SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_MapScripts:: @ 820BAFF .byte 0 SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_EventScript_20BB00:: @ 820BB00 lock faceplayer msgbox SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_Text_20BD8D, 4 closemessage playbgm MUS_AQA_0, 1 addobject 3 applymovement 3, SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_Movement_20BCE4 waitmovement 0 addobject 4 applymovement 4, SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_Movement_20BCF3 waitmovement 0 applymovement 3, SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_Movement_20BCE8 applymovement 4, SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_Movement_20BCF5 waitmovement 0 compare VAR_FACING, 1 call_if 1, SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_EventScript_20BC92 compare VAR_FACING, 4 call_if 1, SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_EventScript_20BC92 msgbox SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_Text_20BE40, 4 compare VAR_FACING, 4 call_if 5, SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_EventScript_20BC9D msgbox SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_Text_20BE69, 4 msgbox SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_Text_20BE93, 4 closemessage applymovement 4, SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_Movement_20BCE2 waitmovement 0 compare VAR_FACING, 1 call_if 1, SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_EventScript_20BCA8 compare VAR_FACING, 3 call_if 1, SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_EventScript_20BCB3 trainerbattle 3, TRAINER_GRUNT_14, 0, SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_Text_20BEE2 msgbox SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_Text_20BEFA, 4 closemessage applymovement 4, SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_Movement_20BCEF waitmovement 0 applymovement 3, SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_Movement_20BCE2 waitmovement 0 msgbox SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_Text_20BF35, 4 trainerbattle 3, TRAINER_GRUNT_15, 0, SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_Text_20BF66 applymovement 3, SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_Movement_20BCEF waitmovement 0 applymovement 3, SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_Movement_2725AA applymovement 4, SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_Movement_2725A6 waitmovement 0 msgbox SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_Text_20BF7A, 4 closemessage delay 35 addobject 2 applymovement 2, SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_Movement_20BCD8 applymovement 4, SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_Movement_20BCFE waitmovement 0 msgbox SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_Text_20BFF2, 4 closemessage applymovement 2, SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_Movement_20BCD6 waitmovement 0 msgbox SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_Text_20C059, 4 closemessage savebgm MUS_DUMMY fadedefaultbgm fadescreen 1 removeobject 2 removeobject 3 removeobject 4 fadescreen 0 delay 30 setflag FLAG_0x373 applymovement 255, SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_Movement_2725A8 waitmovement 0 msgbox SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_Text_20C2BE, 4 setvar VAR_0x8004, 269 call SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_EventScript_2723E4 msgbox SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_Text_20C36C, 4 closemessage fadescreen 1 playfanfare MUS_ME_ASA waitfanfare special HealPlayerParty removeobject 1 setflag FLAG_0x384 compare VAR_0x40DA, 0 call_if 1, SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_EventScript_20BC8C setflag FLAG_0x095 clearflag FLAG_0x3B3 setflag FLAG_HIDE_RUSTBORO_CITY_DEVON_CORP_3F_EMPLOYEE setvar VAR_0x40D2, 1 fadescreen 0 release end SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_EventScript_20BC8C:: @ 820BC8C setvar VAR_0x40DA, 1 return SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_EventScript_20BC92:: @ 820BC92 applymovement 255, SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_Movement_2725A4 waitmovement 0 return SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_EventScript_20BC9D:: @ 820BC9D applymovement 1, SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_Movement_2725A4 waitmovement 0 return SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_EventScript_20BCA8:: @ 820BCA8 applymovement 255, SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_Movement_20BCBE waitmovement 0 return SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_EventScript_20BCB3:: @ 820BCB3 applymovement 255, SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_Movement_20BCC2 waitmovement 0 return SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_Movement_20BCBE: @ 820BCBE walk_left walk_down walk_in_place_fastest_left step_end SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_Movement_20BCC2: @ 820BCC2 walk_up walk_left walk_left walk_down walk_in_place_fastest_left step_end SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_Movement_20BCC8: @ 820BCC8 walk_up walk_left walk_left walk_left walk_left walk_left walk_up walk_up walk_left walk_left walk_up walk_up delay_8 step_end SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_Movement_20BCD6: @ 820BCD6 walk_right step_end SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_Movement_20BCD8: @ 820BCD8 walk_down walk_down walk_down walk_down walk_down walk_right walk_right walk_right walk_right step_end SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_Movement_20BCE2: @ 820BCE2 walk_right step_end SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_Movement_20BCE4: @ 820BCE4 walk_down walk_right walk_in_place_fastest_down step_end SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_Movement_20BCE8: @ 820BCE8 walk_down walk_down walk_down walk_right walk_right walk_right step_end SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_Movement_20BCEF: @ 820BCEF lock_facing_direction walk_left unlock_facing_direction step_end SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_Movement_20BCF3: @ 820BCF3 walk_down step_end SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_Movement_20BCF5: @ 820BCF5 walk_down walk_down walk_down walk_down walk_right walk_right walk_right walk_right step_end SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_Movement_20BCFE: @ 820BCFE delay_16 delay_16 delay_16 delay_16 delay_16 delay_16 delay_16 delay_16 delay_8 walk_fast_down walk_in_place_fastest_up step_end SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_EventScript_20BD0A:: @ 820BD0A msgbox SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_Text_20C4F9, 3 end SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_EventScript_20BD13:: @ 820BD13 msgbox SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_Text_20C566, 3 end SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_EventScript_20BD1C:: @ 820BD1C msgbox SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_Text_20C5C6, 3 end SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_EventScript_20BD25:: @ 820BD25 msgbox SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_Text_20C6C7, 3 end SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_EventScript_20BD2E:: @ 820BD2E msgbox SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_Text_20C72F, 3 end SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_EventScript_20BD37:: @ 820BD37 msgbox SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_Text_20C7C1, 3 end SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_EventScript_20BD40:: @ 820BD40 msgbox SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_Text_20C82F, 3 end SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_EventScript_20BD49:: @ 820BD49 msgbox SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_Text_20C88B, 3 end SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_EventScript_20BD52:: @ 820BD52 msgbox SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_Text_20C8E8, 3 end SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_EventScript_20BD5B:: @ 820BD5B msgbox SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_Text_20C93A, 3 end SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_EventScript_20BD64:: @ 820BD64 msgbox SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_Text_20C43F, 2 end SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_EventScript_20BD6D:: @ 820BD6D msgbox SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_Text_20C495, 2 end SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_EventScript_20BD76:: @ 820BD76 lock faceplayer msgbox SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_Text_20C4C2, 4 closemessage applymovement VAR_LAST_TALKED, SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_Movement_2725A2 waitmovement 0 release end SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_Text_20BD8D: @ 820BD8D .string "Yes? If you’re looking for STERN,\n" .string "that would be me.\p" .string "Ah! Those must be the parts I ordered\n" .string "from MR. STONE of DEVON.\p" .string "Thank you! That’s great!\n" .string "We can prepare for our expedition now.$" SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_Text_20BE40: @ 820BE40 .string "Hehehe, hold it!\n" .string "We’ll take those parts!$" SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_Text_20BE69: @ 820BE69 .string "CAPT. STERN: Wh-what?\n" .string "Who are you people?$" SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_Text_20BE93: @ 820BE93 .string "We’re TEAM AQUA!\p" .string "Our BOSS wants those parts!\n" .string "Shut your yap and fork them over!$" SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_Text_20BEE2: @ 820BEE2 .string "Awaaaah!\n" .string "A kid beat me!$" SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_Text_20BEFA: @ 820BEFA .string "Oh, man, what a disaster…\n" .string "The BOSS is going to be furious…$" SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_Text_20BF35: @ 820BF35 .string "Humph, sniveling wimp!\n" .string "Let me take care of this!$" SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_Text_20BF66: @ 820BF66 .string "What?!