Route109_MapScripts:: @ 81EE75F .byte 0 Route109_EventScript_1EE760:: @ 81EE760 call Route109_EventScript_271E95 setobjectpriority 2, ROUTE_109, 0 setobjectpriority 255, ROUTE_109, 0 applymovement 2, Route109_Movement_1EE90B waitmovement 0 removeobject 2 switch VAR_FACING case 1, Route109_EventScript_1EE7A5 case 3, Route109_EventScript_1EE7C5 case 4, Route109_EventScript_1EE7B5 end Route109_EventScript_1EE7A5:: @ 81EE7A5 applymovement 255, Route109_Movement_1EE8FD waitmovement 0 goto Route109_EventScript_1EE7D5 end Route109_EventScript_1EE7B5:: @ 81EE7B5 applymovement 255, Route109_Movement_1EE905 waitmovement 0 goto Route109_EventScript_1EE7D5 end Route109_EventScript_1EE7C5:: @ 81EE7C5 applymovement 255, Route109_Movement_1EE908 waitmovement 0 goto Route109_EventScript_1EE7D5 end Route109_EventScript_1EE7D5:: @ 81EE7D5 hideobjectat 255, ROUTE_109 call Route109_EventScript_2720A0 applymovement 1, Route109_Movement_1EE84F applymovement 255, Route109_Movement_1EE84F waitmovement 0 delay 50 call Route109_EventScript_2720A8 showobjectat 255, DEWFORD_TOWN applymovement 255, Route109_Movement_1EE900 waitmovement 0 addobject 4 clearflag FLAG_0x2E7 setobjectxyperm 2, 12, 8 addobject 2 setobjectpriority 2, DEWFORD_TOWN, 0 applymovement 2, Route109_Movement_1EE90D waitmovement 0 clearflag FLAG_0x2E4 setflag FLAG_0x2E8 hideobjectat 1, ROUTE_109 msgbox Route109_Text_1E9C1D, 4 closemessage copyvar VAR_0x4096, VAR_0x8008 resetobjectpriority 255, ROUTE_109 resetobjectpriority 2, DEWFORD_TOWN moveobjectoffscreen 2 release end Route109_Movement_1EE84F: @ 81EE84F step_25 step_down step_down step_15 step_15 step_2d step_2d step_2d step_2d step_2d step_2d step_2d step_2d step_2d step_2d step_2d step_2d step_2d step_2d step_2d step_2d step_15 step_15 step_17 step_17 step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_2f step_17 step_17 step_17 step_17 step_17 step_17 step_17 step_17 step_17 step_left step_left step_25 step_end Route109_Movement_1EE8FD: @ 81EE8FD step_down step_down step_end Route109_Movement_1EE900: @ 81EE900 step_down step_down step_left step_28 step_end Route109_Movement_1EE905: @ 81EE905 step_right step_down step_end Route109_Movement_1EE908: @ 81EE908 step_left step_down step_end Route109_Movement_1EE90B: @ 81EE90B step_down step_end Route109_Movement_1EE90D: @ 81EE90D step_down step_27 step_end Route109_EventScript_1EE910:: @ 81EE910 lock faceplayer checkflag FLAG_0x095 goto_if 0, Route109_EventScript_1EE921 goto Route109_EventScript_1EE93F end Route109_EventScript_1EE921:: @ 81EE921 message Route109_Text_1EEC96 msgbox Route109_Text_1EEC96, 5 compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_eq Route109_EventScript_1EE981 goto Route109_EventScript_1EE972 end Route109_EventScript_1EE93F:: @ 81EE93F message Route109_Text_1EEE17 waitmessage multichoicedefault 21, 8, 14, 1, 0 switch VAR_RESULT case 0, Route109_EventScript_1EE972 case 1, Route109_EventScript_1EE98B case 127, Route109_EventScript_1EE98B end Route109_EventScript_1EE972:: @ 81EE972 msgbox Route109_Text_1EED06, 4 closemessage goto Route109_EventScript_1EE760 end Route109_EventScript_1EE981:: @ 81EE981 msgbox Route109_Text_1EED5E, 4 release end Route109_EventScript_1EE98B:: @ 81EE98B msgbox Route109_Text_1EEE72, 4 release end Route109_EventScript_1EE995:: @ 81EE995 msgbox Route109_Text_1EEEB4, 2 end Route109_EventScript_1EE99E:: @ 81EE99E lock faceplayer msgbox Route109_Text_1EEFB0, 4 closemessage applymovement VAR_LAST_TALKED, Route109_Movement_2725A2 waitmovement 0 release