#include "global.h" #include "test/battle.h" SINGLE_BATTLE_TEST("Dusk Mane Necrozma can Ultra Burst holding Ultranecrozium Z") { GIVEN { ASSUME(P_GEN_7_POKEMON == TRUE); PLAYER(SPECIES_NECROZMA_DUSK_MANE) { Item(ITEM_ULTRANECROZIUM_Z); } OPPONENT(SPECIES_WOBBUFFET); } WHEN { TURN { MOVE(player, MOVE_CELEBRATE, ultraBurst: TRUE); } } SCENE { MESSAGE("Bright light is about to burst out of Necrozma!"); ANIMATION(ANIM_TYPE_GENERAL, B_ANIM_ULTRA_BURST, player); MESSAGE("Necrozma regained its true power through Ultra Burst!"); } THEN { EXPECT_EQ(player->species, SPECIES_NECROZMA_ULTRA); } } DOUBLE_BATTLE_TEST("Ultra Burst's order is determined by Speed - opponent faster") { GIVEN { ASSUME(P_GEN_7_POKEMON == TRUE); PLAYER(SPECIES_NECROZMA_DUSK_MANE) { Item(ITEM_ULTRANECROZIUM_Z); Speed(1); } PLAYER(SPECIES_WOBBUFFET) { Speed(3); } OPPONENT(SPECIES_NECROZMA_DAWN_WINGS) { Item(ITEM_ULTRANECROZIUM_Z); Speed(3); } OPPONENT(SPECIES_WOBBUFFET) { Speed(4); } } WHEN { TURN { MOVE(opponentLeft, MOVE_CELEBRATE, ultraBurst: TRUE); MOVE(playerLeft, MOVE_CELEBRATE, ultraBurst: TRUE); } } SCENE { MESSAGE("Bright light is about to burst out of Foe Necrozma!"); ANIMATION(ANIM_TYPE_GENERAL, B_ANIM_ULTRA_BURST, opponentLeft); MESSAGE("Foe Necrozma regained its true power through Ultra Burst!"); MESSAGE("Bright light is about to burst out of Necrozma!"); ANIMATION(ANIM_TYPE_GENERAL, B_ANIM_ULTRA_BURST, playerLeft); MESSAGE("Necrozma regained its true power through Ultra Burst!"); } } DOUBLE_BATTLE_TEST("Ultra Burst's order is determined by Speed - player faster") { GIVEN { ASSUME(P_GEN_7_POKEMON == TRUE); PLAYER(SPECIES_NECROZMA_DUSK_MANE) { Item(ITEM_ULTRANECROZIUM_Z); Speed(5); } PLAYER(SPECIES_WOBBUFFET) { Speed(3); } OPPONENT(SPECIES_NECROZMA_DAWN_WINGS) { Item(ITEM_ULTRANECROZIUM_Z); Speed(2); } OPPONENT(SPECIES_WOBBUFFET) { Speed(4); } } WHEN { TURN { MOVE(opponentLeft, MOVE_CELEBRATE, ultraBurst: TRUE); MOVE(playerLeft, MOVE_CELEBRATE, ultraBurst: TRUE); } } SCENE { MESSAGE("Bright light is about to burst out of Necrozma!"); ANIMATION(ANIM_TYPE_GENERAL, B_ANIM_ULTRA_BURST, playerLeft); MESSAGE("Necrozma regained its true power through Ultra Burst!"); MESSAGE("Bright light is about to burst out of Foe Necrozma!"); ANIMATION(ANIM_TYPE_GENERAL, B_ANIM_ULTRA_BURST, opponentLeft); MESSAGE("Foe Necrozma regained its true power through Ultra Burst!"); } } SINGLE_BATTLE_TEST("Ultra Burst affects turn order") { GIVEN { ASSUME(P_GEN_7_POKEMON == TRUE); ASSUME(B_MEGA_EVO_TURN_ORDER >= GEN_7); PLAYER(SPECIES_NECROZMA_DUSK_MANE) { Item(ITEM_ULTRANECROZIUM_Z); Speed(105); } OPPONENT(SPECIES_WOBBUFFET) { Speed(106); } } WHEN { TURN { MOVE(player, MOVE_CELEBRATE, ultraBurst: TRUE); } } SCENE { MESSAGE("Necrozma used Celebrate!"); MESSAGE("Foe Wobbuffet used Celebrate!"); } THEN { ASSUME(player->speed == 263); } } DOUBLE_BATTLE_TEST("Ultra Burst happens after switching, but before Focus Punch-like Moves") { GIVEN { ASSUME(P_GEN_7_POKEMON == TRUE); ASSUME(gBattleMoves[MOVE_FOCUS_PUNCH].effect == EFFECT_FOCUS_PUNCH); PLAYER(SPECIES_WOBBUFFET); PLAYER(SPECIES_NECROZMA_DUSK_MANE) { Item(ITEM_ULTRANECROZIUM_Z); } OPPONENT(SPECIES_WYNAUT); OPPONENT(SPECIES_WOBBUFFET); OPPONENT(SPECIES_WOBBUFFET); } WHEN { TURN { SWITCH(opponentRight, 2); MOVE(playerRight, MOVE_FOCUS_PUNCH, ultraBurst: TRUE, target: opponentLeft); MOVE(playerLeft, MOVE_FOCUS_PUNCH, target: opponentLeft); } TURN {} } SCENE { MESSAGE("2 withdrew Wobbuffet!"); MESSAGE("2 sent out Wobbuffet!"); MESSAGE("Bright light is about to burst out of Necrozma!"); ANIMATION(ANIM_TYPE_GENERAL, B_ANIM_ULTRA_BURST, playerRight); MESSAGE("Necrozma regained its true power through Ultra Burst!"); ANIMATION(ANIM_TYPE_GENERAL, B_ANIM_FOCUS_PUNCH_SETUP, playerRight); MESSAGE("Necrozma is tightening its focus!"); ANIMATION(ANIM_TYPE_GENERAL, B_ANIM_FOCUS_PUNCH_SETUP, playerLeft); MESSAGE("Wobbuffet is tightening its focus!"); } } SINGLE_BATTLE_TEST("Ultra Burst and Mega Evolution can happen on the same turn") { GIVEN { ASSUME(P_GEN_7_POKEMON == TRUE); PLAYER(SPECIES_NECROZMA_DUSK_MANE) { Item(ITEM_ULTRANECROZIUM_Z); Speed(3); } OPPONENT(SPECIES_GARDEVOIR) { Item(ITEM_GARDEVOIRITE); Speed(2); } } WHEN { TURN { MOVE(player, MOVE_CELEBRATE, ultraBurst: TRUE); MOVE(opponent, MOVE_CELEBRATE, megaEvolve: TRUE); } } SCENE { MESSAGE("Bright light is about to burst out of Necrozma!"); ANIMATION(ANIM_TYPE_GENERAL, B_ANIM_ULTRA_BURST, player); MESSAGE("Necrozma regained its true power through Ultra Burst!"); MESSAGE("Foe Gardevoir's Gardevoirite is reacting to 2's Mega Ring!"); ANIMATION(ANIM_TYPE_GENERAL, B_ANIM_MEGA_EVOLUTION, opponent); MESSAGE("Foe Gardevoir has Mega Evolved into Mega Gardevoir!"); } THEN { EXPECT_EQ(player->species, SPECIES_NECROZMA_ULTRA); EXPECT_EQ(opponent->species, SPECIES_GARDEVOIR_MEGA); } }