#include "global.h"
#include "data.h"
#include "event_data.h"
#include "pokedex.h"
#include "pokemon.h"
#include "pokemon_size_record.h"
#include "string_util.h"
#include "text.h"

#define DEFAULT_MAX_SIZE 0x8000 // was 0x8100 in Ruby/Sapphire

struct UnknownStruct
    u16 unk0;
    u8 unk2;
    u16 unk4;

static const struct UnknownStruct sBigMonSizeTable[] =
    {  290,   1,      0 },
    {  300,   1,     10 },
    {  400,   2,    110 },
    {  500,   4,    310 },
    {  600,  20,    710 },
    {  700,  50,   2710 },
    {  800, 100,   7710 },
    {  900, 150,  17710 },
    { 1000, 150,  32710 },
    { 1100, 100, -17826 },
    { 1200,  50,  -7826 },
    { 1300,  20,  -2826 },
    { 1400,   5,   -826 },
    { 1500,   2,   -326 },
    { 1600,   1,   -126 },
    { 1700,   1,   -26 },

// - 4 for unused gift ribbon bits in MON_DATA_UNUSED_RIBBONS
static const u8 sGiftRibbonsMonDataIds[GIFT_RIBBONS_COUNT - 4] =

extern const u8 gText_DecimalPoint[];
extern const u8 gText_Marco[];

#define CM_PER_INCH 2.54

static u32 GetMonSizeHash(struct Pokemon *pkmn)
    u16 personality = GetMonData(pkmn, MON_DATA_PERSONALITY);
    u16 hpIV = GetMonData(pkmn, MON_DATA_HP_IV) & 0xF;
    u16 attackIV = GetMonData(pkmn, MON_DATA_ATK_IV) & 0xF;
    u16 defenseIV = GetMonData(pkmn, MON_DATA_DEF_IV) & 0xF;
    u16 speedIV = GetMonData(pkmn, MON_DATA_SPEED_IV) & 0xF;
    u16 spAtkIV = GetMonData(pkmn, MON_DATA_SPATK_IV) & 0xF;
    u16 spDefIV = GetMonData(pkmn, MON_DATA_SPDEF_IV) & 0xF;
    u32 hibyte = ((attackIV ^ defenseIV) * hpIV) ^ (personality & 0xFF);
    u32 lobyte = ((spAtkIV ^ spDefIV) * speedIV) ^ (personality >> 8);

    return (hibyte << 8) + lobyte;

static u8 TranslateBigMonSizeTableIndex(u16 a)
    u8 i;

    for (i = 1; i < 15; i++)
        if (a < sBigMonSizeTable[i].unk4)
            return i - 1;
    return i;

static u32 GetMonSize(u16 species, u16 b)
    u64 unk2;
    u64 unk4;
    u64 unk0;
    u32 height;
    u32 var;

    height = GetPokedexHeightWeight(SpeciesToNationalPokedexNum(species), 0);
    var = TranslateBigMonSizeTableIndex(b);
    unk0 = sBigMonSizeTable[var].unk0;
    unk2 = sBigMonSizeTable[var].unk2;
    unk4 = sBigMonSizeTable[var].unk4;
    unk0 += (b - unk4) / unk2;
    return height * unk0 / 10;

static void FormatMonSizeRecord(u8 *string, u32 size)
    //Convert size from centimeters to inches
    size = (f64)(size * 10) / (CM_PER_INCH * 10);

    string = ConvertIntToDecimalStringN(string, size / 10, STR_CONV_MODE_LEFT_ALIGN, 8);
    string = StringAppend(string, gText_DecimalPoint);
    ConvertIntToDecimalStringN(string, size % 10, STR_CONV_MODE_LEFT_ALIGN, 1);

static u8 CompareMonSize(u16 species, u16 *sizeRecord)
    if (gSpecialVar_Result == 0xFF)
        return 0;
        struct Pokemon *pkmn = &gPlayerParty[gSpecialVar_Result];

        if (GetMonData(pkmn, MON_DATA_IS_EGG) == TRUE || GetMonData(pkmn, MON_DATA_SPECIES) != species)
            return 1;
            u32 oldSize;
            u32 newSize;
            u16 sizeParams;

            *(&sizeParams) = GetMonSizeHash(pkmn);
            newSize = GetMonSize(species, sizeParams);
            oldSize = GetMonSize(species, *sizeRecord);
            FormatMonSizeRecord(gStringVar2, newSize);
            if (newSize <= oldSize)
                return 2;
                *sizeRecord = sizeParams;
                return 3;

// Stores species name in gStringVar1, trainer's name in gStringVar2, and size in gStringVar3
static void GetMonSizeRecordInfo(u16 species, u16 *sizeRecord)
    u32 size = GetMonSize(species, *sizeRecord);

    FormatMonSizeRecord(gStringVar3, size);
    StringCopy(gStringVar1, gSpeciesNames[species]);
    if (*sizeRecord == DEFAULT_MAX_SIZE)
        StringCopy(gStringVar2, gText_Marco);
        StringCopy(gStringVar2, gSaveBlock2Ptr->playerName);

void InitSeedotSizeRecord(void)

void GetSeedotSizeRecordInfo(void)
    u16 *sizeRecord = GetVarPointer(VAR_SEEDOT_SIZE_RECORD);

    GetMonSizeRecordInfo(SPECIES_SEEDOT, sizeRecord);

void CompareSeedotSize(void)
    u16 *sizeRecord = GetVarPointer(VAR_SEEDOT_SIZE_RECORD);

    gSpecialVar_Result = CompareMonSize(SPECIES_SEEDOT, sizeRecord);

void InitLotadSizeRecord(void)

void GetLotadSizeRecordInfo(void)
    u16 *sizeRecord = GetVarPointer(VAR_LOTAD_SIZE_RECORD);

    GetMonSizeRecordInfo(SPECIES_LOTAD, sizeRecord);

void CompareLotadSize(void)
    u16 *sizeRecord = GetVarPointer(VAR_LOTAD_SIZE_RECORD);

    gSpecialVar_Result = CompareMonSize(SPECIES_LOTAD, sizeRecord);

void GiveGiftRibbonToParty(u8 index, u8 ribbonId)
    s32 i;
    bool32 gotRibbon = FALSE;
    u8 data = 1;
    u8 array[ARRAY_COUNT(sGiftRibbonsMonDataIds)];
    memcpy(array, sGiftRibbonsMonDataIds, sizeof(sGiftRibbonsMonDataIds));

    if (index < GIFT_RIBBONS_COUNT && ribbonId <= MAX_GIFT_RIBBON)
        gSaveBlock1Ptr->giftRibbons[index] = ribbonId;
        for (i = 0; i < PARTY_SIZE; i++)
            struct Pokemon *mon = &gPlayerParty[i];

            if (GetMonData(mon, MON_DATA_SPECIES) != 0 && GetMonData(mon, MON_DATA_SANITY_IS_EGG) == 0)
                SetMonData(mon, array[index], &data);
                gotRibbon = TRUE;
        if (gotRibbon)