# Megaman Battle Network Style Names Prior to 1.10, names in expansion that were too long for the game's UIs were truncated to fit using the naming conventions from the [Megaman Battle Network]() series. These were removed as part of https://github.com/rh-hideout/pokeemerald-expansion/pull/5240. They are stored here for users that may want to refer back to them or restore them. # Table Attribute | MMBN | Official -- | -- | -- Item | PewtrCrnches | Pewter Crunchies Item | RageCandyBar | Rage Candy Bar Item | LumioseGlete | Lumiose Galette Item | ShalourSable | Shalour Sable Item | HealthFeather | Health Feather Item | MuscleFeather | Muscle Feather Item | ResistFeather | Resist Feather Item | GeniusFeather | Genius Feather Item | CleverFeather | Clever Feather Item | SwiftFeather | Swift Feather Item | AbilityCapsle | Ability Capsule Item | AbilityPatch | Ability Patch Item | AbilityPatches | Ability Patches Item | Exp.Candy XS | Exp. Candy XS Item | Exp.Candies XS | Exp. Candies XS Item | Exp.Candy S | Exp. Candy S Item | Exp.Candies S | Exp. Candies S Item | Exp.Candy M | Exp. Candy M Item | Exp.Candies M | Exp. Candies M Item | Exp.Candy L | Exp. Candy L Item | Exp.Candies L | Exp. Candies L Item | Exp.Candy XL | Exp. Candy XL Item | Exp.Candies XL | Exp. Candies XL Item | DynamaxCandy | Dynamax Candy Item | DynamaxCandies | Dynamax Candies Item | MaxMushrooms | Max Mushrooms Item | GoldBottlCap | Gold Bottle Cap Item | PrettyFeather | Pretty Feather Item | StrngeSouvnr | Strange Souvenir Item | FosslzedBird | Fossilized Bird Item | FosslzedFish | Fossilized Fish Item | FosslzedFishes | Fossilized Fishes Item | FosslzedDrke | Fossilized Drake Item | FosslzedDino | Fossilized Dino Item | SurprseMulch | Surprise Mulch Item | YellwApricorn | Yellow Apricorn Item | GreenApricorn | Green Apricorn Item | WhiteApricorn | White Apricorn Item | BlackApricorn | Black Apricorn Item | WishingPiece | Wishing Piece Item | GalaricaTwig | Galarica Twig Item | GalaricaCuff | Galarica Cuff Item | GalrcaWreath | Galarica Wreath Item | GalrcaWreathes | Galarica Wreathes Item | StrwbrySweet | Strawberry Sweet Item | ElectrcMemory | Electric Memory Item | ElectrcMemories | Electric Memories Item | FightngMemory | Fighting Memory Item | FightngMemories | Fighting Memories Item | PsychicMemory | Psychic Memory Item | PsychicMemories | Psychic Memories Item | RustedSword | Rusted Sword Item | RustedShield | Rusted Shield Item | CharizarditeX | Charizardite X Item | CharizarditeY | Charizardite Y Item | U-Necrozium Z | Ultranecrozium Z Item | DeepSeaScale | Deep Sea Scale Item | DeepSeaTooth | Deep Sea Tooth Item | Never-MeltIce | Never-Melt Ice Item | WeaknssPolicy | Weakness Policy Item | WeaknssPolicies | Weakness Policies Item | SafetyGoggles | Safety Goggles Item | AdrenalineOrb | Adrenaline Orb Item | TerainExtendr | Terrain Extender Item | ProtectvePads | Protective Pads Item | Heavy-DtyBts | Heavy-Duty Boots Item | BlundrPolicy | Blunder Policy Item | BlundrPolicies | Blunder Policies Item | UtltyUmbrlla | Utility Umbrella Item | CatchngCharm | Catching Charm Item | RotomCatalog | Rotom Catalog Item | ReinsOfUnity | Reins of Unity Item | Dowsing MCHN | Dowsing Machine Item | AbilityShield | Ability Shield Item | PunchingGlove | Punching Glove Item | AuspciousArmr | Auspicious Armor Item | BoosterEnergy | Booster Energy Item | BoosterEnergies | Booster Energies Item | BigBmbooShoot | Big Bamboo Shoot Item | GimighoulCoin | Gimmighoul Coin Item | Leader'sCrest | Leader's Crest Item | MaliciousArmr | Malicious Armor Item | ScrllOfDrknss | Scroll of Darkness Item | ScrllsOfDrknss | Scrolls of Darkness Item | ScrollOfWatrs | Scroll of Waters Item | ScrollsOfWatrs | Scrolls of Waters Item | TinyBmbooShot | Tiny Bamboo Shoot Item | Bug TeraShard | Bug Tera Shard Item | DarkTeraShard | Dark Tera Shard Item | DragnTeraShrd | Dragon Tera Shard Item | EltrcTeraShrd | Electric Tera Shard Item | FairyTeraShrd | Fairy Tera Shard Item | FghtngTerShrd | Fighting Tera Shard Item | FireTeraShard | Fire Tera Shard Item | FlyngTeraShrd | Flying Tera Shard Item | GhostTeraShrd | Ghost Tera Shard Item | GrassTeraShrd | Grass Tera Shard Item | GrondTeraShrd | Ground Tera Shard Item | Ice TeraShard | Ice Tera Shard Item | NormlTeraShrd | Normal Tera Shard Item | PoisnTeraShrd | Poison Tera Shard Item | PschcTeraShrd | Psychic Tera Shard Item | RockTeraShard | Rock Tera Shard Item | SteelTeraShrd | Steel Tera Shard Item | WaterTeraShrd | Water Tera Shard Item | AdamantCrystl | Adamant Crystal Item | LustrousGlobe | Lustrous Globe Item | BlackAugurite | Black Augurite Item | UnrmkblTeacup | Unremarkable Teacup Item | MstrpceTeacup | Masterpiece Teacup Item | CornrstneMask | Cornerstone Mask Item | WellsprngMask | Wellspring Mask Item | HrthflameMask | Hearthflame Mask Item | FrshStrtMochi | Fresh Start Mochi Item | GlmmringCharm | Glimmering Charm Item | StllrTeraShrd | Stellar Tera Shard Item | JublifeMuffin | Jubilife Muffin Item | AuxPowerguard | Aux Powerguard Item | ChoiceDumplng | Choice Dumpling Item | 2xSpicedRadsh | Twice-Spiced Radish Move | ThunderPunch | Thunder Punch Move | PoisonPowder | Poison Powder Move | ThunderShock | Thunder Shock Move | SelfDestruct | Self-Destruct Move | HighJumpKick | High Jump Kick Move | DynamicPunch | Dynamic Punch Move | DragonBreath | Dragon Breath Move | ExtremeSpeed | Extreme Speed Move | AncientPower | Ancient Power Move | SmellngSalts | Smelling Salts Move | FeatherDance | Feather Dance Move | GrassWhistle | Grass Whistle Move | PhantomForce | Phantom Force Move | TrickOrTreat | Trick-or-Treat Move | ParabolcChrg | Parabolic Charge Move | Forest'sCurs | Forest's Curse Move | PetalBlizzrd | Petal Blizzard Move | DisrmngVoice | Disarming Voice Move | DrainingKiss | Draining Kiss Move | CraftyShield | Crafty Shield Move | FlowerShield | Flower Shield Move | GrssyTerrain | Grassy Terrain Move | MistyTerrain | Misty Terrain Move | King'sShield | King's Shield Move | DiamondStorm | Diamond Storm Move | SteamErption | Steam Eruption Move | HyprspceHole | Hyperspace Hole Move | WatrShuriken | Water Shuriken Move | MysticalFire | Mystical Fire Move | AromaticMist | Aromatic Mist Move | EerieImpulse | Eerie Impulse Move | MagneticFlux | Magnetic Flux Move | ElctrcTrrain | Electric Terrain Move | DazzlngGleam | Dazzling Gleam Move | BabyDollEyes | Baby-Doll Eyes Move | PowerUpPunch | Power-Up Punch Move | OblivionWing | Oblivion Wing Move | ThousndArrws | Thousand Arrows Move | ThousndWaves | Thousand Waves Move | LightOfRuin | Light Of Ruin Move | PrcipceBldes | Precipice Blades Move | DragonAscent | Dragon Ascent Move | HyprspceFury | Hyperspace Fury Move | FrstImpressn | First Impression Move | BanefulBunkr | Baneful Bunker Move | SpiritShackl | Spirit Shackle Move | DarkstLariat | Darkest Lariat Move | SparklngAria | Sparkling Aria Move | FloralHealng | Floral Healing Move | HighHorsepwr | High Horsepower Move | PsychcTrrain | Psychic Terrain Move | RvlationDnce | Revelation Dance Move | CoreEnforcer | Core Enforcer Move | ClngngScales | Clanging Scales Move | DragonHammer | Dragon Hammer Move | PsychicFangs | Psychic Fangs Move | StmpngTantrm | Stomping Tantrum Move | PrsmaticLasr | Prismatic Laser Move | SpectrlThief | Spectral Thief Move | SnsteelStrke | Sunsteel Strike Move | MoongestBeam | Moongeist Beam Move | Natur'sMadns | Nature's Madness Move | PhotonGeyser | Photon Geyser Move | SplishySplsh | Splishy Splash Move | BouncyBubble | Bouncy