#include "global.h" #include "alloc.h" #include "bg.h" #include "data2.h" #include "decompress.h" #include "dma3.h" #include "dynamic_placeholder_text_util.h" #include "event_data.h" #include "field_screen_effect.h" #include "field_weather.h" #include "fldeff_misc.h" #include "gpu_regs.h" #include "graphics.h" #include "international_string_util.h" #include "item.h" #include "item_icon.h" #include "item_menu.h" #include "mail.h" #include "main.h" #include "menu.h" #include "mon_markings.h" #include "naming_screen.h" #include "overworld.h" #include "palette.h" #include "pc_screen_effect.h" #include "pokemon.h" #include "pokemon_icon.h" #include "pokemon_summary_screen.h" #include "pokemon_storage_system.h" #include "script.h" #include "sound.h" #include "string_util.h" #include "strings.h" #include "text.h" #include "text_window.h" #include "trig.h" #include "walda_phrase.h" #include "window.h" #include "constants/maps.h" #include "constants/moves.h" #include "constants/rgb.h" #include "constants/songs.h" #include "constants/species.h" struct WallpaperTable { const u32 *tiles; const u32 *tileMap; const u16 *palettes; }; struct PokemonStorageSystemFunc { u8 (*func)(void); s8 unk4; }; struct StorageAction { const u8 *text; u8 format; }; struct StorageMenu { const u8 *text; int textId; }; struct PSS_MenuStringPtrs { const u8 *text; const u8 *desc; }; struct UnkStruct_2000028 { const u8 *unk_00; u8 *unk_04; u16 unk_08; u16 unk_0a; u16 newField; void (*unk_0c)(struct UnkStruct_2000028 *data); }; struct UnkStruct_2000020 { struct UnkStruct_2000028 *unk_00; u8 unk_04; u8 unk_05; }; struct UnkPSSStruct_2002370 { struct Sprite *unk_0000; struct Sprite *unk_0004[4]; u32 unk_0014[3]; struct Sprite *unk_0020[2]; u8 filler_0028[0x214]; u32 unk_023c; u16 unk_0240; u16 unk_0242; u8 curBox; u8 unk_0245; u8 unk_0246; }; struct UnkStorageStruct { struct Sprite *sprite; u8 *tiles; u16 palIndex; u8 unk8; u8 unk9; u8 unk10; }; struct PokemonStorageSystemData { u8 state; u8 boxOption; u8 screenChangeType; bool8 isReshowingPSS; u8 taskId; struct UnkStruct_2000020 unk_0020; struct UnkStruct_2000028 unk_0028[8]; u16 field_B0[528 / 2]; u16 field_2C0; u16 field_2C2; u8 field_2C4; u8 field_2C5; u8 showPartyMenuState; u8 unk_02C7; u8 unk_02C8; bool8 unk_02C9; s16 newCurrBoxId; u16 bg2_X; s16 field_2CE; u16 field_2D0; u8 field_2D2; u8 field_2D3; u8 field_2D4; u16 field_2D6; s16 field_2D8; u16 field_2DA; u16 field_2DC; u16 field_2DE; u16 field_2E0; u8 filler[22]; u8 field_2F8[1024]; u8 field_6F8; u8 field_6F9; u8 field_6FA; s8 field_6FB; u16 field_6FC[16]; u16 field_71C; u16 field_71E; struct Sprite *field_720[2]; struct Sprite *field_728[2]; struct Sprite *field_730[2]; u32 field_738; u8 field_73C[80]; u16 field_78C; s16 wallpaperSetId; s16 wallpaperId; u16 field_792[360]; u8 wallpaperChangeState; u8 field_A63; u8 field_A64; s8 field_A65; u8 *wallpaperTiles; struct Sprite *movingMonSprite; struct Sprite *partySprites[PARTY_SIZE]; struct Sprite *boxMonsSprites[IN_BOX_COUNT]; struct Sprite **field_B00; struct Sprite **field_B04; u16 field_B08[40]; u16 field_B58[40]; u16 boxSpecies[IN_BOX_COUNT]; u32 boxPersonalities[IN_BOX_COUNT]; u8 field_C5C; u8 field_C5D; u8 field_C5E; u16 field_C60; s16 field_C62; s16 field_C64; u16 field_C66; u8 field_C68; s8 field_C69; u8 field_C6A; u8 field_C6B; struct WindowTemplate menuWindow; struct StorageMenu menuItems[7]; u8 menuItemsCount; u8 menuWidth; u8 field_CAE; u16 field_CB0; struct Sprite *field_CB4; struct Sprite *field_CB8; s32 field_CBC; s32 field_CC0; u32 field_CC4; u32 field_CC8; s16 field_CCC; s16 field_CCE; u16 field_CD0; s8 field_CD2; s8 field_CD3; u8 field_CD4; u8 field_CD5; u8 field_CD6; u8 field_CD7; u8 field_CD8[2]; const u32 *cursorMonPalette; u32 cursorMonPersonality; u16 cursorMonSpecies; u16 cursorMonItem; u16 field_CE8; bool8 setMosaic; u8 cursorMonMarkings; u8 cursorMonLevel; bool8 cursorMonIsEgg; u8 cursorMonNick[POKEMON_NAME_LENGTH + 1]; u8 cursorMonNickText[36]; u8 cursorMonSpeciesName[36]; u8 cursorMonGenderLvlText[36]; u8 cursorMonItemName[36]; bool8 (*monPlaceChangeFunc)(void); u8 monPlaceChangeState; u8 field_D91; struct Sprite *field_D94; struct Sprite *field_D98[2]; u16 *field_DA0; struct PokemonMarkMenu field_DA4; struct UnkPSSStruct_2002370 field_1E5C; struct Pokemon movingMon; struct Pokemon field_2108; s8 field_216C; u8 field_216D; s8 field_216E; s8 field_216F; s8 field_2170; s8 field_2171; u16 field_2172; u16 field_2174; u16 field_2176[8]; u8 field_2186; u8 field_2187; u8 field_2188; union { struct Pokemon *mon; struct BoxPokemon *box; } field_218C; u8 field_2190[40]; u8 field_21B8[40]; u8 field_21E0[POKEMON_NAME_LENGTH + 1]; u8 itemName[20]; u8 inBoxMovingMode; u16 field_2200; struct UnkStorageStruct field_2204[3]; u16 movingItem; u16 field_2236; u8 field_2238; u16 field_223A; u16 *field_223C; struct Sprite *cursorMonSprite; u16 field_2244[0x40]; u8 field_22C4[0x800]; u8 field_2AC4[0x1800]; u8 field_42C4[0x800]; u8 field_4AC4[0x1000]; u8 field_5AC4[0x800]; }; struct UnkSubStruct_2039D84 { s16 field_0; s16 field_2; u16 field_4; u16 field_6; s16 field_8; s16 field_A; }; struct UnkStruct_2039D84 { struct UnkSubStruct_2039D84 field_0[2]; const void *field_18; const void *field_1C; u16 field_20; u16 field_22; u16 field_24; u16 field_26; u16 field_28; u8 field_2A; u8 field_2B; u8 field_2C; u8 field_2D; }; enum { BOX_OPTION_WITHDRAW, BOX_OPTION_DEPOSIT, BOX_OPTION_MOVE_MONS, BOX_OPTION_MOVE_ITEMS, BOX_OPTION_EXIT, }; enum { PC_TEXT_EXIT_BOX, PC_TEXT_WHAT_YOU_DO, PC_TEXT_PICK_A_THEME, PC_TEXT_PICK_A_WALLPAPER, PC_TEXT_IS_SELECTED, PC_TEXT_JUMP_TO_WHICH_BOX, PC_TEXT_DEPOSIT_IN_WHICH_BOX, PC_TEXT_WAS_DEPOSITED, PC_TEXT_BOX_IS_FULL, PC_TEXT_RELEASE_POKE, PC_TEXT_WAS_RELEASED, PC_TEXT_BYE_BYE, PC_TEXT_MARK_POKE, PC_TEXT_LAST_POKE, PC_TEXT_PARTY_FULL, PC_TEXT_HOLDING_POKE, PC_TEXT_WHICH_ONE_WILL_TAKE, PC_TEXT_CANT_RELEASE_EGG, PC_TEXT_CONTINUE_BOX, PC_TEXT_CAME_BACK, PC_TEXT_WORRIED, PC_TEXT_SURPRISE, PC_TEXT_PLEASE_REMOVE_MAIL, PC_TEXT_IS_SELECTED2, PC_TEXT_GIVE_TO_MON, PC_TEXT_PLACED_IN_BAG, PC_TEXT_BAG_FULL, PC_TEXT_PUT_IN_BAG, PC_TEXT_ITEM_IS_HELD, PC_TEXT_CHANGED_TO_ITEM, PC_TEXT_CANT_STORE_MAIL, }; enum { PC_TEXT_FMT_NORMAL, PC_TEXT_FMT_MON_NAME_1, PC_TEXT_FMT_MON_NAME_2, PC_TEXT_FMT_MON_NAME_3, PC_TEXT_FMT_MON_NAME_4, PC_TEXT_FMT_MON_NAME_5, PC_TEXT_FMT_MON_NAME_6, PC_TEXT_FMT_ITEM_NAME, }; enum { SCREEN_CHANGE_EXIT_BOX, SCREEN_CHANGE_SUMMARY_SCREEN, SCREEN_CHANGE_NAME_BOX, SCREEN_CHANGE_ITEM_FROM_BAG, }; enum { MODE_PARTY, MODE_BOX, MODE_2, }; enum { WALLPAPER_FOREST, WALLPAPER_CITY, WALLPAPER_DESERT, WALLPAPER_SAVANNA, WALLPAPER_CRAG, WALLPAPER_VOLCANO, WALLPAPER_SNOW, WALLPAPER_CAVE, WALLPAPER_BEACH, WALLPAPER_SEAFLOOR, WALLPAPER_RIVER, WALLPAPER_SKY, WALLPAPER_POLKADOT, WALLPAPER_POKECENTER, WALLPAPER_MACHINE, WALLPAPER_PLAIN, WALLPAPER_FRIENDS, // The one received as a gift from Walda's parents. WALLPAPER_COUNT }; enum { FRIENDS_ZIGZAGOON, FRIENDS_SCREEN, FRIENDS_HORIZONTAL, FRIENDS_DIAGONAL, FRIENDS_BLOCK, FRIENDS_RIBBON, FRIENDS_POKECENTER2, FRIENDS_FRAME, FRIENDS_BLANK, FRIENDS_CIRCLES, FRIENDS_AZUMARILL, FRIENDS_PIKACHU, FRIENDS_LEGENDARY, FRIENDS_DUSCLOPS, FRIENDS_LUDICOLO, FRIENDS_WHISCASH, FRIENDS_WALLPAPERS_COUNT }; enum { CURSOR_AREA_IN_BOX, CURSOR_AREA_IN_PARTY, CURSOR_AREA_BOX, CURSOR_AREA_BUTTONS, // Party Pokemon and Close Box }; #define TAG_PAL_WAVEFORM 0xDACA #define TAG_PAL_DAC8 0xDAC8 #define TAG_PAL_DAC6 0xDAC6 #define TAG_PAL_DACE 0xDACE #define TAG_PAL_DAC7 0xDAC7 #define TAG_PAL_DAC9 0xDAC9 #define TAG_PAL_DAC0 0xDAC0 #define TAG_PAL_DACB 0xDACB #define TAG_TILE_WAVEFORM 0x5 #define TAG_TILE_10 0x10 #define TAG_TILE_2 0x2 #define TAG_TILE_D 0xD #define TAG_TILE_A 0xA #define TAG_TILE_3 0x3 #define TAG_TILE_4 0x4 #define TAG_TILE_12 0x12 #define TAG_TILE_7 0x7 #define TAG_TILE_0 0x0 #define TAG_TILE_1 0x1 // IWRAM bss IWRAM_DATA static u32 gUnknown_03000F78[98]; // EWRAM DATA EWRAM_DATA static u8 sPreviousBoxOption = 0; EWRAM_DATA static struct UnkPSSStruct_2002370 *gUnknown_02039D04 = NULL; EWRAM_DATA static struct PokemonStorageSystemData *sPSSData = NULL; EWRAM_DATA static bool8 sInPartyMenu = 0; EWRAM_DATA static u8 sCurrentBoxOption = 0; EWRAM_DATA static u8 gUnknown_02039D0E = 0; EWRAM_DATA static u8 sWhichToReshow = 0; EWRAM_DATA static u8 gUnknown_02039D10 = 0; EWRAM_DATA static u16 gUnknown_02039D12 = 0; EWRAM_DATA static struct Pokemon gUnknown_02039D14 = {0}; EWRAM_DATA static s8 sBoxCursorArea = 0; EWRAM_DATA static s8 sBoxCursorPosition = 0; EWRAM_DATA static bool8 sIsMonBeingMoved = 0; EWRAM_DATA static u8 sMovingMonOrigBoxId = 0; EWRAM_DATA static u8 sMovingMonOrigBoxPos = 0; EWRAM_DATA static bool8 sCanOnlyMove = 0; extern const struct CompressedSpriteSheet gMonFrontPicTable[]; // This file's functions. static void CreatePCMenu(u8 whichMenu, s16 *windowIdPtr); static void Cb2_EnterPSS(u8 boxOption); static u8 GetCurrentBoxOption(void); static u8 HandleInput(void); static u8 sub_80CDC2C(void); static u8 sub_80CB9BC(void); static void LoadWallpaperGfx(u8 boxId, s8 direction); static void sub_80CCCFC(u8 boxId, s8 direction); static void sub_80CD0B8(s8 direction); static void SetCurrentBox(u8 boxId); static void sub_80CC32C(u8 boxId); static void sub_80C7958(u8 curBox); static void sub_80CCAE0(void *arg0); static void sub_80C7B14(void); static void sub_80C7BB4(void); static void ScrollBackground(void); static void sub_80C7B80(void); static void sub_80C7BE4(void); static void sub_80CAA14(void); static void sub_80CFDC4(void); static void sub_80CE790(void); static void sub_80CE8E4(void); static void GiveChosenBagItem(void); static void SetUpHidePartyMenu(void); static void DestroyAllPartyMonIcons(void); static void sub_80D11CC(void); static void LoadPSSMenuGfx(void); static void LoadWaveformSpritePalette(void); static void sub_80CDC18(void); static void sub_80CD36C(void); static void sub_80CD3EC(void); static void sub_80CAC1C(void); static void sub_80CEBDC(void); static void SetScrollingBackground(void); static void sub_80CABE0(void); static void sub_80CAEAC(void); static void sub_80D0C60(void); static void sub_80CFEA8(void); static void sub_80CDC0C(void); static void sub_80CAF04(void); static void sub_80CA0D8(void); static void AddMenu(void); static void sub_80CE250(void); static void InitCanRelaseMonVars(void); static void sub_80D01B8(void); static void ReleaseMon(void); static void RefreshCursorMonData(void); static void LoadCursorMonSprite(void); static void sub_80CA154(void); static void sub_80CA1C4(void); static void sub_80CC064(void); static void sub_80CE324(void); static void ClearBottomWindow(void); static void sub_80CA704(void); static void sub_80D013C(void); static void sub_80CE00C(void); static void sub_80D1194(void); static void PrintCursorMonInfo(void); static void sub_80CA65C(void); static void AddWallpaperSetsMenu(void); static void sub_80CD02C(void); static void InitMenu(void); static void sub_80CD158(void); static void sub_80CFC14(void); static void sub_80CEB40(void); static void sub_80CCEE0(void); static void sub_80D1818(void); static void sub_80D19B4(u32 arg0); static void sub_80CAA74(void); static void PrintItemDescription(void); static void sub_80CE760(void); static void sub_80CDBA0(void); static void sub_80CE7E8(void); static void sub_80CFECC(void); static void sub_80CA9EC(void); static void FreePSSData(void); static void AddBoxMenu(void); static void sub_80CCF9C(void); static void MoveMon(void); static void PlaceMon(void); static void sub_80CAB20(void); static void sub_80CE22C(void); static void sub_80CDA68(void); static void sub_80CB950(void); static void sub_80CA9C0(void); static void SetUpDoShowPartyMenu(void); static void BoxSetMosaic(void); static void sub_80C7CF4(struct Sprite *sprite); static void sub_80CC100(struct Sprite *sprite); static void sub_80CB278(struct Sprite *sprite); static void sub_80CD210(struct Sprite *sprite); static bool32 WaitForWallpaperGfxLoad(void); static bool8 InitPSSWindows(void); static bool8 sub_80CC0A0(void); static bool8 sub_80CE2A8(void); static bool8 sub_80D0164(void); static bool8 sub_80CC35C(void); static bool8 sub_80D01E4(void); static bool8 sub_80CDED4(void); static bool8 sub_80CDF08(void); static bool8 sub_80D184C(void); static bool8 sub_80D18E4(void); static bool8 DoShowPartyMenu(void); static bool8 sub_80D1218(void); static bool8 ScrollToBox(void); static bool8 sub_80CD554(void); static bool8 HidePartyMenu(void); static bool8 IsActiveItemMoving(void); static bool8 sub_80D0580(u8 arg0); static bool8 sub_80D0BC0(void); static bool8 sub_80CA2B8(void); static bool8 DoWallpaperGfxChange(void); static bool8 DoMonPlaceChange(void); static bool8 sub_80D00A8(void); static bool8 CanMovePartyMon(void); static bool8 CanShiftMon(void); static bool8 IsCursorOnCloseBox(void); static bool8 IsCursorOnBox(void); static bool8 IsCursorInBox(void); static bool8 IsMonBeingMoved(void); static bool8 TryStorePartyMonInBox(u8 boxId); static void Cb_InitPSS(u8 taskId); static void Cb_PlaceMon(u8 taskId); static void Cb_ChangeScreen(u8 taskId); static void Cb_ShowPSS(u8 taskId); static void Cb_OnBPressed(u8 taskId); static void Cb_HandleBoxOptions(u8 taskId); static void Cb_OnSelectedMon(u8 taskId); static void Cb_OnCloseBoxPressed(u8 taskId); static void Cb_HidePartyPokemon(u8 taskId); static void Cb_DepositMenu(u8 taskId); static void Cb_MoveMon(u8 taskId); static void Cb_GiveMovingItemToMon(u8 taskId); static void Cb_SwitchSelectedItem(u8 taskId); static void Cb_TakeItemForMoving(u8 taskId); static void Cb_WithdrawMon(u8 taskId); static void Cb_ShiftMon(u8 taskId); static void Cb_ShowPartyPokemon(u8 taskId); static void Cb_ShowItemInfo(u8 taskId); static void Cb_GiveItemFromBag(u8 taskId); static void Cb_ItemToBag(u8 taskId); static void Cb_TakeItemForMoving(u8 taskId); static void Cb_ShowMarkMenu(u8 taskId); static void Cb_ShowMonSummary(u8 taskId); static void Cb_ReleaseMon(u8 taskId); static void Cb_ReshowPSS(u8 taskId); static void Cb_MainPSS(u8 taskId); static void Cb_JumpBox(u8 taskId); static void Cb_HandleWallpapers(u8 taskId); static void Cb_NameBox(u8 taskId); static void Cb_PrintCantStoreMail(u8 taskId); static void Cb_HandleMovingMonFromParty(u8 taskId); static void SetUpScrollToBox(u8 boxId); static void sub_80CFE54(u8 animNum); static void SetMovingMonPriority(u8 priority); static void InitMonPlaceChange(u8 arg0); static void SetMonMarkings(u8 markings); static void ShowYesNoWindow(s8 cursorPos); static void sub_80CDBF8(u8 cursorBoxPosition); static void sub_80D01D0(u8 arg0); static void sub_80CD1A8(bool8 arg0); static void sub_80CA984(bool8 arg0); static void CreatePartyMonsSprites(bool8 arg0); static void PrintStorageActionText(u8 id); static s16 sub_80D00AC(void); static s8 RunCanReleaseMon(void); static u8 GetBoxCursorPosition(void); static void Item_FromMonToMoving(u8 cursorArea, u8 cursorPos); static void Item_GiveMovingToMon(u8 cursorArea, u8 cursorPos); static void Item_TakeMons(u8 cursorArea, u8 cursorPos); static void Item_SwitchMonsWithMoving(u8 cursorArea, u8 cursorPos); static struct Sprite *sub_80CD2E8(u16 x, u16 y, u8 animId, u8 priority, u8 subpriority); static void SetWallpaperForCurrentBox(u8 wallpaperId); static void AddWallpapersMenu(u8 wallpaperSet); static u16 GetMovingItem(void); static void LoadCursorMonGfx(u16 species, u32 pid); static void sub_80CA2D0(struct Sprite *sprite); static void sub_80CCF64(struct Sprite *sprite); static void sub_80CBA3C(struct Sprite *sprite); static void sub_80CCF30(struct Sprite *sprite); static void sub_80CBAF0(s16 yDelta); static void sub_80CAAA8(u8 arg0, bool8 isPartyMon); static const u8 *GetMovingItemName(void); static void SetMenuText(u8 textId); static void sub_80D0D8C(u8 cursorArea, u8 cursorPos); static void sub_80D0E50(u8 cursorArea, u8 cursorPos); static void sub_80D0F38(u16 item); static struct Sprite *CreateMonIconSprite(u16 species, u32 personality, s16 x, s16 y, u8 oamPriority, u8 subpriority); static void DestroyBoxMonIcon(struct Sprite *sprite); static void SetBoxSpeciesAndPersonalities(u8 boxId); static void sub_80CB9D0(struct Sprite *sprite, u16 partyId); static void sub_80CC370(u8 taskId); static void sub_80CCB50(u8 boxId); static s8 sub_80CC644(u8 boxId); static void sub_80CCA3C(const void *tilemap, s8 direction, u8 arg2); static s16 sub_80CD00C(const u8 *string); static bool8 MonPlaceChange_Shift(void); static bool8 MonPlaceChange_Move(void); static bool8 MonPlaceChange_Place(void); static bool8 sub_80CDEC4(void); static bool8 sub_80CDEB4(void); static void sub_80CD444(u8 cursorArea, u8 cursorPosition, u16 *x, u16 *y); static void SetShiftedMonData(u8 boxId, u8 position); static void SetMovedMonData(u8 boxId, u8 position); static void SetPlacedMonData(u8 boxId, u8 position); static void PurgeMonOrBoxMon(u8 boxId, u8 position); static void SetCursorMonData(void *pokemon, u8 mode); static bool32 AtLeastThreeUsableMons(void); static u8 InBoxInput_Normal(void); static u8 InBoxInput_MovingMultiple(void); static u8 InBoxInput_GrabbingMultiple(void); static s8 sub_80CFF98(u8 arg0); static u8 sub_80CFA5C(void); static u8 sub_80D0BA4(void); static bool8 sub_80CFA84(void); static bool8 sub_80CFB44(void); static bool8 sub_80D024C(void); static bool8 sub_80D0344(void); static bool8 sub_80D03B0(void); static bool8 sub_80D0420(void); static bool8 sub_80D04A0(void); static bool8 sub_80D04C8(void); static void sub_80D07B0(u8 arg0, u8 arg1); static void sub_80D0834(u8 arg0, u8 arg1); static void sub_80D0B5C(void); static void sub_80D062C(void); static void sub_80D0884(u16 arg0, u16 arg1, u16 arg2); static void sub_80D08CC(void); static void sub_80D09A4(void); static void sub_80D0A1C(void); static void sub_80D0AAC(void); static u8 sub_80D0894(void); static void sub_80D0778(u8 arg0, u8 arg1, u8 arg2); static void sub_80D0708(u8 arg0, u8 arg1, u8 arg2); static void sub_80D06D0(u8 arg0, u8 arg1, u8 arg2); static void sub_80D0740(u8 arg0, u8 arg1, u8 arg2); static void sub_80D27AC(u8 id, u16 arg1, u16 arg2, u16 arg3, u16 arg4); static void sub_80D27F4(u8 id, u8 arg1, s8 arg2); static void sub_80D2644(u8 id, u8 bg, const void *arg2, u16 arg3, u16 arg4); static void sub_80D2770(u8 id, u16 arg1, u16 arg2); static void sub_80D259C(u8 count); static void sub_80D25F0(void); static void sub_80D2918(u8 id); static void sub_80D2960(u8 id); static void sub_80D29F8(u8 id); static void sub_80D2A90(struct UnkStruct_2000020 *arg0, struct UnkStruct_2000028 *arg1, u32 arg2); static void sub_80D2AA4(void); static void sub_80D2B88(struct UnkStruct_2000028 *unkStruct); static void sub_80D2C1C(struct UnkStruct_2000028 *unkStruct); // static const rom data static const struct PSS_MenuStringPtrs gUnknown_085716C0[] = { {gText_WithdrawPokemon, gText_WithdrawMonDescription}, {gText_DepositPokemon, gText_DepositMonDescription}, {gText_MovePokemon, gText_MoveMonDescription}, {gText_MoveItems, gText_MoveItemsDescription}, {gText_SeeYa, gText_SeeYaDescription} }; static const struct WindowTemplate gUnknown_085716E8 = { .bg = 0, .tilemapLeft = 1, .tilemapTop = 1, .width = 17, .height = 10, .paletteNum = 15, .baseBlock = 0x1, }; static const union AnimCmd sSpriteAnim_85716F0[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(0, 5), ANIMCMD_END }; static const union AnimCmd sSpriteAnim_85716F8[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(4, 5), ANIMCMD_END }; static const union AnimCmd sSpriteAnim_8571700[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(6, 5), ANIMCMD_END }; static const union AnimCmd sSpriteAnim_8571708[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(10, 5), ANIMCMD_END }; static const union AnimCmd *const sSpriteAnimTable_8571710[] = { sSpriteAnim_85716F0, sSpriteAnim_85716F8, sSpriteAnim_8571700, sSpriteAnim_8571708 }; static const union AffineAnimCmd sSpriteAffineAnim_8571720[] = { AFFINEANIMCMD_FRAME(0xE0, 0xE0, 0, 0), AFFINEANIMCMD_END }; static const union AffineAnimCmd *const sSpriteAffineAnimTable_8571730[] = { sSpriteAffineAnim_8571720 }; static const u8 gUnknown_08571734[] = {4, 0xF, 0xE}; static const u8 gUnknown_08571737[] = _("/30"); static const u16 gBoxSelectionPopupPalette[] = INCBIN_U16("graphics/unknown/unknown_57173C.gbapal"); static const u8 gBoxSelectionPopupCenterTiles[] = INCBIN_U8("graphics/pokemon_storage/box_selection_popup_center.4bpp"); static const u8 gBoxSelectionPopupSidesTiles[] = INCBIN_U8("graphics/pokemon_storage/box_selection_popup_sides.4bpp"); static const u32 gPokemonStorageScrollingBGTileset[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/scrolling_bg.4bpp.lz"); static const u32 gPokemonStorageScrollingBGTilemap[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/scrolling_bg.bin.lz"); static const u32 gUnknown_08572280[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/unknown/unknown_572280.gbapal"); static const u32 gUnknown_085722A0[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/unknown/unknown_5722A0.bin.lz"); static const u16 gUnknown_0857239C[] = { 0x0101, 0x0102, 0x0103, 0x0104, 0x0105, 0x0106, 0x0107, 0x0108, 0x0111, 0x0112, 0x0113, 0x0114, 0x0115, 0x0116, 0x0117, 0x0118, 0x2101, 0x2102, 0x2103, 0x2104, 0x2105, 0x2106, 0x2107, 0x2108, 0x2111, 0x2112, 0x2113, 0x2114, 0x2115, 0x2116, 0x2117, 0x2118, }; static const u16 gUnknown_085723DC[] = INCBIN_U16("graphics/unknown/unknown_5723DC.gbapal"); // Left-most part and Close Box. static const u16 gUnknown_085723FC[] = INCBIN_U16("graphics/unknown/unknown_5723FC.gbapal"); static const u16 gUnknown_0857241C[] = INCBIN_U16("graphics/unknown/unknown_57241C.gbapal"); static const u16 gUnknown_0857243C[] = INCBIN_U16("graphics/unknown/unknown_57243C.gbapal"); static const u16 gUnknown_0857245C[] = { 0x014c, 0x014d, 0x014e, 0x014f, 0x0170, 0x0171, 0x0172, 0x0173, 0x0174, 0x015c, 0x015d, 0x015e, 0x015f, 0x0180, 0x0181, 0x0182, 0x0183, 0x0184, 0x0175, 0x0176, 0x0177, 0x0178, 0x0179, 0x017a, 0x017b, 0x017c, 0x017d, 0x0185, 0x0186, 0x0187, 0x0188, 0x0189, 0x018a, 0x018b, 0x018c, 0x018d }; static const u16 gUnknown_085724A4[] = { 0x1140, 0x1141, 0x1141, 0x1142, 0x1150, 0x1151, 0x1151, 0x1152, 0x1160, 0x1161, 0x1161, 0x1162, }; static const u16 gUnknown_085724BC[] = { 0x1143, 0x1144, 0x1144, 0x1145, 0x1153, 0x1154, 0x1154, 0x1155, 0x1163, 0x1164, 0x1164, 0x1165, }; static const u16 gWaveformPalette[] = INCBIN_U16("graphics/pokemon_storage/waveform.gbapal"); static const u32 gWaveformTiles[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/waveform.4bpp"); static const u32 gUnknown_085726B4[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/unused/unknown_5726B4.gbapal"); static const u32 gUnknown_085726F4[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/unknown/unknown_5726F4.gbapal"); static const struct WindowTemplate gUnknown_08572714[] = { { // 0 .bg = 1, .tilemapLeft = 0, .tilemapTop = 11, .width = 9, .height = 7, .paletteNum = 3, .baseBlock = 0xC0, }, { // 1 .bg = 0, .tilemapLeft = 11, .tilemapTop = 17, .width = 18, .height = 2, .paletteNum = 15, .baseBlock = 0x14, }, { // 2 .bg = 0, .tilemapLeft = 0, .tilemapTop = 13, .width = 21, .height = 7, .paletteNum = 15, .baseBlock = 0x14, }, DUMMY_WIN_TEMPLATE }; static const struct BgTemplate gUnknown_08572734[] = { { .bg = 0, .charBaseIndex = 0, .mapBaseIndex = 29, .screenSize = 0, .paletteMode = 0, .priority = 0, .baseTile = 0 }, { .bg = 1, .charBaseIndex = 1, .mapBaseIndex = 30, .screenSize = 0, .paletteMode = 0, .priority = 1, .baseTile = 0x100 }, { .bg = 2, .charBaseIndex = 2, .mapBaseIndex = 27, .screenSize = 1, .paletteMode = 0, .priority = 2, .baseTile = 0 }, { .bg = 3, .charBaseIndex = 3, .mapBaseIndex = 31, .screenSize = 0, .paletteMode = 0, .priority = 3, .baseTile = 0 }, }; static const struct SpritePalette gWaveformSpritePalette = { gWaveformPalette, TAG_PAL_WAVEFORM }; static const struct SpriteSheet gWaveformSpriteSheet = { gWaveformTiles, sizeof(gWaveformTiles), TAG_TILE_WAVEFORM }; static const struct OamData sOamData_857286C; static const struct SpriteTemplate sSpriteTemplate_CursorMon = { .tileTag = TAG_TILE_2, .paletteTag = TAG_PAL_DAC6, .oam = &sOamData_857286C, .anims = gDummySpriteAnimTable, .images = NULL, .affineAnims = gDummySpriteAffineAnimTable, .callback = SpriteCallbackDummy, }; static const struct StorageAction gPCStorageActionTexts[] = { [PC_TEXT_EXIT_BOX] = {gText_ExitFromBox, PC_TEXT_FMT_NORMAL}, [PC_TEXT_WHAT_YOU_DO] = {gText_WhatDoYouWantToDo, PC_TEXT_FMT_NORMAL}, [PC_TEXT_PICK_A_THEME] = {gText_PleasePickATheme, PC_TEXT_FMT_NORMAL}, [PC_TEXT_PICK_A_WALLPAPER] = {gText_PickTheWallpaper, PC_TEXT_FMT_NORMAL}, [PC_TEXT_IS_SELECTED] = {gText_PkmnIsSelected, PC_TEXT_FMT_MON_NAME_1}, [PC_TEXT_JUMP_TO_WHICH_BOX] = {gText_JumpToWhichBox, PC_TEXT_FMT_NORMAL}, [PC_TEXT_DEPOSIT_IN_WHICH_BOX] = {gText_DepositInWhichBox, PC_TEXT_FMT_NORMAL}, [PC_TEXT_WAS_DEPOSITED] = {gText_PkmnWasDeposited, PC_TEXT_FMT_MON_NAME_1}, [PC_TEXT_BOX_IS_FULL] = {gText_BoxIsFull2, PC_TEXT_FMT_NORMAL}, [PC_TEXT_RELEASE_POKE] = {gText_ReleaseThisPokemon, PC_TEXT_FMT_NORMAL}, [PC_TEXT_WAS_RELEASED] = {gText_PkmnWasReleased, PC_TEXT_FMT_MON_NAME_4}, [PC_TEXT_BYE_BYE] = {gText_ByeByePkmn, PC_TEXT_FMT_MON_NAME_6}, [PC_TEXT_MARK_POKE] = {gText_MarkYourPkmn, PC_TEXT_FMT_NORMAL}, [PC_TEXT_LAST_POKE] = {gText_ThatsYourLastPkmn, PC_TEXT_FMT_NORMAL}, [PC_TEXT_PARTY_FULL] = {gText_YourPartysFull, PC_TEXT_FMT_NORMAL}, [PC_TEXT_HOLDING_POKE] = {gText_YoureHoldingAPkmn, PC_TEXT_FMT_NORMAL}, [PC_TEXT_WHICH_ONE_WILL_TAKE] = {gText_WhichOneWillYouTake, PC_TEXT_FMT_NORMAL}, [PC_TEXT_CANT_RELEASE_EGG] = {gText_YouCantReleaseAnEgg, PC_TEXT_FMT_NORMAL}, [PC_TEXT_CONTINUE_BOX] = {gText_ContinueBoxOperations, PC_TEXT_FMT_NORMAL}, [PC_TEXT_CAME_BACK] = {gText_PkmnCameBack, PC_TEXT_FMT_MON_NAME_1}, [PC_TEXT_WORRIED] = {gText_WasItWorriedAboutYou, PC_TEXT_FMT_NORMAL}, [PC_TEXT_SURPRISE] = {gText_FourEllipsesExclamation, PC_TEXT_FMT_NORMAL}, [PC_TEXT_PLEASE_REMOVE_MAIL] = {gText_PleaseRemoveTheMail, PC_TEXT_FMT_NORMAL}, [PC_TEXT_IS_SELECTED2] = {gText_PkmnIsSelected, PC_TEXT_FMT_ITEM_NAME}, [PC_TEXT_GIVE_TO_MON] = {gText_GiveToAPkmn, PC_TEXT_FMT_NORMAL}, [PC_TEXT_PLACED_IN_BAG] = {gText_PlacedItemInBag, PC_TEXT_FMT_ITEM_NAME}, [PC_TEXT_BAG_FULL] = {gText_BagIsFull2, PC_TEXT_FMT_NORMAL}, [PC_TEXT_PUT_IN_BAG] = {gText_PutItemInBag, PC_TEXT_FMT_NORMAL}, [PC_TEXT_ITEM_IS_HELD] = {gText_ItemIsNowHeld, PC_TEXT_FMT_ITEM_NAME}, [PC_TEXT_CHANGED_TO_ITEM] = {gText_ChangedToNewItem, PC_TEXT_FMT_ITEM_NAME}, [PC_TEXT_CANT_STORE_MAIL] = {gText_MailCantBeStored, PC_TEXT_FMT_NORMAL}, }; static const struct WindowTemplate sYesNoWindowTemplate = { .bg = 0, .tilemapLeft = 24, .tilemapTop = 11, .width = 5, .height = 4, .paletteNum = 15, .baseBlock = 0x5C, }; static const struct OamData sOamData_857286C = { .y = 0, .affineMode = 0, .objMode = 0, .mosaic = 0, .bpp = 0, .shape = 0, .x = 0, .matrixNum = 0, .size = 3, .tileNum = 0, .priority = 0, .paletteNum = 0, .affineParam = 0 }; static const struct OamData sOamData_8572874 = { .y = 0, .affineMode = 0, .objMode = 0, .mosaic = 0, .bpp = 0, .shape = 1, .x = 0, .matrixNum = 0, .size = 0, .tileNum = 0, .priority = 0, .paletteNum = 0, .affineParam = 0 }; static const union AnimCmd sSpriteAnim_857287C[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(0, 5), ANIMCMD_END }; static const union AnimCmd sSpriteAnim_8572884[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(2, 8), ANIMCMD_FRAME(4, 8), ANIMCMD_FRAME(6, 8), ANIMCMD_JUMP(0) }; static const union AnimCmd sSpriteAnim_8572894[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(8, 5), ANIMCMD_END }; static const union AnimCmd sSpriteAnim_857289C[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(10, 8), ANIMCMD_FRAME(4, 8), ANIMCMD_FRAME(12, 8), ANIMCMD_JUMP(0) }; static const union AnimCmd *const sSpriteAnimTable_85728AC[] = { sSpriteAnim_857287C, sSpriteAnim_8572884, sSpriteAnim_8572894, sSpriteAnim_857289C }; static const struct SpriteTemplate sSpriteTemplate_Waveform = { .tileTag = TAG_TILE_WAVEFORM, .paletteTag = TAG_PAL_WAVEFORM, .oam = &sOamData_8572874, .anims = sSpriteAnimTable_85728AC, .images = NULL, .affineAnims = gDummySpriteAffineAnimTable, .callback = SpriteCallbackDummy, }; static const struct OamData sOamData_85728EC; static const struct SpriteTemplate gUnknown_085728D4 = { .tileTag = TAG_TILE_12, .paletteTag = TAG_PAL_DAC0, .oam = &sOamData_85728EC, .anims = gDummySpriteAnimTable, .images = NULL, .affineAnims = gDummySpriteAffineAnimTable, .callback = SpriteCallbackDummy, }; static const struct OamData sOamData_85728EC = { .y = 0, .affineMode = 0, .objMode = 0, .mosaic = 0, .bpp = 0, .shape = 0, .x = 0, .matrixNum = 0, .size = 2, .tileNum = 0, .priority = 0, .paletteNum = 0, .affineParam = 0 }; static const union AffineAnimCmd gSpriteAffineAnim_85728F4[] = { AFFINEANIMCMD_FRAME(-2, -2, 0, 120), AFFINEANIMCMD_END }; static const union AffineAnimCmd gSpriteAffineAnim_8572904[] = { AFFINEANIMCMD_FRAME(16, 16, 0, 0), AFFINEANIMCMD_FRAME(16, 16, 0, 15), AFFINEANIMCMD_END }; static const union AffineAnimCmd *const gSpriteAffineAnimTable_857291C[] = { gSpriteAffineAnim_85728F4, gSpriteAffineAnim_8572904 }; static const u16 gWallpaperPalettes_Forest[][16] = { INCBIN_U16("graphics/pokemon_storage/forest_frame.gbapal"), INCBIN_U16("graphics/pokemon_storage/forest_bg.gbapal"), }; static const u32 gWallpaperTiles_Forest[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/forest.4bpp.lz"); static const u32 gWallpaperTilemap_Forest[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/forest.bin.lz"); static const u16 gWallpaperPalettes_City[][16] = { INCBIN_U16("graphics/pokemon_storage/city_frame.gbapal"), INCBIN_U16("graphics/pokemon_storage/city_bg.gbapal"), }; static const u32 gWallpaperTiles_City[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/city.4bpp.lz"); static const u32 gWallpaperTilemap_City[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/city.bin.lz"); static const u16 gWallpaperPalettes_Desert[][16] = { INCBIN_U16("graphics/pokemon_storage/desert_frame.gbapal"), INCBIN_U16("graphics/pokemon_storage/desert_bg.gbapal"), }; static const u32 gWallpaperTiles_Desert[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/desert.4bpp.lz"); static const u32 gWallpaperTilemap_Desert[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/desert.bin.lz"); static const u16 gWallpaperPalettes_Savanna[][16] = { INCBIN_U16("graphics/pokemon_storage/savanna_frame.gbapal"), INCBIN_U16("graphics/pokemon_storage/savanna_bg.gbapal"), }; static const u32 gWallpaperTiles_Savanna[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/savanna.4bpp.lz"); static const u32 gWallpaperTilemap_Savanna[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/savanna.bin.lz"); static const u16 gWallpaperPalettes_Crag[][16] = { INCBIN_U16("graphics/pokemon_storage/crag_frame.gbapal"), INCBIN_U16("graphics/pokemon_storage/crag_bg.gbapal"), }; static const u32 gWallpaperTiles_Crag[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/crag.4bpp.lz"); static const u32 gWallpaperTilemap_Crag[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/crag.bin.lz"); static const u16 gWallpaperPalettes_Volcano[][16] = { INCBIN_U16("graphics/pokemon_storage/volcano_frame.gbapal"), INCBIN_U16("graphics/pokemon_storage/volcano_bg.gbapal"), }; static const u32 gWallpaperTiles_Volcano[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/volcano.4bpp.lz"); static const u32 gWallpaperTilemap_Volcano[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/volcano.bin.lz"); static const u16 gWallpaperPalettes_Snow[][16] = { INCBIN_U16("graphics/pokemon_storage/snow_frame.gbapal"), INCBIN_U16("graphics/pokemon_storage/snow_bg.gbapal"), }; static const u32 gWallpaperTiles_Snow[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/snow.4bpp.lz"); static const u32 gWallpaperTilemap_Snow[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/snow.bin.lz"); static const u16 gWallpaperPalettes_Cave[][16] = { INCBIN_U16("graphics/pokemon_storage/cave_frame.gbapal"), INCBIN_U16("graphics/pokemon_storage/cave_bg.gbapal"), }; static const u32 gWallpaperTiles_Cave[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/cave.4bpp.lz"); static const u32 gWallpaperTilemap_Cave[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/cave.bin.lz"); static const u16 gWallpaperPalettes_Beach[][16] = { INCBIN_U16("graphics/pokemon_storage/beach_frame.gbapal"), INCBIN_U16("graphics/pokemon_storage/beach_bg.gbapal"), }; static const u32 gWallpaperTiles_Beach[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/beach.4bpp.lz"); static const u32 gWallpaperTilemap_Beach[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/beach.bin.lz"); static const u16 gWallpaperPalettes_Seafloor[][16] = { INCBIN_U16("graphics/pokemon_storage/seafloor_frame.gbapal"), INCBIN_U16("graphics/pokemon_storage/seafloor_bg.gbapal"), }; static const u32 gWallpaperTiles_Seafloor[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/seafloor.4bpp.lz"); static const u32 gWallpaperTilemap_Seafloor[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/seafloor.bin.lz"); static const u16 gWallpaperPalettes_River[][16] = { INCBIN_U16("graphics/pokemon_storage/river_frame.gbapal"), INCBIN_U16("graphics/pokemon_storage/river_bg.gbapal"), }; static const u32 gWallpaperTiles_River[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/river.4bpp.lz"); static const u32 gWallpaperTilemap_River[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/river.bin.lz"); static const u16 gWallpaperPalettes_Sky[][16] = { INCBIN_U16("graphics/pokemon_storage/sky_frame.gbapal"), INCBIN_U16("graphics/pokemon_storage/sky_bg.gbapal"), }; static const u32 gWallpaperTiles_Sky[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/sky.4bpp.lz"); static const u32 gWallpaperTilemap_Sky[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/sky.bin.lz"); static const u16 gWallpaperPalettes_PolkaDot[][16] = { INCBIN_U16("graphics/pokemon_storage/polkadot_frame.gbapal"), INCBIN_U16("graphics/pokemon_storage/polkadot_bg.gbapal"), }; static const u32 gWallpaperTiles_PolkaDot[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/polkadot.4bpp.lz"); static const u32 gWallpaperTilemap_PolkaDot[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/polkadot.bin.lz"); static const u16 gWallpaperPalettes_Pokecenter[][16] = { INCBIN_U16("graphics/pokemon_storage/pokecenter_frame.gbapal"), INCBIN_U16("graphics/pokemon_storage/pokecenter_bg.gbapal"), }; static const u32 gWallpaperTiles_Pokecenter[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/pokecenter.4bpp.lz"); static const u32 gWallpaperTilemap_Pokecenter[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/pokecenter.bin.lz"); static const u16 gWallpaperPalettes_Machine[][16] = { INCBIN_U16("graphics/pokemon_storage/machine_frame.gbapal"), INCBIN_U16("graphics/pokemon_storage/machine_bg.gbapal"), }; static const u32 gWallpaperTiles_Machine[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/machine.4bpp.lz"); static const u32 gWallpaperTilemap_Machine[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/machine.bin.lz"); static const u16 gWallpaperPalettes_Plain[][16] = { INCBIN_U16("graphics/pokemon_storage/plain_frame.gbapal"), INCBIN_U16("graphics/pokemon_storage/plain_bg.gbapal"), }; static const u32 gWallpaperTiles_Plain[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/plain.4bpp.lz"); static const u32 gWallpaperTilemap_Plain[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/plain.bin.lz"); // 12�18 tilemap static const u32 gUnknown_085773C4[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/unused/tilemap_5773C4.bin"); static const u16 gUnknown_08577574[][2] = { {0x1CE7, 0x7FFF}, {0x1CE7, 0x7FFF}, {0x1CE7, 0x7FFF}, {0x1CE7, 0x7FFF}, {0x1CE7, 0x7FFF}, {0x1CE7, 0x7FFF}, {0x1CE7, 0x7FFF}, {0x1CE7, 0x7FFF}, {0x1CE7, 0x7FFF}, {0x1CE7, 0x7FFF}, {0x1CE7, 0x7FFF}, {0x1CE7, 0x7FFF}, {0x1CE7, 0x7FFF}, {0x1CE7, 0x7FFF}, {0x1CE7, 0x7FFF}, {0x1CE7, 0x7FFF}, {0x1CE7, 0x7FFF} }; #define WALLPAPER_ENTRY(name) {gWallpaperTiles_##name, gWallpaperTilemap_##name, gWallpaperPalettes_##name[0]} static const struct WallpaperTable gWallpaperTable[] = { [WALLPAPER_FOREST] = WALLPAPER_ENTRY(Forest), [WALLPAPER_CITY] = WALLPAPER_ENTRY(City), [WALLPAPER_DESERT] = WALLPAPER_ENTRY(Desert), [WALLPAPER_SAVANNA] = WALLPAPER_ENTRY(Savanna), [WALLPAPER_CRAG] = WALLPAPER_ENTRY(Crag), [WALLPAPER_VOLCANO] = WALLPAPER_ENTRY(Volcano), [WALLPAPER_SNOW] = WALLPAPER_ENTRY(Snow), [WALLPAPER_CAVE] = WALLPAPER_ENTRY(Cave), [WALLPAPER_BEACH] = WALLPAPER_ENTRY(Beach), [WALLPAPER_SEAFLOOR] = WALLPAPER_ENTRY(Seafloor), [WALLPAPER_RIVER] = WALLPAPER_ENTRY(River), [WALLPAPER_SKY] = WALLPAPER_ENTRY(Sky), [WALLPAPER_POLKADOT] = WALLPAPER_ENTRY(PolkaDot), [WALLPAPER_POKECENTER] = WALLPAPER_ENTRY(Pokecenter), [WALLPAPER_MACHINE] = WALLPAPER_ENTRY(Machine), [WALLPAPER_PLAIN] = WALLPAPER_ENTRY(Plain), }; static const u8 gPCGfx_Arrow[] = INCBIN_U8("graphics/pokemon_storage/arrow.4bpp"); static const u16 gWallpaperPalettes_Zigzagoon[][16] = { INCBIN_U16("graphics/pokemon_storage/friends_frame1.gbapal"), INCBIN_U16("graphics/pokemon_storage/zigzagoon_bg.gbapal"), }; static const u32 gWallpaperTiles_Zigzagoon[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/zigzagoon.4bpp.lz"); static const u32 gWallpaperTilemap_Zigzagoon[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/zigzagoon.bin.lz"); static const u16 gWallpaperPalettes_Screen[][16] = { INCBIN_U16("graphics/pokemon_storage/friends_frame1.gbapal"), INCBIN_U16("graphics/pokemon_storage/screen_bg.gbapal"), }; static const u32 gWallpaperTiles_Screen[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/screen.4bpp.lz"); static const u32 gWallpaperTilemap_Screen[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/screen.bin.lz"); static const u16 gWallpaperPalettes_Diagonal[][16] = { INCBIN_U16("graphics/pokemon_storage/friends_frame1.gbapal"), INCBIN_U16("graphics/pokemon_storage/diagonal_bg.gbapal"), }; static const u32 gWallpaperTiles_Diagonal[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/diagonal.4bpp.lz"); static const u32 gWallpaperTilemap_Diagonal[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/diagonal.bin.lz"); static const u16 gWallpaperPalettes_Block[][16] = { INCBIN_U16("graphics/pokemon_storage/block_bg.gbapal"), INCBIN_U16("graphics/pokemon_storage/block_bg.gbapal"), }; static const u32 gWallpaperTiles_Block[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/block.4bpp.lz"); static const u32 gWallpaperTilemap_Block[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/block.bin.lz"); static const u16 gWallpaperPalettes_Pokecenter2[][16] = { INCBIN_U16("graphics/pokemon_storage/pokecenter2_bg.gbapal"), INCBIN_U16("graphics/pokemon_storage/pokecenter2_bg.gbapal"), }; static const u32 gWallpaperTiles_Pokecenter2[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/pokecenter2.4bpp.lz"); static const u32 gWallpaperTilemap_Pokecenter2[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/pokecenter2.bin.lz"); static const u16 gWallpaperPalettes_Frame[][16] = { INCBIN_U16("graphics/pokemon_storage/frame_bg.gbapal"), INCBIN_U16("graphics/pokemon_storage/frame_bg.gbapal"), }; static const u32 gWallpaperTiles_Frame[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/frame.4bpp.lz"); static const u32 gWallpaperTilemap_Frame[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/frame.bin.lz"); static const u16 gWallpaperPalettes_Blank[][16] = { INCBIN_U16("graphics/pokemon_storage/friends_frame1.gbapal"), INCBIN_U16("graphics/pokemon_storage/zigzagoon_bg.gbapal"), }; static const u32 gWallpaperTiles_Blank[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/blank.4bpp.lz"); static const u32 gWallpaperTilemap_Blank[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/blank.bin.lz"); static const u16 gWallpaperPalettes_Circles[][16] = { INCBIN_U16("graphics/pokemon_storage/friends_frame2.gbapal"), INCBIN_U16("graphics/pokemon_storage/circles_bg.gbapal"), }; static const u32 gWallpaperTiles_Circles[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/circles.4bpp.lz"); static const u32 gWallpaperTilemap_Circles[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/circles.bin.lz"); static const u16 gWallpaperPalettes_Azumarill[][16] = { INCBIN_U16("graphics/pokemon_storage/friends_frame2.gbapal"), INCBIN_U16("graphics/pokemon_storage/azumarill_bg.gbapal"), }; static const u32 gWallpaperTiles_Azumarill[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/azumarill.4bpp.lz"); static const u32 gWallpaperTilemap_Azumarill[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/azumarill.bin.lz"); static const u16 gWallpaperPalettes_Pikachu[][16] = { INCBIN_U16("graphics/pokemon_storage/friends_frame2.gbapal"), INCBIN_U16("graphics/pokemon_storage/pikachu_bg.gbapal"), }; static const u32 gWallpaperTiles_Pikachu[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/pikachu.4bpp.lz"); static const u32 gWallpaperTilemap_Pikachu[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/pikachu.bin.lz"); static const u16 gWallpaperPalettes_Legendary[][16] = { INCBIN_U16("graphics/pokemon_storage/friends_frame2.gbapal"), INCBIN_U16("graphics/pokemon_storage/legendary_bg.gbapal"), }; static const u32 gWallpaperTiles_Legendary[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/legendary.4bpp.lz"); static const u32 gWallpaperTilemap_Legendary[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/legendary.bin.lz"); static const u16 gWallpaperPalettes_Dusclops[][16] = { INCBIN_U16("graphics/pokemon_storage/friends_frame2.gbapal"), INCBIN_U16("graphics/pokemon_storage/dusclops_bg.gbapal"), }; static const u32 gWallpaperTiles_Dusclops[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/dusclops.4bpp.lz"); static const u32 gWallpaperTilemap_Dusclops[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/dusclops.bin.lz"); static const u16 gWallpaperPalettes_Ludicolo[][16] = { INCBIN_U16("graphics/pokemon_storage/friends_frame2.gbapal"), INCBIN_U16("graphics/pokemon_storage/ludicolo_bg.gbapal"), }; static const u32 gWallpaperTiles_Ludicolo[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/ludicolo.4bpp.lz"); static const u32 gWallpaperTilemap_Ludicolo[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/ludicolo.bin.lz"); static const u16 gWallpaperPalettes_Whiscash[][16] = { INCBIN_U16("graphics/pokemon_storage/friends_frame2.gbapal"), INCBIN_U16("graphics/pokemon_storage/whiscash_bg.gbapal"), }; static const u32 gWallpaperTiles_Whiscash[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/whiscash.4bpp.lz"); static const u32 gWallpaperTilemap_Whiscash[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/whiscash.bin.lz"); static const u32 gWallpaperIcon_Aqua[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/aqua_icon.4bpp.lz"); static const u32 gWallpaperIcon_Heart[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/heart_icon.4bpp.lz"); static const u32 gWallpaperIcon_FiveStar[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/five_star_icon.4bpp.lz"); static const u32 gWallpaperIcon_Brick[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/brick_icon.4bpp.lz"); static const u32 gWallpaperIcon_FourStar[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/four_star_icon.4bpp.lz"); static const u32 gWallpaperIcon_Asterisk[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/asterisk_icon.4bpp.lz"); static const u32 gWallpaperIcon_Dot[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/dot_icon.4bpp.lz"); static const u32 gWallpaperIcon_LineCircle[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/line_circle_icon.4bpp.lz"); static const u32 gWallpaperIcon_PokeBall[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/pokeball_icon.4bpp.lz"); static const u32 gWallpaperIcon_Maze[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/maze_icon.4bpp.lz"); static const u32 gWallpaperIcon_Footprint[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/footprint_icon.4bpp.lz"); static const u32 gWallpaperIcon_BigAsterisk[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/big_asterisk_icon.4bpp.lz"); static const u32 gWallpaperIcon_Circle[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/circle_icon.4bpp.lz"); static const u32 gWallpaperIcon_Koffing[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/koffing_icon.4bpp.lz"); static const u32 gWallpaperIcon_Ribbon[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/ribbon_icon.4bpp.lz"); static const u32 gWallpaperIcon_FourCircles[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/four_circles_icon.4bpp.lz"); static const u32 gWallpaperIcon_Lotad[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/lotad_icon.4bpp.lz"); static const u32 gWallpaperIcon_Crystal[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/crystal_icon.4bpp.lz"); static const u32 gWallpaperIcon_Pichu[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/pichu_icon.4bpp.lz"); static const u32 gWallpaperIcon_Diglett[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/diglett_icon.4bpp.lz"); static const u32 gWallpaperIcon_Luvdisc[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/luvdisc_icon.4bpp.lz"); static const u32 gWallpaperIcon_StarInCircle[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/star_in_circle_icon.4bpp.lz"); static const u32 gWallpaperIcon_Spinda[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/spinda_icon.4bpp.lz"); static const u32 gWallpaperIcon_Latis[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/latis_icon.4bpp.lz"); static const u32 gWallpaperIcon_Minun[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/minun_icon.4bpp.lz"); static const u32 gWallpaperIcon_Togepi[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/togepi_icon.4bpp.lz"); static const u32 gWallpaperIcon_Magma[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/magma_icon.4bpp.lz"); static const struct WallpaperTable gFriendsWallpaperTable[] = { WALLPAPER_ENTRY(Zigzagoon), WALLPAPER_ENTRY(Screen), WALLPAPER_ENTRY(Horizontal), WALLPAPER_ENTRY(Diagonal), WALLPAPER_ENTRY(Block), WALLPAPER_ENTRY(Ribbon), WALLPAPER_ENTRY(Pokecenter2), WALLPAPER_ENTRY(Frame), WALLPAPER_ENTRY(Blank), WALLPAPER_ENTRY(Circles), WALLPAPER_ENTRY(Azumarill), WALLPAPER_ENTRY(Pikachu), WALLPAPER_ENTRY(Legendary), WALLPAPER_ENTRY(Dusclops), WALLPAPER_ENTRY(Ludicolo), WALLPAPER_ENTRY(Whiscash), }; static const u32 *const gFriendsIcons[] = { gWallpaperIcon_Aqua, gWallpaperIcon_Heart, gWallpaperIcon_FiveStar, gWallpaperIcon_Brick, gWallpaperIcon_FourStar, gWallpaperIcon_Asterisk, gWallpaperIcon_Dot, gWallpaperIcon_Cross, gWallpaperIcon_LineCircle, gWallpaperIcon_PokeBall, gWallpaperIcon_Maze, gWallpaperIcon_Footprint, gWallpaperIcon_BigAsterisk, gWallpaperIcon_Circle, gWallpaperIcon_Koffing, gWallpaperIcon_Ribbon, gWallpaperIcon_Bolt, gWallpaperIcon_FourCircles, gWallpaperIcon_Lotad, gWallpaperIcon_Crystal, gWallpaperIcon_Pichu, gWallpaperIcon_Diglett, gWallpaperIcon_Luvdisc, gWallpaperIcon_StarInCircle, gWallpaperIcon_Spinda, gWallpaperIcon_Latis, gWallpaperIcon_Plusle, gWallpaperIcon_Minun, gWallpaperIcon_Togepi, gWallpaperIcon_Magma, }; // Unknown Unused data. static const u16 gUnknown_0857B07C = 0x23BA; static const struct SpriteSheet gUnknown_0857B080 = {gPCGfx_Arrow, 0x80, 6}; static const struct OamData gOamData_83BB298 = { .shape = ST_OAM_H_RECTANGLE, .size = 2, .priority = 2 }; static const union AnimCmd gSpriteAnim_83BB2A0[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(0, 5), ANIMCMD_END }; static const union AnimCmd gSpriteAnim_83BB2A8[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(8, 5), ANIMCMD_END }; static const union AnimCmd *const gSpriteAnimTable_83BB2B0[] = { gSpriteAnim_83BB2A0, gSpriteAnim_83BB2A8 }; static const struct SpriteTemplate gSpriteTemplate_857B0A8 = { TAG_TILE_3, TAG_PAL_DAC9, &gOamData_83BB298, gSpriteAnimTable_83BB2B0, NULL, gDummySpriteAffineAnimTable, SpriteCallbackDummy }; static const struct OamData gOamData_83BB2D0 = { .shape = ST_OAM_V_RECTANGLE, .priority = 2 }; static const union AnimCmd gSpriteAnim_83BB2D8[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(0, 5), ANIMCMD_END }; static const union AnimCmd gSpriteAnim_83BB2E0[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(2, 5), ANIMCMD_END }; static const union AnimCmd *const gSpriteAnimTable_83BB2E8[] = { gSpriteAnim_83BB2D8, gSpriteAnim_83BB2E0 }; static const struct SpriteTemplate gUnknown_0857B0E0 = { 6, TAG_PAL_WAVEFORM, &gOamData_83BB2D0, gSpriteAnimTable_83BB2E8, NULL, gDummySpriteAffineAnimTable, sub_80CD210 }; static const u16 gHandCursorPalette[] = INCBIN_U16("graphics/pokemon_storage/hand_cursor.gbapal"); static const u8 gHandCursorTiles[] = INCBIN_U8("graphics/pokemon_storage/hand_cursor.4bpp"); static const u8 gHandCursorShadowTiles[] = INCBIN_U8("graphics/pokemon_storage/hand_cursor_shadow.4bpp"); // code void sub_80C6D80(const u8 *string, void *dst, u8 arg2, u8 arg3, s32 arg4) { s32 i, val, val2; u16 windowId; u8 txtColor[3]; u8 *tileData1, *tileData2; struct WindowTemplate winTemplate = {0}; winTemplate.width = 24; winTemplate.height = 2; windowId = AddWindow(&winTemplate); FillWindowPixelBuffer(windowId, PALETTE_NUM_TO_FILL_VALUE(arg3)); tileData1 = (u8*) GetWindowAttribute(windowId, WINDOW_TILE_DATA); tileData2 = (winTemplate.width * 32) + tileData1; if (!arg2) txtColor[0] = 0; else txtColor[0] = arg3; txtColor[1] = 0xF; txtColor[2] = 0xE; AddTextPrinterParameterized4(windowId, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, txtColor, -1, string); val = arg4; if (val > 6u) val = 6; val2 = arg4 - 6; if (val > 0) { for (i = val; i != 0; i--) { CpuCopy16(tileData1, dst, 0x80); CpuCopy16(tileData2, dst + 0x80, 0x80); tileData1 += 0x80; tileData2 += 0x80; dst += 0x100; } } if (val2 > 0) CpuFill16((arg3 << 4) | arg3, dst, (u32)(val2) * 0x100); RemoveWindow(windowId); } // Unused void sub_80C6EAC(const u8 *string, void *dst, u16 arg2, u8 arg3, u8 clr2, u8 clr3) { u32 var; u8 windowId; u8 txtColor[3]; u8 *tileData1, *tileData2; struct WindowTemplate winTemplate = {0}; winTemplate.width = StringLength_Multibyte(string); winTemplate.height = 2; var = winTemplate.width * 32; windowId = AddWindow(&winTemplate); FillWindowPixelBuffer(windowId, PALETTE_NUM_TO_FILL_VALUE(arg3)); tileData1 = (u8*) GetWindowAttribute(windowId, WINDOW_TILE_DATA); tileData2 = (winTemplate.width * 32) + tileData1; txtColor[0] = arg3; txtColor[1] = clr2; txtColor[2] = clr3; AddTextPrinterParameterized4(windowId, 1, 0, 2, 0, 0, txtColor, -1, string); CpuCopy16(tileData1, dst, var); CpuCopy16(tileData2, dst + arg2, var); RemoveWindow(windowId); } u8 CountMonsInBox(u8 boxId) { u16 i, count; for (i = 0, count = 0; i < IN_BOX_COUNT; i++) { if (GetBoxMonDataAt(boxId, i, MON_DATA_SPECIES) != SPECIES_NONE) count++; } return count; } s16 GetFirstFreeBoxSpot(u8 boxId) { u16 i; for (i = 0; i < IN_BOX_COUNT; i++) { if (GetBoxMonDataAt(boxId, i, MON_DATA_SPECIES) == SPECIES_NONE) return i; } return -1; // all spots are taken } u8 CountPartyNonEggMons(void) { u16 i, count; for (i = 0, count = 0; i < PARTY_SIZE; i++) { if (GetMonData(&gPlayerParty[i], MON_DATA_SPECIES) != SPECIES_NONE && !GetMonData(&gPlayerParty[i], MON_DATA_IS_EGG)) { count++; } } return count; } u8 CountPartyAliveNonEggMonsExcept(u8 slotToIgnore) { u16 i, count; for (i = 0, count = 0; i < PARTY_SIZE; i++) { if (i != slotToIgnore && GetMonData(&gPlayerParty[i], MON_DATA_SPECIES) != SPECIES_NONE && !GetMonData(&gPlayerParty[i], MON_DATA_IS_EGG) && GetMonData(&gPlayerParty[i], MON_DATA_HP) != 0) { count++; } } return count; } u16 CountPartyAliveNonEggMons_IgnoreVar0x8004Slot(void) { return CountPartyAliveNonEggMonsExcept(gSpecialVar_0x8004); } u8 CountPartyMons(void) { u16 i, count; for (i = 0, count = 0; i < PARTY_SIZE; i++) { if (GetMonData(&gPlayerParty[i], MON_DATA_SPECIES) != SPECIES_NONE) { count++; } } return count; } u8 *StringCopyAndFillWithSpaces(u8 *dst, const u8 *src, u16 n) { u8 *str; for (str = StringCopy(dst, src); str < dst + n; str++) *str = CHAR_SPACE; *str = EOS; return str; } static void sub_80C7128(u16 *dest, u16 dest_left, u16 dest_top, const u16 *src, u16 src_left, u16 src_top, u16 dest_width, u16 dest_height, u16 src_width) { u16 i; dest_width *= 2; dest += dest_top * 0x20 + dest_left; src += src_top * src_width + src_left; for (i = 0; i < dest_height; i++) { CpuCopy16(src, dest, dest_width); dest += 0x20; src += src_width; } } static void sub_80C71A4(u16 *dest, u16 dest_left, u16 dest_top, u16 width, u16 height) { u16 i; dest += dest_top * 0x20 + dest_left; width *= 2; for (i = 0; i < height; dest += 0x20, i++) Dma3FillLarge16_(0, dest, width); } static void Task_PokemonStorageSystemPC(u8 taskId) { struct Task *task = &gTasks[taskId]; switch (task->data[0]) { case 0: CreatePCMenu(task->data[1], &task->data[15]); sub_81973A4(); NewMenuHelpers_DrawDialogueFrame(0, 0); FillWindowPixelBuffer(0, PALETTE_NUM_TO_FILL_VALUE(1)); AddTextPrinterParameterized2(0, 1, gUnknown_085716C0[task->data[1]].desc, TEXT_SPEED_FF, NULL, 2, 1, 3); CopyWindowToVram(0, 3); CopyWindowToVram(task->data[15], 3); task->data[0]++; break; case 1: if (IsWeatherNotFadingIn()) { task->data[0]++; } break; case 2: task->data[2] = Menu_ProcessInput(); switch(task->data[2]) { case MENU_NOTHING_CHOSEN: task->data[3] = task->data[1]; if (gMain.newKeys & DPAD_UP && --task->data[3] < 0) task->data[3] = 4; if (gMain.newKeys & DPAD_DOWN && ++task->data[3] > 4) task->data[3] = 0; if (task->data[1] != task->data[3]) { task->data[1] = task->data[3]; FillWindowPixelBuffer(0, PALETTE_NUM_TO_FILL_VALUE(1)); AddTextPrinterParameterized2(0, 1, gUnknown_085716C0[task->data[1]].desc, 0, NULL, 2, 1, 3); } break; case MENU_B_PRESSED: case 4: ClearWindowAndBorder(task->data[15], TRUE); ScriptContext2_Disable(); EnableBothScriptContexts(); RemoveWindow(task->data[15]); DestroyTask(taskId); break; default: if (task->data[2] == 0 && CountPartyMons() == PARTY_SIZE) { FillWindowPixelBuffer(0, PALETTE_NUM_TO_FILL_VALUE(1)); AddTextPrinterParameterized2(0, 1, gText_PartyFull, 0, NULL, 2, 1, 3); task->data[0] = 3; } else if (task->data[2] == 1 && CountPartyMons() == 1) { FillWindowPixelBuffer(0, PALETTE_NUM_TO_FILL_VALUE(1)); AddTextPrinterParameterized2(0, 1, gText_JustOnePkmn, 0, NULL, 2, 1, 3); task->data[0] = 3; } else { FadeScreen(1, 0); task->data[0] = 4; } break; } break; case 3: if (gMain.newKeys & (A_BUTTON | B_BUTTON)) { FillWindowPixelBuffer(0, PALETTE_NUM_TO_FILL_VALUE(1)); AddTextPrinterParameterized2(0, 1, gUnknown_085716C0[task->data[1]].desc, 0, NULL, 2, 1, 3); task->data[0] = 2; } else if (gMain.newKeys & DPAD_UP) { if (--task->data[1] < 0) task->data[1] = 4; Menu_MoveCursor(-1); task->data[1] = Menu_GetCursorPos(); FillWindowPixelBuffer(0, PALETTE_NUM_TO_FILL_VALUE(1)); AddTextPrinterParameterized2(0, 1, gUnknown_085716C0[task->data[1]].desc, 0, NULL, 2, 1, 3); task->data[0] = 2; } else if (gMain.newKeys & DPAD_DOWN) { if (++task->data[1] > 3) task->data[1] = 0; Menu_MoveCursor(1); task->data[1] = Menu_GetCursorPos(); FillWindowPixelBuffer(0, PALETTE_NUM_TO_FILL_VALUE(1)); AddTextPrinterParameterized2(0, 1, gUnknown_085716C0[task->data[1]].desc, 0, NULL, 2, 1, 3); task->data[0] = 2; } break; case 4: if (!gPaletteFade.active) { CleanupOverworldWindowsAndTilemaps(); Cb2_EnterPSS(task->data[2]); RemoveWindow(task->data[15]); DestroyTask(taskId); } break; } } void ShowPokemonStorageSystemPC(void) { u8 taskId = CreateTask(Task_PokemonStorageSystemPC, 80); gTasks[taskId].data[0] = 0; gTasks[taskId].data[1] = 0; ScriptContext2_Enable(); } static void FieldCb_ReturnToPcMenu(void) { u8 taskId; MainCallback vblankCb = gMain.vblankCallback; SetVBlankCallback(NULL); taskId = CreateTask(Task_PokemonStorageSystemPC, 80); gTasks[taskId].data[0] = 0; gTasks[taskId].data[1] = sPreviousBoxOption; Task_PokemonStorageSystemPC(taskId); SetVBlankCallback(vblankCb); pal_fill_black(); } static void CreatePCMenu(u8 whichMenu, s16 *windowIdPtr) { s16 windowId; struct WindowTemplate winTemplate = gUnknown_085716E8; winTemplate.width = GetMaxWidthInMenuTable((void *)gUnknown_085716C0, ARRAY_COUNT(gUnknown_085716C0)); windowId = AddWindow(&winTemplate); NewMenuHelpers_DrawStdWindowFrame(windowId, FALSE); PrintMenuTable(windowId, ARRAY_COUNT(gUnknown_085716C0), (void *)gUnknown_085716C0); InitMenuInUpperLeftCornerPlaySoundWhenAPressed(windowId, ARRAY_COUNT(gUnknown_085716C0), whichMenu); *windowIdPtr = windowId; } static void Cb2_ExitPSS(void) { sPreviousBoxOption = GetCurrentBoxOption(); gFieldCallback = FieldCb_ReturnToPcMenu; SetMainCallback2(CB2_ReturnToField); } static s16 StorageSystemGetNextMonIndex(struct BoxPokemon *box, s8 startIdx, u8 stopIdx, u8 mode) { s16 i; s16 direction; if (mode == 0 || mode == 1) { direction = 1; } else { direction = -1; } if (mode == 1 || mode == 3) { for (i = startIdx + direction; i >= 0 && i <= stopIdx; i += direction) { if (GetBoxMonData(box + i, MON_DATA_SPECIES) != 0) return i; } } else { for (i = startIdx + direction; i >= 0 && i <= stopIdx; i += direction) { if (GetBoxMonData(box + i, MON_DATA_SPECIES) != 0 && !GetBoxMonData(box + i, MON_DATA_IS_EGG)) return i; } } return -1; } void ResetPokemonStorageSystem(void) { u16 boxId, boxPosition; SetCurrentBox(0); for (boxId = 0; boxId < TOTAL_BOXES_COUNT; boxId++) { for (boxPosition = 0; boxPosition < IN_BOX_COUNT; boxPosition++) ZeroBoxMonAt(boxId, boxPosition); } for (boxId = 0; boxId < TOTAL_BOXES_COUNT; boxId++) { u8 *dest = StringCopy(GetBoxNamePtr(boxId), gText_Box); ConvertIntToDecimalStringN(dest, boxId + 1, STR_CONV_MODE_LEFT_ALIGN, 2); } for (boxId = 0; boxId < TOTAL_BOXES_COUNT; boxId++) { SetBoxWallpaper(boxId, boxId % 4); } ResetWaldaWallpaper(); } static void sub_80C77E8(struct UnkPSSStruct_2002370 *a0, u16 tileTag, u16 palTag, u8 a3, bool32 loadPal) { struct SpritePalette palette = { gBoxSelectionPopupPalette, palTag }; struct SpriteSheet sheets[] = { {gBoxSelectionPopupCenterTiles, 0x800, tileTag}, {gBoxSelectionPopupSidesTiles, 0x180, tileTag + 1}, {} }; if (loadPal) LoadSpritePalette(&palette); LoadSpriteSheets(sheets); gUnknown_02039D04 = a0; a0->unk_0240 = tileTag; a0->unk_0242 = palTag; a0->unk_0246 = a3; a0->unk_023c = loadPal; } static void sub_80C7890(void) { if (gUnknown_02039D04->unk_023c) FreeSpritePaletteByTag(gUnknown_02039D04->unk_0242); FreeSpriteTilesByTag(gUnknown_02039D04->unk_0240); FreeSpriteTilesByTag(gUnknown_02039D04->unk_0240 + 1); } static void sub_80C78D4(u8 curBox) { sub_80C7958(curBox); } static void sub_80C78E4(void) { sub_80C7B14(); } static u8 HandleBoxChooseSelectionInput(void) { if (gMain.newKeys & B_BUTTON) { PlaySE(SE_SELECT); return 201; } if (gMain.newKeys & A_BUTTON) { PlaySE(SE_SELECT); return gUnknown_02039D04->curBox; } if (gMain.newKeys & DPAD_LEFT) { PlaySE(SE_SELECT); sub_80C7BB4(); } else if (gMain.newKeys & DPAD_RIGHT) { PlaySE(SE_SELECT); sub_80C7B80(); } return 200; } static void sub_80C7958(u8 curBox) { u16 i; u8 spriteId; struct SpriteTemplate template; struct OamData oamData = {}; oamData.size = 3; oamData.paletteNum = 1; template = (struct SpriteTemplate){ 0, 0, &oamData, gDummySpriteAnimTable, NULL, gDummySpriteAffineAnimTable, SpriteCallbackDummy }; gUnknown_02039D04->curBox = curBox; template.tileTag = gUnknown_02039D04->unk_0240; template.paletteTag = gUnknown_02039D04->unk_0242; spriteId = CreateSprite(&template, 160, 96, 0); gUnknown_02039D04->unk_0000 = gSprites + spriteId; oamData.shape = ST_OAM_V_RECTANGLE; oamData.size = 1; template.tileTag = gUnknown_02039D04->unk_0240 + 1; template.anims = sSpriteAnimTable_8571710; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { u16 r5; spriteId = CreateSprite(&template, 124, 80, gUnknown_02039D04->unk_0246); gUnknown_02039D04->unk_0004[i] = gSprites + spriteId; r5 = 0; if (i & 2) { gUnknown_02039D04->unk_0004[i]->pos1.x = 196; r5 = 2; } if (i & 1) { gUnknown_02039D04->unk_0004[i]->pos1.y = 112; gUnknown_02039D04->unk_0004[i]->oam.size = 0; r5++; } StartSpriteAnim(gUnknown_02039D04->unk_0004[i], r5); } for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { gUnknown_02039D04->unk_0020[i] = sub_80CD2E8(72 * i + 0x7c, 0x58, i, 0, gUnknown_02039D04->unk_0246); if (gUnknown_02039D04->unk_0020[i]) { gUnknown_02039D04->unk_0020[i]->data[0] = (i == 0 ? -1 : 1); gUnknown_02039D04->unk_0020[i]->callback = sub_80C7CF4; } } sub_80C7BE4(); } static void sub_80C7B14(void) { u16 i; if (gUnknown_02039D04->unk_0000) { DestroySprite(gUnknown_02039D04->unk_0000); gUnknown_02039D04->unk_0000 = NULL; } for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (gUnknown_02039D04->unk_0004[i]) { DestroySprite(gUnknown_02039D04->unk_0004[i]); gUnknown_02039D04->unk_0004[i] = NULL; } } for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if (gUnknown_02039D04->unk_0020[i]) DestroySprite(gUnknown_02039D04->unk_0020[i]); } } static void sub_80C7B80(void) { if (++gUnknown_02039D04->curBox >= TOTAL_BOXES_COUNT) gUnknown_02039D04->curBox = 0; sub_80C7BE4(); } static void sub_80C7BB4(void) { gUnknown_02039D04->curBox = (gUnknown_02039D04->curBox == 0 ? TOTAL_BOXES_COUNT - 1 : gUnknown_02039D04->curBox - 1); sub_80C7BE4(); } static void sub_80C7BE4(void) { u8 text[16]; struct WindowTemplate winTemplate; u8 windowId; u8 *boxName = GetBoxNamePtr(gUnknown_02039D04->curBox); u8 nPokemonInBox = CountMonsInBox(gUnknown_02039D04->curBox); u32 winTileData; s32 center; memset(&winTemplate, 0, sizeof(winTemplate)); winTemplate.width = 8; winTemplate.height = 4; windowId = AddWindow(&winTemplate); FillWindowPixelBuffer(windowId, PALETTE_NUM_TO_FILL_VALUE(4)); center = GetStringCenterAlignXOffset(1, boxName, 64); AddTextPrinterParameterized3(windowId, 1, center, 1, gUnknown_08571734, TEXT_SPEED_FF, boxName); ConvertIntToDecimalStringN(text, nPokemonInBox, 1, 2); StringAppend(text, gUnknown_08571737); center = GetStringCenterAlignXOffset(1, text, 64); AddTextPrinterParameterized3(windowId, 1, center, 17, gUnknown_08571734, TEXT_SPEED_FF, text); winTileData = GetWindowAttribute(windowId, WINDOW_TILE_DATA); CpuCopy32((void *)winTileData, (void *)OBJ_VRAM0 + 0x100 + (GetSpriteTileStartByTag(gUnknown_02039D04->unk_0240) * 32), 0x400); RemoveWindow(windowId); } static void sub_80C7CF4(struct Sprite *sprite) { if (++sprite->data[1] > 3) { sprite->data[1] = 0; sprite->pos2.x += sprite->data[0]; if (++sprite->data[2] > 5) { sprite->data[2] = 0; sprite->pos2.x = 0; } } } static void VblankCb_PSS(void) { LoadOam(); ProcessSpriteCopyRequests(); sub_80D2AA4(); TransferPlttBuffer(); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG2HOFS, sPSSData->bg2_X); } static void Cb2_PSS(void) { RunTasks(); do_scheduled_bg_tilemap_copies_to_vram(); ScrollBackground(); sub_80CAA14(); AnimateSprites(); BuildOamBuffer(); } static void Cb2_EnterPSS(u8 boxOption) { ResetTasks(); sCurrentBoxOption = boxOption; sPSSData = Alloc(sizeof(*sPSSData)); if (sPSSData == NULL) { SetMainCallback2(Cb2_ExitPSS); } else { sPSSData->boxOption = boxOption; sPSSData->isReshowingPSS = FALSE; gUnknown_02039D12 = 0; sPSSData->state = 0; sPSSData->taskId = CreateTask(Cb_InitPSS, 3); gUnknown_02039D10 = StorageGetCurrentBox(); SetMainCallback2(Cb2_PSS); } } static void Cb2_ReturnToPSS(void) { ResetTasks(); sPSSData = Alloc(sizeof(*sPSSData)); if (sPSSData == NULL) { SetMainCallback2(Cb2_ExitPSS); } else { sPSSData->boxOption = sCurrentBoxOption; sPSSData->isReshowingPSS = TRUE; sPSSData->state = 0; sPSSData->taskId = CreateTask(Cb_InitPSS, 3); SetMainCallback2(Cb2_PSS); } } static void ResetAllBgCoords(void) { SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG0HOFS, 0); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG0VOFS, 0); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG1HOFS, 0); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG1VOFS, 0); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG2HOFS, 0); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG2VOFS, 0); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG3HOFS, 0); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG3VOFS, 0); } static void sub_80C7E98(void) { ResetPaletteFade(); ResetSpriteData(); FreeSpriteTileRanges(); FreeAllSpritePalettes(); ClearDma3Requests(); gReservedSpriteTileCount = 0x280; sub_80D2A90(&sPSSData->unk_0020, sPSSData->unk_0028, 8); gKeyRepeatStartDelay = 20; clear_scheduled_bg_copies_to_vram(); sub_80D259C(3); sub_80D2644(0, 1, gUnknown_0857239C, 8, 4); sub_80D2770(0, 1, 0); sPSSData->unk_02C7 = 0; } static void sub_80C7F1C(void) { sub_80CDC0C(); sInPartyMenu = (sPSSData->boxOption == BOX_OPTION_DEPOSIT); gUnknown_02039D0E = 0; } static void sub_80C7F4C(void) { if (sPSSData->boxOption == BOX_OPTION_MOVE_ITEMS) { SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BLDCNT, BLDCNT_TGT2_ALL); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BLDALPHA, BLDALPHA_BLEND(7, 11)); } SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_DISPCNT, DISPCNT_OBJ_ON | DISPCNT_BG_ALL_ON | DISPCNT_OBJ_1D_MAP); } static void SetPSSCallback(TaskFunc newFunc) { gTasks[sPSSData->taskId].func = newFunc; sPSSData->state = 0; } static void Cb_InitPSS(u8 taskId) { switch (sPSSData->state) { case 0: SetVBlankCallback(NULL); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_DISPCNT, 0); sub_80C7E98(); if (sPSSData->isReshowingPSS) { switch (sWhichToReshow) { case 1: sub_80CE790(); break; case 0: sub_80CE8E4(); break; case 2: GiveChosenBagItem(); break; } } LoadPSSMenuGfx(); LoadWaveformSpritePalette(); break; case 1: if (!InitPSSWindows()) { SetPSSCallback(Cb_ChangeScreen); return; } break; case 2: PutWindowTilemap(0); ClearWindowTilemap(1); CpuFill32(0, (void *)VRAM, 0x200); LoadUserWindowBorderGfx(1, 0xB, 0xE0); break; case 3: ResetAllBgCoords(); if (!sPSSData->isReshowingPSS) sub_80C7F1C(); break; case 4: sub_80CAF04(); if (!sPSSData->isReshowingPSS) sub_80CD36C(); else sub_80CD3EC(); break; case 5: if (!sub_80D0164()) { SetPSSCallback(Cb_ChangeScreen); return; } else { SetScrollingBackground(); sub_80CAC1C(); } break; case 6: sub_80CA0D8(); break; case 7: sub_80CA704(); break; case 8: sub_80CC32C(StorageGetCurrentBox()); break; case 9: if (sub_80CC35C()) return; if (sPSSData->boxOption != BOX_OPTION_MOVE_ITEMS) { sPSSData->field_DA4.baseTileTag = TAG_TILE_D; sPSSData->field_DA4.basePaletteTag = TAG_PAL_DACE; sub_811F90C(&sPSSData->field_DA4); sub_811FA90(); } else { sub_80D0C60(); sub_80CAEAC(); } break; case 10: sub_80C7F4C(); if (!sPSSData->isReshowingPSS) { BlendPalettes(0xFFFFFFFF, 0x10, RGB_BLACK); SetPSSCallback(Cb_ShowPSS); } else { BlendPalettes(0xFFFFFFFF, 0x10, RGB_BLACK); SetPSSCallback(Cb_ReshowPSS); } SetVBlankCallback(VblankCb_PSS); return; default: return; } sPSSData->state++; } static void Cb_ShowPSS(u8 taskId) { switch (sPSSData->state) { case 0: PlaySE(SE_PC_LOGIN); sub_80F9BCC(0x14, 0, 1); sPSSData->state++; break; case 1: if (!sub_80F9C1C()) SetPSSCallback(Cb_MainPSS); break; } } static void Cb_ReshowPSS(u8 taskId) { switch (sPSSData->state) { case 0: BeginNormalPaletteFade(0xFFFFFFFF, -1, 0x10, 0, RGB_BLACK); sPSSData->state++; break; case 1: if (!UpdatePaletteFade()) { if (sWhichToReshow == 2 && gSpecialVar_ItemId != 0) { PrintStorageActionText(PC_TEXT_ITEM_IS_HELD); sPSSData->state++; } else { SetPSSCallback(Cb_MainPSS); } } break; case 2: if (!IsDma3ManagerBusyWithBgCopy() && gMain.newKeys & (A_BUTTON | B_BUTTON)) { ClearBottomWindow(); sPSSData->state++; } break; case 3: if (!IsDma3ManagerBusyWithBgCopy()) SetPSSCallback(Cb_MainPSS); break; } } static void Cb_MainPSS(u8 taskId) { switch (sPSSData->state) { case 0: switch (HandleInput()) { case 1: PlaySE(SE_SELECT); sPSSData->state = 1; break; case 5: if (sPSSData->boxOption != BOX_OPTION_MOVE_MONS && sPSSData->boxOption != BOX_OPTION_MOVE_ITEMS) { PrintStorageActionText(PC_TEXT_WHICH_ONE_WILL_TAKE); sPSSData->state = 3; } else { sub_80CDC0C(); SetPSSCallback(Cb_ShowPartyPokemon); } break; case 6: if (sPSSData->boxOption == BOX_OPTION_MOVE_MONS) { if (IsMonBeingMoved() && ItemIsMail(sPSSData->cursorMonItem)) sPSSData->state = 5; else SetPSSCallback(Cb_HidePartyPokemon); } else if (sPSSData->boxOption == BOX_OPTION_MOVE_ITEMS) { SetPSSCallback(Cb_HidePartyPokemon); } break; case 4: SetPSSCallback(Cb_OnCloseBoxPressed); break; case 19: SetPSSCallback(Cb_OnBPressed); break; case 7: PlaySE(SE_SELECT); SetPSSCallback(Cb_HandleBoxOptions); break; case 8: SetPSSCallback(Cb_OnSelectedMon); break; case 9: PlaySE(SE_SELECT); sPSSData->newCurrBoxId = StorageGetCurrentBox() + 1; if (sPSSData->newCurrBoxId >= TOTAL_BOXES_COUNT) sPSSData->newCurrBoxId = 0; if (sPSSData->boxOption != BOX_OPTION_MOVE_ITEMS) { SetUpScrollToBox(sPSSData->newCurrBoxId); sPSSData->state = 2; } else { sub_80CFEA8(); sPSSData->state = 10; } break; case 10: PlaySE(SE_SELECT); sPSSData->newCurrBoxId = StorageGetCurrentBox() - 1; if (sPSSData->newCurrBoxId < 0) sPSSData->newCurrBoxId = TOTAL_BOXES_COUNT - 1; if (sPSSData->boxOption != BOX_OPTION_MOVE_ITEMS) { SetUpScrollToBox(sPSSData->newCurrBoxId); sPSSData->state = 2; } else { sub_80CFEA8(); sPSSData->state = 10; } break; case 11: if (!CanMovePartyMon()) { if (ItemIsMail(sPSSData->cursorMonItem)) { sPSSData->state = 5; } else { PlaySE(SE_SELECT); SetPSSCallback(Cb_DepositMenu); } } else { sPSSData->state = 4; } break; case 13: if (CanMovePartyMon()) { sPSSData->state = 4; } else { PlaySE(SE_SELECT); SetPSSCallback(Cb_MoveMon); } break; case 14: if (!CanShiftMon()) { sPSSData->state = 4; } else { PlaySE(SE_SELECT); SetPSSCallback(Cb_ShiftMon); } break; case 12: PlaySE(SE_SELECT); SetPSSCallback(Cb_WithdrawMon); break; case 15: PlaySE(SE_SELECT); SetPSSCallback(Cb_PlaceMon); break; case 16: PlaySE(SE_SELECT); SetPSSCallback(Cb_TakeItemForMoving); break; case 17: PlaySE(SE_SELECT); SetPSSCallback(Cb_GiveMovingItemToMon); break; case 18: PlaySE(SE_SELECT); SetPSSCallback(Cb_SwitchSelectedItem); break; case 20: PlaySE(SE_SELECT); sub_80D01D0(0); sPSSData->state = 7; break; case 22: sub_80D01D0(1); sPSSData->state = 8; break; case 21: PlaySE(SE_SELECT); sub_80D01D0(2); sPSSData->state = 9; break; case 23: sub_80D01D0(3); sPSSData->state = 7; break; case 25: PlaySE(SE_SELECT); sub_80D01D0(4); sPSSData->state = 9; break; case 26: PlaySE(SE_SELECT); sub_80D01D0(5); sPSSData->state = 7; break; case 24: PlaySE(SE_HAZURE); break; } break; case 1: if (!sub_80CD554()) { if (IsCursorOnCloseBox()) sub_80CA9C0(); else sub_80CA9EC(); if (sPSSData->setMosaic) BoxSetMosaic(); sPSSData->state = 0; } break; case 2: if (!ScrollToBox()) { SetCurrentBox(sPSSData->newCurrBoxId); if (!sInPartyMenu && !IsMonBeingMoved()) { sub_80CE00C(); BoxSetMosaic(); } if (sPSSData->boxOption == BOX_OPTION_MOVE_ITEMS) { sub_80CFECC(); sPSSData->state = 11; } else { sPSSData->state = 0; } } break; case 3: if (gMain.newKeys & (A_BUTTON | B_BUTTON | DPAD_ANY)) { ClearBottomWindow(); sPSSData->state = 0; } break; case 4: PlaySE(SE_HAZURE); PrintStorageActionText(PC_TEXT_LAST_POKE); sPSSData->state = 6; break; case 5: PlaySE(SE_HAZURE); PrintStorageActionText(PC_TEXT_PLEASE_REMOVE_MAIL); sPSSData->state = 6; break; case 6: if (gMain.newKeys & (A_BUTTON | B_BUTTON | DPAD_ANY)) { ClearBottomWindow(); SetPSSCallback(Cb_MainPSS); } break; case 7: if (!sub_80D01E4()) sPSSData->state = 0; break; case 8: if (!sub_80D01E4()) SetPSSCallback(Cb_MoveMon); break; case 9: if (!sub_80D01E4()) { if (sPSSData->setMosaic) BoxSetMosaic(); sPSSData->state = 0; } break; case 10: if (!sub_80D1218()) { SetUpScrollToBox(sPSSData->newCurrBoxId); sPSSData->state = 2; } break; case 11: if (!sub_80D1218()) sPSSData->state = 0; break; } } static void Cb_ShowPartyPokemon(u8 taskId) { switch (sPSSData->state) { case 0: SetUpDoShowPartyMenu(); sPSSData->state++; break; case 1: if (!DoShowPartyMenu()) SetPSSCallback(Cb_MainPSS); break; } } static void Cb_HidePartyPokemon(u8 taskId) { switch (sPSSData->state) { case 0: PlaySE(SE_SELECT); SetUpHidePartyMenu(); sPSSData->state++; break; case 1: if (!HidePartyMenu()) { sub_80CDBF8(sub_80CDC2C()); sPSSData->state++; } break; case 2: if (!sub_80CD554()) { if (sPSSData->setMosaic) BoxSetMosaic(); SetPSSCallback(Cb_MainPSS); } break; } } static void Cb_OnSelectedMon(u8 taskId) { switch (sPSSData->state) { case 0: if (!sub_80CA2B8()) { PlaySE(SE_SELECT); if (sPSSData->boxOption != BOX_OPTION_MOVE_ITEMS) PrintStorageActionText(PC_TEXT_IS_SELECTED); else if (IsActiveItemMoving() || sPSSData->cursorMonItem != 0) PrintStorageActionText(PC_TEXT_IS_SELECTED2); else PrintStorageActionText(PC_TEXT_GIVE_TO_MON); AddMenu(); sPSSData->state = 1; } break; case 1: // debug? if (!sub_80D00A8()) sPSSData->state = 2; break; case 2: switch (sub_80D00AC()) { case -1: case 0: ClearBottomWindow(); SetPSSCallback(Cb_MainPSS); break; case 3: if (CanMovePartyMon()) { sPSSData->state = 3; } else { PlaySE(SE_SELECT); ClearBottomWindow(); SetPSSCallback(Cb_MoveMon); } break; case 5: PlaySE(SE_SELECT); ClearBottomWindow(); SetPSSCallback(Cb_PlaceMon); break; case 4: if (!CanShiftMon()) { sPSSData->state = 3; } else { PlaySE(SE_SELECT); ClearBottomWindow(); SetPSSCallback(Cb_ShiftMon); } break; case 2: PlaySE(SE_SELECT); ClearBottomWindow(); SetPSSCallback(Cb_WithdrawMon); break; case 1: if (CanMovePartyMon()) { sPSSData->state = 3; } else if (ItemIsMail(sPSSData->cursorMonItem)) { sPSSData->state = 4; } else { PlaySE(SE_SELECT); ClearBottomWindow(); SetPSSCallback(Cb_DepositMenu); } break; case 7: if (CanMovePartyMon()) { sPSSData->state = 3; } else if (sPSSData->cursorMonIsEgg) { sPSSData->state = 5; // Cannot release an Egg. } else if (ItemIsMail(sPSSData->cursorMonItem)) { sPSSData->state = 4; } else { PlaySE(SE_SELECT); SetPSSCallback(Cb_ReleaseMon); } break; case 6: PlaySE(SE_SELECT); SetPSSCallback(Cb_ShowMonSummary); break; case 8: PlaySE(SE_SELECT); SetPSSCallback(Cb_ShowMarkMenu); break; case 12: PlaySE(SE_SELECT); SetPSSCallback(Cb_TakeItemForMoving); break; case 13: PlaySE(SE_SELECT); SetPSSCallback(Cb_GiveMovingItemToMon); break; case 16: SetPSSCallback(Cb_ItemToBag); break; case 15: PlaySE(SE_SELECT); SetPSSCallback(Cb_SwitchSelectedItem); break; case 14: PlaySE(SE_SELECT); SetPSSCallback(Cb_GiveItemFromBag); break; case 17: SetPSSCallback(Cb_ShowItemInfo); break; } break; case 3: PlaySE(SE_HAZURE); PrintStorageActionText(PC_TEXT_LAST_POKE); sPSSData->state = 6; break; case 5: PlaySE(SE_HAZURE); PrintStorageActionText(PC_TEXT_CANT_RELEASE_EGG); sPSSData->state = 6; break; case 4: PlaySE(SE_HAZURE); PrintStorageActionText(PC_TEXT_PLEASE_REMOVE_MAIL); sPSSData->state = 6; break; case 6: if (gMain.newKeys & (A_BUTTON | B_BUTTON | DPAD_ANY)) { ClearBottomWindow(); SetPSSCallback(Cb_MainPSS); } break; } } static void Cb_MoveMon(u8 taskId) { switch (sPSSData->state) { case 0: InitMonPlaceChange(0); sPSSData->state++; break; case 1: if (!DoMonPlaceChange()) { if (sInPartyMenu) SetPSSCallback(Cb_HandleMovingMonFromParty); else SetPSSCallback(Cb_MainPSS); } break; } } static void Cb_PlaceMon(u8 taskId) { switch (sPSSData->state) { case 0: InitMonPlaceChange(1); sPSSData->state++; break; case 1: if (!DoMonPlaceChange()) { if (sInPartyMenu) SetPSSCallback(Cb_HandleMovingMonFromParty); else SetPSSCallback(Cb_MainPSS); } break; } } static void Cb_ShiftMon(u8 taskId) { switch (sPSSData->state) { case 0: InitMonPlaceChange(2); sPSSData->state++; break; case 1: if (!DoMonPlaceChange()) { BoxSetMosaic(); SetPSSCallback(Cb_MainPSS); } break; } } static void Cb_WithdrawMon(u8 taskId) { switch (sPSSData->state) { case 0: if (CalculatePlayerPartyCount() == PARTY_SIZE) { PrintStorageActionText(PC_TEXT_PARTY_FULL); sPSSData->state = 1; } else { sub_80CDC18(); InitMonPlaceChange(0); sPSSData->state = 2; } break; case 1: if (gMain.newKeys & (A_BUTTON | B_BUTTON | DPAD_ANY)) { ClearBottomWindow(); SetPSSCallback(Cb_MainPSS); } break; case 2: if (!DoMonPlaceChange()) { SetMovingMonPriority(1); SetUpDoShowPartyMenu(); sPSSData->state++; } break; case 3: if (!DoShowPartyMenu()) { InitMonPlaceChange(1); sPSSData->state++; } break; case 4: if (!DoMonPlaceChange()) { sub_80CAB20(); sPSSData->state++; } break; case 5: SetPSSCallback(Cb_HidePartyPokemon); break; } } static void Cb_DepositMenu(u8 taskId) { u8 boxId; switch (sPSSData->state) { case 0: PrintStorageActionText(PC_TEXT_DEPOSIT_IN_WHICH_BOX); sub_80C77E8(&sPSSData->field_1E5C, TAG_TILE_A, TAG_PAL_DAC7, 3, FALSE); sub_80C78D4(gUnknown_02039D0E); sPSSData->state++; break; case 1: boxId = HandleBoxChooseSelectionInput(); if (boxId == 200) { // no box chosen yet } else if (boxId == 201) { ClearBottomWindow(); sub_80C78E4(); sub_80C7890(); SetPSSCallback(Cb_MainPSS); } else { if (TryStorePartyMonInBox(boxId)) { gUnknown_02039D0E = boxId; ClearBottomWindow(); sub_80C78E4(); sub_80C7890(); sPSSData->state = 2; } else { PrintStorageActionText(PC_TEXT_BOX_IS_FULL); sPSSData->state = 4; } } break; case 2: CompactPartySlots(); sub_80CB950(); sPSSData->state++; break; case 3: if (!sub_80CB9BC()) { sub_80CE22C(); BoxSetMosaic(); sub_80CAB20(); SetPSSCallback(Cb_MainPSS); } break; case 4: if (gMain.newKeys & (A_BUTTON | B_BUTTON | DPAD_ANY)) { PrintStorageActionText(PC_TEXT_DEPOSIT_IN_WHICH_BOX); sPSSData->state = 1; } break; } } static void Cb_ReleaseMon(u8 taskId) { switch (sPSSData->state) { case 0: PrintStorageActionText(PC_TEXT_RELEASE_POKE); ShowYesNoWindow(1); sPSSData->state++; // fallthrough case 1: switch (Menu_ProcessInputNoWrapClearOnChoose()) { case MENU_B_PRESSED: case 1: ClearBottomWindow(); SetPSSCallback(Cb_MainPSS); break; case 0: ClearBottomWindow(); InitCanRelaseMonVars(); sub_80CE250(); sPSSData->state++; break; } break; case 2: RunCanReleaseMon(); if (!sub_80CE2A8()) { while (1) { s8 r0 = RunCanReleaseMon(); if (r0 == 1) { sPSSData->state++; break; } else if (r0 == 0) { sPSSData->state = 8; // Can't release the mon. break; } } } break; case 3: ReleaseMon(); RefreshCursorMonData(); PrintStorageActionText(PC_TEXT_WAS_RELEASED); sPSSData->state++; break; case 4: if (gMain.newKeys & (A_BUTTON | B_BUTTON | DPAD_ANY)) { PrintStorageActionText(PC_TEXT_BYE_BYE); sPSSData->state++; } break; case 5: if (gMain.newKeys & (A_BUTTON | B_BUTTON | DPAD_ANY)) { ClearBottomWindow(); if (sInPartyMenu) { CompactPartySlots(); sub_80CB950(); sPSSData->state++; } else { sPSSData->state = 7; } } break; case 6: if (!sub_80CB9BC()) { sub_80CE00C(); BoxSetMosaic(); sub_80CAB20(); sPSSData->state++; } break; case 7: SetPSSCallback(Cb_MainPSS); break; case 8: PrintStorageActionText(PC_TEXT_WAS_RELEASED); sPSSData->state++; break; case 9: if (gMain.newKeys & (A_BUTTON | B_BUTTON | DPAD_ANY)) { PrintStorageActionText(PC_TEXT_SURPRISE); sPSSData->state++; } break; case 10: if (gMain.newKeys & (A_BUTTON | B_BUTTON | DPAD_ANY)) { ClearBottomWindow(); sub_80CC064(); sPSSData->state++; } break; case 11: if (!sub_80CC0A0()) { sub_80CE324(); PrintStorageActionText(PC_TEXT_CAME_BACK); sPSSData->state++; } break; case 12: if (gMain.newKeys & (A_BUTTON | B_BUTTON | DPAD_ANY)) { PrintStorageActionText(PC_TEXT_WORRIED); sPSSData->state++; } break; case 13: if (gMain.newKeys & (A_BUTTON | B_BUTTON | DPAD_ANY)) { ClearBottomWindow(); SetPSSCallback(Cb_MainPSS); } break; } } static void Cb_ShowMarkMenu(u8 taskId) { switch (sPSSData->state) { case 0: PrintStorageActionText(PC_TEXT_MARK_POKE); sPSSData->field_DA4.markings = sPSSData->cursorMonMarkings; sub_811FAA4(sPSSData->cursorMonMarkings, 0xb0, 0x10); sPSSData->state++; break; case 1: if (!sub_811FBA4()) { sub_811FAF8(); ClearBottomWindow(); SetMonMarkings(sPSSData->field_DA4.markings); RefreshCursorMonData(); SetPSSCallback(Cb_MainPSS); } break; } } static void Cb_TakeItemForMoving(u8 taskId) { switch (sPSSData->state) { case 0: if (!ItemIsMail(sPSSData->cursorMonItem)) { ClearBottomWindow(); sPSSData->state++; } else { SetPSSCallback(Cb_PrintCantStoreMail); } break; case 1: sub_80CFE54(2); Item_FromMonToMoving((sInPartyMenu != FALSE) ? CURSOR_AREA_IN_PARTY : CURSOR_AREA_IN_BOX, GetBoxCursorPosition()); sPSSData->state++; break; case 2: if (!sub_80D1218()) { sub_80CFE54(3); ClearBottomWindow(); sub_80CE00C(); PrintCursorMonInfo(); sPSSData->state++; } break; case 3: if (!IsDma3ManagerBusyWithBgCopy()) SetPSSCallback(Cb_MainPSS); break; } } static void Cb_GiveMovingItemToMon(u8 taskId) { switch (sPSSData->state) { case 0: ClearBottomWindow(); sPSSData->state++; break; case 1: sub_80CFE54(2); Item_GiveMovingToMon((sInPartyMenu != FALSE) ? CURSOR_AREA_IN_PARTY : CURSOR_AREA_IN_BOX, GetBoxCursorPosition()); sPSSData->state++; break; case 2: if (!sub_80D1218()) { sub_80CFE54(0); sub_80CE00C(); PrintCursorMonInfo(); PrintStorageActionText(PC_TEXT_ITEM_IS_HELD); sPSSData->state++; } break; case 3: if (gMain.newKeys & (A_BUTTON | B_BUTTON | DPAD_ANY)) { ClearBottomWindow(); sPSSData->state++; } break; case 4: if (!IsDma3ManagerBusyWithBgCopy()) SetPSSCallback(Cb_MainPSS); break; } } static void Cb_ItemToBag(u8 taskId) { switch (sPSSData->state) { case 0: if (!AddBagItem(sPSSData->cursorMonItem, 1)) { PlaySE(SE_HAZURE); PrintStorageActionText(PC_TEXT_BAG_FULL); sPSSData->state = 3; } else { PlaySE(SE_SELECT); Item_TakeMons((sInPartyMenu != FALSE) ? CURSOR_AREA_IN_PARTY : CURSOR_AREA_IN_BOX, GetBoxCursorPosition()); sPSSData->state = 1; } break; case 1: if (!sub_80D1218()) { PrintStorageActionText(PC_TEXT_PLACED_IN_BAG); sPSSData->state = 2; } break; case 2: if (gMain.newKeys & (A_BUTTON | B_BUTTON | DPAD_ANY)) { ClearBottomWindow(); sub_80CE00C(); PrintCursorMonInfo(); sPSSData->state = 4; } break; case 4: if (!IsDma3ManagerBusyWithBgCopy()) SetPSSCallback(Cb_MainPSS); break; case 3: if (gMain.newKeys & (A_BUTTON | B_BUTTON | DPAD_ANY)) { ClearBottomWindow(); SetPSSCallback(Cb_MainPSS); } break; } } static void Cb_SwitchSelectedItem(u8 taskId) { switch (sPSSData->state) { case 0: if (!ItemIsMail(sPSSData->cursorMonItem)) { ClearBottomWindow(); sPSSData->state++; } else { SetPSSCallback(Cb_PrintCantStoreMail); } break; case 1: sub_80CFE54(2); Item_SwitchMonsWithMoving((sInPartyMenu != FALSE) ? CURSOR_AREA_IN_PARTY : CURSOR_AREA_IN_BOX, GetBoxCursorPosition()); sPSSData->state++; break; case 2: if (!sub_80D1218()) { sub_80CFE54(3); sub_80CE00C(); PrintCursorMonInfo(); PrintStorageActionText(PC_TEXT_CHANGED_TO_ITEM); sPSSData->state++; } break; case 3: if (gMain.newKeys & (A_BUTTON | B_BUTTON | DPAD_ANY)) { ClearBottomWindow(); sPSSData->state++; } break; case 4: if (!IsDma3ManagerBusyWithBgCopy()) SetPSSCallback(Cb_MainPSS); break; } } static void Cb_ShowItemInfo(u8 taskId) { switch (sPSSData->state) { case 0: ClearBottomWindow(); sPSSData->state++; break; case 1: if (!IsDma3ManagerBusyWithBgCopy()) { PlaySE(SE_WIN_OPEN); PrintItemDescription(); sub_80D1818(); sPSSData->state++; } break; case 2: if (!sub_80D184C()) sPSSData->state++; break; case 3: if (!IsDma3ManagerBusyWithBgCopy()) sPSSData->state++; break; case 4: if (gMain.newKeys & (A_BUTTON | B_BUTTON | DPAD_ANY)) { PlaySE(SE_WIN_OPEN); sPSSData->state++; } break; case 5: if (!sub_80D18E4()) sPSSData->state++; break; case 6: if (!IsDma3ManagerBusyWithBgCopy()) SetPSSCallback(Cb_MainPSS); break; } } static void Cb_CloseBoxWhileHoldingItem(u8 taskId) { switch (sPSSData->state) { case 0: PlaySE(SE_SELECT); PrintStorageActionText(PC_TEXT_PUT_IN_BAG); ShowYesNoWindow(0); sPSSData->state = 1; break; case 1: switch (Menu_ProcessInputNoWrapClearOnChoose()) { case MENU_B_PRESSED: case 1: ClearBottomWindow(); SetPSSCallback(Cb_MainPSS); break; case 0: if (AddBagItem(sPSSData->movingItem, 1) == TRUE) { ClearBottomWindow(); sPSSData->state = 3; } else { PrintStorageActionText(PC_TEXT_BAG_FULL); sPSSData->state = 2; } break; } break; case 2: if (gMain.newKeys & (A_BUTTON | B_BUTTON | DPAD_ANY)) { ClearBottomWindow(); sPSSData->state = 5; } break; case 3: sub_80D1194(); sPSSData->state = 4; break; case 4: if (!sub_80D1218()) { sub_80CFE54(0); SetPSSCallback(Cb_MainPSS); } break; case 5: if (!IsDma3ManagerBusyWithBgCopy()) SetPSSCallback(Cb_MainPSS); break; } } static void Cb_HandleMovingMonFromParty(u8 taskId) { switch (sPSSData->state) { case 0: CompactPartySlots(); sub_80CB950(); sPSSData->state++; break; case 1: if (!sub_80CB9BC()) { sub_80CAB20(); SetPSSCallback(Cb_MainPSS); } break; } } static void Cb_PrintCantStoreMail(u8 taskId) { switch (sPSSData->state) { case 0: PrintStorageActionText(PC_TEXT_CANT_STORE_MAIL); sPSSData->state++; break; case 1: if (!IsDma3ManagerBusyWithBgCopy()) sPSSData->state++; break; case 2: if (gMain.newKeys & (A_BUTTON | B_BUTTON | DPAD_ANY)) { ClearBottomWindow(); sPSSData->state++; } break; case 3: if (!IsDma3ManagerBusyWithBgCopy()) SetPSSCallback(Cb_MainPSS); break; } } static void Cb_HandleBoxOptions(u8 taskId) { switch (sPSSData->state) { case 0: PrintStorageActionText(PC_TEXT_WHAT_YOU_DO); AddMenu(); sPSSData->state++; break; case 1: if (sub_80D00A8()) return; sPSSData->state++; case 2: switch (sub_80D00AC()) { case -1: case 0: sub_80CD1A8(TRUE); ClearBottomWindow(); SetPSSCallback(Cb_MainPSS); break; case 11: PlaySE(SE_SELECT); SetPSSCallback(Cb_NameBox); break; case 10: PlaySE(SE_SELECT); ClearBottomWindow(); SetPSSCallback(Cb_HandleWallpapers); break; case 9: PlaySE(SE_SELECT); ClearBottomWindow(); SetPSSCallback(Cb_JumpBox); break; } break; } } static void Cb_HandleWallpapers(u8 taskId) { switch (sPSSData->state) { case 0: AddWallpaperSetsMenu(); PrintStorageActionText(PC_TEXT_PICK_A_THEME); sPSSData->state++; break; case 1: if (!sub_80D00A8()) sPSSData->state++; break; case 2: sPSSData->wallpaperSetId = sub_80D00AC(); switch (sPSSData->wallpaperSetId) { case -1: sub_80CD1A8(TRUE); ClearBottomWindow(); SetPSSCallback(Cb_MainPSS); break; case 18 ... 