MauvilleCity_BikeShop_MapScripts:: @ 820EBBB .byte 0 MauvilleCity_BikeShop_EventScript_20EBBC:: @ 820EBBC lock faceplayer goto_if_set FLAG_RECEIVED_BIKE, MauvilleCity_BikeShop_EventScript_20EC94 goto_if_set FLAG_DECLINED_BIKE, MauvilleCity_BikeShop_EventScript_20EBF7 msgbox MauvilleCity_BikeShop_Text_20EE22, MSGBOX_DEFAULT msgbox MauvilleCity_BikeShop_Text_20EE99, MSGBOX_YESNO compare VAR_RESULT, 1 goto_if_eq MauvilleCity_BikeShop_EventScript_20EC4A compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_if_eq MauvilleCity_BikeShop_EventScript_20EC3D end MauvilleCity_BikeShop_EventScript_20EBF7:: @ 820EBF7 msgbox MauvilleCity_BikeShop_Text_20EE99, MSGBOX_YESNO compare VAR_RESULT, 1 goto_if_eq MauvilleCity_BikeShop_EventScript_20EC4A compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_if_eq MauvilleCity_BikeShop_EventScript_20EC3D end MauvilleCity_BikeShop_EventScript_20EC16:: @ 820EC16 message MauvilleCity_BikeShop_Text_20EF32 waitmessage multichoice 21, 8, MULTI_BIKE, 1 switch VAR_RESULT case 0, MauvilleCity_BikeShop_EventScript_20EC53 case 1, MauvilleCity_BikeShop_EventScript_20EC6D end MauvilleCity_BikeShop_EventScript_20EC3D:: @ 820EC3D setflag FLAG_DECLINED_BIKE msgbox MauvilleCity_BikeShop_Text_20EEE8, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end MauvilleCity_BikeShop_EventScript_20EC4A:: @ 820EC4A setflag FLAG_RECEIVED_BIKE goto MauvilleCity_BikeShop_EventScript_20EC16 end MauvilleCity_BikeShop_EventScript_20EC53:: @ 820EC53 msgbox MauvilleCity_BikeShop_Text_20F18D, MSGBOX_DEFAULT giveitem_std ITEM_MACH_BIKE goto MauvilleCity_BikeShop_EventScript_20EC87 end MauvilleCity_BikeShop_EventScript_20EC6D:: @ 820EC6D msgbox MauvilleCity_BikeShop_Text_20F1A5, MSGBOX_DEFAULT giveitem_std ITEM_ACRO_BIKE goto MauvilleCity_BikeShop_EventScript_20EC87 end MauvilleCity_BikeShop_EventScript_20EC87:: @ 820EC87 msgbox MauvilleCity_BikeShop_Text_20F1BD, MSGBOX_DEFAULT special SwapRegisteredBike release end MauvilleCity_BikeShop_EventScript_20EC94:: @ 820EC94 msgbox MauvilleCity_BikeShop_Text_20F1FB, MSGBOX_YESNO compare VAR_RESULT, 1 goto_if_eq MauvilleCity_BikeShop_EventScript_20ECB3 compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_if_eq MauvilleCity_BikeShop_EventScript_20ECE5 end MauvilleCity_BikeShop_EventScript_20ECB3:: @ 820ECB3 msgbox MauvilleCity_BikeShop_Text_20F22F, MSGBOX_DEFAULT checkitem ITEM_ACRO_BIKE, 1 compare VAR_RESULT, 1 goto_if_eq MauvilleCity_BikeShop_EventScript_20ECEF checkitem ITEM_MACH_BIKE, 1 compare VAR_RESULT, 1 goto_if_eq MauvilleCity_BikeShop_EventScript_20ED10 msgbox MauvilleCity_BikeShop_Text_20F2F3, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end MauvilleCity_BikeShop_EventScript_20ECE5:: @ 820ECE5 msgbox MauvilleCity_BikeShop_Text_20F2C4, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end MauvilleCity_BikeShop_EventScript_20ECEF:: @ 820ECEF incrementgamestat GAME_STAT_TRADED_BIKES msgbox MauvilleCity_BikeShop_Text_20F294, MSGBOX_DEFAULT takeitem ITEM_ACRO_BIKE, 1 giveitem_std ITEM_MACH_BIKE goto MauvilleCity_BikeShop_EventScript_20EC87 end MauvilleCity_BikeShop_EventScript_20ED10:: @ 820ED10 incrementgamestat GAME_STAT_TRADED_BIKES msgbox MauvilleCity_BikeShop_Text_20F263, MSGBOX_DEFAULT takeitem ITEM_MACH_BIKE, 1 giveitem_std ITEM_ACRO_BIKE goto MauvilleCity_BikeShop_EventScript_20EC87 end MauvilleCity_BikeShop_EventScript_20ED31:: @ 820ED31 msgbox MauvilleCity_BikeShop_Text_20F3C3, MSGBOX_NPC end MauvilleCity_BikeShop_EventScript_20ED3A:: @ 820ED3A message MauvilleCity_BikeShop_Text_20F445 waitmessage goto