BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_MapScripts:: @ 825B6C6 map_script 2, BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_MapScript2_25B6D1 map_script 4, BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_MapScript2_25B6F3 .byte 0 BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_MapScript2_25B6D1: @ 825B6D1 map_script_2 VAR_TEMP_0, 0, BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_EventScript_25B707 map_script_2 VAR_TEMP_0, 1, BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_EventScript_25B710 map_script_2 VAR_TEMP_0, 3, BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_EventScript_25B762 map_script_2 VAR_TEMP_0, 4, BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_EventScript_25B806 .2byte 0 BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_MapScript2_25B6F3: @ 825B6F3 map_script_2 VAR_TEMP_1, 0, BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_EventScript_25B6FD .2byte 0 BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_EventScript_25B6FD:: @ 825B6FD setvar VAR_TEMP_1, 1 turnobject 255, 2 end BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_EventScript_25B707:: @ 825B707 setvar VAR_0x8004, 0 special sub_81A1780 end BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_EventScript_25B710:: @ 825B710 special HealPlayerParty setvar VAR_0x8004, 27 special sub_81A703C lockall msgbox BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_Text_25C2E0, 4 closemessage setvar VAR_0x8004, 2 setvar VAR_0x8005, 1 setvar VAR_0x8006, 0 special sub_81A703C setvar VAR_0x8004, 2 setvar VAR_0x8005, 4 setvar VAR_0x8006, 0 special sub_81A703C setvar VAR_0x8004, 2 setvar VAR_0x8005, 0 setvar VAR_0x8006, 0 special sub_81A1780 setvar VAR_TEMP_0, 255 releaseall end BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_EventScript_25B762:: @ 825B762 lockall setvar VAR_0x8004, 10 special sub_81A1780 compare VAR_RESULT, 1 goto_eq BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_EventScript_25B784 msgbox BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_Text_25C18A, 4 waitmessage goto BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_EventScript_25B78D BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_EventScript_25B784:: @ 825B784 msgbox BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_Text_25C383, 4 waitmessage BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_EventScript_25B78D:: @ 825B78D msgbox BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_Text_25C3D9, 4 setvar VAR_0x8004, 11 special sub_81A1780 msgbox BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_Text_241520, 9 setvar VAR_0x8004, 8 special sub_81A1780 setvar VAR_0x8004, 1 setvar VAR_0x8005, 3 special sub_81A703C addvar VAR_RESULT, 1 setvar VAR_0x8004, 2 setvar VAR_0x8005, 3 copyvar VAR_0x8006, VAR_RESULT special sub_81A703C special LoadPlayerParty special HealPlayerParty setvar VAR_0x8004, 27 special sub_81A703C message BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_Text_25C1DF waitmessage setvar VAR_0x8004, 8 setvar VAR_0x8005, 0 special sub_81A703C playse SE_SAVE waitse msgbox BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_Text_25BE02, 4 closemessage setvar VAR_TEMP_0, 255 releaseall end BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_EventScript_25B806:: @ 825B806 lockall message BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_Text_25C146 waitmessage setvar VAR_0x8004, 8 special sub_81A1780 setvar VAR_0x8004, 2 setvar VAR_0x8005, 2 setvar VAR_0x8006, 0 special sub_81A1780 setvar VAR_0x8004, 2 setvar VAR_0x8005, 4 setvar VAR_0x8006, 0 special sub_81A703C special LoadPlayerParty special HealPlayerParty setvar VAR_0x8004, 27 special sub_81A703C setvar VAR_0x8004, 8 setvar VAR_0x8005, 0 special sub_81A703C playse SE_SAVE waitse msgbox BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_Text_25BE02, 4 closemessage setvar VAR_TEMP_0, 255 releaseall end BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_EventScript_25B868:: @ 825B868 lock faceplayer setvar VAR_FRONTIER_FACILITY, 5 setvar VAR_0x40CE, 0 special SavePlayerParty msgbox BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_Text_25BB52, 4 BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_EventScript_25B87F:: @ 825B87F message BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_Text_25BBC1 waitmessage multichoice 17, 6, 23, 0 switch VAR_RESULT case 0, BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_EventScript_25B8BB case 1, BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_EventScript_25BA1A case 2, BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_EventScript_25BA76 case 127, BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_EventScript_25BA76 BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_EventScript_25B8BB:: @ 825B8BB message BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_Text_25BE35 waitmessage multichoice 17, 6, 24, 0 switch VAR_RESULT case 2, BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_EventScript_25BA76 case 127, BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_EventScript_25BA76 setvar VAR_0x8004, 15 special sub_81A1780 compare VAR_0x8004, 1 goto_eq BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_EventScript_25BA27 setvar VAR_0x8004, 2 setvar VAR_0x8005, 1 copyvar VAR_0x8006, VAR_RESULT special sub_81A1780 msgbox BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_Text_25C094, 4 fadescreen 1 call BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_EventScript_23F2B7 copyvar VAR_0x8004, VAR_RESULT setvar VAR_0x8005, 3 special sub_80F9490 waitstate compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_eq BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_EventScript_25BA73 msgbox BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_Text_25C0D8, 5 switch VAR_RESULT case 0, BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_EventScript_25BA73 case 1, BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_EventScript_25B95C case 127, BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_EventScript_25BA73 BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_EventScript_25B95C:: @ 825B95C setvar VAR_TEMP_0, 0 setvar VAR_TEMP_1, 0 setvar VAR_0x8004, 2 setvar VAR_0x8005, 4 special sub_81A1780 setvar VAR_0x8004, 28 special sub_81A703C setvar VAR_0x8004, 2 setvar VAR_0x8005, 0 setvar VAR_0x8006, 1 special sub_81A1780 setvar VAR_0x8004, 2 setvar VAR_0x8005, 4 setvar VAR_0x8006, 1 special sub_81A703C setvar VAR_0x8004, 26 special sub_81A703C setvar VAR_0x8004, 2 setvar VAR_0x8005, 3 setvar VAR_0x8006, 0 special sub_81A1780 special LoadPlayerParty closemessage delay 2 call BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_EventScript_27134F setvar VAR_TEMP_0, 255 setvar VAR_0x8004, 26 special sub_81A703C compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_eq BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_EventScript_25BA5C special SavePlayerParty setvar VAR_0x8004, 3 setvar VAR_0x8005, 3 special sub_81A1780 msgbox BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_Text_25C130, 4 closemessage setvar VAR_0x8004, 5 special sub_81A1780 call BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_EventScript_25BA94 special HealPlayerParty call BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_EventScript_25BB49 warpsilent BATTLE_FRONTIER_BATTLE_PIKE_CORRIDOR, 255, 6, 7 setvar VAR_TEMP_0, 0 waitstate end BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_EventScript_25BA1A:: @ 825BA1A msgbox BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_Text_25BBF5, 4 goto BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_EventScript_25B87F BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_EventScript_25BA27:: @ 825BA27 switch VAR_RESULT case 0, BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_EventScript_25BA42 case 1, BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_EventScript_25BA4F BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_EventScript_25BA42:: @ 825BA42 msgbox BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_Text_25BE8C, 4 goto BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_EventScript_25BA7E BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_EventScript_25BA4F:: @ 825BA4F msgbox BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_Text_25BF9A, 4 goto BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_EventScript_25BA7E BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_EventScript_25BA5C:: @ 825BA5C setvar VAR_0x8004, 2 setvar VAR_0x8005, 0 setvar VAR_0x8006, 0 special sub_81A1780 goto BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_EventScript_25BA76 BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_EventScript_25BA73:: @ 825BA73 special LoadPlayerParty BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_EventScript_25BA76:: @ 825BA76 msgbox BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_Text_25BE02, 4 BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_EventScript_25BA7E:: @ 825BA7E release end BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_EventScript_25BA80:: @ 825BA80 lockall setvar VAR_0x8004, 7 setvar VAR_0x8005, 5 special sub_81A1780 waitbuttonpress special RemoveRecordsWindow releaseall end BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_EventScript_25BA94:: @ 825BA94 applymovement 1, BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_Movement_25BAA7 