21: PlaySE(SE_SELECT); sub_80D013C(); sPSSData->wallpaperSetId -= 18; sPSSData->state++; break; // New wallpaper from Walda. case 22: PlaySE(SE_SELECT); sPSSData->wallpaperId = 16; sub_80D013C(); ClearBottomWindow(); sPSSData->state = 6; break; } break; case 3: if (!IsDma3ManagerBusyWithBgCopy()) { AddWallpapersMenu(sPSSData->wallpaperSetId); PrintStorageActionText(PC_TEXT_PICK_A_WALLPAPER); sPSSData->state++; } break; case 4: sPSSData->wallpaperId = sub_80D00AC(); switch (sPSSData->wallpaperId) { case -2: break; case -1: ClearBottomWindow(); sPSSData->state = 0; break; default: PlaySE(SE_SELECT); ClearBottomWindow(); sPSSData->wallpaperId -= 23; SetWallpaperForCurrentBox(sPSSData->wallpaperId); sPSSData->state++; break; } break; case 5: if (!DoWallpaperGfxChange()) { sub_80CD1A8(TRUE); SetPSSCallback(Cb_MainPSS); } break; case 6: if (!IsDma3ManagerBusyWithBgCopy()) { SetWallpaperForCurrentBox(sPSSData->wallpaperId); sPSSData->state = 5; } break; } } static void Cb_JumpBox(u8 taskId) { switch (sPSSData->state) { case 0: PrintStorageActionText(PC_TEXT_JUMP_TO_WHICH_BOX); sub_80C77E8(&sPSSData->field_1E5C, TAG_TILE_A, TAG_PAL_DAC7, 3, FALSE); sub_80C78D4(StorageGetCurrentBox()); sPSSData->state++; break; case 1: sPSSData->newCurrBoxId = HandleBoxChooseSelectionInput(); switch (sPSSData->newCurrBoxId) { case 200: break; default: ClearBottomWindow(); sub_80C78E4(); sub_80C7890(); if (sPSSData->newCurrBoxId == 201 || sPSSData->newCurrBoxId == StorageGetCurrentBox()) { sub_80CD1A8(TRUE); SetPSSCallback(Cb_MainPSS); } else { sPSSData->state++; } break; } break; case 2: SetUpScrollToBox(sPSSData->newCurrBoxId); sPSSData->state++; break; case 3: if (!ScrollToBox()) { SetCurrentBox(sPSSData->newCurrBoxId); SetPSSCallback(Cb_MainPSS); } break; } } static void Cb_NameBox(u8 taskId) { switch (sPSSData->state) { case 0: sub_80CE760(); BeginNormalPaletteFade(0xFFFFFFFF, 0, 0, 16, RGB_BLACK); sPSSData->state++; break; case 1: if (!UpdatePaletteFade()) { sWhichToReshow = 1; sPSSData->screenChangeType = SCREEN_CHANGE_NAME_BOX; SetPSSCallback(Cb_ChangeScreen); } break; } } static void Cb_ShowMonSummary(u8 taskId) { switch (sPSSData->state) { case 0: sub_80CE7E8(); BeginNormalPaletteFade(0xFFFFFFFF, 0, 0, 16, RGB_BLACK); sPSSData->state++; break; case 1: if (!UpdatePaletteFade()) { sWhichToReshow = 0; sPSSData->screenChangeType = SCREEN_CHANGE_SUMMARY_SCREEN; SetPSSCallback(Cb_ChangeScreen); } break; } } static void Cb_GiveItemFromBag(u8 taskId) { switch (sPSSData->state) { case 0: BeginNormalPaletteFade(0xFFFFFFFF, 0, 0, 16, RGB_BLACK); sPSSData->state++; break; case 1: if (!UpdatePaletteFade()) { sWhichToReshow = 2; sPSSData->screenChangeType = SCREEN_CHANGE_ITEM_FROM_BAG; SetPSSCallback(Cb_ChangeScreen); } break; } } static void Cb_OnCloseBoxPressed(u8 taskId) { switch (sPSSData->state) { case 0: if (IsMonBeingMoved()) { PlaySE(SE_HAZURE); PrintStorageActionText(PC_TEXT_HOLDING_POKE); sPSSData->state = 1; } else if (IsActiveItemMoving()) { SetPSSCallback(Cb_CloseBoxWhileHoldingItem); } else { PlaySE(SE_SELECT); PrintStorageActionText(PC_TEXT_EXIT_BOX); ShowYesNoWindow(0); sPSSData->state = 2; } break; case 1: if (gMain.newKeys & (A_BUTTON | B_BUTTON | DPAD_ANY)) { ClearBottomWindow(); SetPSSCallback(Cb_MainPSS); } break; case 2: switch (Menu_ProcessInputNoWrapClearOnChoose()) { case MENU_B_PRESSED: case 1: ClearBottomWindow(); SetPSSCallback(Cb_MainPSS); break; case 0: PlaySE(SE_PC_OFF); ClearBottomWindow(); sPSSData->state++; break; } break; case 3: sub_80F9BF4(0x14, 0, 1); sPSSData->state++; break; case 4: if (!sub_80F9C30()) { sub_80CABE0(); gPlayerPartyCount = CalculatePlayerPartyCount(); sPSSData->screenChangeType = SCREEN_CHANGE_EXIT_BOX; SetPSSCallback(Cb_ChangeScreen); } break; } } static void Cb_OnBPressed(u8 taskId) { switch (sPSSData->state) { case 0: if (IsMonBeingMoved()) { PlaySE(SE_HAZURE); PrintStorageActionText(PC_TEXT_HOLDING_POKE); sPSSData->state = 1; } else if (IsActiveItemMoving()) { SetPSSCallback(Cb_CloseBoxWhileHoldingItem); } else { PlaySE(SE_SELECT); PrintStorageActionText(PC_TEXT_CONTINUE_BOX); ShowYesNoWindow(0); sPSSData->state = 2; } break; case 1: if (gMain.newKeys & (A_BUTTON | B_BUTTON | DPAD_ANY)) { ClearBottomWindow(); SetPSSCallback(Cb_MainPSS); } break; case 2: switch (Menu_ProcessInputNoWrapClearOnChoose()) { case 0: ClearBottomWindow(); SetPSSCallback(Cb_MainPSS); break; case 1: case MENU_B_PRESSED: PlaySE(SE_PC_OFF); ClearBottomWindow(); sPSSData->state++; break; } break; case 3: sub_80F9BF4(0x14, 0, 0); sPSSData->state++; break; case 4: if (!sub_80F9C30()) { sub_80CABE0(); gPlayerPartyCount = CalculatePlayerPartyCount(); sPSSData->screenChangeType = SCREEN_CHANGE_EXIT_BOX; SetPSSCallback(Cb_ChangeScreen); } break; } } static void Cb_ChangeScreen(u8 taskId) { struct BoxPokemon *boxMons; u8 mode, monIndex, maxMonIndex; u8 screenChangeType = sPSSData->screenChangeType; if (sPSSData->boxOption == BOX_OPTION_MOVE_ITEMS && IsActiveItemMoving() == TRUE) gUnknown_02039D12 = GetMovingItem(); else gUnknown_02039D12 = 0; switch (screenChangeType) { case SCREEN_CHANGE_EXIT_BOX: default: FreePSSData(); SetMainCallback2(Cb2_ExitPSS); break; case SCREEN_CHANGE_SUMMARY_SCREEN: boxMons = sPSSData->field_218C.box; monIndex = sPSSData->field_2187; maxMonIndex = sPSSData->field_2186; mode = sPSSData->field_2188; FreePSSData(); if (mode == PSS_MODE_NORMAL && boxMons == &gUnknown_02039D14.box) ShowPokemonSummaryScreenSet40EF(mode, boxMons, monIndex, maxMonIndex, Cb2_ReturnToPSS); else ShowPokemonSummaryScreen(mode, boxMons, monIndex, maxMonIndex, Cb2_ReturnToPSS); break; case SCREEN_CHANGE_NAME_BOX: FreePSSData(); DoNamingScreen(NAMING_SCREEN_BOX, GetBoxNamePtr(StorageGetCurrentBox()), 0, 0, 0, Cb2_ReturnToPSS); break; case SCREEN_CHANGE_ITEM_FROM_BAG: FreePSSData(); GoToBagMenu(11, 0, Cb2_ReturnToPSS); break; } DestroyTask(taskId); } static void GiveChosenBagItem(void) { u16 item = gSpecialVar_ItemId; if (item != 0) { u8 id = GetBoxCursorPosition(); if (sInPartyMenu) SetMonData(&gPlayerParty[id], MON_DATA_HELD_ITEM, &item); else SetCurrentBoxMonData(id, MON_DATA_HELD_ITEM, &item); RemoveBagItem(item, 1); } } static void FreePSSData(void) { sub_80D25F0(); sub_80D01B8(); FREE_AND_SET_NULL(sPSSData); FreeAllWindowBuffers(); } static void SetScrollingBackground(void) { SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG3CNT, BGCNT_PRIORITY(3) | BGCNT_CHARBASE(3) | BGCNT_16COLOR | BGCNT_SCREENBASE(31)); DecompressAndLoadBgGfxUsingHeap(3, gPokemonStorageScrollingBGTileset, 0, 0, 0); LZ77UnCompVram(gPokemonStorageScrollingBGTilemap, (void *)BG_SCREEN_ADDR(31)); } static void ScrollBackground(void) { ChangeBgX(3, 128, 1); ChangeBgY(3, 128, 2); } static void LoadPSSMenuGfx(void) { InitBgsFromTemplates(0, gUnknown_08572734, ARRAY_COUNT(gUnknown_08572734)); DecompressAndLoadBgGfxUsingHeap(1, gPSSMenu_Gfx, 0, 0, 0); LZ77UnCompWram(gUnknown_085722A0, sPSSData->field_5AC4); SetBgTilemapBuffer(1, sPSSData->field_5AC4); ShowBg(1); schedule_bg_copy_tilemap_to_vram(1); } static bool8 InitPSSWindows(void) { if (!InitWindows(gUnknown_08572714)) { return FALSE; } else { DeactivateAllTextPrinters(); return TRUE; } } static void LoadWaveformSpritePalette(void) { LoadSpritePalette(&gWaveformSpritePalette); } static void sub_80CA0D8(void) { LoadPalette(gUnknown_085723DC, 0, 0x20); LoadPalette(gUnknown_085723FC, 0x20, 0x20); LoadPalette(gUnknown_085726F4, 0xF0, 0x20); if (sPSSData->boxOption != BOX_OPTION_MOVE_ITEMS) LoadPalette(gUnknown_0857241C, 0x30, 0x20); else LoadPalette(gUnknown_0857243C, 0x30, 0x20); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG1CNT, BGCNT_PRIORITY(1) | BGCNT_CHARBASE(1) | BGCNT_16COLOR | BGCNT_SCREENBASE(30)); LoadCursorMonSprite(); sub_80CA154(); sub_80CA1C4(); RefreshCursorMonData(); } static void sub_80CA154(void) { sPSSData->field_D94 = sub_811FFB4(TAG_TILE_10, TAG_PAL_DAC8, NULL); sPSSData->field_D94->oam.priority = 1; sPSSData->field_D94->subpriority = 1; sPSSData->field_D94->pos1.x = 40; sPSSData->field_D94->pos1.y = 150; sPSSData->field_DA0 = (void*) OBJ_VRAM0 + 32 * GetSpriteTileStartByTag(TAG_TILE_10); } static void sub_80CA1C4(void) { u16 i; struct SpriteSheet sheet = gWaveformSpriteSheet; LoadSpriteSheet(&sheet); for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { u8 spriteId = CreateSprite(&sSpriteTemplate_Waveform, i * 63 + 8, 9, 2); sPSSData->field_D98[i] = &gSprites[spriteId]; } } static void RefreshCursorMonData(void) { LoadCursorMonGfx(sPSSData->cursorMonSpecies, sPSSData->cursorMonPersonality); PrintCursorMonInfo(); sub_80CA65C(); schedule_bg_copy_tilemap_to_vram(0); } static void BoxSetMosaic(void) { RefreshCursorMonData(); if (sPSSData->cursorMonSprite) { sPSSData->cursorMonSprite->oam.mosaic = TRUE; sPSSData->cursorMonSprite->data[0] = 10; sPSSData->cursorMonSprite->data[1] = 1; sPSSData->cursorMonSprite->callback = sub_80CA2D0; SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_MOSAIC, (sPSSData->cursorMonSprite->data[0] << 12) | (sPSSData->cursorMonSprite->data[0] << 8)); } } static u8 sub_80CA2B8(void) { return sPSSData->cursorMonSprite->oam.mosaic; } static void sub_80CA2D0(struct Sprite *sprite) { sprite->data[0] -= sprite->data[1]; if (sprite->data[0] < 0) sprite->data[0] = 0; SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_MOSAIC, (sprite->data[0] << 12) | (sprite->data[0] << 8)); if (sprite->data[0] == 0) { sprite->oam.mosaic = FALSE; sprite->callback = SpriteCallbackDummy; } } static void LoadCursorMonSprite(void) { u16 i; u16 tileStart; u8 palSlot; u8 spriteId; struct SpriteSheet sheet = {sPSSData->field_22C4, 0x800, TAG_TILE_2}; struct SpritePalette palette = {sPSSData->field_2244, TAG_PAL_DAC6}; struct SpriteTemplate template = sSpriteTemplate_CursorMon; for (i = 0; i < 0x800; i++) sPSSData->field_22C4[i] = 0; for (i = 0; i < 0x10; i++) sPSSData->field_2244[i] = 0; sPSSData->cursorMonSprite = NULL; do { tileStart = LoadSpriteSheet(&sheet); if (tileStart == 0) break; palSlot = LoadSpritePalette(&palette); if (palSlot == 0xFF) break; spriteId = CreateSprite(&template, 40, 48, 0); if (spriteId == MAX_SPRITES) break; sPSSData->cursorMonSprite = &gSprites[spriteId]; sPSSData->field_223A = palSlot * 16 + 0x100; sPSSData->field_223C = (void*) OBJ_VRAM0 + tileStart * 32; } while (0); if (sPSSData->cursorMonSprite == NULL) { FreeSpriteTilesByTag(TAG_TILE_2); FreeSpritePaletteByTag(TAG_PAL_DAC6); } } static void LoadCursorMonGfx(u16 species, u32 pid) { if (sPSSData->cursorMonSprite == NULL) return; if (species != SPECIES_NONE) { LoadSpecialPokePic(&gMonFrontPicTable[species], sPSSData->field_22C4, species, pid, TRUE); LZ77UnCompWram(sPSSData->cursorMonPalette, sPSSData->field_2244); CpuCopy32(sPSSData->field_22C4, sPSSData->field_223C, 0x800); LoadPalette(sPSSData->field_2244, sPSSData->field_223A, 0x20); sPSSData->cursorMonSprite->invisible = FALSE; } else { sPSSData->cursorMonSprite->invisible = TRUE; } } static void PrintCursorMonInfo(void) { FillWindowPixelBuffer(0, PALETTE_NUM_TO_FILL_VALUE(1)); if (sPSSData->boxOption != BOX_OPTION_MOVE_ITEMS) { AddTextPrinterParameterized(0, 1, sPSSData->cursorMonNickText, 6, 0, TEXT_SPEED_FF, NULL); AddTextPrinterParameterized(0, 2, sPSSData->cursorMonSpeciesName, 6, 15, TEXT_SPEED_FF, NULL); AddTextPrinterParameterized(0, 2, sPSSData->cursorMonGenderLvlText, 10, 29, TEXT_SPEED_FF, NULL); AddTextPrinterParameterized(0, 0, sPSSData->cursorMonItemName, 6, 43, TEXT_SPEED_FF, NULL); } else { AddTextPrinterParameterized(0, 0, sPSSData->cursorMonItemName, 6, 0, TEXT_SPEED_FF, NULL); AddTextPrinterParameterized(0, 1, sPSSData->cursorMonNickText, 6, 13, TEXT_SPEED_FF, NULL); AddTextPrinterParameterized(0, 2, sPSSData->cursorMonSpeciesName, 6, 28, TEXT_SPEED_FF, NULL); AddTextPrinterParameterized(0, 2, sPSSData->cursorMonGenderLvlText, 10, 42, TEXT_SPEED_FF, NULL); } CopyWindowToVram(0, 2); if (sPSSData->cursorMonSpecies != SPECIES_NONE) { sub_8120084(sPSSData->cursorMonMarkings, sPSSData->field_DA0); sPSSData->field_D94->invisible = FALSE; } else { sPSSData->field_D94->invisible = TRUE; } } static void sub_80CA65C(void) { u16 i; if (sPSSData->cursorMonSpecies != SPECIES_NONE) { sub_80D27AC(0, 0, 0, 8, 2); for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) StartSpriteAnimIfDifferent(sPSSData->field_D98[i], i * 2 + 1); } else { sub_80D27AC(0, 0, 2, 8, 2); for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) StartSpriteAnim(sPSSData->field_D98[i], i * 2); } sub_80D2918(0); schedule_bg_copy_tilemap_to_vram(1); } static void sub_80CA704(void) { LZ77UnCompWram(gUnknown_08DD36C8, sPSSData->field_B0); LoadPalette(gPSSMenu_Pal, 0x10, 0x20); sub_80D2644(1, 1, sPSSData->field_B0, 12, 22); sub_80D2644(2, 1, gUnknown_0857245C, 9, 4); sub_80D2770(1, 10, 0); sub_80D2770(2, 21, 0); sub_80CAA74(); if (sInPartyMenu) { sub_80CA984(TRUE); CreatePartyMonsSprites(TRUE); sub_80D2918(2); sub_80D2918(1); } else { sub_80D27AC(1, 0, 20, 12, 2); sub_80CA984(TRUE); sub_80D2918(1); sub_80D2918(2); } schedule_bg_copy_tilemap_to_vram(1); sPSSData->unk_02C7 = 0; } static void SetUpShowPartyMenu(void) { sPSSData->field_2C0 = 20; sPSSData->field_2C2 = 2; sPSSData->field_2C5 = 0; CreatePartyMonsSprites(FALSE); } static bool8 ShowPartyMenu(void) { if (sPSSData->field_2C5 == 20) return FALSE; sPSSData->field_2C0--; sPSSData->field_2C2++; sub_80D27F4(1, 3, 1); sub_80D2918(1); schedule_bg_copy_tilemap_to_vram(1); sub_80CBAF0(8); if (++sPSSData->field_2C5 == 20) { sInPartyMenu = TRUE; return FALSE; } else { return TRUE; } } static void SetUpHidePartyMenu(void) { sPSSData->field_2C0 = 0; sPSSData->field_2C2 = 22; sPSSData->field_2C5 = 0; if (sPSSData->boxOption == BOX_OPTION_MOVE_ITEMS) sub_80D11CC(); } static bool8 HidePartyMenu(void) { if (sPSSData->field_2C5 != 20) { sPSSData->field_2C0++; sPSSData->field_2C2--; sub_80D27F4(1, 3, -1); sub_80D2918(1); FillBgTilemapBufferRect_Palette0(1, 0x100, 10, sPSSData->field_2C2, 12, 1); sub_80CBAF0(-8); if (++sPSSData->field_2C5 != 20) { schedule_bg_copy_tilemap_to_vram(1); return TRUE; } else { sInPartyMenu = FALSE; DestroyAllPartyMonIcons(); CompactPartySlots(); sub_80D27AC(2, 0, 0, 9, 2); sub_80D2918(2); schedule_bg_copy_tilemap_to_vram(1); return FALSE; } } return FALSE; } static void sub_80CA984(bool8 arg0) { if (arg0) sub_80D27AC(2, 0, 0, 9, 2); else sub_80D27AC(2, 0, 2, 9, 2); sub_80D2918(2); schedule_bg_copy_tilemap_to_vram(1); } static void sub_80CA9C0(void) { sPSSData->unk_02C7 = 1; sPSSData->unk_02C8 = 30; sPSSData->unk_02C9 = TRUE; } static void sub_80CA9EC(void) { if (sPSSData->unk_02C7) { sPSSData->unk_02C7 = 0; sub_80CA984(TRUE); } } static void sub_80CAA14(void) { if (sPSSData->unk_02C7 && ++sPSSData->unk_02C8 > 30) { sPSSData->unk_02C8 = 0; sPSSData->unk_02C9 = (sPSSData->unk_02C9 == FALSE); sub_80CA984(sPSSData->unk_02C9); } } static void sub_80CAA74(void) { u8 i; for (i = 1; i < PARTY_SIZE; i++) { s32 species = GetMonData(gPlayerParty + i, MON_DATA_SPECIES); sub_80CAAA8(i, (species != SPECIES_NONE)); } } static void sub_80CAAA8(u8 arg0, bool8 isPartyMon) { u16 i, j, index; const u16 *data; if (isPartyMon) data = gUnknown_085724A4; else data = gUnknown_085724BC; index = 3 * (3 * (arg0 - 1) + 1); index *= 4; index += 7; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) { sPSSData->field_B0[index + j] = data[j]; } data += 4; index += 12; } } static void sub_80CAB20(void) { sub_80CAA74(); sub_80D27AC(1, 0, 0, 12, 22); sub_80D2918(1); schedule_bg_copy_tilemap_to_vram(1); } static void SetUpDoShowPartyMenu(void) { sPSSData->showPartyMenuState = 0; PlaySE(SE_WIN_OPEN); SetUpShowPartyMenu(); } static bool8 DoShowPartyMenu(void) { switch (sPSSData->showPartyMenuState) { case 0: if (!ShowPartyMenu()) { sub_80CDBA0(); sPSSData->showPartyMenuState++; } break; case 1: if (!sub_80CD554()) { if (sPSSData->setMosaic) BoxSetMosaic(); sPSSData->showPartyMenuState++; } break; case 2: return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static void sub_80CABE0(void) { if (gUnknown_02039D10 != StorageGetCurrentBox()) { FlagClear(FLAG_SYS_STORAGE_UNKNOWN_FLAG); VarSet(VAR_STORAGE_UNKNOWN, StorageGetCurrentBox()); } } static void sub_80CAC1C(void) { SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG0CNT, BGCNT_PRIORITY(0) | BGCNT_CHARBASE(0) | BGCNT_SCREENBASE(29)); LoadUserWindowBorderGfx(1, 2, 208); FillBgTilemapBufferRect(0, 0, 0, 0, 32, 20, 17); CopyBgTilemapBufferToVram(0); } static void PrintStorageActionText(u8 id) { u8 *txtPtr; DynamicPlaceholderTextUtil_Reset(); switch (gPCStorageActionTexts[id].format) { case PC_TEXT_FMT_NORMAL: break; case PC_TEXT_FMT_MON_NAME_1: case PC_TEXT_FMT_MON_NAME_2: case PC_TEXT_FMT_MON_NAME_3: DynamicPlaceholderTextUtil_SetPlaceholderPtr(0, sPSSData->cursorMonNick); break; case PC_TEXT_FMT_MON_NAME_4: case PC_TEXT_FMT_MON_NAME_5: case PC_TEXT_FMT_MON_NAME_6: DynamicPlaceholderTextUtil_SetPlaceholderPtr(0, sPSSData->field_21E0); break; case PC_TEXT_FMT_ITEM_NAME: if (IsActiveItemMoving()) txtPtr = StringCopy(sPSSData->itemName, GetMovingItemName()); else txtPtr = StringCopy(sPSSData->itemName, sPSSData->cursorMonItemName); while (*(txtPtr - 1) == CHAR_SPACE) txtPtr--; *txtPtr = EOS; DynamicPlaceholderTextUtil_SetPlaceholderPtr(0, sPSSData->itemName); break; } DynamicPlaceholderTextUtil_ExpandPlaceholders(sPSSData->field_2190, gPCStorageActionTexts[id].text); FillWindowPixelBuffer(1, PALETTE_NUM_TO_FILL_VALUE(1)); AddTextPrinterParameterized(1, 1, sPSSData->field_2190, 0, 1, TEXT_SPEED_FF, NULL); sub_8098858(1, 2, 14); PutWindowTilemap(1); CopyWindowToVram(1, 2); schedule_bg_copy_tilemap_to_vram(0); } static void ShowYesNoWindow(s8 cursorPos) { CreateYesNoMenu(&sYesNoWindowTemplate, 11, 14, 0); Menu_MoveCursorNoWrapAround(cursorPos); } static void ClearBottomWindow(void) { sub_8198070(1, FALSE); schedule_bg_copy_tilemap_to_vram(0); } static void AddWallpaperSetsMenu(void) { InitMenu(); SetMenuText(18); SetMenuText(19); SetMenuText(20); SetMenuText(21); if (IsWaldaWallpaperUnlocked()) SetMenuText(22); AddMenu(); } static void AddWallpapersMenu(u8 wallpaperSet) { InitMenu(); switch (wallpaperSet) { case 0: SetMenuText(23); SetMenuText(24); SetMenuText(25); SetMenuText(26); break; case 1: SetMenuText(27); SetMenuText(28); SetMenuText(29); SetMenuText(30); break; case 2: SetMenuText(31); SetMenuText(32); SetMenuText(33); SetMenuText(34); break; case 3: SetMenuText(35); SetMenuText(36); SetMenuText(37); SetMenuText(38); break; } AddMenu(); } static u8 GetCurrentBoxOption(void) { return sCurrentBoxOption; } static void sub_80CAEAC(void) { if (!IsCursorOnBox()) { if (sInPartyMenu) sub_80D0D8C(CURSOR_AREA_IN_PARTY, GetBoxCursorPosition()); else sub_80D0D8C(CURSOR_AREA_IN_BOX, GetBoxCursorPosition()); } if (gUnknown_02039D12 != 0) { sub_80D0F38(gUnknown_02039D12); sub_80CFE54(3); } } static void sub_80CAF04(void) { u16 i; LoadMonIconPalettes(); for (i = 0; i < 40; i++) sPSSData->field_B08[i] = 0; for (i = 0; i < 40; i++) sPSSData->field_B58[i] = 0; for (i = 0; i < PARTY_SIZE; i++) sPSSData->partySprites[i] = NULL; for (i = 0; i < IN_BOX_COUNT; i++) sPSSData->boxMonsSprites[i] = NULL; sPSSData->movingMonSprite = NULL; sPSSData->field_78C = 0; } static u8 sub_80CAFAC(void) { return (IsCursorInBox() ? 2 : 1); } static void CreateMovingMonIcon(void) { u32 personality = GetMonData(&sPSSData->movingMon, MON_DATA_PERSONALITY); u16 species = GetMonData(&sPSSData->movingMon, MON_DATA_SPECIES2); u8 priority = sub_80CAFAC(); sPSSData->movingMonSprite = CreateMonIconSprite(species, personality, 0, 0, priority, 7); sPSSData->movingMonSprite->callback = sub_80CC100; } static void sub_80CB028(u8 boxId) { u8 boxPosition; u16 i, j, count; u16 species; u32 personality; count = 0; boxPosition = 0; for (i = 0; i < IN_BOX_COLUMNS; i++) { for (j = 0; j < IN_BOX_ROWS; j++) { species = GetBoxMonDataAt(boxId, boxPosition, MON_DATA_SPECIES2); if (species != SPECIES_NONE) { personality = GetBoxMonDataAt(boxId, boxPosition, MON_DATA_PERSONALITY); sPSSData->boxMonsSprites[count] = CreateMonIconSprite(species, personality, 8 * (3 * j) + 100, 8 * (3 * i) + 44, 2, 19 - j); } else { sPSSData->boxMonsSprites[count] = NULL; } boxPosition++; count++; } } if (sPSSData->boxOption == BOX_OPTION_MOVE_ITEMS) { for (boxPosition = 0; boxPosition < IN_BOX_COUNT; boxPosition++) { if (GetBoxMonDataAt(boxId, boxPosition, MON_DATA_HELD_ITEM) == 0) sPSSData->boxMonsSprites[boxPosition]->oam.objMode = 1; } } } static void sub_80CB140(u8 boxPosition) { u16 species = GetCurrentBoxMonData(boxPosition, MON_DATA_SPECIES2); if (species != SPECIES_NONE) { s16 x = 8 * (3 * (boxPosition % IN_BOX_ROWS)) + 100; s16 y = 8 * (3 * (boxPosition / IN_BOX_ROWS)) + 44; u32 personality = GetCurrentBoxMonData(boxPosition, MON_DATA_PERSONALITY); sPSSData->boxMonsSprites[boxPosition] = CreateMonIconSprite(species, personality, x, y, 2, 19 - (boxPosition % IN_BOX_ROWS)); if (sPSSData->boxOption == BOX_OPTION_MOVE_ITEMS) sPSSData->boxMonsSprites[boxPosition]->oam.objMode = 1; } } static void sub_80CB1F0(s16 arg0) { u16 i; for (i = 0; i < IN_BOX_COUNT; i++) { if (sPSSData->boxMonsSprites[i] != NULL) { sPSSData->boxMonsSprites[i]->data[2] = arg0; sPSSData->boxMonsSprites[i]->data[4] = 1; sPSSData->boxMonsSprites[i]->callback = sub_80CB278; } } } static void sub_80CB234(struct Sprite *sprite) { if (sprite->data[1] != 0) { sprite->data[1]--; sprite->pos1.x += sprite->data[2]; } else { sPSSData->field_C66--; sprite->pos1.x = sprite->data[3]; sprite->callback = SpriteCallbackDummy; } } static void sub_80CB278(struct Sprite *sprite) { if (sprite->data[4] != 0) { sprite->data[4]--; } else { sprite->pos1.x += sprite->data[2]; sprite->data[5] = sprite->pos1.x + sprite->pos2.x; if (sprite->data[5] <= 68 || sprite->data[5] >= 252) sprite->callback = SpriteCallbackDummy; } } static void DestroyAllIconsInRow(u8 row) { u16 column; u8 boxPosition = row; for (column = 0; column < IN_BOX_COLUMNS; column++) { if (sPSSData->boxMonsSprites[boxPosition] != NULL) { DestroyBoxMonIcon(sPSSData->boxMonsSprites[boxPosition]); sPSSData->boxMonsSprites[boxPosition] = NULL; } boxPosition += IN_BOX_ROWS; } } static u8 sub_80CB2F8(u8 row, u16 times, s16 xDelta) { s32 i; u16 y = 44; s16 xDest = 8 * (3 * row) + 100; u16 x = xDest - ((times + 1) * xDelta); u8 subpriority = 19 - row; u8 count = 0; u8 boxPosition = row; if (sPSSData->boxOption != BOX_OPTION_MOVE_ITEMS) { for (i = 0; i < IN_BOX_COLUMNS; i++) { if (sPSSData->boxSpecies[boxPosition] != SPECIES_NONE) { sPSSData->boxMonsSprites[boxPosition] = CreateMonIconSprite(sPSSData->boxSpecies[boxPosition], sPSSData->boxPersonalities[boxPosition], x, y, 2, subpriority); if (sPSSData->boxMonsSprites[boxPosition] != NULL) { sPSSData->boxMonsSprites[boxPosition]->data[1] = times; sPSSData->boxMonsSprites[boxPosition]->data[2] = xDelta; sPSSData->boxMonsSprites[boxPosition]->data[3] = xDest; sPSSData->boxMonsSprites[boxPosition]->callback = sub_80CB234; count++; } } boxPosition += IN_BOX_ROWS; y += 24; } } else { for (i = 0; i < IN_BOX_COLUMNS; i++) { if (sPSSData->boxSpecies[boxPosition] != SPECIES_NONE) { sPSSData->boxMonsSprites[boxPosition] = CreateMonIconSprite(sPSSData->boxSpecies[boxPosition], sPSSData->boxPersonalities[boxPosition], x, y, 2, subpriority); if (sPSSData->boxMonsSprites[boxPosition] != NULL) { sPSSData->boxMonsSprites[boxPosition]->data[1] = times; sPSSData->boxMonsSprites[boxPosition]->data[2] = xDelta; sPSSData->boxMonsSprites[boxPosition]->data[3] = xDest; sPSSData->boxMonsSprites[boxPosition]->callback = sub_80CB234; if (GetBoxMonDataAt(sPSSData->field_C5C, boxPosition, MON_DATA_HELD_ITEM) == 0) sPSSData->boxMonsSprites[boxPosition]->oam.objMode = 1; count++; } } boxPosition += IN_BOX_ROWS; y += 24; } } return count; } static void sub_80CB4CC(u8 boxId, s8 direction) { sPSSData->field_C6A = 0; sPSSData->field_C6B = boxId; sPSSData->field_C69 = direction; sPSSData->field_C60 = 32; sPSSData->field_C64 = -(6 * direction); sPSSData->field_C66 = 0; SetBoxSpeciesAndPersonalities(boxId); if (direction > 0) sPSSData->field_C68 = 0; else sPSSData->field_C68 = IN_BOX_ROWS - 1; sPSSData->field_C62 = (24 * sPSSData->field_C68) + 100; sub_80CB1F0(sPSSData->field_C64); } static bool8 sub_80CB584(void) { if (sPSSData->field_C60 != 0) sPSSData->field_C60--; switch (sPSSData->field_C6A) { case 0: sPSSData->field_C62 += sPSSData->field_C64; if (sPSSData->field_C62 <= 64 || sPSSData->field_C62 >= 252) { DestroyAllIconsInRow(sPSSData->field_C68); sPSSData->field_C62 += sPSSData->field_C69 * 24; sPSSData->field_C6A++; } break; case 1: sPSSData->field_C62 += sPSSData->field_C64; sPSSData->field_C66 += sub_80CB2F8(sPSSData->field_C68, sPSSData->field_C60, sPSSData->field_C64); if ((sPSSData->field_C69 > 0 && sPSSData->field_C68 == IN_BOX_ROWS - 1) || (sPSSData->field_C69 < 0 && sPSSData->field_C68 == 0)) { sPSSData->field_C6A++; } else { sPSSData->field_C68 += sPSSData->field_C69; sPSSData->field_C6A = 0; } break; case 2: if (sPSSData->field_C66 == 0) { sPSSData->field_C60++; return FALSE; } break; default: return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static void SetBoxSpeciesAndPersonalities(u8 boxId) { s32 i, j, boxPosition; boxPosition = 0; for (i = 0; i < IN_BOX_COLUMNS; i++) { for (j = 0; j < IN_BOX_ROWS; j++) { sPSSData->boxSpecies[boxPosition] = GetBoxMonDataAt(boxId, boxPosition, MON_DATA_SPECIES2); if (sPSSData->boxSpecies[boxPosition] != SPECIES_NONE) sPSSData->boxPersonalities[boxPosition] = GetBoxMonDataAt(boxId, boxPosition, MON_DATA_PERSONALITY); boxPosition++; } } sPSSData->field_C5C = boxId; } static void DestroyBoxMonIconAtPosition(u8 boxPosition) { if (sPSSData->boxMonsSprites[boxPosition] != NULL) { DestroyBoxMonIcon(sPSSData->boxMonsSprites[boxPosition]); sPSSData->boxMonsSprites[boxPosition] = NULL; } } static void SetBoxMonIconObjMode(u8 boxPosition, u8 objMode) { if (sPSSData->boxMonsSprites[boxPosition] != NULL) { sPSSData->boxMonsSprites[boxPosition]->oam.objMode = objMode; } } static void CreatePartyMonsSprites(bool8 arg0) { u16 i, count; u16 species = GetMonData(&gPlayerParty[0], MON_DATA_SPECIES2); u32 personality = GetMonData(&gPlayerParty[0], MON_DATA_PERSONALITY); sPSSData->partySprites[0] = CreateMonIconSprite(species, personality, 104, 64, 1, 12); count = 1; for (i = 1; i < PARTY_SIZE; i++) { species = GetMonData(&gPlayerParty[i], MON_DATA_SPECIES2); if (species != SPECIES_NONE) { personality = GetMonData(&gPlayerParty[i], MON_DATA_PERSONALITY); sPSSData->partySprites[i] = CreateMonIconSprite(species, personality, 152, 8 * (3 * (i - 1)) + 16, 1, 12); count++; } else { sPSSData->partySprites[i] = NULL; } } if (!arg0) { for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { sPSSData->partySprites[i]->pos1.y -= 160; sPSSData->partySprites[i]->invisible = TRUE; } } if (sPSSData->boxOption == BOX_OPTION_MOVE_ITEMS) { for (i = 0; i < PARTY_SIZE; i++) { if (sPSSData->partySprites[i] != NULL && GetMonData(&gPlayerParty[i], MON_DATA_HELD_ITEM) == 0) sPSSData->partySprites[i]->oam.objMode = 1; } } } static void sub_80CB950(void) { u16 i, count; sPSSData->field_C5E = 0; for (i = 0, count = 0; i < PARTY_SIZE; i++) { if (sPSSData->partySprites[i] != NULL) { if (i != count) { sub_80CB9D0(sPSSData->partySprites[i], count); sPSSData->partySprites[i] = NULL; sPSSData->field_C5E++; } count++; } } } static u8 sub_80CB9BC(void) { return sPSSData->field_C5E; } static void sub_80CB9D0(struct Sprite *sprite, u16 partyId) { s16 x, y; sprite->data[1] = partyId; if (partyId == 0) x = 104, y = 64; else x = 152, y = 8 * (3 * (partyId - 1)) + 16; sprite->data[2] = (u16)(sprite->pos1.x) * 8; sprite->data[3] = (u16)(sprite->pos1.y) * 8; sprite->data[4] = ((x * 8) - sprite->data[2]) / 8; sprite->data[5] = ((y * 8) - sprite->data[3]) / 8; sprite->data[6] = 8; sprite->callback = sub_80CBA3C; } static void sub_80CBA3C(struct Sprite *sprite) { if (sprite->data[6] != 0) { s16 x = sprite->data[2] += sprite->data[4]; s16 y = sprite->data[3] += sprite->data[5]; sprite->pos1.x = x / 8u; sprite->pos1.y = y / 8u; sprite->data[6]--; } else { if (sprite->data[1] == 0) { sprite->pos1.x = 104; sprite->pos1.y = 64; } else { sprite->pos1.x = 152; sprite->pos1.y = 8 * (3 * (sprite->data[1] - 1)) + 16; } sprite->callback = SpriteCallbackDummy; sPSSData->partySprites[sprite->data[1]] = sprite; sPSSData->field_C5E--; } } static void DestroyMovingMonIcon(void) { if (sPSSData->movingMonSprite != NULL) { DestroyBoxMonIcon(sPSSData->movingMonSprite); sPSSData->movingMonSprite = NULL; } } static void sub_80CBAF0(s16 yDelta) { u16 i, posY; for (i = 0; i < PARTY_SIZE; i++) { if (sPSSData->partySprites[i] != NULL) { sPSSData->partySprites[i]->pos1.y += yDelta; posY = sPSSData->partySprites[i]->pos1.y + sPSSData->partySprites[i]->pos2.y + sPSSData->partySprites[i]->centerToCornerVecY; posY += 16; if (posY > 192) sPSSData->partySprites[i]->invisible = TRUE; else sPSSData->partySprites[i]->invisible = FALSE; } } } static void DestroyPartyMonIcon(u8 partyId) { if (sPSSData->partySprites[partyId] != NULL) { DestroyBoxMonIcon(sPSSData->partySprites[partyId]); sPSSData->partySprites[partyId] = NULL; } } static void DestroyAllPartyMonIcons(void) { u16 i; for (i = 0; i < PARTY_SIZE; i++) { if (sPSSData->partySprites[i] != NULL) { DestroyBoxMonIcon(sPSSData->partySprites[i]); sPSSData->partySprites[i] = NULL; } } } static void SetPartyMonIconObjMode(u8 partyId, u8 objMode) { if (sPSSData->partySprites[partyId] != NULL) { sPSSData->partySprites[partyId]->oam.objMode = objMode; } } static void sub_80CBC14(u8 mode, u8 id) { if (mode == MODE_PARTY) { sPSSData->movingMonSprite = sPSSData->partySprites[id]; sPSSData->partySprites[id] = NULL; } else if (mode == MODE_BOX) { sPSSData->movingMonSprite = sPSSData->boxMonsSprites[id]; sPSSData->boxMonsSprites[id] = NULL; } else { return; } sPSSData->movingMonSprite->callback = sub_80CC100; sPSSData->movingMonSprite->oam.priority = sub_80CAFAC(); sPSSData->movingMonSprite->subpriority = 7; } static void sub_80CBCAC(u8 boxId, u8 position) { if (boxId == TOTAL_BOXES_COUNT) // party mon { sPSSData->partySprites[position] = sPSSData->movingMonSprite; sPSSData->partySprites[position]->oam.priority = 1; sPSSData->partySprites[position]->subpriority = 12; } else { sPSSData->boxMonsSprites[position] = sPSSData->movingMonSprite; sPSSData->boxMonsSprites[position]->oam.priority = 2; sPSSData->boxMonsSprites[position]->subpriority = 19 - (position % IN_BOX_ROWS); } sPSSData->movingMonSprite->callback = SpriteCallbackDummy; sPSSData->movingMonSprite = NULL; } static void sub_80CBD5C(u8 boxId, u8 position) { if (boxId == TOTAL_BOXES_COUNT) // party mon sPSSData->field_B00 = &sPSSData->partySprites[position]; else sPSSData->field_B00 = &sPSSData->boxMonsSprites[position]; sPSSData->movingMonSprite->callback = SpriteCallbackDummy; sPSSData->field_C5D = 0; } static bool8 sub_80CBDC4(void) { if (sPSSData->field_C5D == 16) return FALSE; sPSSData->field_C5D++; if (sPSSData->field_C5D & 1) { (*sPSSData->field_B00)->pos1.y--; sPSSData->movingMonSprite->pos1.y++; } (*sPSSData->field_B00)->pos2.x = gSineTable[sPSSData->field_C5D * 8] / 16; sPSSData->movingMonSprite->pos2.x = -(gSineTable[sPSSData->field_C5D * 8] / 16); if (sPSSData->field_C5D == 8) { sPSSData->movingMonSprite->oam.priority = (*sPSSData->field_B00)->oam.priority; sPSSData->movingMonSprite->subpriority = (*sPSSData->field_B00)->subpriority; (*sPSSData->field_B00)->oam.priority = sub_80CAFAC(); (*sPSSData->field_B00)->subpriority = 7; } if (sPSSData->field_C5D == 16) { struct Sprite *sprite = sPSSData->movingMonSprite; sPSSData->movingMonSprite = (*sPSSData->field_B00); *sPSSData->field_B00 = sprite; sPSSData->movingMonSprite->callback = sub_80CC100; (*sPSSData->field_B00)->callback = SpriteCallbackDummy; } return TRUE; } static void sub_80CBF14(u8 mode, u8 position) { switch (mode) { case MODE_PARTY: sPSSData->field_B04 = &sPSSData->partySprites[position]; break; case MODE_BOX: sPSSData->field_B04 = &sPSSData->boxMonsSprites[position]; break; case MODE_2: sPSSData->field_B04 = &sPSSData->movingMonSprite; break; default: return; } if (*sPSSData->field_B04 != NULL) { InitSpriteAffineAnim(*sPSSData->field_B04); (*sPSSData->field_B04)->oam.affineMode = 1; (*sPSSData->field_B04)->affineAnims = gSpriteAffineAnimTable_857291C; StartSpriteAffineAnim(*sPSSData->field_B04, 0); } } static bool8 sub_80CBFD8(void) { if (*sPSSData->field_B04 == NULL || (*sPSSData->field_B04)->invisible) return FALSE; if ((*sPSSData->field_B04)->affineAnimEnded) (*sPSSData->field_B04)->invisible = TRUE; return TRUE; } static void sub_80CC020(void) { if (*sPSSData->field_B04 != NULL) { FreeOamMatrix((*sPSSData->field_B04)->oam.matrixNum); DestroyBoxMonIcon(*sPSSData->field_B04); *sPSSData->field_B04 = NULL; } } static void sub_80CC064(void) { if (*sPSSData->field_B04 != NULL) { (*sPSSData->field_B04)->invisible = FALSE; StartSpriteAffineAnim(*sPSSData->field_B04, 1); } } static bool8 sub_80CC0A0(void) { if (sPSSData->field_B04 == NULL) return FALSE; if ((*sPSSData->field_B04)->affineAnimEnded) sPSSData->field_B04 = NULL; return TRUE; } static void SetMovingMonPriority(u8 priority) { sPSSData->movingMonSprite->oam.priority = priority; } static void sub_80CC100(struct Sprite *sprite) { sprite->pos1.x = sPSSData->field_CB4->pos1.x; sprite->pos1.y = sPSSData->field_CB4->pos1.y + sPSSData->field_CB4->pos2.y + 4; } static u16 sub_80CC124(u16 species) { u16 i, var; for (i = 0; i < 40; i++) { if (sPSSData->field_B58[i] == species) break; } if (i == 40) { for (i = 0; i < 40; i++) { if (sPSSData->field_B58[i] == 0) break; } if (i == 40) return 0xFFFF; } sPSSData->field_B58[i] = species; sPSSData->field_B08[i]++; var = 16 * i; CpuCopy32(GetMonIconTiles(species, TRUE), (void*)(OBJ_VRAM0) + var * 32, 0x200); return var; } static void sub_80CC1E0(u16 species) { u16 i; for (i = 0; i < 40; i++) { if (sPSSData->field_B58[i] == species) { if (--sPSSData->field_B08[i] == 0) sPSSData->field_B58[i] = 0; break; } } } static struct Sprite *CreateMonIconSprite(u16 species, u32 personality, s16 x, s16 y, u8 oamPriority, u8 subpriority) { u16 tileNum; u8 spriteId; struct SpriteTemplate tempalte = gUnknown_085728D4; species = GetIconSpecies(species, personality); tempalte.paletteTag = 0xDAC0 + gMonIconPaletteIndices[species]; tileNum = sub_80CC124(species); if (tileNum == 0xFFFF) return NULL; spriteId = CreateSprite(&tempalte, x, y, subpriority); if (spriteId == MAX_SPRITES) { sub_80CC1E0(species); return NULL; } gSprites[spriteId].oam.tileNum = tileNum; gSprites[spriteId].oam.priority = oamPriority; gSprites[spriteId].data[0] = species; return &gSprites[spriteId]; } static void DestroyBoxMonIcon(struct Sprite *sprite) { sub_80CC1E0(sprite->data[0]); DestroySprite(sprite); } static void sub_80CC32C(u8 boxId) { u8 taskId = CreateTask(sub_80CC370, 2); gTasks[taskId].data[2] = boxId; } static bool8 sub_80CC35C(void) { return FuncIsActiveTask(sub_80CC370); } static void sub_80CC370(u8 taskId) { struct Task *task = &gTasks[taskId]; switch (task->data[0]) { case 0: sPSSData->field_2D2 = 0; sPSSData->bg2_X = 0; task->data[1] = RequestDma3Fill(0, sPSSData->field_4AC4, 0x1000, 1); break; case 1: if (CheckForSpaceForDma3Request(task->data[1]) == -1) return; SetBgTilemapBuffer(2, sPSSData->field_4AC4); ShowBg(2); break; case 2: LoadWallpaperGfx(task->data[2], 0); break; case 3: if (!WaitForWallpaperGfxLoad()) return; sub_80CCB50(task->data[2]); sub_80CD02C(); sub_80CB028(task->data[2]); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG2CNT, BGCNT_PRIORITY(2) | BGCNT_CHARBASE(2) | BGCNT_SCREENBASE(27) | BGCNT_TXT512x256); break; case 4: DestroyTask(taskId); break; default: task->data[0] = 0; return; } task->data[0]++; } static void SetUpScrollToBox(u8 boxId) { s8 direction = sub_80CC644(boxId); sPSSData->field_2CE = (direction > 0) ? 6 : -6; sPSSData->field_2D3 = (direction > 0) ? 1 : 2; sPSSData->field_2D0 = 32; sPSSData->field_2D4 = boxId; sPSSData->field_2D6 = (direction <= 0) ? 5 : 0; sPSSData->field_2D8 = direction; sPSSData->field_2DA = (direction > 0) ? 264 : 56; sPSSData->field_2DC = (direction <= 0) ? 5 : 0; sPSSData->field_2DE = 0; sPSSData->field_2E0 = 2; sPSSData->field_A64 = boxId; sPSSData->field_A65 = direction; sPSSData->field_A63 = 0; } static bool8 ScrollToBox(void) { bool8 var; switch (sPSSData->field_A63) { case 0: LoadWallpaperGfx(sPSSData->field_A64, sPSSData->field_A65); sPSSData->field_A63++; case 1: if (!WaitForWallpaperGfxLoad()) return TRUE; sub_80CB4CC(sPSSData->field_A64, sPSSData->field_A65); sub_80CCCFC(sPSSData->field_A64, sPSSData->field_A65); sub_80CD0B8(sPSSData->field_A65); break; case 2: var = sub_80CB584(); if (sPSSData->field_2D0 != 0) { sPSSData->bg2_X += sPSSData->field_2CE; if (--sPSSData->field_2D0 != 0) return TRUE; sub_80CCEE0(); sub_80CD158(); } return var; } sPSSData->field_A63++; return TRUE; } static s8 sub_80CC644(u8 boxId) { u8 i; u8 currentBox = StorageGetCurrentBox(); for (i = 0; currentBox != boxId; i++) { currentBox++; if (currentBox >= TOTAL_BOXES_COUNT) currentBox = 0; } return (i < TOTAL_BOXES_COUNT / 2) ? 1 : -1; } static void SetWallpaperForCurrentBox(u8 wallpaperId) { u8 boxId = StorageGetCurrentBox(); SetBoxWallpaper(boxId, wallpaperId); sPSSData->wallpaperChangeState = 0; } static bool8 DoWallpaperGfxChange(void) { switch (sPSSData->wallpaperChangeState) { case 0: BeginNormalPaletteFade(sPSSData->field_738, 1, 0, 16, RGB_WHITEALPHA); sPSSData->wallpaperChangeState++; break; case 1: if (!UpdatePaletteFade()) { u8 curBox = StorageGetCurrentBox(); LoadWallpaperGfx(curBox, 0); sPSSData->wallpaperChangeState++; } break; case 2: if (WaitForWallpaperGfxLoad() == TRUE) { sub_80CCF9C(); BeginNormalPaletteFade(sPSSData->field_738, 1, 16, 0, RGB_WHITEALPHA); sPSSData->wallpaperChangeState++; } break; case 3: if (!UpdatePaletteFade()) sPSSData->wallpaperChangeState++; break; case 4: return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static void LoadWallpaperGfx(u8 boxId, s8 direction) { u8 wallpaperId; const struct WallpaperTable *wallpaperGfx; void *iconGfx; u32 size1, size2; sPSSData->field_6F9 = 0; sPSSData->field_6FA = boxId; sPSSData->field_6FB = direction; if (sPSSData->field_6FB != 0) { sPSSData->field_2D2 = (sPSSData->field_2D2 == 0); sub_80CCAE0(sPSSData->field_4AC4); } wallpaperId = GetBoxWallpaper(sPSSData->field_6FA); if (wallpaperId != WALLPAPER_FRIENDS) { wallpaperGfx = &gWallpaperTable[wallpaperId]; LZ77UnCompWram(wallpaperGfx->tileMap, sPSSData->field_792); sub_80CCA3C(sPSSData->field_792, sPSSData->field_6FB, sPSSData->field_2D2); if (sPSSData->field_6FB != 0) LoadPalette(wallpaperGfx->palettes, (sPSSData->field_2D2 * 32) + 0x40, 0x40); else CpuCopy16(wallpaperGfx->palettes, &gPlttBufferUnfaded[(sPSSData->field_2D2 * 32) + 0x40], 0x40); sPSSData->wallpaperTiles = malloc_and_decompress(wallpaperGfx->tiles, &size1); LoadBgTiles(2, sPSSData->wallpaperTiles, size1, sPSSData->field_2D2 << 8); } else { wallpaperGfx = &gFriendsWallpaperTable[GetWaldaWallpaperPatternId()]; LZ77UnCompWram(wallpaperGfx->tileMap, sPSSData->field_792); sub_80CCA3C(sPSSData->field_792, sPSSData->field_6FB, sPSSData->field_2D2); CpuCopy16(wallpaperGfx->palettes, sPSSData->field_792, 0x40); CpuCopy16(GetWaldaWallpaperColorsPtr(), &sPSSData->field_792[1], 4); CpuCopy16(GetWaldaWallpaperColorsPtr(), &sPSSData->field_792[17], 4); if (sPSSData->field_6FB != 0) LoadPalette(sPSSData->field_792, (sPSSData->field_2D2 * 32) + 0x40, 0x40); else CpuCopy16(sPSSData->field_792, &gPlttBufferUnfaded[(sPSSData->field_2D2 * 32) + 0x40], 0x40); sPSSData->wallpaperTiles = malloc_and_decompress(wallpaperGfx->tiles, &size1); iconGfx = malloc_and_decompress(gFriendsIcons[GetWaldaWallpaperIconId()], &size2); CpuCopy32(iconGfx, sPSSData->wallpaperTiles + 0x800, size2); Free(iconGfx); LoadBgTiles(2, sPSSData->wallpaperTiles, size1, sPSSData->field_2D2 << 8); } CopyBgTilemapBufferToVram(2); } static bool32 WaitForWallpaperGfxLoad(void) { if (IsDma3ManagerBusyWithBgCopy()) return FALSE; if (sPSSData->wallpaperTiles != NULL) { Free(sPSSData->wallpaperTiles); sPSSData->wallpaperTiles = NULL; } return TRUE; } static void sub_80CCA3C(const void *tilemap, s8 direction, u8 arg2) { s16 var = (arg2 * 2) + 3; s16 x = ((sPSSData->bg2_X / 8 + 10) + (direction * 24)) & 0x3F; CopyRectToBgTilemapBufferRect(2, tilemap, 0, 0, 0x14, 0x12, x, 2, 0x14, 0x12, 0x11, arg2 << 8, var); if (direction == 0) return; else if (direction > 0) x *= 1, x += 0x14; // x * 1 is needed to match, but can be safely removed as it makes no functional difference else x -= 4; FillBgTilemapBufferRect(2, 0, x, 2, 4, 0x12, 0x11); } static void sub_80CCAE0(void *arg0) { u16 i; u16 *dest = arg0; s16 r3 = ((sPSSData->bg2_X / 8) + 30) & 0x3F; if (r3 <= 31) dest += r3 + 0x260; else dest += r3 + 0x640; for (i = 0; i < 0x2C; i++) { *dest++ = 0; r3 = (r3 + 1) & 0x3F; if (r3 == 0) dest -= 0x420; if (r3 == 0x20) dest += 0x3e0; } } static void sub_80CCB50(u8 boxId) { u8 tagIndex; s16 r6; u16 i; struct SpriteSheet spriteSheet = {sPSSData->field_2F8, 0x200, TAG_TILE_3}; struct SpritePalette palettes[] = { {sPSSData->field_6FC, TAG_PAL_DAC9}, {} }; u16 wallpaperId = GetBoxWallpaper(boxId); sPSSData->field_6FC[14] = gUnknown_08577574[wallpaperId][0]; sPSSData->field_6FC[15] = gUnknown_08577574[wallpaperId][1]; LoadSpritePalettes(palettes); sPSSData->field_738 = 0x3f0; tagIndex = IndexOfSpritePaletteTag(TAG_PAL_DAC9); sPSSData->field_71C = 0x10e + 16 * tagIndex; sPSSData->field_738 |= 0x10000 << tagIndex; tagIndex = IndexOfSpritePaletteTag(TAG_PAL_DAC9); sPSSData->field_71E = 0x10e + 16 * tagIndex; sPSSData->field_738 |= 0x10000 << tagIndex; StringCopyPadded(sPSSData->field_21B8, GetBoxNamePtr(boxId), 0, 8); sub_80C6D80(sPSSData->field_21B8, sPSSData->field_2F8, 0, 0, 2); LoadSpriteSheet(&spriteSheet); r6 = sub_80CD00C(GetBoxNamePtr(boxId)); for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { u8 spriteId = CreateSprite(&gSpriteTemplate_857B0A8, r6 + i * 32, 28, 24); sPSSData->field_720[i] = &gSprites[spriteId]; StartSpriteAnim(sPSSData->field_720[i], i); } sPSSData->field_6F8 = 0; } static void sub_80CCCFC(u8 boxId, s8 direction) { u16 r8; s16 x, x2; u16 i; struct SpriteSheet spriteSheet = {sPSSData->field_2F8, 0x200, TAG_TILE_3}; struct SpriteTemplate template = gSpriteTemplate_857B0A8; sPSSData->field_6F8 = (sPSSData->field_6F8 == 0); if (sPSSData->field_6F8 == 0) { spriteSheet.tag = TAG_TILE_3; r8 = sPSSData->field_71C; } else { spriteSheet.tag = TAG_TILE_4; r8 = sPSSData->field_71C; template.tileTag = TAG_TILE_4; template.paletteTag = TAG_PAL_DAC9; } StringCopyPadded(sPSSData->field_21B8, GetBoxNamePtr(boxId), 0, 8); sub_80C6D80(sPSSData->field_21B8, sPSSData->field_2F8, 0, 0, 2); LoadSpriteSheet(&spriteSheet); LoadPalette(gUnknown_08577574[GetBoxWallpaper(boxId)], r8, 4); x = sub_80CD00C(GetBoxNamePtr(boxId)); x2 = x; x2 += direction * 192; for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { u8 spriteId = CreateSprite(&template, i * 32 + x2, 28, 24); sPSSData->field_728[i] = &gSprites[spriteId]; sPSSData->field_728[i]->data[0] = (-direction) * 6; sPSSData->field_728[i]->data[1] = i * 32 + x; sPSSData->field_728[i]->data[2] = 0; sPSSData->field_728[i]->callback = sub_80CCF30; StartSpriteAnim(sPSSData->field_728[i], i); sPSSData->field_720[i]->data[0] = (-direction) * 6; sPSSData->field_720[i]->data[1] = 1; sPSSData->field_720[i]->callback = sub_80CCF64; } } static void sub_80CCEE0(void) { if (sPSSData->field_6F8 == 0) FreeSpriteTilesByTag(TAG_TILE_4); else FreeSpriteTilesByTag(TAG_TILE_3); sPSSData->field_720[0] = sPSSData->field_728[0]; sPSSData->field_720[1] = sPSSData->field_728[1]; } static void sub_80CCF30(struct Sprite *sprite) { if (sprite->data[2] != 0) sprite->data[2]--; else if ((sprite->pos1.x += sprite->data[0]) == sprite->data[1]) sprite->callback = SpriteCallbackDummy; } static void sub_80CCF64(struct Sprite *sprite) { if (sprite->data[1] != 0) { sprite->data[1]--; } else { sprite->pos1.x += sprite->data[0]; sprite->data[2] = sprite->pos1.x + sprite->pos2.x; if (sprite->data[2] < 0x40 || sprite->data[2] > 0x100) DestroySprite(sprite); } } static void sub_80CCF9C(void) { u8 boxId = StorageGetCurrentBox(); u8 wallpaperId = GetBoxWallpaper(boxId); if (sPSSData->field_6F8 == 0) CpuCopy16(gUnknown_08577574[wallpaperId], gPlttBufferUnfaded + sPSSData->field_71C, 4); else CpuCopy16(gUnknown_08577574[wallpaperId], gPlttBufferUnfaded + sPSSData->field_71E, 4); } static s16 sub_80CD00C(const u8 *string) { return 0xB0 - GetStringWidth(1, string, 0) / 2; } static void sub_80CD02C(void) { u16 i; LoadSpriteSheet(&gUnknown_0857B080); for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { u8 spriteId = CreateSprite(&gUnknown_0857B0E0, 0x5c + i * 0x88, 28, 22); if (spriteId != MAX_SPRITES) { struct Sprite *sprite = &gSprites[spriteId]; StartSpriteAnim(sprite, i); sprite->data[3] = (i == 0) ? -1 : 1; sPSSData->field_730[i] = sprite; } } if (IsCursorOnBox()) sub_80CD1A8(TRUE); } static void sub_80CD0B8(s8 direction) { u16 i; for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { sPSSData->field_730[i]->pos2.x = 0; sPSSData->field_730[i]->data[0] = 2; } if (direction < 0) { sPSSData->field_730[0]->data[1] = 29; sPSSData->field_730[1]->data[1] = 5; sPSSData->field_730[0]->data[2] = 0x48; sPSSData->field_730[1]->data[2] = 0x48; } else { sPSSData->field_730[0]->data[1] = 5; sPSSData->field_730[1]->data[1] = 29; sPSSData->field_730[0]->data[2] = 0xF8; sPSSData->field_730[1]->data[2] = 0xF8; } sPSSData->field_730[0]->data[7] = 0; sPSSData->field_730[1]->data[7] = 1; } static void sub_80CD158(void) { u16 i; for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { sPSSData->field_730[i]->pos1.x = 0x88 * i + 0x5c; sPSSData->field_730[i]->pos2.x = 0; sPSSData->field_730[i]->invisible = FALSE; } sub_80CD1A8(TRUE); } static void sub_80CD1A8(bool8 a0) { u16 i; if (a0) { for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { sPSSData->field_730[i]->data[0] = 1; sPSSData->field_730[i]->data[1] = 0; sPSSData->field_730[i]->data[2] = 0; sPSSData->field_730[i]->data[4] = 0; } } else { for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { sPSSData->field_730[i]->data[0] = 0; } } } static void sub_80CD210(struct Sprite *sprite) { switch (sprite->data[0]) { case 0: sprite->pos2.x = 0; break; case 1: if (++sprite->data[1] > 3) { sprite->data[1] = 0; sprite->pos2.x += sprite->data[3]; if (++sprite->data[2] > 5) { sprite->data[2] = 0; sprite->pos2.x = 0; } } break; case 2: sprite->data[0] = 3; break; case 3: sprite->pos1.x -= sPSSData->field_2CE; if (sprite->pos1.x < 73 || sprite->pos1.x > 247) sprite->invisible = TRUE; if (--sprite->data[1] == 0) { sprite->pos1.x = sprite->data[2]; sprite->invisible = FALSE; sprite->data[0] = 4; } break; case 4: sprite->pos1.x -= sPSSData->field_2CE; break; } } static struct Sprite *sub_80CD2E8(u16 x, u16 y, u8 animId, u8 priority, u8 subpriority) { u8 spriteId = CreateSprite(&gUnknown_0857B0E0, x, y, subpriority); if (spriteId == MAX_SPRITES) return NULL; animId %= 2; StartSpriteAnim(&gSprites[spriteId], animId); gSprites[spriteId].oam.priority = priority; gSprites[spriteId].callback = SpriteCallbackDummy; return &gSprites[spriteId]; } static void sub_80CD36C(void) { if (sPSSData->boxOption != BOX_OPTION_DEPOSIT) sBoxCursorArea = CURSOR_AREA_IN_BOX; else sBoxCursorArea = CURSOR_AREA_IN_PARTY; sBoxCursorPosition = 0; sIsMonBeingMoved = FALSE; sMovingMonOrigBoxId = 0; sMovingMonOrigBoxPos = 0; sCanOnlyMove = FALSE; sub_80CDC0C(); sub_80CFC14(); sPSSData->field_CD6 = 1; sPSSData->inBoxMovingMode = 0; sub_80CEB40(); } static void sub_80CD3EC(void) { sub_80CFC14(); sub_80CEBDC(); sPSSData->field_CD6 = 1; sPSSData->inBoxMovingMode = 0; if (sIsMonBeingMoved) { sPSSData->movingMon = gUnknown_02039D14; CreateMovingMonIcon(); } } static void sub_80CD444(u8 cursorArea, u8 cursorPosition, u16 *x, u16 *y) { switch (cursorArea) { case CURSOR_AREA_IN_BOX: *x = (cursorPosition % IN_BOX_ROWS) * 24 + 100; *y = (cursorPosition / IN_BOX_ROWS) * 24 + 32; break; case CURSOR_AREA_IN_PARTY: if (cursorPosition == 0) { *x = 0x68; *y = 0x34; } else if (cursorPosition == PARTY_SIZE) { *x = 0x98; *y = 0x84; } else { *x = 0x98; *y = (cursorPosition - 1) * 24 + 4; } break; case CURSOR_AREA_BOX: *x = 0xa2; *y = 0x0c; break; case CURSOR_AREA_BUTTONS: *y = sIsMonBeingMoved ? 8 : 14; *x = cursorPosition * 0x58 + 0x78; break; case 4: *x = 0xa0; *y = 0x60; break; } } static u16 sub_80CD504(void) { switch (sBoxCursorArea) { case CURSOR_AREA_IN_PARTY: return GetMonData(&gPlayerParty[sBoxCursorPosition], MON_DATA_SPECIES); case CURSOR_AREA_IN_BOX: return GetCurrentBoxMonData(sBoxCursorPosition, MON_DATA_SPECIES); default: return SPECIES_NONE; } } static bool8 sub_80CD554(void) { s16 tmp; if (sPSSData->field_CD0 == 0) { if (sPSSData->boxOption != BOX_OPTION_MOVE_ITEMS) return FALSE; else return sub_80D1218(); } else if (--sPSSData->field_CD0 != 0) { sPSSData->field_CBC += sPSSData->field_CC4; sPSSData->field_CC0 += sPSSData->field_CC8; sPSSData->field_CB4->pos1.x = sPSSData->field_CBC >> 8; sPSSData->field_CB4->pos1.y = sPSSData->field_CC0 >> 8; if (sPSSData->field_CB4->pos1.x > 0x100) { tmp = sPSSData->field_CB4->pos1.x - 0x100; sPSSData->field_CB4->pos1.x = tmp + 0x40; } if (sPSSData->field_CB4->pos1.x < 0x40) { tmp = 0x40 - sPSSData->field_CB4->pos1.x; sPSSData->field_CB4->pos1.x = 0x100 - tmp; } if (sPSSData->field_CB4->pos1.y > 0xb0) { tmp = sPSSData->field_CB4->pos1.y - 0xb0; sPSSData->field_CB4->pos1.y = tmp - 0x10; } if (sPSSData->field_CB4->pos1.y < -0x10) { tmp = -0x10 - sPSSData->field_CB4->pos1.y; sPSSData->field_CB4->pos1.y = 0xb0 - tmp; } if (sPSSData->field_CD7 && --sPSSData->field_CD7 == 0) sPSSData->field_CB4->vFlip = (sPSSData->field_CB4->vFlip == FALSE); } else { sPSSData->field_CB4->pos1.x = sPSSData->field_CCC; sPSSData->field_CB4->pos1.y = sPSSData->field_CCE; sub_80CDA68(); } return TRUE; } static void sub_80CD6AC(u8 newCurosrArea, u8 newCursorPosition) { u16 x, y; sub_80CD444(newCurosrArea, newCursorPosition, &x, &y); sPSSData->field_CD4 = newCurosrArea; sPSSData->field_CD5 = newCursorPosition; sPSSData->field_CCC = x; sPSSData->field_CCE = y; } static void sub_80CD70C(void) { int r7, r0; if (sPSSData->field_CD2 != 0 || sPSSData->field_CD3 != 0) sPSSData->field_CD0 = 12; else sPSSData->field_CD0 = 6; if (sPSSData->field_CD7) sPSSData->field_CD7 = sPSSData->field_CD0 >> 1; switch (sPSSData->field_CD2) { default: r7 = sPSSData->field_CCE - sPSSData->field_CB4->pos1.y; break; case -1: r7 = sPSSData->field_CCE - 0xc0 - sPSSData->field_CB4->pos1.y; break; case 1: r7 = sPSSData->field_CCE + 0xc0 - sPSSData->field_CB4->pos1.y; break; } switch (sPSSData->field_CD3) { default: r0 = sPSSData->field_CCC - sPSSData->field_CB4->pos1.x; break; case -1: r0 = sPSSData->field_CCC - 0xc0 - sPSSData->field_CB4->pos1.x; break; case 1: r0 = sPSSData->field_CCC + 0xc0 - sPSSData->field_CB4->pos1.x; break; } r7 <<= 8; r0 <<= 8; sPSSData->field_CC4 = r0 / sPSSData->field_CD0; sPSSData->field_CC8 = r7 / sPSSData->field_CD0; sPSSData->field_CBC = sPSSData->field_CB4->pos1.x << 8; sPSSData->field_CC0 = sPSSData->field_CB4->pos1.y << 8; } static void sub_80CD894(u8 newCurosrArea, u8 newCursorPosition) { sub_80CD6AC(newCurosrArea, newCursorPosition); sub_80CD70C(); if (sPSSData->boxOption != BOX_OPTION_MOVE_ITEMS) { if (sPSSData->inBoxMovingMode == 0 && !sIsMonBeingMoved) StartSpriteAnim(sPSSData->field_CB4, 1); } else { if (!IsActiveItemMoving()) StartSpriteAnim(sPSSData->field_CB4, 1); } if (sPSSData->boxOption == BOX_OPTION_MOVE_ITEMS) { if (sBoxCursorArea == CURSOR_AREA_IN_BOX) sub_80D0E50(CURSOR_AREA_IN_BOX, sBoxCursorPosition); else if (sBoxCursorArea == CURSOR_AREA_IN_PARTY) sub_80D0E50(CURSOR_AREA_IN_PARTY, sBoxCursorPosition); if (newCurosrArea == CURSOR_AREA_IN_BOX) sub_80D0D8C(newCurosrArea, newCursorPosition); else if (newCurosrArea == CURSOR_AREA_IN_PARTY) sub_80D0D8C(newCurosrArea, newCursorPosition); } if (newCurosrArea == CURSOR_AREA_IN_PARTY && sBoxCursorArea != CURSOR_AREA_IN_PARTY) { sPSSData->field_CD6 = newCurosrArea; sPSSData->field_CB8->invisible = TRUE; } switch (newCurosrArea) { case CURSOR_AREA_IN_PARTY: case CURSOR_AREA_BOX: case CURSOR_AREA_BUTTONS: sPSSData->field_CB4->oam.priority = 1; sPSSData->field_CB8->invisible = TRUE; sPSSData->field_CB8->oam.priority = 1; break; case CURSOR_AREA_IN_BOX: if (sPSSData->inBoxMovingMode != 0) { sPSSData->field_CB4->oam.priority = 0; sPSSData->field_CB8->invisible = TRUE; } else { sPSSData->field_CB4->oam.priority = 2; if (sBoxCursorArea == CURSOR_AREA_IN_BOX && sIsMonBeingMoved) SetMovingMonPriority(2); } break; } } static void sub_80CDA68(void) { sBoxCursorArea = sPSSData->field_CD4; sBoxCursorPosition = sPSSData->field_CD5; if (sPSSData->boxOption != BOX_OPTION_MOVE_ITEMS) { if (sPSSData->inBoxMovingMode == 0 && !sIsMonBeingMoved) StartSpriteAnim(sPSSData->field_CB4, 0); } else { if (!IsActiveItemMoving()) StartSpriteAnim(sPSSData->field_CB4, 0); } sub_80CEB40(); switch (sBoxCursorArea) { case CURSOR_AREA_BUTTONS: SetMovingMonPriority(1); break; case CURSOR_AREA_BOX: sub_80CD1A8(TRUE); break; case CURSOR_AREA_IN_PARTY: sPSSData->field_CB8->subpriority = 13; SetMovingMonPriority(1); break; case CURSOR_AREA_IN_BOX: if (sPSSData->inBoxMovingMode == 0) { sPSSData->field_CB4->oam.priority = 1; sPSSData->field_CB8->oam.priority = 2; sPSSData->field_CB8->subpriority = 21; sPSSData->field_CB8->invisible = FALSE; SetMovingMonPriority(2); } break; } } static void sub_80CDBA0(void) { u8 partyCount; if (!sIsMonBeingMoved) { partyCount = 0; } else { partyCount = CalculatePlayerPartyCount(); if (partyCount >= PARTY_SIZE) partyCount = PARTY_SIZE - 1; } if (sPSSData->field_CB4->vFlip) sPSSData->field_CD7 = 1; sub_80CD894(CURSOR_AREA_IN_PARTY, partyCount); } static void sub_80CDBF8(u8 cursorBoxPosition) { sub_80CD894(CURSOR_AREA_IN_BOX, cursorBoxPosition); } EWRAM_DATA static u8 gUnknown_02039D7E = 0; static void sub_80CDC0C(void) { gUnknown_02039D7E = 0; } static void sub_80CDC18(void) { gUnknown_02039D7E = sBoxCursorPosition; } static u8 sub_80CDC2C(void) { return gUnknown_02039D7E; } static void InitMonPlaceChange(u8 a0) { static bool8 (*const placeChangeFuncs[])(void) = { MonPlaceChange_Move, MonPlaceChange_Place, MonPlaceChange_Shift, }; sPSSData->monPlaceChangeFunc = placeChangeFuncs[a0]; sPSSData->monPlaceChangeState = 0; } static void sub_80CDC64(bool8 arg0) { if (!arg0) sPSSData->monPlaceChangeFunc = sub_80CDEB4; else sPSSData->monPlaceChangeFunc = sub_80CDEC4; sPSSData->monPlaceChangeState = 0; } static bool8 DoMonPlaceChange(void) { return sPSSData->monPlaceChangeFunc(); } static bool8 MonPlaceChange_Move(void) { switch (sPSSData->monPlaceChangeState) { case 0: if (sIsMonBeingMoved) return FALSE; StartSpriteAnim(sPSSData->field_CB4, 2); sPSSData->monPlaceChangeState++; break; case 1: if (!sub_80CDED4()) { StartSpriteAnim(sPSSData->field_CB4, 3); MoveMon(); sPSSData->monPlaceChangeState++; } break; case 2: if (!sub_80CDF08()) sPSSData->monPlaceChangeState++; break; case 3: return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static bool8 MonPlaceChange_Place(void) { switch (sPSSData->monPlaceChangeState) { case 0: if (!sub_80CDED4()) { StartSpriteAnim(sPSSData->field_CB4, 2); PlaceMon(); sPSSData->monPlaceChangeState++; } break; case 1: if (!sub_80CDF08()) { StartSpriteAnim(sPSSData->field_CB4, 0); sPSSData->monPlaceChangeState++; } break; case 2: return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static bool8 MonPlaceChange_Shift(void) { switch (sPSSData->monPlaceChangeState) { case 0: switch (sBoxCursorArea) { case CURSOR_AREA_IN_PARTY: sPSSData->field_D91 = TOTAL_BOXES_COUNT; break; case CURSOR_AREA_IN_BOX: sPSSData->field_D91 = StorageGetCurrentBox(); break; default: return FALSE; } StartSpriteAnim(sPSSData->field_CB4, 2); sub_80CBD5C(sPSSData->field_D91, sBoxCursorPosition); sPSSData->monPlaceChangeState++; break; case 1: if (!sub_80CBDC4()) { StartSpriteAnim(sPSSData->field_CB4, 3); SetShiftedMonData(sPSSData->field_D91, sBoxCursorPosition); sPSSData->monPlaceChangeState++; } break; case 2: return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static bool8 sub_80CDEB4(void) { return sub_80CDED4(); } static bool8 sub_80CDEC4(void) { return sub_80CDF08(); } static bool8 sub_80CDED4(void) { switch (sPSSData->field_CB4->pos2.y) { default: sPSSData->field_CB4->pos2.y++; break; case 0: sPSSData->field_CB4->pos2.y++; break; case 8: return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static bool8 sub_80CDF08(void) { switch (sPSSData->field_CB4->pos2.y) { case 0: return FALSE; default: sPSSData->field_CB4->pos2.y--; break; } return TRUE; } static void MoveMon(void) { switch (sBoxCursorArea) { case CURSOR_AREA_IN_PARTY: SetMovedMonData(TOTAL_BOXES_COUNT, sBoxCursorPosition); sub_80CBC14(MODE_PARTY, sBoxCursorPosition); break; case CURSOR_AREA_IN_BOX: if (sPSSData->inBoxMovingMode == 0) { SetMovedMonData(StorageGetCurrentBox(), sBoxCursorPosition); sub_80CBC14(MODE_BOX, sBoxCursorPosition); } break; default: return; } sIsMonBeingMoved = TRUE; } static void PlaceMon(void) { u8 boxId; switch (sBoxCursorArea) { case CURSOR_AREA_IN_PARTY: SetPlacedMonData(TOTAL_BOXES_COUNT, sBoxCursorPosition); sub_80CBCAC(TOTAL_BOXES_COUNT, sBoxCursorPosition); break; case CURSOR_AREA_IN_BOX: boxId = StorageGetCurrentBox(); SetPlacedMonData(boxId, sBoxCursorPosition); sub_80CBCAC(boxId, sBoxCursorPosition); break; default: return; } sIsMonBeingMoved = FALSE; } static void sub_80CE00C(void) { sub_80CEB40(); } static void SetMovedMonData(u8 boxId, u8 position) { if (boxId == TOTAL_BOXES_COUNT) sPSSData->movingMon = gPlayerParty[sBoxCursorPosition]; else BoxMonAtToMon(boxId, position, &sPSSData->movingMon); PurgeMonOrBoxMon(boxId, position); sMovingMonOrigBoxId = boxId; sMovingMonOrigBoxPos = position; } static void SetPlacedMonData(u8 boxId, u8 position) { if (boxId == TOTAL_BOXES_COUNT) { gPlayerParty[position] = sPSSData->movingMon; } else { BoxMonRestorePP(&sPSSData->movingMon.box); SetBoxMonAt(boxId, position, &sPSSData->movingMon.box); } } static void PurgeMonOrBoxMon(u8 boxId, u8 position) { if (boxId == TOTAL_BOXES_COUNT) ZeroMonData(&gPlayerParty[position]); else ZeroBoxMonAt(boxId, position); } static void SetShiftedMonData(u8 boxId, u8 position) { if (boxId == TOTAL_BOXES_COUNT) sPSSData->field_2108 = gPlayerParty[position]; else BoxMonAtToMon(boxId, position, &sPSSData->field_2108); SetPlacedMonData(boxId, position); sPSSData->movingMon = sPSSData->field_2108; SetCursorMonData(&sPSSData->movingMon, MODE_PARTY); sMovingMonOrigBoxId = boxId; sMovingMonOrigBoxPos = position; } static bool8 TryStorePartyMonInBox(u8 boxId) { s16 boxPosition = GetFirstFreeBoxSpot(boxId); if (boxPosition == -1) return FALSE; if (sIsMonBeingMoved) { SetPlacedMonData(boxId, boxPosition); DestroyMovingMonIcon(); sIsMonBeingMoved = FALSE; } else { SetMovedMonData(TOTAL_BOXES_COUNT, sBoxCursorPosition); SetPlacedMonData(boxId, boxPosition); DestroyPartyMonIcon(sBoxCursorPosition); } if (boxId == StorageGetCurrentBox()) sub_80CB140(boxPosition); StartSpriteAnim(sPSSData->field_CB4, 1); return TRUE; } static void sub_80CE22C(void) { StartSpriteAnim(sPSSData->field_CB4, 0); sub_80CEB40(); } static void sub_80CE250(void) { u8 mode; if (sIsMonBeingMoved) mode = MODE_2; else if (sBoxCursorArea == CURSOR_AREA_IN_PARTY) mode = MODE_PARTY; else mode = MODE_BOX; sub_80CBF14(mode, sBoxCursorPosition); StringCopy(sPSSData->field_21E0, sPSSData->cursorMonNick); } static bool8 sub_80CE2A8(void) { if (!sub_80CBFD8()) { StartSpriteAnim(sPSSData->field_CB4, 0); return FALSE; } else { return TRUE; } } static void ReleaseMon(void) { u8 boxId; sub_80CC020(); if (sIsMonBeingMoved) { sIsMonBeingMoved = FALSE; } else { if (sBoxCursorArea == CURSOR_AREA_IN_PARTY) boxId = TOTAL_BOXES_COUNT; else boxId = StorageGetCurrentBox(); PurgeMonOrBoxMon(boxId, sBoxCursorPosition); } sub_80CEB40(); } static void sub_80CE324(void) { if (sIsMonBeingMoved) StartSpriteAnim(sPSSData->field_CB4, 3); } struct { s8 mapGroup; s8 mapNum; u16 move; } static const gUnknown_0857B9A4[] = { {MAP_GROUPS_COUNT, 0, MOVE_SURF}, {MAP_GROUPS_COUNT, 0, MOVE_DIVE}, {MAP_GROUP(EVER_GRANDE_CITY_POKEMON_LEAGUE_1F), MAP_NUM(EVER_GRANDE_CITY_POKEMON_LEAGUE_1F), MOVE_STRENGTH}, {MAP_GROUP(EVER_GRANDE_CITY_POKEMON_LEAGUE_1F), MAP_NUM(EVER_GRANDE_CITY_POKEMON_LEAGUE_1F), MOVE_ROCK_SMASH}, {MAP_GROUP(EVER_GRANDE_CITY_POKEMON_LEAGUE_2F), MAP_NUM(EVER_GRANDE_CITY_POKEMON_LEAGUE_2F), MOVE_STRENGTH}, {MAP_GROUP(EVER_GRANDE_CITY_POKEMON_LEAGUE_2F), MAP_NUM(EVER_GRANDE_CITY_POKEMON_LEAGUE_2F), MOVE_ROCK_SMASH}, }; static void sub_80CE350(u16 *moves) { s32 i; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(gUnknown_0857B9A4); i++) { if (gUnknown_0857B9A4[i].mapGroup == MAP_GROUPS_COUNT || (gUnknown_0857B9A4[i].mapGroup == gSaveBlock1Ptr->location.mapGroup && gUnknown_0857B9A4[i].mapNum == gSaveBlock1Ptr->location.mapNum)) { *moves = gUnknown_0857B9A4[i].move; moves++; } } *moves = MOVES_COUNT; } static void InitCanRelaseMonVars(void) { if (!AtLeastThreeUsableMons()) { sPSSData->field_216D = 1; sPSSData->field_216C = 0; return; } if (sIsMonBeingMoved) { sPSSData->field_2108 = sPSSData->movingMon; sPSSData->field_2170 = -1; sPSSData->field_2171 = -1; } else { if (sBoxCursorArea == CURSOR_AREA_IN_PARTY) { sPSSData->field_2108 = gPlayerParty[sBoxCursorPosition]; sPSSData->field_2170 = TOTAL_BOXES_COUNT; } else { BoxMonAtToMon(StorageGetCurrentBox(), sBoxCursorPosition, &sPSSData->field_2108); sPSSData->field_2170 = StorageGetCurrentBox(); } sPSSData->field_2171 = sBoxCursorPosition; } sub_80CE350(sPSSData->field_2176); sPSSData->field_2174 = GetMonData(&sPSSData->field_2108, MON_DATA_KNOWN_MOVES, sPSSData->field_2176); if (sPSSData->field_2174 != 0) { sPSSData->field_216D = 0; } else { sPSSData->field_216D = 1; sPSSData->field_216C = 1; } sPSSData->field_2172 = 0; } static bool32 AtLeastThreeUsableMons(void) { s32 i, j, count; count = (sIsMonBeingMoved != FALSE); for (j = 0; j < PARTY_SIZE; j++) { if (GetMonData(&gPlayerParty[j], MON_DATA_SANITY_HAS_SPECIES)) count++; } if (count >= 3) return TRUE; for (i = 0; i < TOTAL_BOXES_COUNT; i++) { for (j = 0; j < IN_BOX_COUNT; j++) { if (CheckBoxMonSanityAt(i, j)) { if (++count >= 3) return TRUE; } } } return FALSE; } static s8 RunCanReleaseMon(void) { u16 i; u16 knownMoves; if (sPSSData->field_216D) return sPSSData->field_216C; switch (sPSSData->field_2172) { case 0: for (i = 0; i < PARTY_SIZE; i++) { if (sPSSData->field_2170 != TOTAL_BOXES_COUNT || sPSSData->field_2171 != i) { knownMoves = GetMonData(gPlayerParty + i, MON_DATA_KNOWN_MOVES, sPSSData->field_2176); sPSSData->field_2174 &= ~(knownMoves); } } if (sPSSData->field_2174 == 0) { sPSSData->field_216D = 1; sPSSData->field_216C = 1; } else { sPSSData->field_216E = 0; sPSSData->field_216F = 0; sPSSData->field_2172++; } break; case 1: for (i = 0; i < IN_BOX_COUNT; i++) { knownMoves = GetAndCopyBoxMonDataAt(sPSSData->field_216E, sPSSData->field_216F, MON_DATA_KNOWN_MOVES, sPSSData->field_2176); if (knownMoves != 0 && !(sPSSData->field_2170 == sPSSData->field_216E && sPSSData->field_2171 == sPSSData->field_216F)) { sPSSData->field_2174 &= ~(knownMoves); if (sPSSData->field_2174 == 0) { sPSSData->field_216D = 1; sPSSData->field_216C = 1; break; } } if (++sPSSData->field_216F >= IN_BOX_COUNT) { sPSSData->field_216F = 0; if (++sPSSData->field_216E >= TOTAL_BOXES_COUNT) { sPSSData->field_216D = 1; sPSSData->field_216C = 0; } } } break; } return -1; } static void sub_80CE760(void) { if (sIsMonBeingMoved) gUnknown_02039D14 = sPSSData->movingMon; } static void sub_80CE790(void) { if (sIsMonBeingMoved) { if (sMovingMonOrigBoxId == TOTAL_BOXES_COUNT) sPSSData->movingMon = gUnknown_02039D14; else sPSSData->movingMon.box = gUnknown_02039D14.box; } } static void sub_80CE7E8(void) { if (sIsMonBeingMoved) { sub_80CE760(); sPSSData->field_218C.mon = &gUnknown_02039D14; sPSSData->field_2187 = 0; sPSSData->field_2186 = 0; sPSSData->field_2188 = 0; } else if (sBoxCursorArea == CURSOR_AREA_IN_PARTY) { sPSSData->field_218C.mon = gPlayerParty; sPSSData->field_2187 = sBoxCursorPosition; sPSSData->field_2186 = CountPartyMons() - 1; sPSSData->field_2188 = 0; } else { sPSSData->field_218C.box = GetBoxedMonPtr(StorageGetCurrentBox(), 0); sPSSData->field_2187 = sBoxCursorPosition; sPSSData->field_2186 = IN_BOX_COUNT - 1; sPSSData->field_2188 = 2; } } static void sub_80CE8E4(void) { if (sIsMonBeingMoved) sub_80CE790(); else sBoxCursorPosition = gUnknown_0203CF20; } s16 CompactPartySlots(void) { s16 retVal = -1; u16 i, last; for (i = 0, last = 0; i < PARTY_SIZE; i++) { u16 species = GetMonData(gPlayerParty + i, MON_DATA_SPECIES); if (species != SPECIES_NONE) { if (i != last) gPlayerParty[last] = gPlayerParty[i]; last++; } else if (retVal == -1) { retVal = i; } } for (; last < PARTY_SIZE; last++) ZeroMonData(gPlayerParty + last); return retVal; } static void SetMonMarkings(u8 markings) { sPSSData->cursorMonMarkings = markings; if (sIsMonBeingMoved) { SetMonData(&sPSSData->movingMon, MON_DATA_MARKINGS, &markings); } else { if (sBoxCursorArea == CURSOR_AREA_IN_PARTY) SetMonData(gPlayerParty + sBoxCursorPosition, MON_DATA_MARKINGS, &markings); if (sBoxCursorArea == CURSOR_AREA_IN_BOX) SetCurrentBoxMonData(sBoxCursorPosition, MON_DATA_MARKINGS, &markings); } } static bool8 CanMovePartyMon(void) { if (sBoxCursorArea == CURSOR_AREA_IN_PARTY && !sIsMonBeingMoved && CountPartyAliveNonEggMonsExcept(sBoxCursorPosition) == 0) return TRUE; else return FALSE; } static bool8 CanShiftMon(void) { if (sIsMonBeingMoved) { if (sBoxCursorArea == CURSOR_AREA_IN_PARTY && CountPartyAliveNonEggMonsExcept(sBoxCursorPosition) == 0) { if (sPSSData->cursorMonIsEgg || GetMonData(&sPSSData->movingMon, MON_DATA_HP) == 0) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } return FALSE; } static bool8 IsMonBeingMoved(void) { return sIsMonBeingMoved; } static bool8 IsCursorOnBox(void) { return (sBoxCursorArea == CURSOR_AREA_BOX); } static bool8 IsCursorOnCloseBox(void) { return (sBoxCursorArea == CURSOR_AREA_BUTTONS && sBoxCursorPosition == 1); } static bool8 IsCursorInBox(void) { return (sBoxCursorArea == CURSOR_AREA_IN_BOX); } static void sub_80CEB40(void) { sPSSData->setMosaic = (sIsMonBeingMoved == FALSE); if (!sIsMonBeingMoved) { switch (sBoxCursorArea) { case CURSOR_AREA_IN_PARTY: if (sBoxCursorPosition < PARTY_SIZE) { SetCursorMonData(&gPlayerParty[sBoxCursorPosition], MODE_PARTY); break; } // fallthrough case CURSOR_AREA_BUTTONS: case CURSOR_AREA_BOX: SetCursorMonData(NULL, MODE_2); break; case CURSOR_AREA_IN_BOX: SetCursorMonData(GetBoxedMonPtr(StorageGetCurrentBox(), sBoxCursorPosition), MODE_BOX); break; } } } static void sub_80CEBDC(void) { if (sIsMonBeingMoved) SetCursorMonData(&gUnknown_02039D14, MODE_PARTY); else sub_80CEB40(); } static void SetCursorMonData(void *pokemon, u8 mode) { u8 *txtPtr; u16 gender; bool8 sanityIsBagEgg; sPSSData->cursorMonItem = 0; gender = MON_MALE; sanityIsBagEgg = FALSE; if (mode == MODE_PARTY) { struct Pokemon *mon = (struct Pokemon *)pokemon; sPSSData->cursorMonSpecies = GetMonData(mon, MON_DATA_SPECIES2); if (sPSSData->cursorMonSpecies != SPECIES_NONE) { sanityIsBagEgg = GetMonData(mon, MON_DATA_SANITY_IS_BAD_EGG); if (sanityIsBagEgg) sPSSData->cursorMonIsEgg = TRUE; else sPSSData->cursorMonIsEgg = GetMonData(mon, MON_DATA_IS_EGG); GetMonData(mon, MON_DATA_NICKNAME, sPSSData->cursorMonNick); StringGetEnd10(sPSSData->cursorMonNick); sPSSData->cursorMonLevel = GetMonData(mon, MON_DATA_LEVEL); sPSSData->cursorMonMarkings = GetMonData(mon, MON_DATA_MARKINGS); sPSSData->cursorMonPersonality = GetMonData(mon, MON_DATA_PERSONALITY); sPSSData->cursorMonPalette = GetMonFrontSpritePal(mon); gender = GetMonGender(mon); sPSSData->cursorMonItem = GetMonData(mon, MON_DATA_HELD_ITEM); } } else if (mode == MODE_BOX) { struct BoxPokemon *boxMon = (struct BoxPokemon *)pokemon; sPSSData->cursorMonSpecies = GetBoxMonData(pokemon, MON_DATA_SPECIES2); if (sPSSData->cursorMonSpecies != SPECIES_NONE) { u32 otId = GetBoxMonData(boxMon, MON_DATA_OT_ID); sanityIsBagEgg = GetBoxMonData(boxMon, MON_DATA_SANITY_IS_BAD_EGG); if (sanityIsBagEgg) sPSSData->cursorMonIsEgg = TRUE; else sPSSData->cursorMonIsEgg = GetBoxMonData(boxMon, MON_DATA_IS_EGG); GetBoxMonData(boxMon, MON_DATA_NICKNAME, sPSSData->cursorMonNick); StringGetEnd10(sPSSData->cursorMonNick); sPSSData->cursorMonLevel = GetLevelFromBoxMonExp(boxMon); sPSSData->cursorMonMarkings = GetBoxMonData(boxMon, MON_DATA_MARKINGS); sPSSData->cursorMonPersonality = GetBoxMonData(boxMon, MON_DATA_PERSONALITY); sPSSData->cursorMonPalette = GetFrontSpritePalFromSpeciesAndPersonality(sPSSData->cursorMonSpecies, otId, sPSSData->cursorMonPersonality); gender = GetGenderFromSpeciesAndPersonality(sPSSData->cursorMonSpecies, sPSSData->cursorMonPersonality); sPSSData->cursorMonItem = GetBoxMonData(boxMon, MON_DATA_HELD_ITEM); } } else { sPSSData->cursorMonSpecies = SPECIES_NONE; sPSSData->cursorMonItem = 0; } if (sPSSData->cursorMonSpecies == SPECIES_NONE) { StringFill(sPSSData->cursorMonNick, CHAR_SPACE, 5); StringFill(sPSSData->cursorMonNickText, CHAR_SPACE, 8); StringFill(sPSSData->cursorMonSpeciesName, CHAR_SPACE, 8); StringFill(sPSSData->cursorMonGenderLvlText, CHAR_SPACE, 8); StringFill(sPSSData->cursorMonItemName, CHAR_SPACE, 8); } else if (sPSSData->cursorMonIsEgg) { if (sanityIsBagEgg) StringCopyPadded(sPSSData->cursorMonNickText, sPSSData->cursorMonNick, CHAR_SPACE, 5); else StringCopyPadded(sPSSData->cursorMonNickText, gText_EggNickname, CHAR_SPACE, 8); StringFill(sPSSData->cursorMonSpeciesName, CHAR_SPACE, 8); StringFill(sPSSData->cursorMonGenderLvlText, CHAR_SPACE, 8); StringFill(sPSSData->cursorMonItemName, CHAR_SPACE, 8); } else { if (sPSSData->cursorMonSpecies == SPECIES_NIDORAN_F || sPSSData->cursorMonSpecies == SPECIES_NIDORAN_M) gender = MON_GENDERLESS; StringCopyPadded(sPSSData->cursorMonNickText, sPSSData->cursorMonNick, CHAR_SPACE, 5); txtPtr = sPSSData->cursorMonSpeciesName; *(txtPtr)++ = CHAR_SLASH; StringCopyPadded(txtPtr, gSpeciesNames[sPSSData->cursorMonSpecies], CHAR_SPACE, 5); txtPtr = sPSSData->cursorMonGenderLvlText; *(txtPtr)++ = EXT_CTRL_CODE_BEGIN; *(txtPtr)++ = 4; switch (gender) { case MON_MALE: *(txtPtr)++ = 4; *(txtPtr)++ = 1; *(txtPtr)++ = 5; *(txtPtr)++ = CHAR_MALE; break; case MON_FEMALE: *(txtPtr)++ = 6; *(txtPtr)++ = 1; *(txtPtr)++ = 7; *(txtPtr)++ = CHAR_FEMALE; break; default: *(txtPtr)++ = 2; *(txtPtr)++ = 1; *(txtPtr)++ = 3; *(txtPtr)++ = 0x77; break; } *(txtPtr++) = EXT_CTRL_CODE_BEGIN; *(txtPtr++) = 4; *(txtPtr++) = 2; *(txtPtr++) = 1; *(txtPtr++) = 3; *(txtPtr++) = 0; *(txtPtr++) = CHAR_SPECIAL_F9; *(txtPtr++) = 5; txtPtr = ConvertIntToDecimalStringN(txtPtr, sPSSData->cursorMonLevel, STR_CONV_MODE_LEFT_ALIGN, 3); txtPtr[0] = CHAR_SPACE; txtPtr[1] = EOS; if (sPSSData->cursorMonItem != 0) StringCopyPadded(sPSSData->cursorMonItemName, ItemId_GetName(sPSSData->cursorMonItem), CHAR_SPACE, 8); else StringFill(sPSSData->cursorMonItemName, CHAR_SPACE, 8); } } static u8 HandleInput_InBox(void) { switch (sPSSData->inBoxMovingMode) { case 0: default: return InBoxInput_Normal(); case 1: return InBoxInput_GrabbingMultiple(); case 2: return InBoxInput_MovingMultiple(); } } // This group of four functions handling input simply CANNOT be matched. // GF must have written them in a really weird way, a way not a sane person could dream to reproduce. #ifdef NONMATCHING static u8 InBoxInput_Normal(void) { u8 retVal; s8 cursorArea = sBoxCursorArea; s8 cursorPosition = sBoxCursorPosition; sPSSData->field_CD2 = 0; sPSSData->field_CD3 = 0; sPSSData->field_CD7 = 0; retVal = 0; if (!(gMain.newAndRepeatedKeys & DPAD_UP)) { if (gMain.newAndRepeatedKeys & DPAD_DOWN) { retVal = TRUE; cursorPosition += IN_BOX_ROWS; if (cursorPosition >= IN_BOX_COUNT) { cursorArea = CURSOR_AREA_BUTTONS; cursorPosition -= IN_BOX_COUNT; cursorPosition /= 3; sPSSData->field_CD2 = 1; sPSSData->field_CD7 = 1; } } else if (gMain.newAndRepeatedKeys & DPAD_LEFT) { retVal = TRUE; if (sBoxCursorPosition % IN_BOX_ROWS != 0) { cursorPosition--; } else { sPSSData->field_CD3 = -1; cursorPosition += (IN_BOX_ROWS - 1); } } else if (gMain.newAndRepeatedKeys & DPAD_RIGHT) { retVal = TRUE; if ((sBoxCursorPosition + 1) % IN_BOX_ROWS != 0) { cursorPosition++; } else { sPSSData->field_CD3 = 1; cursorPosition -= (IN_BOX_ROWS - 1); } } else if (gMain.newKeys & START_BUTTON) { retVal = TRUE; cursorArea = CURSOR_AREA_BOX; cursorPosition = 0; } else { if ((gMain.newKeys & A_BUTTON) && sub_80CFA5C()) { if (!sCanOnlyMove) return 8; if (sPSSData->boxOption == BOX_OPTION_MOVE_MONS || sIsMonBeingMoved == TRUE) { switch (sub_80CFF98(0)) { case 1: return 11; case 2: return 12; case 3: return 13; case 4: return 14; case 5: return 15; case 12: return 16; case 13: return 17; case 15: return 18; } } else { sPSSData->inBoxMovingMode = 1; return 20; } } if (gMain.newKeys & B_BUTTON) return 19; if (gSaveBlock2Ptr->optionsButtonMode == OPTIONS_BUTTON_MODE_LR) { if (gMain.heldKeys & L_BUTTON) return 10; if (gMain.heldKeys & R_BUTTON) return 9; } if (gMain.newKeys & SELECT_BUTTON) { sub_80CFDC4(); return 0; } retVal = FALSE; } } else { retVal = TRUE; if (sBoxCursorPosition >= IN_BOX_ROWS) { cursorPosition -= IN_BOX_ROWS; } else { cursorArea = CURSOR_AREA_BOX; cursorPosition = 0; } } if (retVal) sub_80CD894(cursorArea, cursorPosition); return retVal; } #else NAKED static u8 InBoxInput_Normal(void) { asm_unified("\n\ push {r4-r7,lr}\n\ mov r7, r10\n\ mov r6, r9\n\ mov r5, r8\n\ push {r5-r7}\n\ ldr r0, =sBoxCursorArea\n\ ldrb r0, [r0]\n\ mov r8, r0\n\ ldr r2, =sBoxCursorPosition\n\ ldrb r4, [r2]\n\ ldr r5, =sPSSData\n\ ldr r0, [r5]\n\ ldr r1, =0x00000cd2\n\ mov r10, r1\n\ add r0, r10\n\ movs r1, 0\n\ strb r1, [r0]\n\ ldr r0, [r5]\n\ ldr r7, =0x00000cd3\n\ adds r0, r7\n\ strb r1, [r0]\n\ ldr r0, [r5]\n\ ldr r3, =0x00000cd7\n\ mov r9, r3\n\ add r0, r9\n\ strb r1, [r0]\n\ ldr r6, =gMain\n\ ldrh r1, [r6, 0x30]\n\ movs r0, 0x40\n\ ands r0, r1\n\ adds r3, r2, 0\n\ cmp r0, 0\n\ beq _080CF14C\n\ b _080CF33C\n\ _080CF14C:\n\ movs r0, 0x80\n\ ands r0, r1\n\ cmp r0, 0\n\ beq _080CF1A8\n\ movs r6, 0x1\n\ lsls r0, r4, 24\n\ movs r1, 0xC0\n\ lsls r1, 19\n\ adds r0, r1\n\ lsrs r4, r0, 24\n\ asrs r0, 24\n\ cmp r0, 0x1D\n\ bgt _080CF168\n\ b _080CF358\n\ _080CF168:\n\ movs r2, 0x3\n\ mov r8, r2\n\ subs r0, 0x1E\n\ lsls r0, 24\n\ asrs r0, 24\n\ movs r1, 0x3\n\ bl __divsi3\n\ lsls r0, 24\n\ lsrs r4, r0, 24\n\ ldr r0, [r5]\n\ add r0, r10\n\ strb r6, [r0]\n\ ldr r0, [r5]\n\ add r0, r9\n\ strb r6, [r0]\n\ b _080CF358\n\ .pool\n\ _080CF1A8:\n\ movs r0, 0x20\n\ ands r0, r1\n\ cmp r0, 0\n\ beq _080CF1DE\n\ movs r6, 0x1\n\ movs r0, 0\n\ ldrsb r0, [r3, r0]\n\ movs r1, 0x6\n\ bl __modsi3\n\ lsls r0, 24\n\ cmp r0, 0\n\ beq _080CF1CA\n\ lsls r0, r4, 24\n\ movs r3, 0xFF\n\ lsls r3, 24\n\ b _080CF34C\n\ _080CF1CA:\n\ ldr r0, [r5]\n\ adds r0, r7\n\ movs r1, 0xFF\n\ strb r1, [r0]\n\ lsls r0, r4, 24\n\ movs r1, 0xA0\n\ lsls r1, 19\n\ adds r0, r1\n\ lsrs r4, r0, 24\n\ b _080CF358\n\ _080CF1DE:\n\ movs r0, 0x10\n\ ands r0, r1\n\ cmp r0, 0\n\ beq _080CF212\n\ movs r6, 0x1\n\ movs r0, 0\n\ ldrsb r0, [r3, r0]\n\ adds r0, 0x1\n\ movs r1, 0x6\n\ bl __modsi3\n\ cmp r0, 0\n\ beq _080CF204\n\ lsls r0, r4, 24\n\ movs r2, 0x80\n\ lsls r2, 17\n\ adds r0, r2\n\ lsrs r4, r0, 24\n\ b _080CF358\n\ _080CF204:\n\ ldr r0, [r5]\n\ adds r0, r7\n\ strb r6, [r0]\n\ lsls r0, r4, 24\n\ movs r3, 0xFB\n\ lsls r3, 24\n\ b _080CF34C\n\ _080CF212:\n\ ldrh r1, [r6, 0x2E]\n\ movs r0, 0x8\n\ ands r0, r1\n\ cmp r0, 0\n\ beq _080CF220\n\ movs r6, 0x1\n\ b _080CF352\n\ _080CF220:\n\ movs r4, 0x1\n\ movs r0, 0x1\n\ ands r0, r1\n\ cmp r0, 0\n\ beq _080CF2E4\n\ bl sub_80CFA5C\n\ lsls r0, 24\n\ cmp r0, 0\n\ beq _080CF2E4\n\ ldr r0, =sCanOnlyMove\n\ ldrb r0, [r0]\n\ cmp r0, 0\n\ bne _080CF244\n\ movs r0, 0x8\n\ b _080CF366\n\ .pool\n\ _080CF244:\n\ ldr r1, [r5]\n\ ldrb r0, [r1, 0x1]\n\ cmp r0, 0x2\n\ bne _080CF254\n\ ldr r0, =sIsMonBeingMoved\n\ ldrb r0, [r0]\n\ cmp r0, 0x1\n\ bne _080CF2D4\n\ _080CF254:\n\ movs r0, 0\n\ bl sub_80CFF98\n\ subs r0, 0x1\n\ lsls r0, 24\n\ asrs r0, 24\n\ cmp r0, 0xE\n\ bhi _080CF2E4\n\ lsls r0, 2\n\ ldr r1, =_080CF278\n\ adds r0, r1\n\ ldr r0, [r0]\n\ mov pc, r0\n\ .pool\n\ .align 2, 0\n\ _080CF278:\n\ .4byte _080CF2B4\n\ .4byte _080CF2B8\n\ .4byte _080CF2BC\n\ .4byte _080CF2C0\n\ .4byte _080CF2C4\n\ .4byte _080CF2E4\n\ .4byte _080CF2E4\n\ .4byte _080CF2E4\n\ .4byte _080CF2E4\n\ .4byte _080CF2E4\n\ .4byte _080CF2E4\n\ .4byte _080CF2C8\n\ .4byte _080CF2CC\n\ .4byte _080CF2E4\n\ .4byte _080CF2D0\n\ _080CF2B4:\n\ movs r0, 0xB\n\ b _080CF366\n\ _080CF2B8:\n\ movs r0, 0xC\n\ b _080CF366\n\ _080CF2BC:\n\ movs r0, 0xD\n\ b _080CF366\n\ _080CF2C0:\n\ movs r0, 0xE\n\ b _080CF366\n\ _080CF2C4:\n\ movs r0, 0xF\n\ b _080CF366\n\ _080CF2C8:\n\ movs r0, 0x10\n\ b _080CF366\n\ _080CF2CC:\n\ movs r0, 0x11\n\ b _080CF366\n\ _080CF2D0:\n\ movs r0, 0x12\n\ b _080CF366\n\ _080CF2D4:\n\ ldr r2, =0x000021ff\n\ adds r0, r1, r2\n\ strb r4, [r0]\n\ movs r0, 0x14\n\ b _080CF366\n\ .pool\n\ _080CF2E4:\n\ ldr r2, =gMain\n\ ldrh r1, [r2, 0x2E]\n\ movs r0, 0x2\n\ ands r0, r1\n\ cmp r0, 0\n\ beq _080CF2F8\n\ movs r0, 0x13\n\ b _080CF366\n\ .pool\n\ _080CF2F8:\n\ ldr r0, =gSaveBlock2Ptr\n\ ldr r0, [r0]\n\ ldrb r0, [r0, 0x13]\n\ cmp r0, 0x1\n\ bne _080CF326\n\ ldrh r1, [r2, 0x2C]\n\ movs r0, 0x80\n\ lsls r0, 2\n\ ands r0, r1\n\ cmp r0, 0\n\ beq _080CF318\n\ movs r0, 0xA\n\ b _080CF366\n\ .pool\n\ _080CF318:\n\ movs r0, 0x80\n\ lsls r0, 1\n\ ands r0, r1\n\ cmp r0, 0\n\ beq _080CF326\n\ movs r0, 0x9\n\ b _080CF366\n\ _080CF326:\n\ ldrh r1, [r2, 0x2E]\n\ movs r0, 0x4\n\ ands r0, r1\n\ cmp r0, 0\n\ beq _080CF338\n\ bl sub_80CFDC4\n\ movs r0, 0\n\ b _080CF366\n\ _080CF338:\n\ movs r6, 0\n\ b _080CF364\n\ _080CF33C:\n\ movs r6, 0x1\n\ movs r0, 0\n\ ldrsb r0, [r2, r0]\n\ cmp r0, 0x5\n\ ble _080CF352\n\ lsls r0, r4, 24\n\ movs r3, 0xFA\n\ lsls r3, 24\n\ _080CF34C:\n\ adds r0, r3\n\ lsrs r4, r0, 24\n\ b _080CF358\n\ _080CF352:\n\ movs r0, 0x2\n\ mov r8, r0\n\ movs r4, 0\n\ _080CF358:\n\ cmp r6, 0\n\ beq _080CF364\n\ mov r0, r8\n\ adds r1, r4, 0\n\ bl sub_80CD894\n\ _080CF364:\n\ adds r0, r6, 0\n\ _080CF366:\n\ pop {r3-r5}\n\ mov r8, r3\n\ mov r9, r4\n\ mov r10, r5\n\ pop {r4-r7}\n\ pop {r1}\n\ bx r1\n\ "); } #endif static u8 InBoxInput_GrabbingMultiple(void) { if (gMain.heldKeys & A_BUTTON) { if (gMain.newAndRepeatedKeys & DPAD_UP) { if (sBoxCursorPosition / IN_BOX_ROWS != 0) { sub_80CD894(CURSOR_AREA_IN_BOX, sBoxCursorPosition - IN_BOX_ROWS); return 21; } else { return 24; } } else if (gMain.newAndRepeatedKeys & DPAD_DOWN) { if (sBoxCursorPosition + IN_BOX_ROWS < IN_BOX_COUNT) { sub_80CD894(CURSOR_AREA_IN_BOX, sBoxCursorPosition + IN_BOX_ROWS); return 21; } else { return 24; } } else if (gMain.newAndRepeatedKeys & DPAD_LEFT) { if (sBoxCursorPosition % IN_BOX_ROWS != 0) { sub_80CD894(CURSOR_AREA_IN_BOX, sBoxCursorPosition - 1); return 21; } else { return 24; } } else if (gMain.newAndRepeatedKeys & DPAD_RIGHT) { if ((sBoxCursorPosition + 1) % IN_BOX_ROWS != 0) { sub_80CD894(CURSOR_AREA_IN_BOX, sBoxCursorPosition + 1); return 21; } else { return 24; } } else { return 0; } } else { if (sub_80D0BA4() == sBoxCursorPosition) { sPSSData->inBoxMovingMode = 0; sPSSData->field_CB8->invisible = FALSE; return 22; } else { sIsMonBeingMoved = (sPSSData->cursorMonSpecies != SPECIES_NONE); sPSSData->inBoxMovingMode = 2; sMovingMonOrigBoxId = StorageGetCurrentBox(); return 23; } } } static u8 InBoxInput_MovingMultiple(void) { if (gMain.newAndRepeatedKeys & DPAD_UP) { if (sub_80D0580(0)) { sub_80CD894(CURSOR_AREA_IN_BOX, sBoxCursorPosition - IN_BOX_ROWS); return 25; } else { return 24; } } else if (gMain.newAndRepeatedKeys & DPAD_DOWN) { if (sub_80D0580(1)) { sub_80CD894(CURSOR_AREA_IN_BOX, sBoxCursorPosition + IN_BOX_ROWS); return 25; } else { return 24; } } else if (gMain.newAndRepeatedKeys & DPAD_LEFT) { if (sub_80D0580(2)) { sub_80CD894(CURSOR_AREA_IN_BOX, sBoxCursorPosition - 1); return 25; } else { return 10; } } else if (gMain.newAndRepeatedKeys & DPAD_RIGHT) { if (sub_80D0580(3)) { sub_80CD894(CURSOR_AREA_IN_BOX, sBoxCursorPosition + 1); return 25; } else { return 9; } } else if (gMain.newKeys & A_BUTTON) { if (sub_80D0BC0()) { sIsMonBeingMoved = FALSE; sPSSData->inBoxMovingMode = 0; return 26; } else { return 24; } } else if (gMain.newKeys & B_BUTTON) { return 24; } else { if (gSaveBlock2Ptr->optionsButtonMode == OPTIONS_BUTTON_MODE_LR) { if (gMain.heldKeys & L_BUTTON) return 10; if (gMain.heldKeys & R_BUTTON) return 9; } return 0; } } #ifdef NONMATCHING static u8 HandleInput_InParty(void) { u8 retVal; bool8 gotoBox; s8 cursorArea = sBoxCursorArea; s8 cursorPosition = sBoxCursorPosition; sPSSData->field_CD3 = 0; sPSSData->field_CD2 = 0; sPSSData->field_CD7 = 0; gotoBox = FALSE; retVal = 0; if (!(gMain.newAndRepeatedKeys & DPAD_UP)) { if (gMain.newAndRepeatedKeys & DPAD_DOWN) { if (++cursorPosition > PARTY_SIZE) cursorPosition = 0; if (cursorPosition != sBoxCursorPosition) retVal = 1; } else if ((gMain.newAndRepeatedKeys & DPAD_LEFT) && sBoxCursorPosition != 0) { retVal = 1; sPSSData->field_CD6 = sBoxCursorPosition; cursorPosition = 0; } else if (gMain.newAndRepeatedKeys & DPAD_RIGHT) { if (sBoxCursorPosition == 0) { retVal = 1; cursorPosition = sPSSData->field_CD6; } else { retVal = 6; cursorArea = CURSOR_AREA_IN_BOX; cursorPosition = 0; } } else { if (gMain.newKeys & A_BUTTON) { if (sBoxCursorPosition == PARTY_SIZE) { if (sPSSData->boxOption == BOX_OPTION_DEPOSIT) return 4; gotoBox = TRUE; } else if (sub_80CFA5C()) { if (!sCanOnlyMove) return 8; switch (sub_80CFF98(0)) { case 1: return 11; case 2: return 12; case 3: return 13; case 4: return 14; case 5: return 15; case 12: return 16; case 13: return 17; case 15: return 18; } } } if (gMain.newKeys & B_BUTTON) { if (sPSSData->boxOption == BOX_OPTION_DEPOSIT) return 19; gotoBox = TRUE; } if (gotoBox) { retVal = 6; cursorArea = CURSOR_AREA_IN_BOX; cursorPosition = 0; } else if (gMain.newKeys & SELECT_BUTTON) { sub_80CFDC4(); return 0; } } } else { if (--cursorPosition < 0) cursorPosition = PARTY_SIZE; if (cursorPosition != sBoxCursorPosition) retVal = 1; } if (retVal != 0) { if (retVal != 6) sub_80CD894(cursorArea, cursorPosition); } return retVal; } #else NAKED static u8 HandleInput_InParty(void) { asm_unified("\n\ push {r4-r7,lr}\n\ mov r7, r9\n\ mov r6, r8\n\ push {r6,r7}\n\ ldr r0, =sBoxCursorArea\n\ ldrb r0, [r0]\n\ mov r9, r0\n\ ldr r6, =sBoxCursorPosition\n\ ldrb r4, [r6]\n\ ldr r2, =sPSSData\n\ ldr r0, [r2]\n\ ldr r1, =0x00000cd3\n\ adds r0, r1\n\ movs r1, 0\n\ strb r1, [r0]\n\ ldr r0, [r2]\n\ ldr r3, =0x00000cd2\n\ adds r0, r3\n\ strb r1, [r0]\n\ ldr r0, [r2]\n\ adds r3, 0x5\n\ adds r0, r3\n\ strb r1, [r0]\n\ mov r8, r1\n\ movs r7, 0\n\ ldr r1, =gMain\n\ ldrh r3, [r1, 0x30]\n\ movs r0, 0x40\n\ ands r0, r3\n\ adds r5, r6, 0\n\ mov r12, r1\n\ cmp r0, 0\n\ beq _080CF608\n\ b _080CF7A8\n\ _080CF608:\n\ movs r0, 0x80\n\ ands r0, r3\n\ cmp r0, 0\n\ beq _080CF64C\n\ lsls r0, r4, 24\n\ movs r1, 0x80\n\ lsls r1, 17\n\ adds r0, r1\n\ lsrs r4, r0, 24\n\ asrs r0, 24\n\ cmp r0, 0x6\n\ ble _080CF622\n\ movs r4, 0\n\ _080CF622:\n\ lsls r0, r4, 24\n\ asrs r0, 24\n\ movs r1, 0\n\ ldrsb r1, [r5, r1]\n\ cmp r0, r1\n\ bne _080CF630\n\ b _080CF7C6\n\ _080CF630:\n\ movs r7, 0x1\n\ b _080CF7CA\n\ .pool\n\ _080CF64C:\n\ movs r0, 0x20\n\ ands r0, r3\n\ cmp r0, 0\n\ beq _080CF670\n\ ldrb r1, [r5]\n\ movs r0, 0\n\ ldrsb r0, [r5, r0]\n\ cmp r0, 0\n\ beq _080CF670\n\ movs r7, 0x1\n\ ldr r0, [r2]\n\ ldr r2, =0x00000cd6\n\ adds r0, r2\n\ strb r1, [r0]\n\ movs r4, 0\n\ b _080CF7C6\n\ .pool\n\ _080CF670:\n\ mov r3, r12\n\ ldrh r1, [r3, 0x30]\n\ movs r0, 0x10\n\ ands r0, r1\n\ cmp r0, 0\n\ beq _080CF69E\n\ movs r0, 0\n\ ldrsb r0, [r5, r0]\n\ cmp r0, 0\n\ bne _080CF694\n\ movs r7, 0x1\n\ ldr r0, [r2]\n\ ldr r1, =0x00000cd6\n\ adds r0, r1\n\ ldrb r4, [r0]\n\ b _080CF7C6\n\ .pool\n\ _080CF694:\n\ movs r7, 0x6\n\ movs r2, 0\n\ mov r9, r2\n\ movs r4, 0\n\ b _080CF7C6\n\ _080CF69E:\n\ mov r3, r12\n\ ldrh r1, [r3, 0x2E]\n\ movs r0, 0x1\n\ ands r0, r1\n\ cmp r0, 0\n\ beq _080CF75C\n\ movs r0, 0\n\ ldrsb r0, [r5, r0]\n\ cmp r0, 0x6\n\ bne _080CF6C4\n\ ldr r0, [r2]\n\ ldrb r0, [r0, 0x1]\n\ cmp r0, 0x1\n\ bne _080CF6BE\n\ movs r0, 0x4\n\ b _080CF7D8\n\ _080CF6BE:\n\ movs r0, 0x1\n\ mov r8, r0\n\ b _080CF75C\n\ _080CF6C4:\n\ bl sub_80CFA5C\n\ lsls r0, 24\n\ cmp r0, 0\n\ beq _080CF75C\n\ ldr r0, =sCanOnlyMove\n\ ldrb r0, [r0]\n\ cmp r0, 0\n\ bne _080CF6E0\n\ movs r0, 0x8\n\ b _080CF7D8\n\ .pool\n\ _080CF6E0:\n\ movs r0, 0\n\ bl sub_80CFF98\n\ subs r0, 0x1\n\ lsls r0, 24\n\ asrs r0, 24\n\ cmp r0, 0xE\n\ bhi _080CF75C\n\ lsls r0, 2\n\ ldr r1, =_080CF700\n\ adds r0, r1\n\ ldr r0, [r0]\n\ mov pc, r0\n\ .pool\n\ .align 2, 0\n\ _080CF700:\n\ .4byte _080CF73C\n\ .4byte _080CF740\n\ .4byte _080CF744\n\ .4byte _080CF748\n\ .4byte _080CF74C\n\ .4byte _080CF75C\n\ .4byte _080CF75C\n\ .4byte _080CF75C\n\ .4byte _080CF75C\n\ .4byte _080CF75C\n\ .4byte _080CF75C\n\ .4byte _080CF750\n\ .4byte _080CF754\n\ .4byte _080CF75C\n\ .4byte _080CF758\n\ _080CF73C:\n\ movs r0, 0xB\n\ b _080CF7D8\n\ _080CF740:\n\ movs r0, 0xC\n\ b _080CF7D8\n\ _080CF744:\n\ movs r0, 0xD\n\ b _080CF7D8\n\ _080CF748:\n\ movs r0, 0xE\n\ b _080CF7D8\n\ _080CF74C:\n\ movs r0, 0xF\n\ b _080CF7D8\n\ _080CF750:\n\ movs r0, 0x10\n\ b _080CF7D8\n\ _080CF754:\n\ movs r0, 0x11\n\ b _080CF7D8\n\ _080CF758:\n\ movs r0, 0x12\n\ b _080CF7D8\n\ _080CF75C:\n\ ldr r2, =gMain\n\ ldrh r1, [r2, 0x2E]\n\ movs r0, 0x2\n\ ands r0, r1\n\ mov r12, r2\n\ cmp r0, 0\n\ beq _080CF784\n\ ldr r0, =sPSSData\n\ ldr r0, [r0]\n\ ldrb r0, [r0, 0x1]\n\ cmp r0, 0x1\n\ bne _080CF780\n\ movs r0, 0x13\n\ b _080CF7D8\n\ .pool\n\ _080CF780:\n\ movs r1, 0x1\n\ mov r8, r1\n\ _080CF784:\n\ mov r2, r8\n\ cmp r2, 0\n\ beq _080CF794\n\ movs r7, 0x6\n\ movs r3, 0\n\ mov r9, r3\n\ movs r4, 0\n\ b _080CF7C6\n\ _080CF794:\n\ mov r0, r12\n\ ldrh r1, [r0, 0x2E]\n\ movs r0, 0x4\n\ ands r0, r1\n\ cmp r0, 0\n\ beq _080CF7C6\n\ bl sub_80CFDC4\n\ movs r0, 0\n\ b _080CF7D8\n\ _080CF7A8:\n\ lsls r0, r4, 24\n\ movs r1, 0xFF\n\ lsls r1, 24\n\ adds r0, r1\n\ lsrs r4, r0, 24\n\ cmp r0, 0\n\ bge _080CF7B8\n\ movs r4, 0x6\n\ _080CF7B8:\n\ lsls r0, r4, 24\n\ asrs r0, 24\n\ movs r1, 0\n\ ldrsb r1, [r6, r1]\n\ cmp r0, r1\n\ beq _080CF7C6\n\ movs r7, 0x1\n\ _080CF7C6:\n\ cmp r7, 0\n\ beq _080CF7D6\n\ _080CF7CA:\n\ cmp r7, 0x6\n\ beq _080CF7D6\n\ mov r0, r9\n\ adds r1, r4, 0\n\ bl sub_80CD894\n\ _080CF7D6:\n\ adds r0, r7, 0\n\ _080CF7D8:\n\ pop {r3,r4}\n\ mov r8, r3\n\ mov r9, r4\n\ pop {r4-r7}\n\ pop {r1}\n\ bx r1"); } #endif #ifdef NONMATCHING static u8 HandleInput_OnBox(void) { u8 retVal; s8 cursorArea = sBoxCursorArea; s8 cursorPosition = sBoxCursorPosition; sPSSData->field_CD3 = 0; sPSSData->field_CD2 = 0; sPSSData->field_CD7 = 0; retVal = 0; if (!