import glob import re import json import os # before all else, abort if the config is off with open("./include/config/pokemon.h", "r") as file: learnset_config = re.findall("#define P_LEARNSET_HELPER_TEACHABLE *([^ ]*)", if len(learnset_config) != 1: quit() if learnset_config[0] != "TRUE": quit() def parse_mon_name(name): return re.sub('(?!^)([A-Z]+)', r'_\1', name).upper() tm_moves = [] tutor_moves = [] # scan incs incs_to_check = glob.glob('./data/scripts/*.inc') # all .incs in the script folder incs_to_check += glob.glob('./data/maps/*/') # all map scripts if len(incs_to_check) == 0: # disabled if no jsons present quit() for file in incs_to_check: with open(file, 'r') as f2: raw = if 'special ChooseMonForMoveTutor' in raw: for x in re.findall('setvar VAR_0x8005, (MOVE_.*)', raw): if not x in tutor_moves: tutor_moves.append(x) # scan TMs and HMs with open("./include/constants/tms_hms.h", 'r') as file: for x in re.findall('F\((.*)\)', if not 'MOVE_' + x in tm_moves: tm_moves.append('MOVE_' + x) # look up universal moves to exclude them universal_moves = [] with open("./src/pokemon.c", "r") as file: for x in re.findall("static const u16 sUniversalMoves\[\] =(.|\n)*?{((.|\n)*?)};",[0]: x = x.replace("\n", "") for y in x.split(","): y = y.strip() if y == "": continue universal_moves.append(y) # get compatibility from jsons def construct_compatibility_dict(force_custom_check): dict_out = {} for pth in glob.glob('./tools/learnset_helpers/porymoves_files/*.json'): f = open(pth, 'r') data = json.load(f) for mon in data.keys(): if not mon in dict_out: dict_out[mon] = [] for move in data[mon]['LevelMoves']: if not move['Move'] in dict_out[mon]: dict_out[mon].append(move['Move']) #for move in data[mon]['PreEvoMoves']: # if not move in dict_out[mon]: # dict_out[mon].append(move) for move in data[mon]['TMMoves']: if not move in dict_out[mon]: dict_out[mon].append(move) for move in data[mon]['EggMoves']: if not move in dict_out[mon]: dict_out[mon].append(move) for move in data[mon]['TutorMoves']: if not move in dict_out[mon]: dict_out[mon].append(move) # if the file was not previously generated, check if there is custom data there that needs to be preserved with open("./src/data/pokemon/teachable_learnsets.h", 'r') as file: raw = if not "// DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE!" in raw and force_custom_check == True: custom_teachable_compatibilities = {} for entry in re.findall("static const u16 s(.*)TeachableLearnset\[\] = {\n((.|\n)*?)\n};", raw): monname = parse_mon_name(entry[0]) if monname == "NONE": continue compatibility = entry[1].split("\n") if not monname in custom_teachable_compatibilities: custom_teachable_compatibilities[monname] = [] if not monname in dict_out: # this mon is unknown, so all data needs to be preserved for move in compatibility: move = move.replace(",", "").strip() if move == "" or move == "MOVE_UNAVAILABLE": continue custom_teachable_compatibilities[monname].append(move) else: # this mon is known, so check if the moves in the old teachable_learnsets.h are not in the jsons for move in compatibility: move = move.replace(",", "").strip() if move == "" or move == "MOVE_UNAVAILABLE": continue if not move in dict_out[monname]: custom_teachable_compatibilities[monname].append(move) # actually store the data in custom.json if os.path.exists("./tools/learnset_helpers/porymoves_files/custom.json"): f2 = open("./tools/learnset_helpers/porymoves_files/custom.json", "r") custom_json = json.load(f2) f2.close() else: custom_json = {} for x in custom_teachable_compatibilities: if len(custom_teachable_compatibilities[x]) == 0: continue if not x in custom_json: custom_json[x] = {"LevelMoves": [], "PreEvoMoves": [], "TMMoves": [], "EggMoves": [], "TutorMoves": []} for move in custom_teachable_compatibilities[x]: custom_json[x]["TutorMoves"].append(move) f2 = open("./tools/learnset_helpers/porymoves_files/custom.json", "w") f2.write(json.dumps(custom_json, indent=2)) f2.close() print("FIRST RUN: Updated custom.json with teachable_learnsets.h's data") # rerun the process dict_out = construct_compatibility_dict(False) return dict_out compatibility_dict = construct_compatibility_dict(True) # actually prepare the file with open("./src/data/pokemon/teachable_learnsets.h", 'r') as file: out = list_of_mons = re.findall('static const u16 s(.*)TeachableLearnset', out) for mon in list_of_mons: mon_parsed = parse_mon_name(mon) tm_learnset = [] tutor_learnset = [] if mon_parsed == "NONE" or mon_parsed == "MEW": continue if not mon_parsed in compatibility_dict: print("Unable to find %s in json" % mon) continue for move in tm_moves: if move in universal_moves: continue if move in tm_learnset: continue if move in compatibility_dict[mon_parsed]: tm_learnset.append(move) continue for move in tutor_moves: if move in universal_moves: continue if move in tutor_learnset: continue if move in compatibility_dict[mon_parsed]: tutor_learnset.append(move) continue tm_learnset.sort() tutor_learnset.sort() tm_learnset += tutor_learnset repl = "static const u16 s%sTeachableLearnset[] = {\n " % mon if len(tm_learnset) > 0: repl += ",\n ".join(tm_learnset) + ",\n " repl += "MOVE_UNAVAILABLE,\n};" newout = re.sub('static const u16 s%sTeachableLearnset\[\] = {[\s\S]*?};' % mon, repl, out) if newout != out: out = newout print("Updated %s" % mon) # add/update header header = "//\n// DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE! It is auto-generated from tools/learnset_helpers/\n//\n\n" longest_move_name = 0 for move in tm_moves + tutor_moves: if len(move) > longest_move_name: longest_move_name = len(move) longest_move_name += 2 # + 2 for a hyphen and a space if longest_move_name < len("Found near-universal moves:"): longest_move_name = len("Found near-universal moves:") def header_print(str): global header header += "// " + str + " " * (longest_move_name - len(str)) + " //\n" header += "// " + longest_move_name * "*" + " //\n" header_print("Found TM/HM moves:") for move in tm_moves: header_print("- " + move) header += "// " + longest_move_name * "*" + " //\n" header_print("Found tutor moves:") tutor_moves.sort() # alphabetically sort tutor moves for easier referencing for move in tutor_moves: header_print("- " + move) header += "// " + longest_move_name * "*" + " //\n" header_print("Found near-universal moves:") universal_moves.sort() # alphabetically sort near-universal moves for easier referencing for move in universal_moves: header_print("- " + move) header += "// " + longest_move_name * "*" + " //\n\n" if not "// DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE!" in out: out = header + out else: out = re.sub("\/\/\n\/\/ DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE!(.|\n)*\* \/\/\n\n", header, out) with open("./src/data/pokemon/teachable_learnsets.h", 'w') as file: file.write(out)