MagmaHideout_4F_MapScripts:: @ 823A55F .byte 0 MagmaHideout_4F_EventScript_23A560:: @ 823A560 lockall playbgm MUS_MGM0, 0 msgbox MagmaHideout_4F_Text_23A9F4, MSGBOX_DEFAULT closemessage delay 20 setvar VAR_RESULT, 1 playse SE_W197 setfieldeffectargument 0, 18 setfieldeffectargument 1, 42 setfieldeffectargument 2, 0 dofieldeffect 54 waitfieldeffect 54 setvar VAR_RESULT, 1 playfanfare MUS_ME_TAMA playse SE_TAMA special sub_80B0534 applymovement 255, MagmaHideout_4F_Movement_2725A6 waitmovement 0 delay 150 removeobject 7 addobject 1 waitstate delay 60 applymovement 1, MagmaHideout_4F_Movement_23A672 waitmovement 0 special sub_80B058C waitstate setvar VAR_0x8004, 1 setvar VAR_0x8005, 1 setvar VAR_0x8006, 8 setvar VAR_0x8007, 5 special sub_8139560 waitstate applymovement 1, MagmaHideout_4F_Movement_23A67D waitmovement 0 removeobject 1 delay 4 setvar VAR_0x8004, 2 setvar VAR_0x8005, 2 setvar VAR_0x8006, 8 setvar VAR_0x8007, 5 special sub_8139560 waitstate delay 30 applymovement 6, MagmaHideout_4F_Movement_23A680 waitmovement 0 msgbox MagmaHideout_4F_Text_23AADA, MSGBOX_DEFAULT closemessage applymovement 255, MagmaHideout_4F_Movement_2725A8 waitmovement 0 delay 30 applymovement 6, MagmaHideout_4F_Movement_27259E waitmovement 0 msgbox MagmaHideout_4F_Text_23AB33, MSGBOX_DEFAULT closemessage trainerbattle_no_intro TRAINER_MAXIE_1, MagmaHideout_4F_Text_23ABB5 msgbox MagmaHideout_4F_Text_23ABE2, MSGBOX_DEFAULT closemessage clearflag FLAG_HIDE_SLATEPORT_CITY_CAPTAIN_STERN clearflag FLAG_HIDE_SLATEPORT_CITY_GABBY_AND_TY setvar VAR_0x4058, 1 setflag FLAG_0x06F setvar VAR_0x40A0, 1 fadescreen 1 removeobject 6 removeobject 2 removeobject 3 removeobject 4 removeobject 5 setflag FLAG_HIDE_MAGMA_HIDEOUT_GRUNTS fadescreen 0 releaseall end MagmaHideout_4F_Movement_23A672: @ 823A672 delay_16 delay_16 walk_slow_down delay_16 delay_16 delay_16 walk_slow_down delay_16 delay_16 delay_16 step_end MagmaHideout_4F_Movement_23A67D: @ 823A67D slide_up slide_up step_end MagmaHideout_4F_Movement_23A680: @ 823A680 face_left delay_16 face_right delay_16 face_left delay_16 face_right delay_16 face_up delay_16 delay_16 step_end MagmaHideout_4F_EventScript_23A68C:: @ 823A68C trainerbattle_normal TRAINER_GRUNT_48, MagmaHideout_4F_Text_23A6E8, MagmaHideout_4F_Text_23A775 msgbox MagmaHideout_4F_Text_23A7B5, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end MagmaHideout_4F_EventScript_23A6A3:: @ 823A6A3 trainerbattle_normal TRAINER_GRUNT_49, MagmaHideout_4F_Text_23A7DA, MagmaHideout_4F_Text_23A81B msgbox MagmaHideout_4F_Text_23A841, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end MagmaHideout_4F_EventScript_23A6BA:: @ 823A6BA trainerbattle_normal TRAINER_GRUNT_50, MagmaHideout_4F_Text_23A86D, MagmaHideout_4F_Text_23A8A7 msgbox MagmaHideout_4F_Text_23A8C6, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end MagmaHideout_4F_EventScript_23A6D1:: @ 823A6D1 trainerbattle_normal TRAINER_TABITHA_3, MagmaHideout_4F_Text_23A8E1, MagmaHideout_4F_Text_23A994 msgbox MagmaHideout_4F_Text_23A9AC, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end MagmaHideout_4F_Text_23A6E8: @ 823A6E8 .string "I want to see GROUDON, too, but they\n" .string "won’t let me see even its tail…\p" .string "It’s got me feeling really frustrated.