(gMain.newAndRepeatedKeys & DPAD_UP)) { if (gMain.newAndRepeatedKeys & DPAD_DOWN) { retVal = 1; cursorArea = CURSOR_AREA_IN_BOX; cursorPosition = 2; } else { if (gMain.heldKeys & DPAD_LEFT) return 10; if (gMain.heldKeys & DPAD_RIGHT) return 9; if (gSaveBlock2Ptr->optionsButtonMode == OPTIONS_BUTTON_MODE_LR) { if (gMain.heldKeys & L_BUTTON) return 10; if (gMain.heldKeys & R_BUTTON) return 9; } if (gMain.newKeys & A_BUTTON) { sub_80CD1A8(FALSE); AddBoxMenu(); return 7; } if (gMain.newKeys & B_BUTTON) return 19; if (gMain.newKeys & SELECT_BUTTON) { sub_80CFDC4(); return 0; } retVal = 0; } } else { retVal = 1; cursorArea = CURSOR_AREA_BUTTONS; cursorPosition = 0; sPSSData->field_CD7 = 1; } if (retVal) { if (cursorArea != CURSOR_AREA_BOX) sub_80CD1A8(FALSE); sub_80CD894(cursorArea, cursorPosition); } return retVal; } #else NAKED static u8 HandleInput_OnBox(void) { asm_unified("\n\ push {r4-r6,lr}\n\ ldr r3, =sPSSData\n\ ldr r0, [r3]\n\ ldr r1, =0x00000cd3\n\ adds r0, r1\n\ movs r1, 0\n\ strb r1, [r0]\n\ ldr r0, [r3]\n\ ldr r2, =0x00000cd2\n\ adds r0, r2\n\ strb r1, [r0]\n\ ldr r0, [r3]\n\ ldr r5, =0x00000cd7\n\ adds r0, r5\n\ strb r1, [r0]\n\ ldr r1, =gMain\n\ ldrh r2, [r1, 0x30]\n\ movs r0, 0x40\n\ ands r0, r2\n\ cmp r0, 0\n\ bne _080CF8AA\n\ movs r0, 0x80\n\ ands r0, r2\n\ cmp r0, 0\n\ beq _080CF834\n\ movs r4, 0x1\n\ movs r1, 0\n\ movs r6, 0x2\n\ b _080CF8B6\n\ .pool\n\ _080CF834:\n\ ldrh r2, [r1, 0x2C]\n\ movs r0, 0x20\n\ ands r0, r2\n\ cmp r0, 0\n\ bne _080CF85A\n\ movs r0, 0x10\n\ ands r0, r2\n\ cmp r0, 0\n\ bne _080CF86E\n\ ldr r0, =gSaveBlock2Ptr\n\ ldr r0, [r0]\n\ ldrb r0, [r0, 0x13]\n\ cmp r0, 0x1\n\ bne _080CF872\n\ movs r0, 0x80\n\ lsls r0, 2\n\ ands r0, r2\n\ cmp r0, 0\n\ beq _080CF864\n\ _080CF85A:\n\ movs r0, 0xA\n\ b _080CF8D2\n\ .pool\n\ _080CF864:\n\ movs r0, 0x80\n\ lsls r0, 1\n\ ands r0, r2\n\ cmp r0, 0\n\ beq _080CF872\n\ _080CF86E:\n\ movs r0, 0x9\n\ b _080CF8D2\n\ _080CF872:\n\ ldrh r1, [r1, 0x2E]\n\ movs r0, 0x1\n\ ands r0, r1\n\ cmp r0, 0\n\ beq _080CF88A\n\ movs r0, 0\n\ bl sub_80CD1A8\n\ bl AddBoxMenu\n\ movs r0, 0x7\n\ b _080CF8D2\n\ _080CF88A:\n\ movs r0, 0x2\n\ ands r0, r1\n\ cmp r0, 0\n\ beq _080CF896\n\ movs r0, 0x13\n\ b _080CF8D2\n\ _080CF896:\n\ movs r0, 0x4\n\ ands r0, r1\n\ cmp r0, 0\n\ beq _080CF8A6\n\ bl sub_80CFDC4\n\ movs r0, 0\n\ b _080CF8D2\n\ _080CF8A6:\n\ movs r4, 0\n\ b _080CF8D0\n\ _080CF8AA:\n\ movs r4, 0x1\n\ movs r1, 0x3\n\ movs r6, 0\n\ ldr r0, [r3]\n\ adds r0, r5\n\ strb r4, [r0]\n\ _080CF8B6:\n\ cmp r4, 0\n\ beq _080CF8D0\n\ lsls r5, r1, 24\n\ cmp r1, 0x2\n\ beq _080CF8C6\n\ movs r0, 0\n\ bl sub_80CD1A8\n\ _080CF8C6:\n\ lsrs r0, r5, 24\n\ lsls r1, r6, 24\n\ lsrs r1, 24\n\ bl sub_80CD894\n\ _080CF8D0:\n\ adds r0, r4, 0\n\ _080CF8D2:\n\ pop {r4-r6}\n\ pop {r1}\n\ bx r1\n\ "); } #endif #ifdef NONMATCHING static u8 HandleInput_OnButtons(void) { u8 retVal; s8 cursorArea = sBoxCursorArea; s8 cursorPosition = sBoxCursorPosition; sPSSData->field_CD3 = 0; sPSSData->field_CD2 = 0; sPSSData->field_CD7 = 0; if (!(gMain.newAndRepeatedKeys & DPAD_UP)) { if (gMain.newAndRepeatedKeys & (DPAD_DOWN | START_BUTTON)) { retVal = 1; cursorArea = CURSOR_AREA_BOX; cursorPosition = 0; sPSSData->field_CD7 = 1; } else if (gMain.newAndRepeatedKeys & DPAD_LEFT) { retVal = 1; if (--cursorPosition < 0) { cursorPosition = 1; } } else if (gMain.newAndRepeatedKeys & DPAD_RIGHT) { retVal = 1; if (++cursorPosition > 1) { cursorPosition = 0; } } else if (gMain.newKeys & A_BUTTON) { return (cursorPosition == 0) ? 5 : 4; } else if (gMain.newKeys & B_BUTTON) { return 19; } else if (gMain.newKeys & SELECT_BUTTON) { sub_80CFDC4(); return 0; } else { retVal = 0; } } else { retVal = 1; cursorArea = CURSOR_AREA_IN_BOX; sPSSData->field_CD2 = -1; cursorPosition = (sBoxCursorPosition == 0) ? IN_BOX_COUNT - 1 - 5 : IN_BOX_COUNT - 1; sPSSData->field_CD7 = 1; } if (retVal != 0) { sub_80CD894(cursorArea, cursorPosition); } return retVal; } #else NAKED static u8 HandleInput_OnButtons(void) { asm_unified("\n\ push {r4-r7,lr}\n\ mov r7, r8\n\ push {r7}\n\ ldr r0, =sBoxCursorArea\n\ ldrb r0, [r0]\n\ mov r8, r0\n\ ldr r0, =sBoxCursorPosition\n\ mov r12, r0\n\ ldrb r2, [r0]\n\ ldr r3, =sPSSData\n\ ldr r0, [r3]\n\ ldr r1, =0x00000cd3\n\ adds r0, r1\n\ movs r1, 0\n\ strb r1, [r0]\n\ ldr r0, [r3]\n\ ldr r6, =0x00000cd2\n\ adds r0, r6\n\ strb r1, [r0]\n\ ldr r0, [r3]\n\ ldr r5, =0x00000cd7\n\ adds r0, r5\n\ strb r1, [r0]\n\ ldr r7, =gMain\n\ ldrh r1, [r7, 0x30]\n\ movs r0, 0x40\n\ ands r0, r1\n\ adds r4, r3, 0\n\ cmp r0, 0\n\ bne _080CF9B2\n\ movs r0, 0x88\n\ ands r0, r1\n\ cmp r0, 0\n\ beq _080CF944\n\ movs r7, 0x1\n\ movs r0, 0x2\n\ mov r8, r0\n\ movs r2, 0\n\ ldr r0, [r4]\n\ b _080CF9D0\n\ .pool\n\ _080CF944:\n\ movs r0, 0x20\n\ ands r0, r1\n\ cmp r0, 0\n\ beq _080CF960\n\ movs r7, 0x1\n\ lsls r0, r2, 24\n\ movs r1, 0xFF\n\ lsls r1, 24\n\ adds r0, r1\n\ lsrs r2, r0, 24\n\ cmp r0, 0\n\ bge _080CF9D4\n\ movs r2, 0x1\n\ b _080CF9D4\n\ _080CF960:\n\ movs r0, 0x10\n\ ands r0, r1\n\ cmp r0, 0\n\ beq _080CF97E\n\ movs r7, 0x1\n\ lsls r0, r2, 24\n\ movs r1, 0x80\n\ lsls r1, 17\n\ adds r0, r1\n\ lsrs r2, r0, 24\n\ asrs r0, 24\n\ cmp r0, 0x1\n\ ble _080CF9D4\n\ movs r2, 0\n\ b _080CF9D4\n\ _080CF97E:\n\ ldrh r1, [r7, 0x2E]\n\ movs r0, 0x1\n\ ands r0, r1\n\ cmp r0, 0\n\ beq _080CF992\n\ movs r0, 0x4\n\ cmp r2, 0\n\ bne _080CF9E2\n\ movs r0, 0x5\n\ b _080CF9E2\n\ _080CF992:\n\ movs r0, 0x2\n\ ands r0, r1\n\ cmp r0, 0\n\ beq _080CF99E\n\ movs r0, 0x13\n\ b _080CF9E2\n\ _080CF99E:\n\ movs r0, 0x4\n\ ands r0, r1\n\ cmp r0, 0\n\ beq _080CF9AE\n\ bl sub_80CFDC4\n\ movs r0, 0\n\ b _080CF9E2\n\ _080CF9AE:\n\ movs r7, 0\n\ b _080CF9E0\n\ _080CF9B2:\n\ movs r7, 0x1\n\ movs r0, 0\n\ mov r8, r0\n\ ldr r0, [r3]\n\ adds r0, r6\n\ movs r1, 0xFF\n\ strb r1, [r0]\n\ mov r1, r12\n\ movs r0, 0\n\ ldrsb r0, [r1, r0]\n\ movs r2, 0x1D\n\ cmp r0, 0\n\ bne _080CF9CE\n\ movs r2, 0x18\n\ _080CF9CE:\n\ ldr r0, [r3]\n\ _080CF9D0:\n\ adds r0, r5\n\ strb r7, [r0]\n\ _080CF9D4:\n\ cmp r7, 0\n\ beq _080CF9E0\n\ mov r0, r8\n\ adds r1, r2, 0\n\ bl sub_80CD894\n\ _080CF9E0:\n\ adds r0, r7, 0\n\ _080CF9E2:\n\ pop {r3}\n\ mov r8, r3\n\ pop {r4-r7}\n\ pop {r1}\n\ bx r1"); } #endif static u8 HandleInput(void) { struct { u8 (*func)(void); s8 area; } static const inputFuncs[] = { {HandleInput_InBox, CURSOR_AREA_IN_BOX}, {HandleInput_InParty, CURSOR_AREA_IN_PARTY}, {HandleInput_OnBox, CURSOR_AREA_BOX}, {HandleInput_OnButtons, CURSOR_AREA_BUTTONS}, {NULL, 0}, }; u16 i = 0; while (inputFuncs[i].func != NULL) { if (inputFuncs[i].area == sBoxCursorArea) return inputFuncs[i].func(); i++; } return 0; } static void AddBoxMenu(void) { InitMenu(); SetMenuText(9); SetMenuText(10); SetMenuText(11); SetMenuText(0); } static u8 sub_80CFA5C(void) { InitMenu(); if (sPSSData->boxOption != BOX_OPTION_MOVE_ITEMS) return sub_80CFA84(); else return sub_80CFB44(); } static bool8 sub_80CFA84(void) { u16 var0 = sub_80CD504(); switch (sPSSData->boxOption) { case BOX_OPTION_DEPOSIT: if (var0) SetMenuText(1); else return FALSE; break; case BOX_OPTION_WITHDRAW: if (var0) SetMenuText(2); else return FALSE; break; case BOX_OPTION_MOVE_MONS: if (sIsMonBeingMoved) { if (var0) SetMenuText(4); else SetMenuText(5); } else { if (var0) SetMenuText(3); else return FALSE; } break; case BOX_OPTION_MOVE_ITEMS: default: return FALSE; } SetMenuText(6); if (sPSSData->boxOption == BOX_OPTION_MOVE_MONS) { if (!sBoxCursorArea) SetMenuText(2); else SetMenuText(1); } SetMenuText(8); SetMenuText(7); SetMenuText(0); return TRUE; } static bool8 sub_80CFB44(void) { if (sPSSData->cursorMonSpecies == SPECIES_EGG) return FALSE; if (!IsActiveItemMoving()) { if (sPSSData->cursorMonItem == 0) { if (sPSSData->cursorMonSpecies == SPECIES_NONE) return FALSE; SetMenuText(14); } else { if (!ItemIsMail(sPSSData->cursorMonItem)) { SetMenuText(12); SetMenuText(16); } SetMenuText(17); } } else { if (sPSSData->cursorMonItem == 0) { if (sPSSData->cursorMonSpecies == SPECIES_NONE) return FALSE; SetMenuText(13); } else { if (ItemIsMail(sPSSData->cursorMonItem) == TRUE) return FALSE; SetMenuText(15); } } SetMenuText(0); return TRUE; } static void sub_80CFBF4(struct Sprite *sprite) { sprite->pos1.x = sPSSData->field_CB4->pos1.x; sprite->pos1.y = sPSSData->field_CB4->pos1.y + 20; } static void sub_80CFC14(void) { u16 x, y; u8 spriteId; u8 priority, subpriority; struct SpriteSheet spriteSheets[] = { {gHandCursorTiles, 0x800, 0}, {gHandCursorShadowTiles, 0x80, 1}, {} }; struct SpritePalette spritePalettes[] = { {gHandCursorPalette, TAG_PAL_DAC7}, {} }; static const struct OamData sOamData_857BA0C = { .size = 2, .priority = 1, }; static const struct OamData sOamData_857BA14 = { .size = 1, .priority = 1, }; static const union AnimCmd sSpriteAnim_857BA1C[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(0, 30), ANIMCMD_FRAME(16, 30), ANIMCMD_JUMP(0) }; static const union AnimCmd sSpriteAnim_857BA28[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(0, 5), ANIMCMD_END }; static const union AnimCmd sSpriteAnim_857BA30[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(32, 5), ANIMCMD_END }; static const union AnimCmd sSpriteAnim_857BA38[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(48, 5), ANIMCMD_END }; static const union AnimCmd *const sSpriteAnimTable_857BA40[] = { sSpriteAnim_857BA1C, sSpriteAnim_857BA28, sSpriteAnim_857BA30, sSpriteAnim_857BA38 }; static const struct SpriteTemplate gSpriteTemplate_857BA50 = { .tileTag = TAG_TILE_0, .paletteTag = TAG_PAL_WAVEFORM, .oam = &sOamData_857BA0C, .anims = sSpriteAnimTable_857BA40, .images = NULL, .affineAnims = gDummySpriteAffineAnimTable, .callback = SpriteCallbackDummy, }; static const struct SpriteTemplate gSpriteTemplate_857BA68 = { .tileTag = TAG_TILE_1, .paletteTag = TAG_PAL_WAVEFORM, .oam = &sOamData_857BA14, .anims = gDummySpriteAnimTable, .images = NULL, .affineAnims = gDummySpriteAffineAnimTable, .callback = sub_80CFBF4, }; LoadSpriteSheets(spriteSheets); LoadSpritePalettes(spritePalettes); sPSSData->field_CD8[0] = IndexOfSpritePaletteTag(TAG_PAL_WAVEFORM); sPSSData->field_CD8[1] = IndexOfSpritePaletteTag(TAG_PAL_DAC7); sub_80CD444(sBoxCursorArea, sBoxCursorPosition, &x, &y); spriteId = CreateSprite(&gSpriteTemplate_857BA50, x, y, 6); if (spriteId != MAX_SPRITES) { sPSSData->field_CB4 = &gSprites[spriteId]; sPSSData->field_CB4->oam.paletteNum = sPSSData->field_CD8[sCanOnlyMove]; sPSSData->field_CB4->oam.priority = 1; if (sIsMonBeingMoved) StartSpriteAnim(sPSSData->field_CB4, 3); } else { sPSSData->field_CB4 = NULL; } if (sBoxCursorArea == CURSOR_AREA_IN_PARTY) { subpriority = 13; priority = 1; } else { subpriority = 21; priority = 2; } spriteId = CreateSprite(&gSpriteTemplate_857BA68, 0, 0, subpriority); if (spriteId != MAX_SPRITES) { sPSSData->field_CB8 = &gSprites[spriteId]; sPSSData->field_CB8->oam.priority = priority; if (sBoxCursorArea) sPSSData->field_CB8->invisible = 1; } else { sPSSData->field_CB8 = NULL; } } static void sub_80CFDC4(void) { sCanOnlyMove = !sCanOnlyMove; sPSSData->field_CB4->oam.paletteNum = sPSSData->field_CD8[sCanOnlyMove]; } static u8 GetBoxCursorPosition(void) { return sBoxCursorPosition; } static void sub_80CFE14(u8 *arg0, u8 *arg1) { if (sBoxCursorArea == CURSOR_AREA_IN_BOX) { *arg0 = sBoxCursorPosition % IN_BOX_ROWS; *arg1 = sBoxCursorPosition / IN_BOX_ROWS; } else { *arg0 = 0; *arg1 = 0; } } static void sub_80CFE54(u8 animNum) { StartSpriteAnim(sPSSData->field_CB4, animNum); } static u8 sub_80CFE78(void) { return sMovingMonOrigBoxId; } static void sub_80CFE84(void) { sPSSData->field_CB4->oam.priority = 1; } static void sub_80CFEA8(void) { if (sBoxCursorArea == CURSOR_AREA_IN_BOX) sub_80D0E50(CURSOR_AREA_IN_BOX, sBoxCursorPosition); } static void sub_80CFECC(void) { if (sBoxCursorArea == CURSOR_AREA_IN_BOX) sub_80D0D8C(CURSOR_AREA_IN_BOX, sBoxCursorPosition); } static void InitMenu(void) { sPSSData->menuItemsCount = 0; sPSSData->menuWidth = 0; sPSSData->menuWindow.bg = 0; sPSSData->menuWindow.paletteNum = 15; sPSSData->menuWindow.baseBlock = 92; } static const u8 *const gUnknown_0857BA80[] = { gPCText_Cancel, gPCText_Store, gPCText_Withdraw, gPCText_Move, gPCText_Shift, gPCText_Place, gPCText_Summary, gPCText_Release, gPCText_Mark, gPCText_Jump, gPCText_Wallpaper, gPCText_Name, gPCText_Take, gPCText_Give, gPCText_Give, gPCText_Switch, gPCText_Bag, gPCText_Info, gPCText_Scenery1, gPCText_Scenery2, gPCText_Scenery3, gPCText_Etcetera, gPCText_Friends, gPCText_Forest, gPCText_City, gPCText_Desert, gPCText_Savanna, gPCText_Crag, gPCText_Volcano, gPCText_Snow, gPCText_Cave, gPCText_Beach, gPCText_Seafloor, gPCText_River, gPCText_Sky, gPCText_PolkaDot, gPCText_Pokecenter, gPCText_Machine, gPCText_Simple, }; static void SetMenuText(u8 textId) { if (sPSSData->menuItemsCount < 7) { u8 len; struct StorageMenu *menu = &sPSSData->menuItems[sPSSData->menuItemsCount]; menu->text = gUnknown_0857BA80[textId]; menu->textId = textId; len = StringLength(menu->text); if (len > sPSSData->menuWidth) sPSSData->menuWidth = len; sPSSData->menuItemsCount++; } } static s8 sub_80CFF98(u8 arg0) { if (arg0 >= sPSSData->menuItemsCount) return -1; else return sPSSData->menuItems[arg0].textId; } static void AddMenu(void) { sPSSData->menuWindow.width = sPSSData->menuWidth + 2; sPSSData->menuWindow.height = 2 * sPSSData->menuItemsCount; sPSSData->menuWindow.tilemapLeft = 29 - sPSSData->menuWindow.width; sPSSData->menuWindow.tilemapTop = 15 - sPSSData->menuWindow.height; sPSSData->field_CB0 = AddWindow(&sPSSData->menuWindow); ClearWindowTilemap(sPSSData->field_CB0); SetWindowBorderStyle(sPSSData->field_CB0, FALSE, 11, 14); PrintMenuTable(sPSSData->field_CB0, sPSSData->menuItemsCount, (void*)sPSSData->menuItems); InitMenuInUpperLeftCornerPlaySoundWhenAPressed(sPSSData->field_CB0, sPSSData->menuItemsCount, 0); schedule_bg_copy_tilemap_to_vram(0); sPSSData->field_CAE = 0; } static bool8 sub_80D00A8(void) { return FALSE; } static s16 sub_80D00AC(void) { s32 textId = -2; if (!(gMain.newKeys & A_BUTTON)) { if (gMain.newKeys & B_BUTTON) { PlaySE(SE_SELECT); textId = -1; } if (gMain.newKeys & DPAD_UP) { PlaySE(SE_SELECT); Menu_MoveCursor(-1); } else if (gMain.newKeys & DPAD_DOWN) { PlaySE(SE_SELECT); Menu_MoveCursor(1); } } else { textId = Menu_GetCursorPos(); } if (textId != -2) sub_80D013C(); if (textId >= 0) textId = sPSSData->menuItems[textId].textId; #ifndef NONMATCHING asm("":::"r4"); #endif // NONMATCHING return textId; } static void sub_80D013C(void) { sub_8198070(sPSSData->field_CB0, TRUE); RemoveWindow(sPSSData->field_CB0); } // The functions below handle moving and grabbing multiple mons at once. // The icons are converted to background 0 which coordinates are changed while moving mons. // There is also a bit of math involved in determining how many column/rows of mons to grab/move. static const struct WindowTemplate gUnknown_0857BB1C = { .bg = 0, .tilemapLeft = 10, .tilemapTop = 3, .width = 20, .height = 18, .paletteNum = 9, .baseBlock = 0xA, }; EWRAM_DATA static struct { u8 field_0; u8 state; u8 fromRow; u8 fromColumn; u8 toRow; u8 toColumn; u8 field_6; u8 field_7; u8 minRow; u8 minColumn; u8 rowsTotal; u8 columsTotal; u16 bgX; u16 bgY; u16 field_10; struct BoxPokemon boxMons[IN_BOX_COUNT]; } *sMoveMonsPtr = NULL; static bool8 sub_80D0164(void) { sMoveMonsPtr = Alloc(sizeof(*sMoveMonsPtr)); if (sMoveMonsPtr != NULL) { sPSSData->field_2200 = AddWindow8Bit(&gUnknown_0857BB1C); if (sPSSData->field_2200 != 0xFF) { FillWindowPixelBuffer(sPSSData->field_2200, PALETTE_NUM_TO_FILL_VALUE(0)); return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } static void sub_80D01B8(void) { if (sMoveMonsPtr != NULL) Free(sMoveMonsPtr); } static void sub_80D01D0(u8 arg0) { sMoveMonsPtr->field_0 = arg0; sMoveMonsPtr->state = 0; } static bool8 sub_80D01E4(void) { switch (sMoveMonsPtr->field_0) { case 0: return sub_80D024C(); case 1: return sub_80D0344(); case 2: return sub_80D03B0(); case 3: return sub_80D0420(); case 4: return sub_80D04A0(); case 5: return sub_80D04C8(); } return FALSE; } static bool8 sub_80D024C(void) { switch (sMoveMonsPtr->state) { case 0: HideBg(0); sub_80D304C(0x80); sMoveMonsPtr->state++; break; case 1: sub_80CFE14(&sMoveMonsPtr->fromRow, &sMoveMonsPtr->fromColumn); sMoveMonsPtr->toRow = sMoveMonsPtr->fromRow; sMoveMonsPtr->toColumn = sMoveMonsPtr->fromColumn; ChangeBgX(0, -1024, 0); ChangeBgY(0, -1024, 0); FillBgTilemapBufferRect_Palette0(0, 0, 0, 0, 0x20, 0x20); FillWindowPixelBuffer8Bit(sPSSData->field_2200, PALETTE_NUM_TO_FILL_VALUE(0)); sub_80D07B0(sMoveMonsPtr->fromRow, sMoveMonsPtr->fromColumn); SetBgAttribute(0, BG_ATTR_PALETTEMODE, 1); PutWindowTilemap(sPSSData->field_2200); CopyWindowToVram8Bit(sPSSData->field_2200, 3); BlendPalettes(0x3F00, 8, RGB_WHITE); sub_80CFE54(2); SetGpuRegBits(REG_OFFSET_BG0CNT, BGCNT_256COLOR); sMoveMonsPtr->state++; break; case 2: if (!IsDma3ManagerBusyWithBgCopy()) { ShowBg(0); return FALSE; } break; } return TRUE; } static bool8 sub_80D0344(void) { switch (sMoveMonsPtr->state) { case 0: HideBg(0); sMoveMonsPtr->state++; break; case 1: sub_80D0B5C(); sub_80CFE54(0); sMoveMonsPtr->state++; break; case 2: if (!IsDma3ManagerBusyWithBgCopy()) { sub_80CFE84(); LoadPalette(stdpal_get(3), 0xD0, 0x20); ShowBg(0); return FALSE; } break; } return TRUE; } static bool8 sub_80D03B0(void) { switch (sMoveMonsPtr->state) { case 0: if (!sub_80CD554()) { sub_80CFE14(&sMoveMonsPtr->field_6, &sMoveMonsPtr->field_7); sub_80D062C(); sMoveMonsPtr->toRow = sMoveMonsPtr->field_6; sMoveMonsPtr->toColumn = sMoveMonsPtr->field_7; CopyWindowToVram8Bit(sPSSData->field_2200, 2); sMoveMonsPtr->state++; } break; case 1: return IsDma3ManagerBusyWithBgCopy(); } return TRUE; } static bool8 sub_80D0420(void) { u8 var1, var2; switch (sMoveMonsPtr->state) { case 0: sub_80D08CC(); sub_80D09A4(); sub_80CDC64(FALSE); sMoveMonsPtr->state++; break; case 1: if (!DoMonPlaceChange()) { sub_80CFE54(3); sub_80D0884(0, 256, 8); sub_80CDC64(TRUE); sMoveMonsPtr->state++; } break; case 2: var1 = sub_80D0894(); var2 = DoMonPlaceChange(); if (!var1 && !var2) return FALSE; break; } return TRUE; } static bool8 sub_80D04A0(void) { u8 var1 = sub_80CD554(); u8 var2 = sub_80D0894(); if (!var1 && !var2) return FALSE; else return TRUE; } static bool8 sub_80D04C8(void) { switch (sMoveMonsPtr->state) { case 0: sub_80D0AAC(); sub_80D0884(0, -256, 8); sub_80CDC64(FALSE); sMoveMonsPtr->state++; break; case 1: if (!DoMonPlaceChange() && !sub_80D0894()) { sub_80D0A1C(); sub_80CFE54(2); sub_80CDC64(TRUE); HideBg(0); sMoveMonsPtr->state++; } break; case 2: if (!DoMonPlaceChange()) { sub_80CFE54(0); sub_80D0B5C(); sMoveMonsPtr->state++; } break; case 3: if (!IsDma3ManagerBusyWithBgCopy()) { LoadPalette(stdpal_get(3), 0xD0, 0x20); sub_80CFE84(); ShowBg(0); return FALSE; } break; } return TRUE; } static bool8 sub_80D0580(u8 arg0) { switch (arg0) { case 0: if (sMoveMonsPtr->minColumn == 0) return FALSE; sMoveMonsPtr->minColumn--; sub_80D0884(0, 1024, 6); break; case 1: if (sMoveMonsPtr->minColumn + sMoveMonsPtr->columsTotal >= 5) return FALSE; sMoveMonsPtr->minColumn++; sub_80D0884(0, -1024, 6); break; case 2: if (sMoveMonsPtr->minRow == 0) return FALSE; sMoveMonsPtr->minRow--; sub_80D0884(1024, 0, 6); break; case 3: if (sMoveMonsPtr->minRow + sMoveMonsPtr->rowsTotal > 5) return FALSE; sMoveMonsPtr->minRow++; sub_80D0884(-1024, 0, 6); break; } return TRUE; } static void sub_80D062C(void) { s16 var = (abs(sMoveMonsPtr->fromRow - sMoveMonsPtr->field_6)) - (abs(sMoveMonsPtr->fromRow - sMoveMonsPtr->toRow)); s16 var2 = (abs(sMoveMonsPtr->fromColumn - sMoveMonsPtr->field_7)) - (abs(sMoveMonsPtr->fromColumn - sMoveMonsPtr->toColumn)); if (var > 0) sub_80D06D0(sMoveMonsPtr->field_6, sMoveMonsPtr->fromColumn, sMoveMonsPtr->toColumn); if (var < 0) { sub_80D0740(sMoveMonsPtr->toRow, sMoveMonsPtr->fromColumn, sMoveMonsPtr->toColumn); sub_80D06D0(sMoveMonsPtr->field_6, sMoveMonsPtr->fromColumn, sMoveMonsPtr->toColumn); } if (var2 > 0) sub_80D0708(sMoveMonsPtr->field_7, sMoveMonsPtr->fromRow, sMoveMonsPtr->toRow); if (var2 < 0) { sub_80D0778(sMoveMonsPtr->toColumn, sMoveMonsPtr->fromRow, sMoveMonsPtr->toRow); sub_80D0708(sMoveMonsPtr->field_7, sMoveMonsPtr->fromRow, sMoveMonsPtr->toRow); } } static void sub_80D06D0(u8 arg0, u8 arg1, u8 arg2) { u8 var1 = arg1; if (arg1 > arg2) { arg1 = arg2; arg2 = var1; } while (arg1 <= arg2) sub_80D07B0(arg0, arg1++); } static void sub_80D0708(u8 arg0, u8 arg1, u8 arg2) { u8 var1 = arg1; if (arg1 > arg2) { arg1 = arg2; arg2 = var1; } while (arg1 <= arg2) sub_80D07B0(arg1++, arg0); } static void sub_80D0740(u8 arg0, u8 arg1, u8 arg2) { u8 var1 = arg1; if (arg1 > arg2) { arg1 = arg2; arg2 = var1; } while (arg1 <= arg2) sub_80D0834(arg0, arg1++); } static void sub_80D0778(u8 arg0, u8 arg1, u8 arg2) { u8 var1 = arg1; if (arg1 > arg2) { arg1 = arg2; arg2 = var1; } while (arg1 <= arg2) sub_80D0834(arg1++, arg0); } static void sub_80D07B0(u8 arg0, u8 arg1) { u8 position = arg0 + (6 * arg1); u16 species = GetCurrentBoxMonData(position, MON_DATA_SPECIES2); u32 personality = GetCurrentBoxMonData(position, MON_DATA_PERSONALITY); if (species != SPECIES_NONE) { const u8 *iconGfx = GetMonIconPtr(species, personality, 1); u8 index = GetValidMonIconPalIndex(species) + 8; BlitBitmapRectToWindow4BitTo8Bit(sPSSData->field_2200, iconGfx, 0, 0, 32, 32, 24 * arg0, 24 * arg1, 32, 32, index); } } static void sub_80D0834(u8 arg0, u8 arg1) { u8 position = arg0 + (6 * arg1); u16 species = GetCurrentBoxMonData(position, MON_DATA_SPECIES2); if (species != SPECIES_NONE) { FillWindowPixelRect8Bit(sPSSData->field_2200, 0, 24 * arg0, 24 * arg1, 32, 32); } } static void sub_80D0884(u16 arg0, u16 arg1, u16 arg2) { sMoveMonsPtr->bgX = arg0; sMoveMonsPtr->bgY = arg1; sMoveMonsPtr->field_10 = arg2; } static u8 sub_80D0894(void) { if (sMoveMonsPtr->field_10 != 0) { ChangeBgX(0, sMoveMonsPtr->bgX, 1); ChangeBgY(0, sMoveMonsPtr->bgY, 1); sMoveMonsPtr->field_10--; } return sMoveMonsPtr->field_10; } static void sub_80D08CC(void) { s32 i, j, r8, r9; s32 rowCount, columnCount; u8 boxId; u8 monArrayId; sMoveMonsPtr->minRow = min(sMoveMonsPtr->fromRow, sMoveMonsPtr->toRow); sMoveMonsPtr->minColumn = min(sMoveMonsPtr->fromColumn, sMoveMonsPtr->toColumn); sMoveMonsPtr->rowsTotal = abs(sMoveMonsPtr->fromRow - sMoveMonsPtr->toRow) + 1; sMoveMonsPtr->columsTotal = abs(sMoveMonsPtr->fromColumn - sMoveMonsPtr->toColumn) + 1; boxId = StorageGetCurrentBox(); monArrayId = 0; rowCount = sMoveMonsPtr->minRow + sMoveMonsPtr->rowsTotal; columnCount = sMoveMonsPtr->minColumn + sMoveMonsPtr->columsTotal; for (i = sMoveMonsPtr->minColumn; i < columnCount; i++) { u8 boxPosition = (IN_BOX_ROWS * i) + sMoveMonsPtr->minRow; for (j = sMoveMonsPtr->minRow; j < rowCount; j++) { struct BoxPokemon *boxMon = GetBoxedMonPtr(boxId, boxPosition); sMoveMonsPtr->boxMons[monArrayId] = *boxMon; monArrayId++; boxPosition++; } } } static void sub_80D09A4(void) { s32 i, j; s32 rowCount = sMoveMonsPtr->minRow + sMoveMonsPtr->rowsTotal; s32 columnCount = sMoveMonsPtr->minColumn + sMoveMonsPtr->columsTotal; u8 boxId = StorageGetCurrentBox(); for (i = sMoveMonsPtr->minColumn; i < columnCount; i++) { u8 boxPosition = (IN_BOX_ROWS * i) + sMoveMonsPtr->minRow; for (j = sMoveMonsPtr->minRow; j < rowCount; j++) { DestroyBoxMonIconAtPosition(boxPosition); ZeroBoxMonAt(boxId, boxPosition); boxPosition++; } } } static void sub_80D0A1C(void) { s32 i, j; s32 rowCount = sMoveMonsPtr->minRow + sMoveMonsPtr->rowsTotal; s32 columnCount = sMoveMonsPtr->minColumn + sMoveMonsPtr->columsTotal; u8 monArrayId = 0; for (i = sMoveMonsPtr->minColumn; i < columnCount; i++) { u8 boxPosition = (IN_BOX_ROWS * i) + sMoveMonsPtr->minRow; for (j = sMoveMonsPtr->minRow; j < rowCount; j++) { if (GetBoxMonData(&sMoveMonsPtr->boxMons[monArrayId], MON_DATA_SANITY_HAS_SPECIES)) sub_80CB140(boxPosition); monArrayId++; boxPosition++; } } } static void sub_80D0AAC(void) { s32 i, j; s32 rowCount = sMoveMonsPtr->minRow + sMoveMonsPtr->rowsTotal; s32 columnCount = sMoveMonsPtr->minColumn + sMoveMonsPtr->columsTotal; u8 boxId = StorageGetCurrentBox(); u8 monArrayId = 0; for (i = sMoveMonsPtr->minColumn; i < columnCount; i++) { u8 boxPosition = (IN_BOX_ROWS * i) + sMoveMonsPtr->minRow; for (j = sMoveMonsPtr->minRow; j < rowCount; j++) { if (GetBoxMonData(&sMoveMonsPtr->boxMons[monArrayId], MON_DATA_SANITY_HAS_SPECIES)) SetBoxMonAt(boxId, boxPosition, &sMoveMonsPtr->boxMons[monArrayId]); boxPosition++; monArrayId++; } } } static void sub_80D0B5C(void) { ChangeBgX(0, 0, 0); ChangeBgY(0, 0, 0); SetBgAttribute(0, BG_ATTR_PALETTEMODE, 0); ClearGpuRegBits(REG_OFFSET_BG0CNT, BGCNT_256COLOR); FillBgTilemapBufferRect_Palette0(0, 0, 0, 0, 32, 32); CopyBgTilemapBufferToVram(0); } static u8 sub_80D0BA4(void) { return (IN_BOX_ROWS * sMoveMonsPtr->fromColumn) + sMoveMonsPtr->fromRow; } static bool8 sub_80D0BC0(void) { s32 i, j; s32 rowCount = sMoveMonsPtr->minRow + sMoveMonsPtr->rowsTotal; s32 columnCount = sMoveMonsPtr->minColumn + sMoveMonsPtr->columsTotal; u8 monArrayId = 0; for (i = sMoveMonsPtr->minColumn; i < columnCount; i++) { u8 boxPosition = (IN_BOX_ROWS * i) + sMoveMonsPtr->minRow; for (j = sMoveMonsPtr->minRow; j < rowCount; j++) { if (GetBoxMonData(&sMoveMonsPtr->boxMons[monArrayId], MON_DATA_SANITY_HAS_SPECIES) && GetCurrentBoxMonData(boxPosition, MON_DATA_SANITY_HAS_SPECIES)) return FALSE; monArrayId++; boxPosition++; } } return TRUE; } static const u32 gUnknown_0857BB24[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon_storage/unknown_frame.4bpp"); static const struct OamData sOamData_857BBA4 = { .y = 0, .affineMode = 1, .objMode = 0, .mosaic = 0, .bpp = 0, .shape = 0, .x = 0, .matrixNum = 0, .size = 2, .tileNum = 0, .priority = 1, .paletteNum = 0, .affineParam = 0 }; static const union AffineAnimCmd sSpriteAffineAnim_857BBAC[] = { AFFINEANIMCMD_FRAME(128, 128, 0, 0), AFFINEANIMCMD_END }; static const union AffineAnimCmd sSpriteAffineAnim_857BBBC[] = { AFFINEANIMCMD_FRAME(88, 88, 0, 0), AFFINEANIMCMD_FRAME(5, 5, 0, 8), AFFINEANIMCMD_END }; static const union AffineAnimCmd sSpriteAffineAnim_857BBD4[] = { AFFINEANIMCMD_FRAME(128, 128, 0, 0), AFFINEANIMCMD_FRAME(-5, -5, 0, 8), AFFINEANIMCMD_END }; static const union AffineAnimCmd sSpriteAffineAnim_857BBEC[] = { AFFINEANIMCMD_FRAME(128, 128, 0, 0), AFFINEANIMCMD_FRAME(10, 10, 0, 12), AFFINEANIMCMD_FRAME(256, 256, 0, 0), AFFINEANIMCMD_END }; static const union AffineAnimCmd sSpriteAffineAnim_857BC0C[] = { AFFINEANIMCMD_FRAME(256, 256, 0, 0), AFFINEANIMCMD_FRAME(-10, -10, 0, 12), AFFINEANIMCMD_FRAME(128, 128, 0, 0), AFFINEANIMCMD_END }; static const union AffineAnimCmd sSpriteAffineAnim_857BC2C[] = { AFFINEANIMCMD_FRAME(256, 256, 0, 0), AFFINEANIMCMD_FRAME(-5, -5, 0, 16), AFFINEANIMCMD_END }; static const union AffineAnimCmd sSpriteAffineAnim_857BC44[] = { AFFINEANIMCMD_FRAME(256, 256, 0, 0), AFFINEANIMCMD_END }; static const union AffineAnimCmd *const sSpriteAffineAnimTable_857BC44[] = { sSpriteAffineAnim_857BBAC, sSpriteAffineAnim_857BBBC, sSpriteAffineAnim_857BBD4, sSpriteAffineAnim_857BBEC, sSpriteAffineAnim_857BC0C, sSpriteAffineAnim_857BC2C, sSpriteAffineAnim_857BC44 }; static const struct SpriteTemplate gSpriteTemplate_857BC70 = { .tileTag = TAG_TILE_7, .paletteTag = TAG_PAL_DACB, .oam = &sOamData_857BBA4, .anims = gDummySpriteAnimTable, .images = NULL, .affineAnims = sSpriteAffineAnimTable_857BC44, .callback = SpriteCallbackDummy, }; static void sub_80D0C60(void) { s32 i; u8 spriteId; struct CompressedSpriteSheet spriteSheet; struct SpriteTemplate spriteTemplate; if (sPSSData->boxOption == BOX_OPTION_MOVE_ITEMS) { spriteSheet.data = gUnknown_03000F78; spriteSheet.size = 0x200; spriteTemplate = gSpriteTemplate_857BC70; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { spriteSheet.tag = TAG_TILE_7 + i; LoadCompressedSpriteSheet(&spriteSheet); sPSSData->field_2204[i].tiles = GetSpriteTileStartByTag(spriteSheet.tag) * 32 + (void*)(OBJ_VRAM0); sPSSData->field_2204[i].palIndex = AllocSpritePalette(TAG_PAL_DACB + i); sPSSData->field_2204[i].palIndex *= 16; sPSSData->field_2204[i].palIndex += 0x100; spriteTemplate.tileTag = TAG_TILE_7 + i; spriteTemplate.paletteTag = TAG_PAL_DACB + i; spriteId = CreateSprite(&spriteTemplate, 0, 0, 11); sPSSData->field_2204[i].sprite = &gSprites[spriteId]; sPSSData->field_2204[i].sprite->invisible = TRUE; sPSSData->field_2204[i].unk10 = 0; } } sPSSData->movingItem = 0; } // The functions below handle new features of MOVE_ITEMS box option. static bool32 sub_80D1324(u8 cursorArea, u8 cursorPos); static const u32 *GetItemIconPic(u16 