32 RtcGetMinuteCount(void); u32 RtcGetLocalDayCount(void); void FormatDecimalTimeWithoutSeconds(u8 *dest, s8 hour, s8 minute, bool32 is24Hour); #endif // GUARD_RTC_UTIL_H