DewfordTown_MapScripts:: @ 81E9507 map_script 3, DewfordTown_MapScript1_1E950D .byte 0 DewfordTown_MapScript1_1E950D: @ 81E950D setflag FLAG_VISITED_DEWFORD_TOWN end DewfordTown_EventScript_1E9511:: @ 81E9511 lock faceplayer checkflag FLAG_0x0BD goto_if 0, DewfordTown_EventScript_1E9585 message DewfordTown_Text_1E9C8A waitmessage multichoicedefault 21, 6, 0, 2, 0 switch VAR_RESULT case 0, DewfordTown_EventScript_1E955A case 1, DewfordTown_EventScript_1E956A case 2, DewfordTown_EventScript_1E957A case 127, DewfordTown_EventScript_1E957A end DewfordTown_EventScript_1E955A:: @ 81E955A msgbox DewfordTown_Text_1E9CE5, 4 closemessage goto DewfordTown_EventScript_1E9660 release end DewfordTown_EventScript_1E956A:: @ 81E956A msgbox DewfordTown_Text_1E9D3A, 4 closemessage goto DewfordTown_EventScript_1E96E7 release end DewfordTown_EventScript_1E957A:: @ 81E957A msgbox DewfordTown_Text_1E9D8F, 4 closemessage release end DewfordTown_EventScript_1E9585:: @ 81E9585 msgbox DewfordTown_Text_1E9B24, 5 compare VAR_RESULT, 1 goto_eq DewfordTown_EventScript_1E95A2 msgbox DewfordTown_Text_1E9BD9, 4 release end DewfordTown_EventScript_1E95A2:: @ 81E95A2 msgbox DewfordTown_Text_1E9B7F, 4 closemessage goto DewfordTown_EventScript_1E9660 end DewfordTown_EventScript_1E95B1:: @ 81E95B1 msgbox DewfordTown_Text_1E99A8, 2 end DewfordTown_EventScript_1E95BA:: @ 81E95BA msgbox DewfordTown_Text_1E9A0F, 3 end DewfordTown_EventScript_1E95C3:: @ 81E95C3 msgbox DewfordTown_Text_1E9A3D, 3 end DewfordTown_EventScript_1E95CC:: @ 81E95CC msgbox DewfordTown_Text_1E9A7F, 3 end DewfordTown_EventScript_1E95D5:: @ 81E95D5 lock faceplayer checkflag FLAG_0x101 goto_eq DewfordTown_EventScript_1E962A msgbox DewfordTown_Text_1E9DD1, 5 compare VAR_RESULT, 1 goto_eq DewfordTown_EventScript_1E95FF compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_eq DewfordTown_EventScript_1E9620 end DewfordTown_EventScript_1E95FF:: @ 81E95FF msgbox DewfordTown_Text_1E9E14, 4 giveitem_std ITEM_OLD_ROD setflag FLAG_0x101 msgbox DewfordTown_Text_1E9E65, 4 release end DewfordTown_EventScript_1E9620:: @ 81E9620 msgbox DewfordTown_Text_1E9F92, 4 release end DewfordTown_EventScript_1E962A:: @ 81E962A message DewfordTown_Text_1E9FB8 waitmessage multichoice 20, 8, 50, 1 compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_eq DewfordTown_EventScript_1E964C compare VAR_RESULT, 1 goto_eq DewfordTown_EventScript_1E9656 end DewfordTown_EventScript_1E964C:: @ 81E964C msgbox DewfordTown_Text_1E9FD0, 4 release end DewfordTown_EventScript_1E9656:: @ 81E9656 msgbox DewfordTown_Text_1EA004, 4 release end DewfordTown_EventScript_1E9660:: @ 81E9660 call DewfordTown_EventScript_271E95 setobjectpriority 2, DEWFORD_TOWN, 0 setobjectpriority 255, DEWFORD_TOWN, 0 applymovement 2, DewfordTown_Movement_1E991D waitmovement 0 removeobject 2 applymovement 255, DewfordTown_Movement_1E9911 waitmovement 0 hideobjectat 255, DEWFORD_TOWN call DewfordTown_EventScript_2720A0 