MauvilleCity_BikeShop_EventScript_20ED46 end MauvilleCity_BikeShop_EventScript_20ED46:: @ 820ED46 multichoice 0, 0, MULTI_MACH_BIKE_INFO, 0 switch VAR_RESULT case 0, MauvilleCity_BikeShop_EventScript_20ED88 case 1, MauvilleCity_BikeShop_EventScript_20ED94 case 2, MauvilleCity_BikeShop_EventScript_20EDA0 case 3, MauvilleCity_BikeShop_EventScript_20EDAC case MULTI_B_PRESSED, MauvilleCity_BikeShop_EventScript_20EDAC end MauvilleCity_BikeShop_EventScript_20ED88:: @ 820ED88 message MauvilleCity_BikeShop_Text_20F487 waitmessage goto MauvilleCity_BikeShop_EventScript_20ED46 end MauvilleCity_BikeShop_EventScript_20ED94:: @ 820ED94 message MauvilleCity_BikeShop_Text_20F550 waitmessage goto MauvilleCity_BikeShop_EventScript_20ED46 end MauvilleCity_BikeShop_EventScript_20EDA0:: @ 820EDA0 message MauvilleCity_BikeShop_Text_20F61A waitmessage goto MauvilleCity_BikeShop_EventScript_20ED46 end MauvilleCity_BikeShop_EventScript_20EDAC:: @ 820EDAC release end MauvilleCity_BikeShop_EventScript_20EDAE:: @ 820EDAE message MauvilleCity_BikeShop_Text_20F6ED waitmessage goto MauvilleCity_BikeShop_EventScript_20EDBA end MauvilleCity_BikeShop_EventScript_20EDBA:: @ 820EDBA multichoice 0, 0, MULTI_ACRO_BIKE_INFO, 0 switch VAR_RESULT case 0, MauvilleCity_BikeShop_EventScript_20EDFC case 1, MauvilleCity_BikeShop_EventScript_20EE08 case 2, MauvilleCity_BikeShop_EventScript_20EE14 case 3, MauvilleCity_BikeShop_EventScript_20EE20 case MULTI_B_PRESSED, MauvilleCity_BikeShop_EventScript_20EE20 end MauvilleCity_BikeShop_EventScript_20EDFC:: @ 820EDFC message MauvilleCity_BikeShop_Text_20F72F waitmessage goto MauvilleCity_BikeShop_EventScript_20EDBA end MauvilleCity_BikeShop_EventScript_20EE08:: @ 820EE08 message MauvilleCity_BikeShop_Text_20F7F5 waitmessage goto MauvilleCity_BikeShop_EventScript_20EDBA end MauvilleCity_BikeShop_EventScript_20EE14:: @ 820EE14 message MauvilleCity_BikeShop_Text_20F898 waitmessage goto MauvilleCity_BikeShop_EventScript_20EDBA end MauvilleCity_BikeShop_EventScript_20EE20:: @ 820EE20 release end MauvilleCity_BikeShop_Text_20EE22: @ 820EE22 .string "Well, well, what have we here?\n" .string "A most energetic customer!\p" .string "Me? You may call me RYDEL.\n" .string "I'm the owner of this cycle shop.$" MauvilleCity_BikeShop_Text_20EE99: @ 820EE99 .string "RYDEL: Your RUNNING SHOES…\n" .string "They're awfully filthy.\p" .string "Did you come from far away?$" MauvilleCity_BikeShop_Text_20EEE8: @ 820EEE8 .string "RYDEL: Is that right?\p" .string "Then, I guess you have no need for\n" .string "any of my BIKES.$" MauvilleCity_BikeShop_Text_20EF32: @ 820EF32 .string "RYDEL: Hm, hm… … … … …\p" .string "You're saying that you came all this\n" .string "way from LITTLEROOT?\p" .string "My goodness!\n" .string "That's ridiculously far!\p" .string "If you had one of my BIKES, you could\n" .string "go anywhere easily while feeling the\l" .string "gentle caress of the wind!\p" .string "I'll tell you what!\n" .string "I'll give you a BIKE!\p" .string "Oh, wait a second!\p" .string "I forgot to tell you that there are\n" .string "two kinds of BIKES!\p" .string "They are the MACH BIKE and\n" .string "the ACRO BIKE!\p" .string "The MACH BIKE is for cyclists who want\n" .string "to feel the wind with their bodies!\p" .string "And an ACRO BIKE is for those who\n" .string "prefer technical rides!\p" .string "I'm a real sweetheart, so you can\n" .string "have whichever one you like!\p" .string "Which one will you choose?$" MauvilleCity_BikeShop_Text_20F18D: @ 820F18D .string "{PLAYER} chose the MACH BIKE.