FortreeCity_House4_MapScripts:: @ 8217C80 .byte 0 FortreeCity_House4_EventScript_217C81:: @ 8217C81 msgbox FortreeCity_House4_Text_217D33, 2 end FortreeCity_House4_EventScript_217C8A:: @ 8217C8A lockall checkflag FLAG_0x0DF goto_eq FortreeCity_House4_EventScript_217D06 checkflag FLAG_0x0E0 goto_eq FortreeCity_House4_EventScript_217CD8 checkflag FLAG_0x0DE goto_eq FortreeCity_House4_EventScript_217CC4 msgbox FortreeCity_House4_Text_217DB9, 4 closemessage setflag FLAG_0x0DE clearflag FLAG_HIDE_MOSSDEEP_CITY_HOUSE_2_WINGULL applymovement 3, FortreeCity_House4_Movement_217D1A waitmovement 0 removeobject 3 releaseall end FortreeCity_House4_EventScript_217CC4:: @ 8217CC4 applymovement VAR_LAST_TALKED, FortreeCity_House4_Movement_27259E waitmovement 0 msgbox FortreeCity_House4_Text_217DD2, 4 releaseall end FortreeCity_House4_EventScript_217CD8:: @ 8217CD8 applymovement VAR_LAST_TALKED, FortreeCity_House4_Movement_27259E waitmovement 0 msgbox FortreeCity_House4_Text_217E05, 4 giveitem_std ITEM_MENTAL_HERB compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_eq FortreeCity_House4_EventScript_272054 setflag FLAG_0x0DF releaseall end FortreeCity_House4_EventScript_217D06:: @ 8217D06 applymovement VAR_LAST_TALKED, FortreeCity_House4_Movement_27259E waitmovement 0 msgbox FortreeCity_House4_Text_217EA8, 4 releaseall end FortreeCity_House4_Movement_217D1A: @ 8217D1A walk_fast_down walk_fast_down walk_fast_right walk_in_place_fastest_down delay_8 step_end FortreeCity_House4_EventScript_217D20:: @ 8217D20 lock faceplayer waitse playmoncry SPECIES_WINGULL, 0 msgbox FortreeCity_House4_Text_217EE0, 4 waitmoncry release end FortreeCity_House4_Text_217D33: @ 8217D33 .string "By being together with POKéMON,\n" .string "people make more and more friends.\p" .string "And that brings the world closer\n" .string "together. I think it’s wonderful!$" FortreeCity_House4_Text_217DB9: @ 8217DB9 .string "There!\n" .string "Go, BIRD POKéMON!$" FortreeCity_House4_Text_217DD2: @ 8217DD2 .string "Heheh, I asked my WINGULL to run\n" .string "an errand for me.$" FortreeCity_House4_Text_217E05: @ 8217E05 .string "Good!\n" .string "Welcome back, WINGULL!\p" .string "Huh? What is this?\n" .string "What is it holding?\p" .string "A MENTAL HERB?\n" .string "It must have picked it up somewhere.\p" .string "But I’m not a TRAINER, so you can\n" .string "have it.$" FortreeCity_House4_Text_217EA8: @ 8217EA8 .string "Thanks to my WINGULL, I have friends\n" .string "who live far away.$" FortreeCity_House4_Text_217EE0: @ 8217EE0 .string "WINGULL: Pihyoh!$"