applymovement 4, DewfordTown_Movement_1E97A2 applymovement 255, DewfordTown_Movement_1E97A2 waitmovement 0 showobjectat 255, ROUTE_104 call DewfordTown_EventScript_2720A8 applymovement 255, DewfordTown_Movement_1E9914 waitmovement 0 showobjectat 255, ROUTE_104 clearflag FLAG_0x2E3 clearflag FLAG_0x371 clearflag FLAG_0x2E6 setflag FLAG_0x2E7 hideobjectat 4, DEWFORD_TOWN setvar VAR_0x408E, 2 resetobjectpriority 255, DEWFORD_TOWN warp ROUTE_104_MR_BRINEYS_HOUSE, 255, 5, 4 copyvar VAR_0x4096, VAR_0x8008 waitstate release end DewfordTown_EventScript_1E96E7:: @ 81E96E7 call DewfordTown_EventScript_271E95 setobjectpriority 2, DEWFORD_TOWN, 0 setobjectpriority 255, DEWFORD_TOWN, 1 applymovement 2, DewfordTown_Movement_1E991D waitmovement 0 removeobject 2 applymovement 255, DewfordTown_Movement_1E9911 waitmovement 0 hideobjectat 255, DEWFORD_TOWN call DewfordTown_EventScript_2720A0 applymovement 4, DewfordTown_Movement_1E9865 applymovement 255, DewfordTown_Movement_1E9865 waitmovement 0 call DewfordTown_EventScript_2720A8 showobjectat 255, ROUTE_109 applymovement 255, DewfordTown_Movement_1E9918 waitmovement 0 setobjectxyperm 2, 21, 26 addobject 2 setobjectpriority 2, ROUTE_109, 0 applymovement 2, DewfordTown_Movement_1E991F waitmovement 0 clearflag FLAG_0x2E5 addobject 1 clearflag FLAG_0x2E8 setflag FLAG_0x2E7 hideobjectat 4, DEWFORD_TOWN checkflag FLAG_0x095 call_if 0, DewfordTown_EventScript_1E9790 checkflag FLAG_0x095 call_if 1, DewfordTown_EventScript_1E9799 closemessage copyvar VAR_0x4096, VAR_0x8008 resetobjectpriority 255, DEWFORD_TOWN resetobjectpriority 2, ROUTE_109 moveobjectoffscreen 2 release end DewfordTown_EventScript_1E9790:: @ 81E9790 msgbox DewfordTown_Text_1EEC1D, 4 return DewfordTown_EventScript_1E9799:: @ 81E9799 msgbox DewfordTown_Text_1EEDA7, 4 return DewfordTown_Movement_1E97A2: @ 81E97A2 walk_up walk_up walk_fast_up walk_fast_up walk_fast_up walk_fast_up walk_fast_up walk_fast_up walk_fast_up walk_fast_up walk_fast_up walk_fast_up walk_fast_up walk_fast_up walk_fast_up walk_fast_up walk_fast_up walk_up walk_up walk_left walk_left walk_fast_left walk_fast_left 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DewfordTown_Movement_1E9911: @ 81E9911 walk_right walk_up step_end DewfordTown_Movement_1E9914: @ 81E9914 walk_up walk_up walk_up step_end DewfordTown_Movement_1E9918: @ 81E9918 walk_up walk_up walk_up walk_in_place_fastest_down step_end DewfordTown_Movement_1E991D: @ 81E991D walk_up step_end DewfordTown_Movement_1E991F: @ 81E991F walk_up walk_up step_end DewfordTown_EventScript_1E9922:: @ 81E9922 lock faceplayer call DewfordTown_EventScript_271E8B msgbox DewfordTown_Text_1EA136, 5 compare VAR_RESULT, 1 goto_eq DewfordTown_EventScript_1E9948 compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_eq DewfordTown_EventScript_1E9952 end DewfordTown_EventScript_1E9948:: @ 81E9948 msgbox DewfordTown_Text_1EA491, 4 release end