end Route109_EventScript_1EE9B5:: @ 81EE9B5 lock faceplayer special GetPlayerBigGuyGirlString checkflag FLAG_0x118 goto_eq Route109_EventScript_1EE9F2 msgbox Route109_Text_1EEFDE, 4 giveitem_std ITEM_SOFT_SAND compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_eq Route109_EventScript_272054 closemessage applymovement VAR_LAST_TALKED, Route109_Movement_2725A2 waitmovement 0 setflag FLAG_0x118 release end Route109_EventScript_1EE9F2:: @ 81EE9F2 msgbox Route109_Text_1EEFF1, 4 applymovement VAR_LAST_TALKED, Route109_Movement_2725A2 waitmovement 0 release end Route109_EventScript_1EEA06:: @ 81EEA06 msgbox Route109_Text_1EEF08, 2 end Route109_EventScript_1EEA0F:: @ 81EEA0F msgbox Route109_Text_1EF080, 2 end Route109_EventScript_1EEA18:: @ 81EEA18 lock faceplayer waitse playmoncry SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON, 0 msgbox Route109_Text_1EF173, 4 waitmoncry release end Route109_EventScript_1EEA2B:: @ 81EEA2B msgbox Route109_Text_1EF185, 3 end Route109_EventScript_1EEA34:: @ 81EEA34 msgbox Route109_Text_1EF1D5, 3 end Route109_EventScript_1EEA3D:: @ 81EEA3D trainerbattle 0, TRAINER_DAVID, 0, Route109_Text_297140, Route109_Text_29717D msgbox Route109_Text_297191, 6 end Route109_EventScript_1EEA54:: @ 81EEA54 trainerbattle 0, TRAINER_ALICE, 0, Route109_Text_2971D1, Route109_Text_2971FD msgbox Route109_Text_29720F, 6 end Route109_EventScript_1EEA6B:: @ 81EEA6B trainerbattle 0, TRAINER_HUEY, 0, Route109_Text_297235, Route109_Text_29727B msgbox Route109_Text_29728C, 6 end Route109_EventScript_1EEA82:: @ 81EEA82 trainerbattle 0, TRAINER_EDMOND, 0, Route109_Text_2972B3, Route109_Text_2972CE msgbox Route109_Text_2972ED, 6 end Route109_EventScript_1EEA99:: @ 81EEA99 trainerbattle 2, TRAINER_RICKY_1, 0, Route109_Text_29733B, Route109_Text_297379, Route109_EventScript_1EEAC5 specialvar VAR_RESULT, ShouldTryRematchBattle compare VAR_RESULT, 1 goto_eq Route109_EventScript_1EEAE4 msgbox Route109_Text_297380, 4 release end Route109_EventScript_1EEAC5:: @ 81EEAC5 special sub_80B4808 waitmovement 0 msgbox Route109_Text_2973C1, 4 setvar VAR_0x8004, 64 special sub_81D1C20 setorcopyvar VAR_0x8000, 64 callstd 8 release end Route109_EventScript_1EEAE4:: @ 81EEAE4 trainerbattle 5, TRAINER_RICKY_1, 0, Route109_Text_2973FF, Route109_Text_297437 msgbox Route109_Text_297458, 6 end Route109_EventScript_1EEAFB:: @ 81EEAFB trainerbattle 2, TRAINER_LOLA_1, 0, Route109_Text_29749C, Route109_Text_2974CF, Route109_EventScript_1EEB27 specialvar VAR_RESULT, ShouldTryRematchBattle compare VAR_RESULT, 1 goto_eq Route109_EventScript_1EEB46 msgbox Route109_Text_2974D6, 4 release end Route109_EventScript_1EEB27:: @ 81EEB27 special sub_80B4808 waitmovement 0 msgbox Route109_Text_297520, 4 setvar VAR_0x8004, 57 special sub_81D1C20 setorcopyvar VAR_0x8000, 57 callstd 8 release end Route109_EventScript_1EEB46:: @ 81EEB46 trainerbattle 5, TRAINER_LOLA_1, 0, Route109_Text_297538, Route109_Text_297576 msgbox Route109_Text_29757D, 6 end Route109_EventScript_1EEB5D:: @ 81EEB5D trainerbattle 0, TRAINER_AUSTINA, 0, Route109_Text_2975C0, Route109_Text_297601 msgbox Route109_Text_29762A, 6 end Route109_EventScript_1EEB74:: @ 81EEB74 trainerbattle 0, TRAINER_GWEN, 0, Route109_Text_297667, Route109_Text_297691 msgbox Route109_Text_2976A4, 6 end Route109_EventScript_1EEB8B:: @ 81EEB8B trainerbattle 0, TRAINER_CARTER, 0, Route109_Text_2976C5, Route109_Text_2976FC msgbox Route109_Text_297715, 6 end Route109_EventScript_1EEBA2:: @ 81EEBA2 trainerbattle 4, TRAINER_MEL_AND_PAUL, 