applymovement 255, BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_Movement_25BAA6 waitmovement 0 return BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_Movement_25BAA6: @ 825BAA6 step_up BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_Movement_25BAA7: @ 825BAA7 step_up step_up step_54 step_end BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_EventScript_25BAAB:: @ 825BAAB msgbox BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_Text_25C422, 2 end BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_EventScript_25BAB4:: @ 825BAB4 msgbox BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_Text_25C4A5, 2 end BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_EventScript_25BABD:: @ 825BABD msgbox BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_Text_25C4FD, 2 end BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_EventScript_25BAC6:: @ 825BAC6 lockall msgbox BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_Text_25C5FB, 4 goto BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_EventScript_25BAD5 end BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_EventScript_25BAD5:: @ 825BAD5 message BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_Text_25C621 waitmessage multichoice 16, 4, 102, 0 switch VAR_RESULT case 0, BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_EventScript_25BB1D case 1, BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_EventScript_25BB2B case 2, BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_EventScript_25BB39 case 3, BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_EventScript_25BB47 case 127, BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_EventScript_25BB47 end BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_EventScript_25BB1D:: @ 825BB1D msgbox BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_Text_25C644, 4 goto BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_EventScript_25BAD5 end BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_EventScript_25BB2B:: @ 825BB2B msgbox BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_Text_25C68A, 4 goto BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_EventScript_25BAD5 end BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_EventScript_25BB39:: @ 825BB39 msgbox BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_Text_25C6EB, 4 goto BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_EventScript_25BAD5 end BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_EventScript_25BB47:: @ 825BB47 releaseall end BattleFrontier_BattlePikeCorridor_EventScript_25BB49:: @ 825BB49 BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_EventScript_25BB49:: @ 825BB49 BattleFrontier_BattlePikeRandomRoom1_EventScript_25BB49:: @ 825BB49 BattleFrontier_BattlePikeThreePathRoom_EventScript_25BB49:: @ 825BB49 playse 267 special sub_813B880 waitstate waitse return BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_Text_25BB52: @ 825BB52 .string "Where the luck of TRAINERS\n" .string "is put to the test…\p" .string "Welcome to the BATTLE PIKE…\p" .string "I am your guide to the BATTLE PIKE…$" BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_Text_25BBC1: @ 825BBC1 .string "Would you like to take the Battle\n" .string "Choice challenge?$" BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_Text_25BBF5: @ 825BBF5 .string "Here we conduct an event we call\n" .string "the Battle Choice.\p" .string "The Battle Choice rules are very\n" .string "simple…\p" .string "Choose one of three paths and make\n" .string "your way to the goal room at the end\l" .string "of the BATTLE PIKE. It’s that simple.\p" .string "However, what happens on the chosen\n" .string "path depends entirely on the luck\l" .string "of the challenger…\p" .string "If you reach the goal, you will be\n" .string "rewarded with Battle Points.\p" .string "If you want to interrupt your\n" .string "challenge, please have a word with\l" .string "our staff in the big rooms on the way.\p" .string "If you don’t save before interrupting,\n" .string "you will be disqualified.$" BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_Text_25BE02: @ 825BE02 .string "We look forward to seeing you\n" .string "on another occasion…$" BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_Text_25BE35: @ 825BE35 .string "You have the choice of two courses,\n" .string "Level 50 and Open Level.\l" .string "Which will you challenge?$" BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_Text_25BE8C: @ 825BE8C .string "I beg your pardon, but…\p" .string "You do not have three eligible\n" .string "POKéMON for the Battle Choice event.