DewfordTown_EventScript_1E9952:: @ 81E9952 msgbox DewfordTown_Text_1EA242, 4 setvar VAR_0x8004, 9 call DewfordTown_EventScript_271E7C lock faceplayer compare VAR_RESULT, 1 goto_eq DewfordTown_EventScript_1E997D compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_eq DewfordTown_EventScript_1E9994 end DewfordTown_EventScript_1E997D:: @ 81E997D incrementgamestat 2 compare VAR_0x8004, 0 goto_eq DewfordTown_EventScript_1E999E msgbox DewfordTown_Text_1EA2AA, 4 release end DewfordTown_EventScript_1E9994:: @ 81E9994 msgbox DewfordTown_Text_1EA443, 4 release end DewfordTown_EventScript_1E999E:: @ 81E999E msgbox DewfordTown_Text_1EA3FE, 4 release end DewfordTown_Text_1E99A8: @ 81E99A8 .string "DEWFORD is a tiny island community.\n" .string "If something gets trendy here,\l" .string "everyone picks up on it right away.$" DewfordTown_Text_1E9A0F: @ 81E9A0F .string "DEWFORD TOWN\n" .string "“A tiny island in the blue sea.”$" DewfordTown_Text_1E9A3D: @ 81E9A3D .string "DEWFORD TOWN POKéMON GYM\n" .string "LEADER: BRAWLY\l" .string "“A big wave in fighting!”$" DewfordTown_Text_1E9A7F: @ 81E9A7F .string "DEWFORD HALL\n" .string "“Everyone’s information exchange!”$" Route104_Text_1E9AAF: @ 81E9AAF .string "MR. BRINEY: Ahoy!\n" .string "We’ve hit land in DEWFORD.\p" .string "I suppose you’re off to deliver that\n" .string "LETTER to, who was it now, STEVEN!$" DewfordTown_Text_1E9B24: @ 81E9B24 .string "MR. BRINEY: Have you delivered your\n" .string "LETTER?\p" .string "Or were you meaning to sail back to\n" .string "PETALBURG?$" DewfordTown_Text_1E9B7F: @ 81E9B7F .string "MR. BRINEY: PETALBURG it is, then!\p" .string "Anchors aweigh!\n" .string "PEEKO, we’re setting sail, my darling!$" DewfordTown_Text_1E9BD9: @ 81E9BD9 .string "MR. BRINEY: Then you go on and deliver\n" .string "the LETTER. I’ll be waiting.$" Route104_Text_1E9C1D: @ 81E9C1D Route109_Text_1E9C1D: @ 81E9C1D .string "MR. BRINEY: Ahoy!\n" .string "We’ve hit land in DEWFORD!\p" .string "You just go on and tell me whenever\n" .string "you want to set sail again!$" DewfordTown_Text_1E9C8A: @ 81E9C8A .string "MR. BRINEY: Ahoy!\n" .string "For you, I’ll go out to sea anytime!\p" .string "Now, my friend, where are we bound?$" DewfordTown_Text_1E9CE5: @ 81E9CE5 .string "MR. BRINEY: PETALBURG, is it?\p" .string "Anchors aweigh!\n" .string "PEEKO, we’re setting sail, my darling!$" DewfordTown_Text_1E9D3A: @ 81E9D3A .string "MR. BRINEY: SLATEPORT, is it?\p" .string "Anchors aweigh!\n" .string "PEEKO, we’re setting sail, my darling!$" DewfordTown_Text_1E9D8F: @ 81E9D8F .string "MR. BRINEY: You just tell me whenever\n" .string "you need to set sail again!$" DewfordTown_Text_1E9DD1: @ 81E9DD1 .string "This is a renowned fishing spot.\n" .string "Are you getting the itch to fish?$" DewfordTown_Text_1E9E14: @ 81E9E14 .string "I hear you, and I like what\n" .string "you’re saying!\p" .string "I’ll give you one of my fishing RODS.