MysteryEventClub_EventScript_Man:: @ 8291539 lock faceplayer goto_if_set FLAG_SYS_CHAT_USED, MysteryEventClub_EventScript_GivenProfileBefore msgbox MysteryEventClub_Text_CollectTrainerProfiles, MSGBOX_DEFAULT goto MysteryEventClub_EventScript_AskToSeeProfile end MysteryEventClub_EventScript_AskToSeeProfile:: @ 8291552 msgbox MysteryEventClub_Text_MayISeeYourProfile, MSGBOX_DEFAULT multichoice 17, 6, MULTI_YESNOINFO_2, 0 switch VAR_RESULT case 0, MysteryEventClub_EventScript_CreateProfile case 1, MysteryEventClub_EventScript_DeclineShowProfile case 2, MysteryEventClub_EventScript_Info case MULTI_B_PRESSED, MysteryEventClub_EventScript_DeclineShowProfile end MysteryEventClub_EventScript_Info:: @ 8291591 msgbox MysteryEventClub_Text_EasyChatExplanation, MSGBOX_DEFAULT goto MysteryEventClub_EventScript_AskToSeeProfile end MysteryEventClub_EventScript_CreateProfile:: @ 829159F msgbox MysteryEventClub_Text_LetsSeeItThen, MSGBOX_DEFAULT closemessage setvar VAR_0x8004, EASY_CHAT_TYPE_PROFILE call Common_ShowEasyChatScreen lock faceplayer compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_if_eq MysteryEventClub_EventScript_CancelShowProfile compare VAR_RESULT, 1 goto_if_eq MysteryEventClub_EventScript_ShowProfile end MysteryEventClub_EventScript_CancelShowProfile:: @ 82915CB msgbox MysteryEventClub_Text_NotIntoItRightNow, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end MysteryEventClub_EventScript_ShowProfile:: @ 82915D5 setvar VAR_0x8004, 0 special sub_811EECC waitmessage delay 80 msgbox MysteryEventClub_Text_FantasticProfile, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end MysteryEventClub_EventScript_DeclineShowProfile:: @ 82915EB msgbox MysteryEventClub_Text_ImagineYouWouldHaveWonderfulProfile, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end MysteryEventClub_EventScript_GivenProfileBefore:: @ 82915F5 msgbox MysteryEventClub_Text_YouHaveWonderfulSmile, MSGBOX_DEFAULT goto MysteryEventClub_EventScript_AskToSeeNewProfile end MysteryEventClub_EventScript_AskToSeeNewProfile:: @ 8291603 msgbox MysteryEventClub_Text_MayISeeYourNewProfile, MSGBOX_DEFAULT multichoice 17, 6, MULTI_YESNOINFO_2, 0 switch VAR_RESULT case 0, MysteryEventClub_EventScript_CreateNewProfile case 1, MysteryEventClub_EventScript_DeclineNewProfile case 2, MysteryEventClub_EventScript_InfoNewProfile case MULTI_B_PRESSED, MysteryEventClub_EventScript_DeclineNewProfile end MysteryEventClub_EventScript_InfoNewProfile:: @ 8291642 msgbox MysteryEventClub_Text_EasyChatExplanation, MSGBOX_DEFAULT goto MysteryEventClub_EventScript_AskToSeeNewProfile end MysteryEventClub_EventScript_CreateNewProfile:: @ 8291650 msgbox MysteryEventClub_Text_EvenBetterThanLastProfile, MSGBOX_DEFAULT closemessage setvar VAR_0x8004, EASY_CHAT_TYPE_PROFILE call Common_ShowEasyChatScreen lock faceplayer compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_if_eq MysteryEventClub_EventScript_CancelShowProfile compare VAR_RESULT, 1 goto_if_eq MysteryEventClub_EventScript_ShowProfile end MysteryEventClub_EventScript_DeclineNewProfile:: @ 829167C msgbox MysteryEventClub_Text_LikeProfileWayItIs, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end @ Unused MysteryEventClub_EventScript_Ret:: @ 8291686 return MysteryEventClub_Text_CollectTrainerProfiles: @ 8291687 .string "Hello there, TRAINER!\n" .string "You've got a wonderful smile, there.\p" .string "I have a hobby--collecting the profiles\n" .string "of POKéMON TRAINERS.$" MysteryEventClub_Text_MayISeeYourProfile: @ 82916FF .string "So, how about it?\n" .string "May I see your profile?$" MysteryEventClub_Text_EasyChatExplanation: @ 8291729 .string "You make your own profile by putting\n" .string "together four words or phrases.\p" .string "Here, I'll show you an example of a\n" .string "profile using four pieces of text.\p" .string "You can switch those four pieces with\n" .string "other text pieces any which way you\l" .string "like to make your own profile.\p" .string "There are a lot of text pieces that\n" .string "you can use.\p" .string "They are arranged in groups like\n" .string "POKéMON, lifestyles, and hobbies so\l" .string "it is easier to look them up.\p" .string "So, first, choose the group of text\n" .string "pieces to display a list of choices.\p" .string "Then, pick the choice you want.\p" .string "Repeat for the remaining text choices,\n" .string "and you'll have your very own profile.$" MysteryEventClub_Text_LetsSeeItThen: @ 8291969 .string "Yes! Thank you!\n" .string "So, let's see it, then.$" MysteryEventClub_Text_ImagineYouWouldHaveWonderfulProfile: @ 8291991 .string "Oh, no, really?\p" .string "I imagine someone like you would have\n" .string "a wonderful profile…$" MysteryEventClub_Text_NotIntoItRightNow: @ 82919DC .string "Oh? You're not into it right now?\p" .string "Well, anytime is good by me!$" MysteryEventClub_Text_YouHaveWonderfulSmile: @ 8291A1B .string "Hello there, TRAINER!\n" .string "You've got a wonderful smile.$" MysteryEventClub_Text_MayISeeYourNewProfile: @ 8291A4F .string "May I see your new profile?$" MysteryEventClub_Text_EvenBetterThanLastProfile: @ 8291A6B .string "Yes! Thank you!\p" .string "I hope it's even better than the profile\n" .string "you showed me before.$" MysteryEventClub_Text_LikeProfileWayItIs: @ 8291ABA .string "Oh, you like your profile the way it is.\p" .string "I don't blame you--it's a wonderful\n" .string "profile the way it is now.$" MysteryEventClub_Text_FantasticProfile: @ 8291B22 .string "F-fantastic!\p" .string "Your profile, it's wonderful!\n" .string "It really says what you're about.\p" .string "Why, anyone hearing this profile would\n" .string "be captivated by you!\p" .string "Thank you!$" @ Unused MysteryEventClub_Text_YouKnowSecretSaying: @ 8291BB7 .string "Oh?\n" .string "You know the secret saying!\p" .string "That means you're now a fellow member\n" .string "of the MYSTERY EVENT CLUB!$"