0, Route109_Text_297754, Route109_Text_2977B0, Route109_Text_29781D msgbox Route109_Text_2977C7, 6 end Route109_EventScript_1EEBBD:: @ 81EEBBD trainerbattle 4, TRAINER_MEL_AND_PAUL, 0, Route109_Text_297872, Route109_Text_2978BD, Route109_Text_29792E msgbox Route109_Text_2978F1, 6 end Route109_EventScript_1EEBD8:: @ 81EEBD8 trainerbattle 0, TRAINER_CHANDLER, 0, Route109_Text_29798A, Route109_Text_2979AE msgbox Route109_Text_2979BF, 6 end Route109_EventScript_1EEBEF:: @ 81EEBEF trainerbattle 0, TRAINER_HAILEY, 0, Route109_Text_2979EC, Route109_Text_297A15 msgbox Route109_Text_297A40, 6 end Route109_EventScript_1EEC06:: @ 81EEC06 trainerbattle 0, TRAINER_ELIJAH, 0, Route109_Text_297A82, Route109_Text_297AC7 msgbox Route109_Text_297AE5, 6 end DewfordTown_Text_1EEC1D: @ 81EEC1D .string "MR. BRINEY: Ahoy!\n" .string "We’ve made land in SLATEPORT!\p" .string "I suppose you’re going to visit CAPT.\n" .string "STERN and deliver the DEVON GOODS?$" Route109_Text_1EEC96: @ 81EEC96 .string "MR. BRINEY: I thought you’re supposed\n" .string "to deliver the DEVON GOODS.\p" .string "Would you like to sail back to\n" .string "DEWFORD, then?$" Route109_Text_1EED06: @ 81EED06 .string "MR. BRINEY: DEWFORD it is, then!\p" .string "Anchors aweigh!\n" .string "PEEKO, we’re setting sail, my darling!$" Route109_Text_1EED5E: @ 81EED5E .string "MR. BRINEY: Then you go on and deliver\n" .string "the DEVON GOODS. I’ll be waiting.$" DewfordTown_Text_1EEDA7: @ 81EEDA7 .string "MR. BRINEY: Ahoy! We’ve made land in\n" .string "SLATEPORT!\p" .string "You just go on and tell me whenever\n" .string "you want to set sail again!$" Route109_Text_1EEE17: @ 81EEE17 .string "MR. BRINEY: Ahoy!\n" .string "For you, I’ll go out to sea anytime!\p" .string "Now, my friend, where are we bound?$" Route109_Text_1EEE72: @ 81EEE72 .string "MR. BRINEY: You just tell me whenever\n" .string "you need to set sail again!$" Route109_Text_1EEEB4: @ 81EEEB4 .string "Yo, TRAINERS!\n" .string "Whether you’re hot to trot,\l" .string "or cool cat not,\l" .string "chill at my papa’s spot!$" Route109_Text_1EEF08: @ 81EEF08 .string "Little kids can dart around so quickly…\p" .string "You don’t dare take your eyes off them\n" .string "for an instant. It’s very taxing.\p" .string "Mine are with my POKéMON, so they\n" .string "should be okay, but…$" Route109_Text_1EEFB0: @ 81EEFB0 .string "Our sand castle’s taking a long time\n" .string "to make.$" Route109_Text_1EEFDE: @ 81EEFDE .string "You can have this!$" Route109_Text_1EEFF1: @ 81EEFF1 .string "We’re going to get all the sand from\n" .string "the beach and make a big castle!\p" .string "And then we’re going to be a king and\n" .string "queen.\p" .string "We’ll let you be a servant.$" Route109_Text_1EF080: @ 81EF080 .string "The water around these parts is clean.\p" .string "But, I get my ZIGZAGOON to pick up\n" .string "litter from the shoreline at times.\p" .string "Dirty water becomes rain and joins our\n" .string "rivers, which we drink from…\p" .string "If we pollute the sea, it all comes\n" .string "back to haunt us eventually.$" Route109_Text_1EF173: @ 81EF173 .string "ZIGZAGOON: Guguu?$" Route109_Text_1EF185: @ 81EF185 .string "SEASHORE HOUSE\p" .string "“May hot battles rage on hot sands!\n" .string "The place for hot TRAINERS!”$" Route109_Text_1EF1D5: @ 81EF1D5 .string "TRAINER TIPS\p" .string "POKéMON at the same level may not\n" .string "always have identical stats.\p" .string "POKéMON raised by TRAINERS are said\n" .string "to grow stronger than wild POKéMON.$"