\p" .string "You must have three different POKéMON\n" .string "of Level 50 or less to enter.\p" .string "They also must be holding different\n" .string "kinds of items.\p" .string "EGGS{STR_VAR_1} ineligible.\p" .string "Please come see me when\n" .string "you are ready…$" BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_Text_25BF9A: @ 825BF9A .string "I beg your pardon, but…\p" .string "You do not have three eligible\n" .string "POKéMON for the Battle Choice event.\p" .string "You must have three different\n" .string "POKéMON to enter.\p" .string "They also must be holding different\n" .string "kinds of items.\p" .string "EGGS{STR_VAR_1} ineligible.\p" .string "Please come see me when\n" .string "you are ready…$" BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_Text_25C094: @ 825C094 .string "Please choose the three POKéMON\n" .string "you wish to enter in the challenge…$" BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_Text_25C0D8: @ 825C0D8 .string "Before starting your Battle Choice\n" .string "challenge, I must save the game.\l" .string "Is that acceptable?$" BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_Text_25C130: @ 825C130 .string "Please step this way…$" BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_Text_25C146: @ 825C146 .string "Your challenge has ended…\p" .string "I shall record your results.\n" .string "Please wait…$" BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_Text_25C18A: @ 825C18A .string "You have completed the challenge…\p" .string "I must say… You seem to possess luck\n" .string "in abundance…$" BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_Text_25C1DF: @ 825C1DF .string "I shall record your results.\n" .string "Please wait…$" BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_Text_25C209: @ 825C209 .string "To commemorate your completion of\n" .string "the Battle Choice challenge, we award\l" .string "you these Battle Point(s)…$" BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_Text_25C26C: @ 825C26C .string "You appear to have reached the limit\n" .string "for Battle Points…\pPlease exchange some Battle Points\n" .string "for prizes, then return…$" BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_Text_25C2E0: @ 825C2E0 .string "I beg your pardon, but…\p" .string "You failed to save before you quit\n" .string "your challenge the last time.\p" .string "Because of that, your challenge so far\n" .string "has been disqualified. I am sorry…$" BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_Text_25C383: @ 825C383 .string "Congratulations…\p" .string "You have snatched victory from the\n" .string "PIKE QUEEN and cleared the event…$" BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_Text_25C3D9: @ 825C3D9 .string "In recognition of your amazing luck,\n" .string "we award you these Battle Point(s)…$" BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_Text_25C422: @ 825C422 .string "Arrgh! I blew my chance!\n" .string "I was one room away from the goal!\p" .string "In this place, you’d better watch out\n" .string "for poison, freezing, and so on.$" BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_Text_25C4A5: @ 825C4A5 .string "I’ve completed the challenge 10 times\n" .string "now, but I’ve never had to battle\l" .string "a TRAINER once.$" BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_Text_25C4FD: @ 825C4FD .string "Listen! Listen!\p" .string "Don’t you think that the special\n" .string "abilities of POKéMON will be useful\l" .string "here?$" BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_Text_25C558: @ 825C558 .string "What is this weird place?\n" .string "I can’t figure it out at all!\p" .string "I’ve taken the challenge a bunch\n" .string "of times, but all I ever do is run into\l" .string "TRAINERS whichever path I choose.$" BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_Text_25C5FB: @ 825C5FB .string "The Battle Choice’s rules are listed.$" BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_Text_25C621: @ 825C621 .string "Which heading do you want to read?$" BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_Text_25C644: @ 825C644 .string "The BAG and POKéNAV may not be used\n" .string "during a Battle Choice challenge.$" BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_Text_25C68A: @ 825C68A .string "During a Battle Choice challenge,\n" .string "any BERRY or HERB held by POKéMON\l" .string "will be effective only once.$" BattleFrontier_BattlePikeLobby_Text_25C6EB: @ 825C6EB .string "During a Battle Choice challenge,\n" .string "the sequence of POKéMON cannot be\l" .string "changed.\p" .string "The sequence must be set before\n" .string "starting your challenge.$"