\p" .string "Oh, no!\n" .string "I blabbed about GROUDON!$" MagmaHideout_4F_Text_23A775: @ 823A775 .string "I guess it’s impossible to win if one\n" .string "doesn’t have a calm mind…$" MagmaHideout_4F_Text_23A7B5: @ 823A7B5 .string "I wonder if GROUDON even has a tail?$" MagmaHideout_4F_Text_23A7DA: @ 823A7DA .string "Fuhahaha!\n" .string "Soon! Very soon!\l" .string "Our grand objective will be achieved!$" MagmaHideout_4F_Text_23A81B: @ 823A81B .string "Grrr…\n" .string "I’ve come so far, but now this?$" MagmaHideout_4F_Text_23A841: @ 823A841 .string "MAXIE, sir!\n" .string "An intruder is headed your way!$" MagmaHideout_4F_Text_23A86D: @ 823A86D .string "You’re not finished yet!\n" .string "You’re not getting by me easily!$" MagmaHideout_4F_Text_23A8A7: @ 823A8A7 .string "Was I that easy to knock down?$" MagmaHideout_4F_Text_23A8C6: @ 823A8C6 .string "C-come on, one more match…$" MagmaHideout_4F_Text_23A8E1: @ 823A8E1 .string "Hehehe!\n" .string "You made it this far, so I’ll tell you!\p" .string "That’s right!\n" .string "Up ahead, GROUDON is sleeping!\p" .string "MAXIE went to GROUDON just seconds\n" .string "ago!\p" .string "It’s going to awaken real soon!\n" .string "Hehe! Hehehe!$" MagmaHideout_4F_Text_23A994: @ 823A994 .string "Taken down again…\n" .string "Hehe…$" MagmaHideout_4F_Text_23A9AC: @ 823A9AC .string "…And while you wasted time with me,\n" .string "MAXIE should have awakened GROUDON…$" MagmaHideout_4F_Text_23A9F4: @ 823A9F4 .string "MAXIE: GROUDON…\p" .string "Nothing could awaken you from your\n" .string "sleep bathed in magma…\p" .string "This BLUE ORB is what you sought.\n" .string "Wasn’t it?\p" .string "I have brought you the BLUE ORB.\n" .string "Let its shine awaken you!\p" .string "And show me…\n" .string "Show me the full extent of your power!$" MagmaHideout_4F_Text_23AADA: @ 823AADA .string "MAXIE: GROUDON!\n" .string "What’s wrong?\p" .string "Wasn’t the BLUE ORB the key?\p" .string "GROUDON!\n" .string "Where have you gone…$" MagmaHideout_4F_Text_23AB33: @ 823AB33 .string "MAXIE: Oh, so it was you?\p" .string "I’ve seen you poking around uninvited\n" .string "here and there…\p" .string "I get it now!\n" .string "You must have pulled a cheap stunt!$" MagmaHideout_4F_Text_23ABB5: @ 823ABB5 .string "What makes you so adept at handling\n" .string "POKéMON?$" MagmaHideout_4F_Text_23ABE2: @ 823ABE2 .string "MAXIE: There has to be some reason\n" .string "why GROUDON fled…\p" .string "That’s what you’re trying to say,\n" .string "aren’t you?\p" .string "… … … … … …\n" .string "… … … … … …\p" .string "Humph…\n" .string "You think I didn’t know that?\p" .string "With GROUDON gone, there is no longer\n" .string "any need for this blasted volcano.\p" .string "I am going after GROUDON, so this\n" .string "is where we part!$"