#include "global.h" #include "battle.h" #include "battle_factory.h" #include "battle_factory_screen.h" #include "event_data.h" #include "battle_setup.h" #include "overworld.h" #include "frontier_util.h" #include "battle_tower.h" #include "random.h" #include "constants/battle_ai.h" #include "constants/battle_factory.h" #include "constants/battle_frontier.h" #include "constants/battle_frontier_mons.h" #include "constants/battle_tent.h" #include "constants/frontier_util.h" #include "constants/layouts.h" #include "constants/trainers.h" #include "constants/moves.h" #include "constants/items.h" static bool8 sPerformedRentalSwap; static void InitFactoryChallenge(void); static void GetBattleFactoryData(void); static void SetBattleFactoryData(void); static void SaveFactoryChallenge(void); static void FactoryDummy1(void); static void FactoryDummy2(void); static void SelectInitialRentalMons(void); static void SwapRentalMons(void); static void SetPerformedRentalSwap(void); static void SetRentalsToOpponentParty(void); static void SetPlayerAndOpponentParties(void); static void SetOpponentGfxVar(void); static void GenerateOpponentMons(void); static void GenerateInitialRentalMons(void); static void GetOpponentMostCommonMonType(void); static void GetOpponentBattleStyle(void); static void RestorePlayerPartyHeldItems(void); static u16 GetFactoryMonId(u8 lvlMode, u8 challengeNum, bool8 useBetterRange); static u8 GetMoveBattleStyle(u16 move); // Number of moves needed on the team to be considered using a certain battle style static const u8 sRequiredMoveCounts[FACTORY_NUM_STYLES - 1] = { [FACTORY_STYLE_PREPARATION - 1] = 3, [FACTORY_STYLE_SLOW_STEADY - 1] = 3, [FACTORY_STYLE_ENDURANCE - 1] = 3, [FACTORY_STYLE_HIGH_RISK - 1] = 2, [FACTORY_STYLE_WEAKENING - 1] = 2, [FACTORY_STYLE_UNPREDICTABLE - 1] = 2, [FACTORY_STYLE_WEATHER - 1] = 2 }; static const u16 sMoves_TotalPreparation[] = { MOVE_SWORDS_DANCE, MOVE_GROWTH, MOVE_MEDITATE, MOVE_AGILITY, MOVE_DOUBLE_TEAM, MOVE_HARDEN, MOVE_MINIMIZE, MOVE_WITHDRAW, MOVE_DEFENSE_CURL, MOVE_BARRIER, MOVE_FOCUS_ENERGY, MOVE_AMNESIA, MOVE_ACID_ARMOR, MOVE_SHARPEN, MOVE_CONVERSION, MOVE_CONVERSION_2, MOVE_BELLY_DRUM, MOVE_PSYCH_UP, MOVE_CHARGE, MOVE_SNATCH, MOVE_TAIL_GLOW, MOVE_COSMIC_POWER, MOVE_IRON_DEFENSE, MOVE_HOWL, MOVE_BULK_UP, MOVE_CALM_MIND, MOVE_DRAGON_DANCE, MOVE_NONE }; static const u16 sMoves_ImpossibleToPredict[] = { MOVE_MIMIC, MOVE_METRONOME, MOVE_MIRROR_MOVE, MOVE_TRANSFORM, MOVE_SUBSTITUTE, MOVE_SKETCH, MOVE_CURSE, MOVE_PRESENT, MOVE_FOLLOW_ME, MOVE_TRICK, MOVE_ROLE_PLAY, MOVE_ASSIST, MOVE_SKILL_SWAP, MOVE_CAMOUFLAGE, MOVE_NONE }; static const u16 sMoves_WeakeningTheFoe[] = { MOVE_SAND_ATTACK, MOVE_TAIL_WHIP, MOVE_LEER, MOVE_GROWL, MOVE_STRING_SHOT, MOVE_SCREECH, MOVE_SMOKESCREEN, MOVE_KINESIS, MOVE_FLASH, MOVE_COTTON_SPORE, MOVE_SPITE, MOVE_SCARY_FACE, MOVE_CHARM, MOVE_KNOCK_OFF, MOVE_SWEET_SCENT, MOVE_FEATHER_DANCE, MOVE_FAKE_TEARS, MOVE_METAL_SOUND, MOVE_TICKLE, MOVE_NONE }; static const u16 sMoves_HighRiskHighReturn[] = { MOVE_GUILLOTINE, MOVE_HORN_DRILL, MOVE_DOUBLE_EDGE, MOVE_HYPER_BEAM, MOVE_COUNTER, MOVE_FISSURE, MOVE_BIDE, MOVE_SELF_DESTRUCT, MOVE_SKY_ATTACK, MOVE_EXPLOSION, MOVE_FLAIL, MOVE_REVERSAL, MOVE_DESTINY_BOND, MOVE_PERISH_SONG, MOVE_PAIN_SPLIT, MOVE_MIRROR_COAT, MOVE_MEMENTO, MOVE_GRUDGE, MOVE_FACADE, MOVE_FOCUS_PUNCH, MOVE_BLAST_BURN, MOVE_HYDRO_CANNON, MOVE_OVERHEAT, MOVE_FRENZY_PLANT, MOVE_PSYCHO_BOOST, MOVE_VOLT_TACKLE, MOVE_NONE }; static const u16 