itemId); static const u32 *GetItemIconPalette(u16 itemId); static u8 sub_80D12E8(void); static void sub_80D140C(u8 id, u8 cursorArea, u8 cursorPos); static void sub_80D1524(u8 id, const u32 *itemTiles, const u32 *itemPal); static void sub_80D15D4(u8 id, u8 animNum); static void sub_80D1740(u8 id, bool8 arg1); static u8 sub_80D1370(u8 cursorArea, u8 cursorPos); static void sub_80D1604(u8 id, u8 arg1, u8 arg2, u8 arg3); static void sub_80D1AD8(struct Sprite *sprite); static void sub_80D1A48(struct Sprite *sprite); static void sub_80D1A74(struct Sprite *sprite); static void sub_80D1B14(struct Sprite *sprite); static void sub_80D1B94(struct Sprite *sprite); static void sub_80D1CCC(struct Sprite *sprite); static void sub_80D1C30(struct Sprite *sprite); static void sub_80D0D8C(u8 cursorArea, u8 cursorPos) { u16 heldItem; if (sPSSData->boxOption != BOX_OPTION_MOVE_ITEMS) return; if (sub_80D1324(cursorArea, cursorPos)) return; switch (cursorArea) { case CURSOR_AREA_IN_BOX: if (!GetCurrentBoxMonData(cursorPos, MON_DATA_SANITY_HAS_SPECIES)) return; heldItem = GetCurrentBoxMonData(cursorPos, MON_DATA_HELD_ITEM); break; case CURSOR_AREA_IN_PARTY: if (cursorPos >= PARTY_SIZE || !GetMonData(&gPlayerParty[cursorPos], MON_DATA_SANITY_HAS_SPECIES)) return; heldItem = GetMonData(&gPlayerParty[cursorPos], MON_DATA_HELD_ITEM); break; default: return; } if (heldItem != 0) { const u32 *tiles = GetItemIconPic(heldItem); const u32 *pal = GetItemIconPalette(heldItem); u8 id = sub_80D12E8(); sub_80D140C(id, cursorArea, cursorPos); sub_80D1524(id, tiles, pal); sub_80D15D4(id, 1); sub_80D1740(id, TRUE); } } static void sub_80D0E50(u8 cursorArea, u8 cursorPos) { u8 id; if (sPSSData->boxOption != BOX_OPTION_MOVE_ITEMS) return; id = sub_80D1370(cursorArea, cursorPos); sub_80D15D4(id, 2); sub_80D1604(id, 0, cursorArea, cursorPos); } static void Item_FromMonToMoving(u8 cursorArea, u8 cursorPos) { u8 id; u16 item; if (sPSSData->boxOption != BOX_OPTION_MOVE_ITEMS) return; id = sub_80D1370(cursorArea, cursorPos); item = 0; sub_80D15D4(id, 3); sub_80D1604(id, 1, cursorArea, cursorPos); sub_80D140C(id, 2, 0); if (cursorArea == CURSOR_AREA_IN_BOX) { SetCurrentBoxMonData(cursorPos, MON_DATA_HELD_ITEM, &item); SetBoxMonIconObjMode(cursorPos, 1); } else { SetMonData(&gPlayerParty[cursorPos], MON_DATA_HELD_ITEM, &item); SetPartyMonIconObjMode(cursorPos, 1); } sPSSData->movingItem = sPSSData->cursorMonItem; } static void sub_80D0F38(u16 item) { const u32 *tiles = GetItemIconPic(item); const u32 *pal = GetItemIconPalette(item); u8 id = sub_80D12E8(); sub_80D1524(id, tiles, pal); sub_80D15D4(id, 6); sub_80D1604(id, 1, 0, 0); sub_80D140C(id, 2, 0); sub_80D1740(id, TRUE); sPSSData->movingItem = item; } static void Item_SwitchMonsWithMoving(u8 cursorArea, u8 cursorPos) { u8 id; u16 item; if (sPSSData->boxOption != BOX_OPTION_MOVE_ITEMS) return; id = sub_80D1370(cursorArea, cursorPos); sub_80D15D4(id, 3); sub_80D1604(id, 3, 2, 0); if (cursorArea == CURSOR_AREA_IN_BOX) { item = GetCurrentBoxMonData(cursorPos, MON_DATA_HELD_ITEM); SetCurrentBoxMonData(cursorPos, MON_DATA_HELD_ITEM, &sPSSData->movingItem); sPSSData->movingItem = item; } else { item = GetMonData(&gPlayerParty[cursorPos], MON_DATA_HELD_ITEM); SetMonData(&gPlayerParty[cursorPos], MON_DATA_HELD_ITEM, &sPSSData->movingItem); sPSSData->movingItem = item; } id = sub_80D1370(2, 0); sub_80D15D4(id, 4); sub_80D1604(id, 4, cursorArea, cursorPos); } static void Item_GiveMovingToMon(u8 cursorArea, u8 cursorPos) { u8 id; if (sPSSData->boxOption != BOX_OPTION_MOVE_ITEMS) return; id = sub_80D1370(2, 0); sub_80D15D4(id, 4); sub_80D1604(id, 2, cursorArea, cursorPos); if (cursorArea == CURSOR_AREA_IN_BOX) { SetCurrentBoxMonData(cursorPos, MON_DATA_HELD_ITEM, &sPSSData->movingItem); SetBoxMonIconObjMode(cursorPos, 0); } else { SetMonData(&gPlayerParty[cursorPos], MON_DATA_HELD_ITEM, &sPSSData->movingItem); SetPartyMonIconObjMode(cursorPos, 0); } } static void Item_TakeMons(u8 cursorArea, u8 cursorPos) { u8 id; u16 item; if (sPSSData->boxOption != BOX_OPTION_MOVE_ITEMS) return; item = 0; id = sub_80D1370(cursorArea, cursorPos); sub_80D15D4(id, 2); sub_80D1604(id, 0, cursorArea, cursorPos); if (cursorArea == CURSOR_AREA_IN_BOX) { SetCurrentBoxMonData(cursorPos, MON_DATA_HELD_ITEM, &item); SetBoxMonIconObjMode(cursorPos, 1); } else { SetMonData(&gPlayerParty[cursorPos], MON_DATA_HELD_ITEM, &item); SetPartyMonIconObjMode(cursorPos, 1); } } static void sub_80D1194(void) { if (sPSSData->boxOption == BOX_OPTION_MOVE_ITEMS) { u8 id = sub_80D1370(2, 0); sub_80D15D4(id, 5); sub_80D1604(id, 0, 2, 0); } } static void sub_80D11CC(void) { s32 i; if (sPSSData->boxOption != BOX_OPTION_MOVE_ITEMS) return; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (sPSSData->field_2204[i].unk10 && sPSSData->field_2204[i].unk8 == 1) sub_80D1604(i, 7, 2, 0); } } static bool8 sub_80D1218(void) { s32 i; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (sPSSData->field_2204[i].unk10) { if (!sPSSData->field_2204[i].sprite->affineAnimEnded && sPSSData->field_2204[i].sprite->affineAnimBeginning) return TRUE; if (sPSSData->field_2204[i].sprite->callback != SpriteCallbackDummy && sPSSData->field_2204[i].sprite->callback != sub_80D1AD8) return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } static bool8 IsActiveItemMoving(void) { s32 i; if (sPSSData->boxOption == BOX_OPTION_MOVE_ITEMS) { for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (sPSSData->field_2204[i].unk10 && sPSSData->field_2204[i].unk8 == 2) return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } static const u8 *GetMovingItemName(void) { return ItemId_GetName(sPSSData->movingItem); } static u16 GetMovingItem(void) { return sPSSData->movingItem; } static u8 sub_80D12E8(void) { u8 i; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (sPSSData->field_2204[i].unk10 == 0) { sPSSData->field_2204[i].unk10 = 1; return i; } } return 3; } static bool32 sub_80D1324(u8 cursorArea, u8 cursorPos) { s32 i; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (sPSSData->field_2204[i].unk10 && sPSSData->field_2204[i].unk8 == cursorArea && sPSSData->field_2204[i].unk9 == cursorPos) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } static u8 sub_80D1370(u8 cursorArea, u8 cursorPos) { u8 i; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (sPSSData->field_2204[i].unk10 && sPSSData->field_2204[i].unk8 == cursorArea && sPSSData->field_2204[i].unk9 == cursorPos) return i; } return 3; } static u8 sub_80D13C4(struct Sprite *sprite) { u8 i; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (sPSSData->field_2204[i].unk10 && sPSSData->field_2204[i].sprite == sprite) return i; } return 3; } static void sub_80D140C(u8 id, u8 cursorArea, u8 cursorPos) { u8 row, column; if (id >= 3) return; switch (cursorArea) { case CURSOR_AREA_IN_BOX: row = cursorPos % IN_BOX_ROWS; column = cursorPos / IN_BOX_ROWS; sPSSData->field_2204[id].sprite->pos1.x = (24 * row) + 112; sPSSData->field_2204[id].sprite->pos1.y = (24 * column) + 56; sPSSData->field_2204[id].sprite->oam.priority = 2; break; case CURSOR_AREA_IN_PARTY: if (cursorPos == 0) { sPSSData->field_2204[id].sprite->pos1.x = 116; sPSSData->field_2204[id].sprite->pos1.y = 76; } else { sPSSData->field_2204[id].sprite->pos1.x = 164; sPSSData->field_2204[id].sprite->pos1.y = 24 * (cursorPos - 1) + 28; } sPSSData->field_2204[id].sprite->oam.priority = 1; break; } sPSSData->field_2204[id].unk8 = cursorArea; sPSSData->field_2204[id].unk9 = cursorPos; } static void sub_80D1524(u8 id, const u32 *itemTiles, const u32 *itemPal) { s32 i; if (id >= 3) return; CpuFastFill(0, sPSSData->field_42C4, 0x200); LZ77UnCompWram(itemTiles, sPSSData->field_22C4); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) CpuFastCopy(sPSSData->field_22C4 + (i * 0x60), sPSSData->field_42C4 + (i * 0x80), 0x60); CpuFastCopy(sPSSData->field_42C4, sPSSData->field_2204[id].tiles, 0x200); LZ77UnCompWram(itemPal, sPSSData->field_42C4); LoadPalette(sPSSData->field_42C4, sPSSData->field_2204[id].palIndex, 0x20); } static void sub_80D15D4(u8 id, u8 animNum) { if (id >= 3) return; StartSpriteAffineAnim(sPSSData->field_2204[id].sprite, animNum); } static void sub_80D1604(u8 id, u8 arg1, u8 arg2, u8 arg3) { if (id >= 3) return; switch (arg1) { case 0: sPSSData->field_2204[id].sprite->data[0] = id; sPSSData->field_2204[id].sprite->callback = sub_80D1A48; break; case 1: sPSSData->field_2204[id].sprite->data[0] = 0; sPSSData->field_2204[id].sprite->callback = sub_80D1A74; break; case 2: sPSSData->field_2204[id].sprite->data[0] = 0; sPSSData->field_2204[id].sprite->data[6] = arg2; sPSSData->field_2204[id].sprite->data[7] = arg3; sPSSData->field_2204[id].sprite->callback = sub_80D1B14; break; case 3: sPSSData->field_2204[id].sprite->data[0] = 0; sPSSData->field_2204[id].sprite->callback = sub_80D1B94; sPSSData->field_2204[id].sprite->data[6] = arg2; sPSSData->field_2204[id].sprite->data[7] = arg3; break; case 4: sPSSData->field_2204[id].sprite->data[0] = 0; sPSSData->field_2204[id].sprite->data[6] = arg2; sPSSData->field_2204[id].sprite->data[7] = arg3; sPSSData->field_2204[id].sprite->callback = sub_80D1C30; break; case 7: sPSSData->field_2204[id].sprite->callback = sub_80D1CCC; break; } } static void sub_80D1740(u8 id, bool8 arg1) { if (id >= 3) return; sPSSData->field_2204[id].unk10 = arg1; sPSSData->field_2204[id].sprite->invisible = (arg1 == FALSE); } static const u32 *GetItemIconPic(u16 itemId) { return GetItemIconPicOrPalette(itemId, 0); } static const u32 *GetItemIconPalette(u16 itemId) { return GetItemIconPicOrPalette(itemId, 1); } static void PrintItemDescription(void) { const u8 *description; if (IsActiveItemMoving()) description = ItemId_GetDescription(sPSSData->movingItem); else description = ItemId_GetDescription(sPSSData->cursorMonItem); FillWindowPixelBuffer(2, PALETTE_NUM_TO_FILL_VALUE(1)); AddTextPrinterParameterized5(2, 1, description, 4, 0, 0, NULL, 0, 1); } static void sub_80D1818(void) { sPSSData->field_2236 = 0x15; LoadBgTiles(0, gUnknown_0857BB24, 0x80, 0x13A); sub_80D19B4(0); } static bool8 sub_80D184C(void) { s32 i, var; if (sPSSData->field_2236 == 0) return FALSE; sPSSData->field_2236--; var = 0x15 - sPSSData->field_2236; for (i = 0; i < var; i++) { WriteSequenceToBgTilemapBuffer(0, GetBgAttribute(0, BG_ATTR_BASETILE) + 0x14 + sPSSData->field_2236 + i, i, 13, 1, 7, 15, 21); } sub_80D19B4(var); return (sPSSData->field_2236 != 0); } static bool8 sub_80D18E4(void) { s32 i, var; if (sPSSData->field_2236 == 0x16) return FALSE; if (sPSSData->field_2236 == 0) FillBgTilemapBufferRect(0, 0, 21, 12, 1, 9, 17); sPSSData->field_2236++; var = 0x15 - sPSSData->field_2236; for (i = 0; i < var; i++) { WriteSequenceToBgTilemapBuffer(0, GetBgAttribute(0, BG_ATTR_BASETILE) + 0x14 + sPSSData->field_2236 + i, i, 13, 1, 7, 15, 21); } if (var >= 0) sub_80D19B4(var); FillBgTilemapBufferRect(0, 0, var + 1, 12, 1, 9, 0x11); schedule_bg_copy_tilemap_to_vram(0); return TRUE; } static void sub_80D19B4(u32 arg0) { if (arg0 != 0) { FillBgTilemapBufferRect(0, 0x13A, 0, 0xC, arg0, 1, 0xFu); FillBgTilemapBufferRect(0, 0x93A, 0, 0x14, arg0, 1, 0xFu); } FillBgTilemapBufferRect(0, 0x13B, arg0, 0xD, 1, 7, 0xFu); FillBgTilemapBufferRect(0, 0x13C, arg0, 0xC, 1, 1, 0xFu); FillBgTilemapBufferRect(0, 0x13D, arg0, 0x14, 1, 1, 0xFu); schedule_bg_copy_tilemap_to_vram(0); } static void sub_80D1A48(struct Sprite *sprite) { if (sprite->affineAnimEnded) { sub_80D1740(sprite->data[0], FALSE); sprite->callback = SpriteCallbackDummy; } } static void sub_80D1A74(struct Sprite *sprite) { switch (sprite->data[0]) { case 0: sprite->data[1] = sprite->pos1.x << 4; sprite->data[2] = sprite->pos1.y << 4; sprite->data[3] = 10; sprite->data[4] = 21; sprite->data[5] = 0; sprite->data[0]++; case 1: sprite->data[1] -= sprite->data[3]; sprite->data[2] -= sprite->data[4]; sprite->pos1.x = sprite->data[1] >> 4; sprite->pos1.y = sprite->data[2] >> 4; if (++sprite->data[5] > 11) sprite->callback = sub_80D1AD8; break; } } static void sub_80D1AD8(struct Sprite *sprite) { sprite->pos1.x = sPSSData->field_CB4->pos1.x + 4; sprite->pos1.y = sPSSData->field_CB4->pos1.y + sPSSData->field_CB4->pos2.y + 8; sprite->oam.priority = sPSSData->field_CB4->oam.priority; } static void sub_80D1B14(struct Sprite *sprite) { switch (sprite->data[0]) { case 0: sprite->data[1] = sprite->pos1.x << 4; sprite->data[2] = sprite->pos1.y << 4; sprite->data[3] = 10; sprite->data[4] = 21; sprite->data[5] = 0; sprite->data[0]++; case 1: sprite->data[1] += sprite->data[3]; sprite->data[2] += sprite->data[4]; sprite->pos1.x = sprite->data[1] >> 4; sprite->pos1.y = sprite->data[2] >> 4; if (++sprite->data[5] > 11) { sub_80D140C(sub_80D13C4(sprite), sprite->data[6], sprite->data[7]); sprite->callback = SpriteCallbackDummy; } break; } } static void sub_80D1B94(struct Sprite *sprite) { switch (sprite->data[0]) { case 0: sprite->data[1] = sprite->pos1.x << 4; sprite->data[2] = sprite->pos1.y << 4; sprite->data[3] = 10; sprite->data[4] = 21; sprite->data[5] = 0; sprite->data[0]++; case 1: sprite->data[1] -= sprite->data[3]; sprite->data[2] -= sprite->data[4]; sprite->pos1.x = sprite->data[1] >> 4; sprite->pos1.y = sprite->data[2] >> 4; sprite->pos2.x = gSineTable[sprite->data[5] * 8] >> 4; if (++sprite->data[5] > 11) { sub_80D140C(sub_80D13C4(sprite), sprite->data[6], sprite->data[7]); sprite->pos2.x = 0; sprite->callback = sub_80D1AD8; } break; } } static void sub_80D1C30(struct Sprite *sprite) { switch (sprite->data[0]) { case 0: sprite->data[1] = sprite->pos1.x << 4; sprite->data[2] = sprite->pos1.y << 4; sprite->data[3] = 10; sprite->data[4] = 21; sprite->data[5] = 0; sprite->data[0]++; case 1: sprite->data[1] += sprite->data[3]; sprite->data[2] += sprite->data[4]; sprite->pos1.x = sprite->data[1] >> 4; sprite->pos1.y = sprite->data[2] >> 4; sprite->pos2.x = -(gSineTable[sprite->data[5] * 8] >> 4); if (++sprite->data[5] > 11) { sub_80D140C(sub_80D13C4(sprite), sprite->data[6], sprite->data[7]); sprite->callback = SpriteCallbackDummy; sprite->pos2.x = 0; } break; } } static void sub_80D1CCC(struct Sprite *sprite) { sprite->pos1.y -= 8; if (sprite->pos1.y + sprite->pos2.y < -16) { sprite->callback = SpriteCallbackDummy; sub_80D1740(sub_80D13C4(sprite), FALSE); } } void nullsub_pss(void) { } void nullsub_98(void) { } // Functions here are general utility functions. u8 StorageGetCurrentBox(void) { return gPokemonStoragePtr->currentBox; } static void SetCurrentBox(u8 boxId) { if (boxId < TOTAL_BOXES_COUNT) gPokemonStoragePtr->currentBox = boxId; } u32 GetBoxMonDataAt(u8 boxId, u8 boxPosition, s32 request) { if (boxId < TOTAL_BOXES_COUNT && boxPosition < IN_BOX_COUNT) return GetBoxMonData(&gPokemonStoragePtr->boxes[boxId][boxPosition], request); else return 0; } void SetBoxMonDataAt(u8 boxId, u8 boxPosition, s32 request, const void *value) { if (boxId < TOTAL_BOXES_COUNT && boxPosition < IN_BOX_COUNT) SetBoxMonData(&gPokemonStoragePtr->boxes[boxId][boxPosition], request, value); } u32 GetCurrentBoxMonData(u8 boxPosition, s32 request) { return GetBoxMonDataAt(gPokemonStoragePtr->currentBox, boxPosition, request); } void SetCurrentBoxMonData(u8 boxPosition, s32 request, const void *value) { SetBoxMonDataAt(gPokemonStoragePtr->currentBox, boxPosition, request, value); } void GetBoxMonNickAt(u8 boxId, u8 boxPosition, u8 *dst) { if (boxId < TOTAL_BOXES_COUNT && boxPosition < IN_BOX_COUNT) GetBoxMonData(&gPokemonStoragePtr->boxes[boxId][boxPosition], MON_DATA_NICKNAME, dst); else *dst = EOS; } u32 GetBoxMonLevelAt(u8 boxId, u8 boxPosition) { u32 lvl; // BUG: Missed 'else' statement. if (boxId < TOTAL_BOXES_COUNT && boxPosition < IN_BOX_COUNT && GetBoxMonData(&gPokemonStoragePtr->boxes[boxId][boxPosition], MON_DATA_SANITY_HAS_SPECIES)) lvl = GetLevelFromBoxMonExp(&gPokemonStoragePtr->boxes[boxId][boxPosition]); // else lvl = 0; return lvl; } void SetBoxMonNickAt(u8 boxId, u8 boxPosition, const u8 *nick) { if (boxId < TOTAL_BOXES_COUNT && boxPosition < IN_BOX_COUNT) SetBoxMonData(&gPokemonStoragePtr->boxes[boxId][boxPosition], MON_DATA_NICKNAME, nick); } u32 GetAndCopyBoxMonDataAt(u8 boxId, u8 boxPosition, s32 request, void *dst) { if (boxId < TOTAL_BOXES_COUNT && boxPosition < IN_BOX_COUNT) return GetBoxMonData(&gPokemonStoragePtr->boxes[boxId][boxPosition], request, dst); else return 0; } void SetBoxMonAt(u8 boxId, u8 boxPosition, struct BoxPokemon *src) { if (boxId < TOTAL_BOXES_COUNT && boxPosition < IN_BOX_COUNT) gPokemonStoragePtr->boxes[boxId][boxPosition] = *src; } void CopyBoxMonAt(u8 boxId, u8 boxPosition, struct BoxPokemon *dst) { if (boxId < TOTAL_BOXES_COUNT && boxPosition < IN_BOX_COUNT) *dst = gPokemonStoragePtr->boxes[boxId][boxPosition]; } void CreateBoxMonAt(u8 boxId, u8 boxPosition, u16 species, u8 level, u8 fixedIV, u8 hasFixedPersonality, u32 personality, u8 otIDType, u32 otID) { if (boxId < TOTAL_BOXES_COUNT && boxPosition < IN_BOX_COUNT) { CreateBoxMon(&gPokemonStoragePtr->boxes[boxId][boxPosition], species, level, fixedIV, hasFixedPersonality, personality, otIDType, otID); } } void ZeroBoxMonAt(u8 boxId, u8 boxPosition) { if (boxId < TOTAL_BOXES_COUNT && boxPosition < IN_BOX_COUNT) ZeroBoxMonData(&gPokemonStoragePtr->boxes[boxId][boxPosition]); } void BoxMonAtToMon(u8 boxId, u8 boxPosition, struct Pokemon *dst) { if (boxId < TOTAL_BOXES_COUNT && boxPosition < IN_BOX_COUNT) BoxMonToMon(&gPokemonStoragePtr->boxes[boxId][boxPosition], dst); } struct BoxPokemon *GetBoxedMonPtr(u8 boxId, u8 boxPosition) { if (boxId < TOTAL_BOXES_COUNT && boxPosition < IN_BOX_COUNT) return &gPokemonStoragePtr->boxes[boxId][boxPosition]; else return NULL; } u8 *GetBoxNamePtr(u8 boxId) { if (boxId < TOTAL_BOXES_COUNT) return gPokemonStoragePtr->boxNames[boxId]; else return NULL; } u8 GetBoxWallpaper(u8 boxId) { if (boxId < TOTAL_BOXES_COUNT) return gPokemonStoragePtr->boxWallpapers[boxId]; else return 0; } void SetBoxWallpaper(u8 boxId, u8 wallpaperId) { if (boxId < TOTAL_BOXES_COUNT && wallpaperId < WALLPAPER_COUNT) gPokemonStoragePtr->boxWallpapers[boxId] = wallpaperId; } s16 sub_80D214C(struct BoxPokemon *boxMons, u8 currIndex, u8 maxIndex, u8 arg3) { s16 i; s16 adder = -1; if (arg3 < 2) adder = 1; if (arg3 == 1 || arg3 == 3) { for (i = (s8)currIndex + adder; i >= 0 && i <= maxIndex; i += adder) { if (GetBoxMonData(&boxMons[i], MON_DATA_SPECIES) != SPECIES_NONE) return i; } } else { for (i = (s8)currIndex + adder; i >= 0 && i <= maxIndex; i += adder) { if (GetBoxMonData(&boxMons[i], MON_DATA_SPECIES) != SPECIES_NONE && !GetBoxMonData(&boxMons[i], MON_DATA_IS_EGG)) return i; } } return -1; } bool8 CheckFreePokemonStorageSpace(void) { s32 i, j; for (i = 0; i < TOTAL_BOXES_COUNT; i++) { for (j = 0; j < IN_BOX_COUNT; j++) { if (!GetBoxMonData(&gPokemonStoragePtr->boxes[i][j], MON_DATA_SANITY_HAS_SPECIES)) return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } bool32 CheckBoxMonSanityAt(u32 boxId, u32 boxPosition) { if (boxId < TOTAL_BOXES_COUNT && boxPosition < IN_BOX_COUNT && GetBoxMonData(&gPokemonStoragePtr->boxes[boxId][boxPosition], MON_DATA_SANITY_HAS_SPECIES) && !GetBoxMonData(&gPokemonStoragePtr->boxes[boxId][boxPosition], MON_DATA_SANITY_IS_EGG) && !GetBoxMonData(&gPokemonStoragePtr->boxes[boxId][boxPosition], MON_DATA_SANITY_IS_BAD_EGG)) return TRUE; else return FALSE; } u32 CountStorageNonEggMons(void) { s32 i, j; u32 count = 0; for (i = 0; i < TOTAL_BOXES_COUNT; i++) { for (j = 0; j < IN_BOX_COUNT; j++) { if (GetBoxMonData(&gPokemonStoragePtr->boxes[i][j], MON_DATA_SANITY_HAS_SPECIES) && !GetBoxMonData(&gPokemonStoragePtr->boxes[i][j], MON_DATA_SANITY_IS_EGG)) count++; } } return count; } u32 CountAllStorageMons(void) { s32 i, j; u32 count = 0; for (i = 0; i < TOTAL_BOXES_COUNT; i++) { for (j = 0; j < IN_BOX_COUNT; j++) { if (GetBoxMonData(&gPokemonStoragePtr->boxes[i][j], MON_DATA_SANITY_HAS_SPECIES) || GetBoxMonData(&gPokemonStoragePtr->boxes[i][j], MON_DATA_SANITY_IS_EGG)) count++; } } return count; } bool32 AnyStorageMonWithMove(u16 moveId) { u16 moves[] = {moveId, MOVES_COUNT}; s32 i, j; for (i = 0; i < TOTAL_BOXES_COUNT; i++) { for (j = 0; j < IN_BOX_COUNT; j++) { if (GetBoxMonData(&gPokemonStoragePtr->boxes[i][j], MON_DATA_SANITY_HAS_SPECIES) && !GetBoxMonData(&gPokemonStoragePtr->boxes[i][j], MON_DATA_SANITY_IS_EGG) && GetBoxMonData(&gPokemonStoragePtr->boxes[i][j], MON_DATA_KNOWN_MOVES, moves)) return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } void ResetWaldaWallpaper(void) { gSaveBlock1Ptr->waldaPhrase.iconId = 0; gSaveBlock1Ptr->waldaPhrase.patternId = 0; gSaveBlock1Ptr->waldaPhrase.patternUnlocked = FALSE; gSaveBlock1Ptr->waldaPhrase.colors[0] = RGB(21, 25, 30); gSaveBlock1Ptr->waldaPhrase.colors[1] = RGB(6, 12, 24); gSaveBlock1Ptr->waldaPhrase.text[0] = EOS; } void SetWaldaWallpaperLockedOrUnlocked(bool32 unlocked) { gSaveBlock1Ptr->waldaPhrase.patternUnlocked = unlocked; } bool32 IsWaldaWallpaperUnlocked(void) { return gSaveBlock1Ptr->waldaPhrase.patternUnlocked; } u32 GetWaldaWallpaperPatternId(void) { return gSaveBlock1Ptr->waldaPhrase.patternId; } void SetWaldaWallpaperPatternId(u8 id) { if (id < FRIENDS_WALLPAPERS_COUNT) gSaveBlock1Ptr->waldaPhrase.patternId = id; } u32 GetWaldaWallpaperIconId(void) { return gSaveBlock1Ptr->waldaPhrase.iconId; } void SetWaldaWallpaperIconId(u8 id) { if (id < 30) gSaveBlock1Ptr->waldaPhrase.iconId = id; } u16 *GetWaldaWallpaperColorsPtr(void) { return gSaveBlock1Ptr->waldaPhrase.colors; } void SetWaldaWallpaperColors(u16 color1, u16 color2) { gSaveBlock1Ptr->waldaPhrase.colors[0] = color1; gSaveBlock1Ptr->waldaPhrase.colors[1] = color2; } u8 *GetWaldaPhrasePtr(void) { return gSaveBlock1Ptr->waldaPhrase.text; } void SetWaldaPhrase(const u8 *src) { StringCopy(gSaveBlock1Ptr->waldaPhrase.text, src); } bool32 IsWaldaPhraseEmpty(void) { return (gSaveBlock1Ptr->waldaPhrase.text[0] == EOS); } // Not sure what the purpose of these functions is. // They seem to only be called while PSS is initialized. EWRAM_DATA static struct UnkStruct_2039D84 *gUnknown_02039D84 = NULL; EWRAM_DATA static u16 gUnknown_02039D88 = 0; static void sub_80D259C(u8 count) { u16 i; gUnknown_02039D84 = Alloc(sizeof(*gUnknown_02039D84) * count); gUnknown_02039D88 = (gUnknown_02039D84 == NULL) ? 0 : count; for (i = 0; i < gUnknown_02039D88; i++) { gUnknown_02039D84[i].field_18 = NULL; gUnknown_02039D84[i].field_2C = 0; } } static void sub_80D25F0(void) { Free(gUnknown_02039D84); } static void sub_80D2604(void) { s32 i; for (i = 0; i < gUnknown_02039D88; i++) { if (gUnknown_02039D84[i].field_2C == 1) sub_80D2918(i); } } struct { u16 a; u16 b; } static const sUnkVars[][4] = { { {0x0100, 0x0100}, {0x0200, 0x0100}, {0x0100, 0x0200}, {0x0200, 0x0200}, }, { {0x0080, 0x0080}, {0x0100, 0x0100}, {0x0200, 0x0200}, {0x0400, 0x0400}, }, }; static void sub_80D2644(u8 id, u8 bg, const void *arg2, u16 arg3, u16 arg4) { u16 bgScreenSize, bgType; if (id >= gUnknown_02039D88) return; gUnknown_02039D84[id].field_18 = NULL; gUnknown_02039D84[id].field_1C = arg2; gUnknown_02039D84[id].field_2B = bg; gUnknown_02039D84[id].field_24 = arg3; gUnknown_02039D84[id].field_26 = arg4; bgScreenSize = GetBgAttribute(bg, BG_ATTR_SCREENSIZE); bgType = GetBgAttribute(bg, BG_ATTR_TYPE); gUnknown_02039D84[id].field_20 = sUnkVars[bgType][bgScreenSize].a; gUnknown_02039D84[id].field_22 = sUnkVars[bgType][bgScreenSize].b; if (bgType != 0) gUnknown_02039D84[id].field_2A = 1; else gUnknown_02039D84[id].field_2A = 2; gUnknown_02039D84[id].field_28 = gUnknown_02039D84[id].field_2A * arg3; gUnknown_02039D84[id].field_0[1].field_4 = arg3; gUnknown_02039D84[id].field_0[1].field_6 = arg4; gUnknown_02039D84[id].field_0[1].field_0 = 0; gUnknown_02039D84[id].field_0[1].field_2 = 0; gUnknown_02039D84[id].field_0[1].field_8 = 0; gUnknown_02039D84[id].field_0[1].field_A = 0; gUnknown_02039D84[id].field_0[0] = gUnknown_02039D84[id].field_0[1]; gUnknown_02039D84[id].field_2C = 1; } static void sub_80D2740(u8 id, const void *arg1) { if (id >= gUnknown_02039D88) return; gUnknown_02039D84[id].field_18 = arg1; gUnknown_02039D84[id].field_2C = 1; } static void sub_80D2770(u8 id, u16 arg1, u16 arg2) { if (id >= gUnknown_02039D88) return; gUnknown_02039D84[id].field_0[1].field_8 = arg1; gUnknown_02039D84[id].field_0[1].field_A = arg2; gUnknown_02039D84[id].field_2C = 1; } static void sub_80D27AC(u8 id, u16 arg1, u16 arg2, u16 arg3, u16 arg4) { if (id >= gUnknown_02039D88) return; gUnknown_02039D84[id].field_0[1].field_0 = arg1; gUnknown_02039D84[id].field_0[1].field_2 = arg2; gUnknown_02039D84[id].field_0[1].field_4 = arg3; gUnknown_02039D84[id].field_0[1].field_6 = arg4; gUnknown_02039D84[id].field_2C = 1; } static void sub_80D27F4(u8 id, u8 arg1, s8 arg2) { if (id >= gUnknown_02039D88) return; switch (arg1) { case 0: gUnknown_02039D84[id].field_0[1].field_8 += arg2; gUnknown_02039D84[id].field_0[1].field_4 -= arg2; break; case 1: gUnknown_02039D84[id].field_0[1].field_0 += arg2; gUnknown_02039D84[id].field_0[1].field_4 += arg2; break; case 2: gUnknown_02039D84[id].field_0[1].field_A += arg2; gUnknown_02039D84[id].field_0[1].field_6 -= arg2; break; case 3: gUnknown_02039D84[id].field_0[1].field_2 -= arg2; gUnknown_02039D84[id].field_0[1].field_6 += arg2; break; case 4: gUnknown_02039D84[id].field_0[1].field_8 += arg2; break; case 5: gUnknown_02039D84[id].field_0[1].field_A += arg2; break; } gUnknown_02039D84[id].field_2C = 1; } static void sub_80D2918(u8 id) { if (id >= gUnknown_02039D88) return; if (gUnknown_02039D84[id].field_18 != NULL) sub_80D2960(id); sub_80D29F8(id); gUnknown_02039D84[id].field_0[0] = gUnknown_02039D84[id].field_0[1]; } static void sub_80D2960(u8 id) { s32 i; u32 adder = gUnknown_02039D84[id].field_2A * gUnknown_02039D84[id].field_20; const void *tiles = (gUnknown_02039D84[id].field_18 + (adder * gUnknown_02039D84[id].field_0[0].field_A)) + (gUnknown_02039D84[id].field_2A * gUnknown_02039D84[id].field_0[0].field_8); for (i = 0; i < gUnknown_02039D84[id].field_0[0].field_6; i++) { CopyToBgTilemapBufferRect(gUnknown_02039D84[id].field_2B, tiles, gUnknown_02039D84[id].field_0[0].field_8, gUnknown_02039D84[id].field_0[0].field_A + i, gUnknown_02039D84[id].field_0[0].field_4, 1); tiles += adder; } } static void sub_80D29F8(u8 id) { s32 i; u32 adder = gUnknown_02039D84[id].field_2A * gUnknown_02039D84[id].field_24; const void *tiles = (gUnknown_02039D84[id].field_1C + (adder * gUnknown_02039D84[id].field_0[1].field_2)) + (gUnknown_02039D84[id].field_2A * gUnknown_02039D84[id].field_0[1].field_0); for (i = 0; i < gUnknown_02039D84[id].field_0[1].field_6; i++) { CopyToBgTilemapBufferRect(gUnknown_02039D84[id].field_2B, tiles, gUnknown_02039D84[id].field_0[1].field_8, gUnknown_02039D84[id].field_0[1].field_A + i, gUnknown_02039D84[id].field_0[1].field_4, 1); tiles += adder; } } EWRAM_DATA static struct UnkStruct_2000020 *gUnknown_02039D8C = NULL; static void sub_80D2A90(struct UnkStruct_2000020 *arg0, struct UnkStruct_2000028 *arg1, u32 arg2) { gUnknown_02039D8C = arg0; arg0->unk_00 = arg1; arg0->unk_05 = arg2; arg0->unk_04 = 0; } static void sub_80D2AA4(void) { u16 i; if (gUnknown_02039D8C->unk_04) { for (i = 0; i < gUnknown_02039D8C->unk_04; i++) { struct UnkStruct_2000028 *unkStruct = &gUnknown_02039D8C->unk_00[i]; unkStruct->unk_0c(unkStruct); } gUnknown_02039D8C->unk_04 = 0; } } static bool8 sub_80D2AEC(u8 *dest, u16 dLeft, u16 dTop, const u8 *src, u16 sLeft, u16 sTop, u16 width, u16 height, u16 unkArg) { struct UnkStruct_2000028 *unkStruct; if (gUnknown_02039D8C->unk_04 >= gUnknown_02039D8C->unk_05) return FALSE; unkStruct = &gUnknown_02039D8C->unk_00[gUnknown_02039D8C->unk_04++]; unkStruct->unk_08 = width * 2; unkStruct->unk_04 = dest + 2 * (dTop * 32 + dLeft); unkStruct->unk_00 = src + 2 * (sTop * unkArg + sLeft); unkStruct->newField = height; unkStruct->unk_0a = unkArg; unkStruct->unk_0c = sub_80D2B88; return TRUE; } static void sub_80D2B88(struct UnkStruct_2000028 *unkStruct) { u16 i; for (i = 0; i < unkStruct->newField; i++) { CpuSet(unkStruct->unk_00, unkStruct->unk_04, (unkStruct->unk_08 / 2)); unkStruct->unk_04 += 64; unkStruct->unk_00 += (unkStruct->unk_0a * 2); } } static bool8 sub_80D2BC0(void *dest, u16 dLeft, u16 dTop, u16 width, u16 height) { struct UnkStruct_2000028 *unkStruct; if (gUnknown_02039D8C->unk_04 >= gUnknown_02039D8C->unk_05) return FALSE; unkStruct = &gUnknown_02039D8C->unk_00[gUnknown_02039D8C->unk_04++]; unkStruct->unk_08 = width * 2; unkStruct->unk_04 = dest + ((dTop * 32) + dLeft) * 2; unkStruct->newField = height; unkStruct->unk_0c = sub_80D2C1C; return TRUE; } static void sub_80D2C1C(struct UnkStruct_2000028 *unkStruct) { u16 i; for (i = 0; i < unkStruct->newField; i++) { Dma3FillLarge_(0, unkStruct->unk_04, unkStruct->unk_08, 16); unkStruct->unk_04 += 64; } }