$" DewfordTown_Text_1E9E65: @ 81E9E65 .string "And, as an added bonus, I’ll even throw\n" .string "in a little fishing advice!\p" .string "First, you want to face the water,\n" .string "then use the ROD.\p" .string "Focus your mind…\n" .string "If you get a bite, pull on the ROD.\p" .string "Sometimes you can snag something\n" .string "immediately, but with bigger catches,\l" .string "you need to time the pulls on your ROD\l" .string "to haul them in.$" DewfordTown_Text_1E9F92: @ 81E9F92 .string "Oh, is that so?\n" .string "That’s too bad, then.$" DewfordTown_Text_1E9FB8: @ 81E9FB8 .string "Yo!\n" .string "How’s your fishing?$" DewfordTown_Text_1E9FD0: @ 81E9FD0 .string "Is that right! That’s great!\n" .string "Haul in some big ones!$" DewfordTown_Text_1EA004: @ 81EA004 .string "Oh, hey, don’t get down on yourself!\n" .string "I’ll give you a little fishing advice.\p" .string "First, you want to face the water,\n" .string "then use the ROD.\p" .string "Focus your mind…\n" .string "If you get a bite, pull the ROD.\p" .string "Sometimes you can snag something\n" .string "immediately, but with bigger catches,\l" .string "you need to time the pulls on your ROD\l" .string "to haul them in.$" DewfordTown_Text_1EA136: @ 81EA136 .string "I like what’s hip, happening, and trendy.\n" .string "I’m always checking it out.\p" .string "Listen, have you heard about this new\n" .string "“{STR_VAR_1}”?\p" .string "That’s right!\n" .string "Of course you know!\p" .string "I mean, sheesh,\n" .string "“{STR_VAR_1}”…\l" .string "It’s the hottest thing in cool!\p" .string "Wherever you’re from,\n" .string "“{STR_VAR_1}”\l" .string "is the biggest happening thing, right?$" DewfordTown_Text_1EA242: @ 81EA242 .string "Hunh?\n" .string "It’s not the hip and happening thing?\p" .string "Well, hey, you have to tell me,\n" .string "what’s new and what’s “in”?$" DewfordTown_Text_1EA2AA: @ 81EA2AA .string "Hunh?\n" .string "“{STR_VAR_2}”?\p" .string "… …\p" .string "…Uh… Yeah! That’s right!\n" .string "Yeah, I knew that! Knew it all along!\p" .string "Of course I know about that!\n" .string "“{STR_VAR_2},” right?\p" .string "Yeah, that’s it, it’s there!\n" .string "Isn’t “{STR_VAR_2}”\l" .string "the coolest, or what?\p" .string "It’s the hippest thing in hip.\n" .string "You think I’d not know about it?\p" .string "“{STR_VAR_1}”…\n" .string "It’s, like, so five minutes ago.\p" .string "Now, “{STR_VAR_2}” is\n" .string "what’s vital and in tune with the times!$" DewfordTown_Text_1EA3FE: @ 81EA3FE .string "Hmm…\n" .string "“{STR_VAR_2},” huh?\p" .string "But personally, I think\n" .string "“{STR_VAR_1}”\l" .string "is what’s real in cool.$" DewfordTown_Text_1EA443: @ 81EA443 .string "Well, if you hear of any happening new\n" .string "trends, come share them with me, okay?$" DewfordTown_Text_1EA491: @ 81EA491 .string "Yeah, absolutely right!\p" .string "“{STR_VAR_1}” is the\n" .string "definition of “in” right now.$"