\n" .string "I lost, too!$" SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_Text_20BF7A: @ 820BF7A .string "Now what? If we don’t get the parts,\n" .string "we’re in for it!\p" .string "Arrgh, I didn’t count on being meddled\n" .string "with by some meddling kid!$" SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_Text_20BFF2: @ 820BFF2 .string "I came to see what was taking so\n" .string "long to snatch some parts, and you\l" .string "simps are held up by a mere child?$" SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_Text_20C059: @ 820C059 .string "We are TEAM AQUA,\n" .string "and we love the sea!\p" .string "And I am TEAM AQUA’s leader,\n" .string "ARCHIE!\p" .string "What makes you interfere with us?\p" .string "…No! You can’t be!\n" .string "You’re not one of TEAM MAGMA?\p" .string "Wait, that can’t be right.\n" .string "You’re not dressed for the part.\p" .string "… … … … … …\n" .string "… … … … … …\p" .string "POKéMON, people… All life depends on\n" .string "the sea.\p" .string "So, TEAM AQUA is dedicated to\n" .string "the expansion of the sea.\p" .string "Don’t you agree? What we are doing\n" .string "is a magnificent undertaking.\p" .string "Ah, fine…\n" .string "You’re still too young to understand\l" .string "our noble objective.\p" .string "But, I warn you, don’t even consider\n" .string "interfering with our plans again.\p" .string "The consequences will cost you\n" .string "dearly!\p" .string "And don’t you forget it!$" SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_Text_20C2BE: @ 820C2BE .string "CAPT. STERN: You’re…\n" .string "Ah, okay, you’re {PLAYER}{KUN}…\p" .string "Anyway, that was a tense situation!\n" .string "Thank you for saving us!\p" .string "Oh, yes, I almost forgot that you\n" .string "even brought the parts from DEVON!$" SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_Text_20C36C: @ 820C36C .string "CAPT. STERN: Whoops!\n" .string "There’s no time to lose!\p" .string "We have to set out on our ocean-floor\n" .string "expedition really soon.\p" .string "Thanks again, but now I’ve got\n" .string "to go!\p" .string "Feel free to wander around and check\n" .string "out our facilities, though.$" SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_Text_20C43F: @ 820C43F .string "I saw a model of a ship here.\p" .string "It reminded me of the ABANDONED SHIP\n" .string "near DEWFORD TOWN…$" SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_Text_20C495: @ 820C495 .string "Don’t you dare run around inside\n" .string "the MUSEUM!$" SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_Text_20C4C2: @ 820C4C2 .string "Wow, the submarine’s awesome!\n" .string "I want to go for a ride!$" SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_Text_20C4F9: @ 820C4F9 .string "“WATER QUALITY SAMPLE 1,” the\n" .string "label says.\p" .string "The sea is all connected, but the\n" .string "water seems to differ by region.$" SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_Text_20C566: @ 820C566 .string "“WATER QUALITY SAMPLE 2,” the\n" .string "label says.\p" .string "Does the saltiness of seawater differ\n" .string "by region, too?$" SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_Text_20C5C6: @ 820C5C6 .string "A rubber ball is expanding and\n" .string "shrinking.\p" .string "“In the sea, the weight of water itself\n" .string "exerts pressure.\p" .string "“In shallow water, the pressure is not\n" .string "very heavy.\p" .string "“However, in extremely deep water,\n" .string "the pressure can reach even tens of\l" .string "thousands of tons on a small area.”$" SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_Text_20C6C7: @ 820C6C7 .string "“MODEL OF HOENN REGION”\p" .string "It’s a miniature diorama of the\n" .string "HOENN region.\p" .string "Where is LITTLEROOT TOWN on this?$" SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_Text_20C72F: @ 820C72F .string "It’s a display on the flow of seawater.\p" .string "“Near the bottom of the sea, water\n" .string "flows due to differences in such\l" .string "factors as temperature and salinity.”$" SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_Text_20C7C1: @ 820C7C1 .string "It’s a display on the flow of seawater.\p" .string "“Toward the surface, seawater flows\n" .string "as currents driven by the winds.”$" SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_Text_20C82F: @ 820C82F .string "“THE FERRY S.S. TIDAL\p" .string "“A scale replica of the ship under\n" .string "construction at STERN’S SHIPYARD.”$" SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_Text_20C88B: @ 820C88B .string "“SUBMARINE EXPLORER 1\p" .string "“A replica of the high-performance\n" .string "ocean floor exploration submarine.”$" SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_Text_20C8E8: @ 820C8E8 .string "“SUBMERSIBLE POD\p" .string "“A replica of a compact, unmanned\n" .string "pod for seafloor exploration.”$" SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_2F_Text_20C93A: @ 820C93A .string "“S.S. ANNE\p" .string "“A replica of the luxury liner that\n" .string "circles the globe.”$"