MauvilleCity_House2_MapScripts:: @ 8210C5C .byte 0 MauvilleCity_House2_EventScript_210C5D:: @ 8210C5D lock faceplayer checkflag FLAG_0x102 goto_eq MauvilleCity_House2_EventScript_210CDA msgbox MauvilleCity_House2_Text_210CEE, MSGBOX_DEFAULT checkitem ITEM_HARBOR_MAIL, 1 compare VAR_RESULT, 1 goto_eq MauvilleCity_House2_EventScript_210C82 release end MauvilleCity_House2_EventScript_210C82:: @ 8210C82 playse SE_PIN applymovement VAR_LAST_TALKED, MauvilleCity_House2_Movement_272598 waitmovement 0 applymovement VAR_LAST_TALKED, MauvilleCity_House2_Movement_27259A waitmovement 0 msgbox MauvilleCity_House2_Text_210D76, MSGBOX_YESNO compare VAR_RESULT, 1 goto_eq MauvilleCity_House2_EventScript_210CB8 compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_eq MauvilleCity_House2_EventScript_210CE4 end MauvilleCity_House2_EventScript_210CB8:: @ 8210CB8 msgbox MauvilleCity_House2_Text_210DB3, MSGBOX_DEFAULT takeitem ITEM_HARBOR_MAIL, 1 giveitem_std ITEM_COIN_CASE setflag FLAG_0x102 goto MauvilleCity_House2_EventScript_210CDA end MauvilleCity_House2_EventScript_210CDA:: @ 8210CDA msgbox MauvilleCity_House2_Text_210DE7, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end MauvilleCity_House2_EventScript_210CE4:: @ 8210CE4 msgbox MauvilleCity_House2_Text_210E16, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end MauvilleCity_House2_Text_210CEE: @ 8210CEE .string "If I had a BIKE, it’d be easy to cycle to\n" .string "SLATEPORT for some shopping.\p" .string "I’d be able to buy HARBOR MAIL at the\n" .string "POKéMON MART in SLATEPORT…$" MauvilleCity_House2_Text_210D76: @ 8210D76 .string "Oh! You have HARBOR MAIL?\n" .string "Will you trade it for a COIN CASE?$" MauvilleCity_House2_Text_210DB3: @ 8210DB3 .string "Oh, I’m so happy!\n" .string "Okay, I’ll trade you a COIN CASE!$" MauvilleCity_House2_Text_210DE7: @ 8210DE7 .string "That COIN CASE can be used\n" .string "at the GAME CORNER.$" MauvilleCity_House2_Text_210E16: @ 8210E16 .string "Oh, that’s disappointing.\p" .string "A COIN CASE is needed for the\n" .string "GAME CORNER.$"