Bubble Move | SparklySwirl | Sparkly Swirl Move | VeeveeVolley | Veevee Volley Move | DublIronBash | Double Iron Bash Move | DynamxCannon | Dynamax Cannon Move | FishiousRend | Fishious Rend Move | ClngrousSoul | Clangorous Soul Move | BehemthBlade | Behemoth Blade Move | BehemothBash | Behemoth Bash Move | BreakngSwipe | Breaking Swipe Move | StrangeSteam | Strange Steam Move | FalsSurrendr | False Surrender Move | MeteorAssalt | Meteor Assault Move | ExpandngForc | Expanding Force Move | ShellSideArm | Shell Side Arm Move | MstyExplsion | Misty Explosion Move | RisngVoltage | Rising Voltage Move | TerrainPulse | Terrain Pulse Move | SkitterSmack | Skitter Smack Move | BrningJelosy | Burning Jealousy Move | CorrosiveGas | Corrosive Gas Move | DualWingbeat | Dual Wingbeat Move | ScorchngSnds | Scorching Sands Move | JungleHealng | Jungle Healing Move | SurgngStrkes | Surging Strikes Move | DragonEnergy | Dragon Energy Move | FreezngGlare | Freezing Glare Move | ThnderusKick | Thunderous Kick Move | GlacialLance | Glacial Lance Move | AstrlBarrage | Astral Barrage Move | PsyshieldBsh | Psyshield Bash Move | SprngtdeStrm | Springtide Storm Move | MystcalPower | Mystical Power Move | MountainGale | Mountain Gale Move | VictoryDance | Victory Dance Move | HeadlongRush | Headlong Rush Move | BitterMalice | Bitter Malice Move | TripleArrows | Triple Arrows Move | InfrnlParade | Infernal Parade Move | CeaslessEdge | Ceaseless Edge Move | BlekwndStorm | Bleakwind Storm Move | WildbltStorm | Wildbolt Storm Move | SndsearStorm | Sandsear Storm Move | LunarBlessng | Lunar Blessing Move | LastRespects | Last Respects Move | SpicyExtract | Spicy Extract Move | PoplatinBomb | Population Bomb Move | RevivlBlesng | Revival Blessing Move | KowtowCleave | Kowtow Cleave Move | ColisinCours | Collision Course Move | ElectroDrift | Electro Drift Move | ChilReceptin | Chilly Reception Move | ChillingWatr | Chilling Water Move | GigatonHammr | Gigaton Hammer Move | BlazngTorque | Blazing Torque Move | WickedTorque | Wicked Torque Move | NoxiusTorque | Noxious Torque Move | CombatTorque | Combat Torque Move | MagiclTorque | Magical Torque Move | MatchaGotcha | Matcha Gotcha Move | TeraStarstrm | Tera Starstorm Move | BurnngBulwrk | Burning Bulwark Move | MightyCleave | Mighty Cleave Move | TachyonCuttr | Tachyon Cutter Move | AllurngVoice | Alluring Voice Move | SuprcellSlam | Supercell Slam Move | PsychicNoise | Psychic Noise Move | MalignntChan | Malignant Chain Species | Dudunsprce | Dudunsparce Species | Corvisquir | Corvisquire Species | Corviknigh | Corviknight Species | Barraskewd | Barraskewda Species | Centiskorc | Centiskorch Species | Polteageis | Polteageist Species | Stonjourne | Stonjourner Species | Meowscarad | Meowscarada Species | Sqawkabily | Squawkabilly Species | Kilowatrel | Kilowattrel Species | Brmblghast | Brambleghast Species | ScreamTail | Scream Tail Species | BruteBonet | Brute Bonnet Species | FluttrMane | Flutter Mane Species | SlithrWing | Slither Wing Species | SndyShocks | Sandy Shocks Species | IronTreads | Iron Treads Species | IronBundle | Iron Bundle Species | IronJuguls | Iron Jugulis Species | IronThorns | Iron Thorns Species | RoarngMoon | Roaring Moon Species | IronVliant | Iron Valiant Species | WalkngWake | Walking Wake Species | IronLeaves | Iron Leaves Species | Ptchageist | Poltchageist Species | Fezndipiti | Fezandipiti Species | GouginFire | Gouging Fire Species | RagingBolt | Raging Bolt Species | IronBouldr | Iron Boulder Species | Crabminabl | Crabominable Species | Blacephaln | Blacephalon Species | Bsculegion | Basculegion Species | Flechinder | Fletchinder Type | Fight | Fighting Type | Electr | Electric Type | Psychc | Psychic Type | Stellr | Stellar