sMoves_Endurance[] = { MOVE_MIST, MOVE_RECOVER, MOVE_LIGHT_SCREEN, MOVE_HAZE, MOVE_REFLECT, MOVE_SOFT_BOILED, MOVE_REST, MOVE_PROTECT, MOVE_DETECT, MOVE_ENDURE, MOVE_MILK_DRINK, MOVE_HEAL_BELL, MOVE_SAFEGUARD, MOVE_BATON_PASS, MOVE_MORNING_SUN, MOVE_SYNTHESIS, MOVE_MOONLIGHT, MOVE_SWALLOW, MOVE_WISH, MOVE_INGRAIN, MOVE_MAGIC_COAT, MOVE_RECYCLE, MOVE_REFRESH, MOVE_MUD_SPORT, MOVE_SLACK_OFF, MOVE_AROMATHERAPY, MOVE_WATER_SPORT, MOVE_NONE }; static const u16 sMoves_SlowAndSteady[] = { MOVE_SING, MOVE_SUPERSONIC, MOVE_DISABLE, MOVE_LEECH_SEED, MOVE_POISON_POWDER, MOVE_STUN_SPORE, MOVE_SLEEP_POWDER, MOVE_THUNDER_WAVE, MOVE_TOXIC, MOVE_HYPNOSIS, MOVE_CONFUSE_RAY, MOVE_GLARE, MOVE_POISON_GAS, MOVE_LOVELY_KISS, MOVE_SPORE, MOVE_SPIDER_WEB, MOVE_SWEET_KISS, MOVE_SPIKES, MOVE_SWAGGER, MOVE_MEAN_LOOK, MOVE_ATTRACT, MOVE_ENCORE, MOVE_TORMENT, MOVE_FLATTER, MOVE_WILL_O_WISP, MOVE_TAUNT, MOVE_YAWN, MOVE_IMPRISON, MOVE_SNATCH, MOVE_TEETER_DANCE, MOVE_GRASS_WHISTLE, MOVE_BLOCK, MOVE_NONE }; static const u16 sMoves_DependsOnTheBattlesFlow[] = { MOVE_SANDSTORM, MOVE_RAIN_DANCE, MOVE_SUNNY_DAY, MOVE_HAIL, MOVE_WEATHER_BALL, MOVE_NONE }; // Excludes FACTORY_STYLE_NONE static const u16 *const sMoveStyles[FACTORY_NUM_STYLES - 1] = { [FACTORY_STYLE_PREPARATION - 1] = sMoves_TotalPreparation, [FACTORY_STYLE_SLOW_STEADY - 1] = sMoves_SlowAndSteady, [FACTORY_STYLE_ENDURANCE - 1] = sMoves_Endurance, [FACTORY_STYLE_HIGH_RISK - 1] = sMoves_HighRiskHighReturn, [FACTORY_STYLE_WEAKENING - 1] = sMoves_WeakeningTheFoe, [FACTORY_STYLE_UNPREDICTABLE - 1] = sMoves_ImpossibleToPredict, [FACTORY_STYLE_WEATHER - 1] = sMoves_DependsOnTheBattlesFlow, }; static void (* const sBattleFactoryFunctions[])(void) = { [BATTLE_FACTORY_FUNC_INIT] = InitFactoryChallenge, [BATTLE_FACTORY_FUNC_GET_DATA] = GetBattleFactoryData, [BATTLE_FACTORY_FUNC_SET_DATA] = SetBattleFactoryData, [BATTLE_FACTORY_FUNC_SAVE] = SaveFactoryChallenge, [BATTLE_FACTORY_FUNC_NULL] = FactoryDummy1, [BATTLE_FACTORY_FUNC_NULL2] = FactoryDummy2, [BATTLE_FACTORY_FUNC_SELECT_RENT_MONS] = SelectInitialRentalMons, [BATTLE_FACTORY_FUNC_SWAP_RENT_MONS] = SwapRentalMons, [BATTLE_FACTORY_FUNC_SET_SWAPPED] = SetPerformedRentalSwap, [BATTLE_FACTORY_FUNC_SET_OPPONENT_MONS] = SetRentalsToOpponentParty, [BATTLE_FACTORY_FUNC_SET_PARTIES] = SetPlayerAndOpponentParties, [BATTLE_FACTORY_FUNC_SET_OPPONENT_GFX] = SetOpponentGfxVar, [BATTLE_FACTORY_FUNC_GENERATE_OPPONENT_MONS] = GenerateOpponentMons, [BATTLE_FACTORY_FUNC_GENERATE_RENTAL_MONS] = GenerateInitialRentalMons, [BATTLE_FACTORY_FUNC_GET_OPPONENT_MON_TYPE] = GetOpponentMostCommonMonType, [BATTLE_FACTORY_FUNC_GET_OPPONENT_STYLE] = GetOpponentBattleStyle, [BATTLE_FACTORY_FUNC_RESET_HELD_ITEMS] = RestorePlayerPartyHeldItems, }; static const u32 sWinStreakFlags[][2] = { {STREAK_FACTORY_SINGLES_50, STREAK_FACTORY_SINGLES_OPEN}, {STREAK_FACTORY_DOUBLES_50, STREAK_FACTORY_DOUBLES_OPEN}, }; static const u32 sWinStreakMasks[][2] = { {~(STREAK_FACTORY_SINGLES_50), ~(STREAK_FACTORY_SINGLES_OPEN)}, {~(STREAK_FACTORY_DOUBLES_50), ~(STREAK_FACTORY_DOUBLES_OPEN)}, }; static const u8 sFixedIVTable[][2] = { {3, 6}, {6, 9}, {9, 12}, {12, 15}, {15, 18}, {21, 31}, {31, 31}, {31, 31}, }; static const u16 sInitialRentalMonRanges[][2] = { // Level 50 {FRONTIER_MON_GRIMER, FRONTIER_MON_FURRET_1}, // 110 - 199 {FRONTIER_MON_DELCATTY_1, FRONTIER_MON_CLOYSTER_1}, // 162 - 266 {FRONTIER_MON_DELCATTY_2, FRONTIER_MON_CLOYSTER_2}, // 267 - 371 {FRONTIER_MON_DUGTRIO_1, FRONTIER_MON_SLAKING_1}, // 372 - 467 {FRONTIER_MON_DUGTRIO_2, FRONTIER_MON_SLAKING_2}, // 468 - 563 {FRONTIER_MON_DUGTRIO_3, FRONTIER_MON_SLAKING_3}, // 564 - 659 {FRONTIER_MON_DUGTRIO_4, FRONTIER_MON_SLAKING_4}, // 660 - 755 {FRONTIER_MON_DUGTRIO_1, FRONTIER_MONS_HIGH_TIER}, // 372 - 849 // Open