$" MauvilleCity_BikeShop_Text_20F1A5: @ 820F1A5 .string "{PLAYER} chose the ACRO BIKE.$" MauvilleCity_BikeShop_Text_20F1BD: @ 820F1BD .string "RYDEL: If you get the urge to switch\n" .string "BIKES, just come see me!$" MauvilleCity_BikeShop_Text_20F1FB: @ 820F1FB .string "RYDEL: Oh? Were you thinking about\n" .string "switching BIKES?$" MauvilleCity_BikeShop_Text_20F22F: @ 820F22F .string "RYDEL: Okay, no problem!\n" .string "I'll switch BIKES for you!$" MauvilleCity_BikeShop_Text_20F263: @ 820F263 .string "{PLAYER} got the MACH BIKE exchanged\n" .string "for an ACRO BIKE.$" MauvilleCity_BikeShop_Text_20F294: @ 820F294 .string "{PLAYER} got the ACRO BIKE exchanged\n" .string "for a MACH BIKE.$" MauvilleCity_BikeShop_Text_20F2C4: @ 820F2C4 .string "RYDEL: Good, good!\n" .string "I'm happy that you like it!$" MauvilleCity_BikeShop_Text_20F2F3: @ 820F2F3 .string "Oh? What happened to that BIKE\n" .string "I gave you?\p" .string "Oh, I get it, you stored it using your PC.\p" .string "Well, take it out of PC storage,\n" .string "and I'll be happy to exchange it!\p" .string "May the wind always be at your back\n" .string "on your adventure!$" MauvilleCity_BikeShop_Text_20F3C3: @ 820F3C3 .string "I'm learning about BIKES while\n" .string "I work here.\p" .string "If you need advice on how to ride your\n" .string "BIKE, there're a couple handbooks in\l" .string "the back.$" MauvilleCity_BikeShop_Text_20F445: @ 820F445 .string "It's a handbook on the MACH BIKE.\p" .string "Which page do you want to read?$" MauvilleCity_BikeShop_Text_20F487: @ 820F487 .string "A BIKE moves in the direction that\n" .string "the + Control Pad is pressed.\p" .string "It will speed up once it gets rolling.\p" .string "To stop, release the + Control Pad.\n" .string "The BIKE will slow to a stop.\p" .string "Want to read a different page?$" MauvilleCity_BikeShop_Text_20F550: @ 820F550 .string "A MACH BIKE is speedy, but it can't\n" .string "stop very quickly.\p" .string "It gets a little tricky to get around\n" .string "a corner.\p" .string "Release the + Control Pad a little\n" .string "before the corner and slow down.\p" .string "Want to read a different page?$" MauvilleCity_BikeShop_Text_20F61A: @ 820F61A .string "There are small sandy slopes\n" .string "throughout the HOENN region.\p" .string "The loose, crumbly sand makes it\n" .string "impossible to climb normally.\p" .string "But if you have a MACH BIKE, you can\n" .string "zip up a sandy slope.\p" .string "Want to read a different page?$" MauvilleCity_BikeShop_Text_20F6ED: @ 820F6ED .string "It's a handbook on the ACRO BIKE.\p" .string "Which page do you want to read?$" MauvilleCity_BikeShop_Text_20F72F: @ 820F72F .string "Press the B Button while riding,\n" .string "and the front wheel lifts up.\p" .string "You can zip around with the front\n" .string "wheel up using the + Control Pad.\p" .string "This technique is called a wheelie.\p" .string "Want to read a different page?$" MauvilleCity_BikeShop_Text_20F7F5: @ 820F7F5 .string "Keeping the B Button pressed,\n" .string "your BIKE can hop on the spot.\p" .string "This technique is called a bunny hop.\p" .string "You can ride while hopping, too.\p" .string "Want to read a different page?$" MauvilleCity_BikeShop_Text_20F898: @ 820F898 .string "Press the B Button and the + Control\n" .string "Pad at the same time to jump.\p" .string "Press the + Control Pad to the side\n" .string "to jump sideways.\p" .string "Press it backwards to make the BIKE\n" .string "change directions while jumping.\p" .string "Want to read a different page?$"