level {FRONTIER_MON_DUGTRIO_1, FRONTIER_MON_SLAKING_1}, // 372 - 467 {FRONTIER_MON_DUGTRIO_2, FRONTIER_MON_SLAKING_2}, // 468 - 563 {FRONTIER_MON_DUGTRIO_3, FRONTIER_MON_SLAKING_3}, // 564 - 659 {FRONTIER_MON_DUGTRIO_4, FRONTIER_MON_SLAKING_4}, // 660 - 755 {FRONTIER_MON_DUGTRIO_1, NUM_FRONTIER_MONS - 1}, // 372 - 881 {FRONTIER_MON_DUGTRIO_1, NUM_FRONTIER_MONS - 1}, // 372 - 881 {FRONTIER_MON_DUGTRIO_1, NUM_FRONTIER_MONS - 1}, // 372 - 881 {FRONTIER_MON_DUGTRIO_1, NUM_FRONTIER_MONS - 1}, // 372 - 881 }; // code void CallBattleFactoryFunction(void) { sBattleFactoryFunctions[gSpecialVar_0x8004](); } static void InitFactoryChallenge(void) { u8 i; u32 lvlMode = gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.lvlMode; u32 battleMode = VarGet(VAR_FRONTIER_BATTLE_MODE); gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.challengeStatus = 0; gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.curChallengeBattleNum = 0; gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.challengePaused = FALSE; gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.disableRecordBattle = FALSE; if (!(gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.winStreakActiveFlags & sWinStreakFlags[battleMode][lvlMode])) { gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.factoryWinStreaks[battleMode][lvlMode] = 0; gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.factoryRentsCount[battleMode][lvlMode] = 0; } sPerformedRentalSwap = FALSE; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.rentalMons); i++) gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.rentalMons[i].monId = 0xFFFF; for (i = 0; i < FRONTIER_PARTY_SIZE; i++) gFrontierTempParty[i] = 0xFFFF; SetDynamicWarp(0, gSaveBlock1Ptr->location.mapGroup, gSaveBlock1Ptr->location.mapNum, WARP_ID_NONE); gTrainerBattleOpponent_A = 0; } static void GetBattleFactoryData(void) { int lvlMode = gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.lvlMode; int battleMode = VarGet(VAR_FRONTIER_BATTLE_MODE); switch (gSpecialVar_0x8005) { case FACTORY_DATA_WIN_STREAK: gSpecialVar_Result = gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.factoryWinStreaks[battleMode][lvlMode]; break; case FACTORY_DATA_WIN_STREAK_ACTIVE: gSpecialVar_Result = ((gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.winStreakActiveFlags & sWinStreakFlags[battleMode][lvlMode]) != 0); break; case FACTORY_DATA_WIN_STREAK_SWAPS: gSpecialVar_Result = gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.factoryRentsCount[battleMode][lvlMode]; break; } } static void SetBattleFactoryData(void) { int lvlMode = gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.lvlMode; int battleMode = VarGet(VAR_FRONTIER_BATTLE_MODE); switch (gSpecialVar_0x8005) { case FACTORY_DATA_WIN_STREAK: gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.factoryWinStreaks[battleMode][lvlMode] = gSpecialVar_0x8006; break; case FACTORY_DATA_WIN_STREAK_ACTIVE: if (gSpecialVar_0x8006) gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.winStreakActiveFlags |= sWinStreakFlags[battleMode][lvlMode]; else gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.winStreakActiveFlags &= sWinStreakMasks[battleMode][lvlMode]; break; case FACTORY_DATA_WIN_STREAK_SWAPS: if (sPerformedRentalSwap == TRUE) { gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.factoryRentsCount[battleMode][lvlMode] = gSpecialVar_0x8006; sPerformedRentalSwap = FALSE; } break; } } static void SaveFactoryChallenge(void) { gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.challengeStatus = gSpecialVar_0x8005; VarSet(VAR_TEMP_0, 0); gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.challengePaused = TRUE; SaveGameFrontier(); } static void FactoryDummy1(void) { } static void FactoryDummy2(void) { } static void SelectInitialRentalMons(void) { ZeroPlayerPartyMons(); DoBattleFactorySelectScreen(); } static void SwapRentalMons(void) { DoBattleFactorySwapScreen(); } static void SetPerformedRentalSwap(void) { sPerformedRentalSwap = TRUE; } static void GenerateOpponentMons(void) { int i, j, k; u16 species[FRONTIER_PARTY_SIZE]; u16 heldItems[FRONTIER_PARTY_SIZE]; int firstMonId = 0; u16 trainerId = 0; u32 lvlMode = gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.lvlMode; u32 battleMode = VarGet(VAR_FRONTIER_BATTLE_MODE); u32 winStreak = gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.factoryWinStreaks[battleMode][lvlMode]; u32 challengeNum = winStreak / FRONTIER_STAGES_PER_CHALLENGE; gFacilityTrainers = gBattleFrontierTrainers; do { // Choose a random trainer, ensuring no repeats in this challenge trainerId = GetRandomScaledFrontierTrainerId(challengeNum, gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.curChallengeBattleNum); for (i = 0; i < gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.curChallengeBattleNum; i++) { if (gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.trainerIds[i] == trainerId) break; } } while (i != gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.curChallengeBattleNum); gTrainerBattleOpponent_A = trainerId; if (gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.curChallengeBattleNum < FRONTIER_STAGES_PER_CHALLENGE - 1) gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.trainerIds[gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.curChallengeBattleNum] = trainerId; i = 0; while (i != FRONTIER_PARTY_SIZE) { u16 monId = GetFactoryMonId(lvlMode, challengeNum, FALSE); // Unown (FRONTIER_MON_UNOWN) is forbidden on opponent Factory teams. if (gFacilityTrainerMons[monId].species == SPECIES_UNOWN) continue; // Ensure none of the opponent's pokemon are the same as the potential rental pokemon for the player for (j = 0; j < (int)ARRAY_COUNT(gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.rentalMons); j++) { if (gFacilityTrainerMons[monId].species == gFacilityTrainerMons[gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.rentalMons[j].monId].species) break; } if (j != (int)ARRAY_COUNT(gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.rentalMons)) continue; // "High tier" pokemon are only allowed on open level mode if (lvlMode == FRONTIER_LVL_50 && monId > FRONTIER_MONS_HIGH_TIER) continue; // Ensure this species hasn't already been chosen for the opponent for (k = firstMonId; k < firstMonId + i; k++) { if (species[k] == gFacilityTrainerMons[monId].species) break; } if (k != firstMonId + i) continue; // Ensure held items don't repeat on the opponent's team for (k = firstMonId; k < firstMonId + i; k++) { if (heldItems[k] != ITEM_NONE && heldItems[k] == gBattleFrontierHeldItems[gFacilityTrainerMons[monId].itemTableId]) break; } if (k != firstMonId + i) continue; // Successful selection species[i] = gFacilityTrainerMons[monId].species; heldItems[i] = gBattleFrontierHeldItems[gFacilityTrainerMons[monId].itemTableId]; gFrontierTempParty[i] = monId; i++; } } static void SetOpponentGfxVar(void) { SetBattleFacilityTrainerGfxId(gTrainerBattleOpponent_A, 0); } static void SetRentalsToOpponentParty(void) { u8 i; if (gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.lvlMode != FRONTIER_LVL_TENT) gFacilityTrainerMons = gBattleFrontierMons; else gFacilityTrainerMons = gSlateportBattleTentMons; for (i = 0; i < FRONTIER_PARTY_SIZE; i++) { gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.rentalMons[i + FRONTIER_PARTY_SIZE].monId = gFrontierTempParty[i]; gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.rentalMons[i + FRONTIER_PARTY_SIZE].ivs = GetBoxMonData(&gEnemyParty[i].box, MON_DATA_ATK_IV, NULL); gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.rentalMons[i + FRONTIER_PARTY_SIZE].personality = GetMonData(&gEnemyParty[i], MON_DATA_PERSONALITY, NULL); gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.rentalMons[i + FRONTIER_PARTY_SIZE].abilityNum = GetBoxMonData(&gEnemyParty[i].box, MON_DATA_ABILITY_NUM, NULL); SetMonData(&gEnemyParty[i], MON_DATA_HELD_ITEM, &gBattleFrontierHeldItems[gFacilityTrainerMons[gFrontierTempParty[i]].itemTableId]); } } static void SetPlayerAndOpponentParties(void) { int i, j, k; int count = 0; u8 bits = 0; u8 monLevel; u16 monId; u16 evs; u8 ivs; u8 friendship; if (gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.lvlMode == FRONTIER_LVL_TENT) { gFacilityTrainerMons = gSlateportBattleTentMons; monLevel = TENT_MIN_LEVEL; } else { gFacilityTrainerMons = gBattleFrontierMons; if (gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.lvlMode != FRONTIER_LVL_50) monLevel = FRONTIER_MAX_LEVEL_OPEN; else monLevel = FRONTIER_MAX_LEVEL_50; } if (gSpecialVar_0x8005 < 2) { ZeroPlayerPartyMons(); for (i = 0; i < FRONTIER_PARTY_SIZE; i++) { monId = gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.rentalMons[i].monId; ivs = gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.rentalMons[i].ivs; CreateMon(&gPlayerParty[i], gFacilityTrainerMons[monId].species, monLevel, ivs, TRUE, gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.rentalMons[i].personality, OT_ID_PLAYER_ID, 0); count = 0; bits = gFacilityTrainerMons[monId].evSpread; for (j = 0; j < NUM_STATS; bits >>= 1, j++) { if (bits & 1) count++; } evs = MAX_TOTAL_EVS / count; bits = 1; for (j = 0; j < NUM_STATS; bits <<= 1, j++) { if (gFacilityTrainerMons[monId].evSpread & bits) SetMonData(&gPlayerParty[i], MON_DATA_HP_EV + j, &evs); } CalculateMonStats(&gPlayerParty[i]); friendship = 0; for (k = 0; k < MAX_MON_MOVES; k++) SetMonMoveAvoidReturn(&gPlayerParty[i], gFacilityTrainerMons[monId].moves[k], k); SetMonData(&gPlayerParty[i], MON_DATA_FRIENDSHIP, &friendship); SetMonData(&gPlayerParty[i], MON_DATA_HELD_ITEM, &gBattleFrontierHeldItems[gFacilityTrainerMons[monId].itemTableId]); SetMonData(&gPlayerParty[i], MON_DATA_ABILITY_NUM, &gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.rentalMons[i].abilityNum); } } switch (gSpecialVar_0x8005) { case 0: case 2: for (i = 0; i < FRONTIER_PARTY_SIZE; i++) { monId = gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.rentalMons[i + FRONTIER_PARTY_SIZE].monId; ivs = gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.rentalMons[i + FRONTIER_PARTY_SIZE].ivs; CreateMon(&gEnemyParty[i], gFacilityTrainerMons[monId].species, monLevel, ivs, TRUE, gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.rentalMons[i + FRONTIER_PARTY_SIZE].personality, OT_ID_PLAYER_ID, 0); count = 0; bits = gFacilityTrainerMons[monId].evSpread; for (j = 0; j < NUM_STATS; bits >>= 1, j++) { if (bits & 1) count++; } evs = MAX_TOTAL_EVS / count; bits = 1; for (j = 0; j < NUM_STATS; bits <<= 1, j++) { if (gFacilityTrainerMons[monId].evSpread & bits) SetMonData(&gEnemyParty[i], MON_DATA_HP_EV + j, &evs); } CalculateMonStats(&gEnemyParty[i]); for (k = 0; k < MAX_MON_MOVES; k++) SetMonMoveAvoidReturn(&gEnemyParty[i], gFacilityTrainerMons[monId].moves[k], k); SetMonData(&gEnemyParty[i], MON_DATA_HELD_ITEM, &gBattleFrontierHeldItems[gFacilityTrainerMons[monId].itemTableId]); SetMonData(&gEnemyParty[i], MON_DATA_ABILITY_NUM, &gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.rentalMons[i + FRONTIER_PARTY_SIZE].abilityNum); } break; } } static void GenerateInitialRentalMons(void) { int i, j; u8 firstMonId; u8 battleMode; u8 lvlMode; u8 challengeNum; u8 factoryLvlMode; u8 factoryBattleMode; u8 rentalRank; u16 monId; u16 currSpecies; u16 species[PARTY_SIZE]; u16 monIds[PARTY_SIZE]; u16 heldItems[PARTY_SIZE]; gFacilityTrainers = gBattleFrontierTrainers; for (i = 0; i < PARTY_SIZE; i++) { species[i] = 0; monIds[i] = 0; heldItems[i] = 0; } lvlMode = gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.lvlMode; battleMode = VarGet(VAR_FRONTIER_BATTLE_MODE); challengeNum = gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.factoryWinStreaks[battleMode][lvlMode] / 7; if (VarGet(VAR_FRONTIER_BATTLE_MODE) == FRONTIER_MODE_DOUBLES) factoryBattleMode = FRONTIER_MODE_DOUBLES; else factoryBattleMode = FRONTIER_MODE_SINGLES; gFacilityTrainerMons = gBattleFrontierMons; if (gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.lvlMode != FRONTIER_LVL_50) { factoryLvlMode = FRONTIER_LVL_OPEN; firstMonId = 0; } else { factoryLvlMode = FRONTIER_LVL_50; firstMonId = 0; } rentalRank = GetNumPastRentalsRank(factoryBattleMode, factoryLvlMode); currSpecies = SPECIES_NONE; i = 0; while (i != PARTY_SIZE) { if (i < rentalRank) // The more times the player has rented, the more initial rentals are generated from a better set of pokemon monId = GetFactoryMonId(factoryLvlMode, challengeNum, TRUE); else monId = GetFactoryMonId(factoryLvlMode, challengeNum, FALSE); if (gFacilityTrainerMons[monId].species == SPECIES_UNOWN) continue; // Cannot have two pokemon of the same species. for (j = firstMonId; j < firstMonId + i; j++) { u16 existingMonId = monIds[j]; if (existingMonId == monId) break; if (species[j] == gFacilityTrainerMons[monId].species) { if (currSpecies == SPECIES_NONE) currSpecies = gFacilityTrainerMons[monId].species; else break; } } if (j != firstMonId + i) continue; // Cannot have two same held items. for (j = firstMonId; j < firstMonId + i; j++) { if (heldItems[j] != 0 && heldItems[j] == gBattleFrontierHeldItems[gFacilityTrainerMons[monId].itemTableId]) { if (gFacilityTrainerMons[monId].species == currSpecies) currSpecies = SPECIES_NONE; break; } } if (j != firstMonId + i) continue; gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.rentalMons[i].monId = monId; species[i] = gFacilityTrainerMons[monId].species; heldItems[i] = gBattleFrontierHeldItems[gFacilityTrainerMons[monId].itemTableId]; monIds[i] = monId; i++; } } // Determines if the upcoming opponent has a single most-common // type in its party. If there are two different types that are // tied, then the opponent is deemed to have no preferred type, // and NUMBER_OF_MON_TYPES is the result. static void GetOpponentMostCommonMonType(void) { u8 i; u8 typeCounts[NUMBER_OF_MON_TYPES]; u8 mostCommonTypes[2]; gFacilityTrainerMons = gBattleFrontierMons; // Count the number of times each type occurs in the opponent's party. for (i = TYPE_NORMAL; i < NUMBER_OF_MON_TYPES; i++) typeCounts[i] = 0; for (i = 0; i < FRONTIER_PARTY_SIZE; i++) { u32 species = gFacilityTrainerMons[gFrontierTempParty[i]].species; typeCounts[gSpeciesInfo[species].type1]++; if (gSpeciesInfo[species].type1 != gSpeciesInfo[species].type2) typeCounts[gSpeciesInfo[species].type2]++; } // Determine which are the two most-common types. // The second most-common type is only updated if // its count is equal to the most-common type. mostCommonTypes[0] = 0; mostCommonTypes[1] = 0; for (i = 1; i < NUMBER_OF_MON_TYPES; i++) { if (typeCounts[mostCommonTypes[0]] < typeCounts[i]) mostCommonTypes[0] = i; else if (typeCounts[mostCommonTypes[0]] == typeCounts[i]) mostCommonTypes[1] = i; } if (typeCounts[mostCommonTypes[0]] != 0) { // The most-common type must be strictly greater than // the second-most-common type, or the top two must be // the same type. if (typeCounts[mostCommonTypes[0]] > typeCounts[mostCommonTypes[1]]) gSpecialVar_Result = mostCommonTypes[0]; else if (mostCommonTypes[0] == mostCommonTypes[1]) gSpecialVar_Result = mostCommonTypes[0]; else gSpecialVar_Result = NUMBER_OF_MON_TYPES; } else { gSpecialVar_Result = NUMBER_OF_MON_TYPES; } } static void GetOpponentBattleStyle(void) { u8 i, j, count; u8 stylePoints[FACTORY_NUM_STYLES]; count = 0; gFacilityTrainerMons = gBattleFrontierMons; for (i = 0; i < FACTORY_NUM_STYLES; i++) stylePoints[i] = 0; for (i = 0; i < FRONTIER_PARTY_SIZE; i++) { u16 monId = gFrontierTempParty[i]; for (j = 0; j < MAX_MON_MOVES; j++) { u8 battleStyle = GetMoveBattleStyle(gFacilityTrainerMons[monId].moves[j]); stylePoints[battleStyle]++; } } gSpecialVar_Result = FACTORY_STYLE_NONE; for (i = 1; i < FACTORY_NUM_STYLES; i++) { if (stylePoints[i] >= sRequiredMoveCounts[i - 1]) { gSpecialVar_Result = i; count++; } } // Has no singular style if (count > 2) gSpecialVar_Result = FACTORY_NUM_STYLES; } static u8 GetMoveBattleStyle(u16 move) { const u16 *moves; u8 i, j; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(sMoveStyles); i++) { for (j = 0, moves = sMoveStyles[i]; moves[j] != MOVE_NONE; j++) { if (moves[j] == move) return i + 1; } } return FACTORY_STYLE_NONE; } bool8 InBattleFactory(void) { return gMapHeader.mapLayoutId == LAYOUT_BATTLE_FRONTIER_BATTLE_FACTORY_PRE_BATTLE_ROOM || gMapHeader.mapLayoutId == LAYOUT_BATTLE_FRONTIER_BATTLE_FACTORY_BATTLE_ROOM; } static void RestorePlayerPartyHeldItems(void) { u8 i; if (gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.lvlMode != FRONTIER_LVL_TENT) gFacilityTrainerMons = gBattleFrontierMons; else gFacilityTrainerMons = gSlateportBattleTentMons; for (i = 0; i < FRONTIER_PARTY_SIZE; i++) { SetMonData(&gPlayerParty[i], MON_DATA_HELD_ITEM, &gBattleFrontierHeldItems[gFacilityTrainerMons[gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.rentalMons[i].monId].itemTableId]); } } // Get the IV to use for the opponent's pokémon. // The IVs get higher for each subsequent challenge and for // the last trainer in each challenge. Noland is an exception // to this, as he uses the IVs that would be used by the regular // trainers 2 challenges ahead of the current one. // Due to a mistake in FillFactoryFrontierTrainerParty, the // challenge number used to determine the IVs for regular trainers // is Battle Tower's instead of Battle Factory's. u8 GetFactoryMonFixedIV(u8 challengeNum, bool8 isLastBattle) { u8 ivSet; bool8 useHigherIV = isLastBattle ? TRUE : FALSE; if (challengeNum > 8) ivSet = 7; else ivSet = challengeNum; return sFixedIVTable[ivSet][useHigherIV]; } void FillFactoryBrainParty(void) { int i, j, k; u16 species[FRONTIER_PARTY_SIZE]; u16 heldItems[FRONTIER_PARTY_SIZE]; u8 friendship; int monLevel; u8 fixedIV; u32 otId; u8 lvlMode = gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.lvlMode; u8 battleMode = VarGet(VAR_FRONTIER_BATTLE_MODE); u8 challengeNum = gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.factoryWinStreaks[battleMode][lvlMode] / 7; fixedIV = GetFactoryMonFixedIV(challengeNum + 2, FALSE); monLevel = SetFacilityPtrsGetLevel(); i = 0; otId = T1_READ_32(gSaveBlock2Ptr->playerTrainerId); while (i != FRONTIER_PARTY_SIZE) { u16 monId = GetFactoryMonId(lvlMode, challengeNum, FALSE); if (gFacilityTrainerMons[monId].species == SPECIES_UNOWN) continue; if (monLevel == FRONTIER_MAX_LEVEL_50 && monId > FRONTIER_MONS_HIGH_TIER) continue; for (j = 0; j < (int)ARRAY_COUNT(gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.rentalMons); j++) { if (monId == gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.rentalMons[j].monId) break; } if (j != (int)ARRAY_COUNT(gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.rentalMons)) continue; for (k = 0; k < i; k++) { if (species[k] == gFacilityTrainerMons[monId].species) break; } if (k != i) continue; for (k = 0; k < i; k++) { if (heldItems[k] != ITEM_NONE && heldItems[k] == gBattleFrontierHeldItems[gFacilityTrainerMons[monId].itemTableId]) break; } if (k != i) continue; species[i] = gFacilityTrainerMons[monId].species; heldItems[i] = gBattleFrontierHeldItems[gFacilityTrainerMons[monId].itemTableId]; CreateMonWithEVSpreadNatureOTID(&gEnemyParty[i], gFacilityTrainerMons[monId].species, monLevel, gFacilityTrainerMons[monId].nature, fixedIV, gFacilityTrainerMons[monId].evSpread, otId); friendship = 0; for (k = 0; k < MAX_MON_MOVES; k++) SetMonMoveAvoidReturn(&gEnemyParty[i], gFacilityTrainerMons[monId].moves[k], k); SetMonData(&gEnemyParty[i], MON_DATA_FRIENDSHIP, &friendship); SetMonData(&gEnemyParty[i], MON_DATA_HELD_ITEM, &gBattleFrontierHeldItems[gFacilityTrainerMons[monId].itemTableId]); i++; } } static u16 GetFactoryMonId(u8 lvlMode, u8 challengeNum, bool8 useBetterRange) { u16 numMons, monId; u16 adder; // Used to skip past early mons for open level if (lvlMode == FRONTIER_LVL_50) adder = 0; else adder = 8; if (challengeNum < 7) { if (useBetterRange) { numMons = (sInitialRentalMonRanges[adder + challengeNum + 1][1] - sInitialRentalMonRanges[adder + challengeNum + 1][0]) + 1; monId = Random() % numMons; monId += sInitialRentalMonRanges[adder + challengeNum + 1][0]; } else { numMons = (sInitialRentalMonRanges[adder + challengeNum][1] - sInitialRentalMonRanges[adder + challengeNum][0]) + 1; monId = Random() % numMons; monId += sInitialRentalMonRanges[adder + challengeNum][0]; } } else { u16 challenge = challengeNum; if (challenge != 7) challenge = 7; // why bother assigning it above at all numMons = (sInitialRentalMonRanges[adder + challenge][1] - sInitialRentalMonRanges[adder + challenge][0]) + 1; monId = Random() % numMons; monId += sInitialRentalMonRanges[adder + challenge][0]; } return monId; } u8 GetNumPastRentalsRank(u8 battleMode, u8 lvlMode) { u8 ret; u8 rents = gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.factoryRentsCount[battleMode][lvlMode]; if (rents < 15) ret = 0; else if (rents < 22) ret = 1; else if (rents < 29) ret = 2; else if (rents < 36) ret = 3; else if (rents < 43) ret = 4; else ret = 5; return ret; } u32 GetAiScriptsInBattleFactory(void) { int lvlMode = gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.lvlMode; if (lvlMode == FRONTIER_LVL_TENT) { return 0; } else { int battleMode = VarGet(VAR_FRONTIER_BATTLE_MODE); int challengeNum = gSaveBlock2Ptr->frontier.factoryWinStreaks[battleMode][lvlMode] / 7; if (gTrainerBattleOpponent_A == TRAINER_FRONTIER_BRAIN) return AI_FLAG_CHECK_BAD_MOVE | AI_FLAG_TRY_TO_FAINT | AI_FLAG_CHECK_VIABILITY; else if (challengeNum < 2) return 0; else if (challengeNum < 4) return AI_FLAG_CHECK_BAD_MOVE; else return AI_FLAG_CHECK_BAD_MOVE | AI_FLAG_TRY_TO_FAINT | AI_FLAG_CHECK_VIABILITY; } } void SetMonMoveAvoidReturn(struct Pokemon *mon, u16 moveArg, u8 moveSlot) { u16 move = moveArg; if (moveArg == MOVE_RETURN) move = MOVE_FRUSTRATION; SetMonMoveSlot(mon, move, moveSlot); }