Route128_MapScripts:: @ 81F6B38 map_script 3, Route128_MapScript1_1F6B43 map_script 2, Route128_MapScript2_1F6B4D .byte 0 Route128_MapScript1_1F6B43: @ 81F6B43 call_if_set FLAG_SYS_WEATHER_CTRL, Route128_EventScript_27207A end Route128_MapScript2_1F6B4D: @ 81F6B4D map_script_2 VAR_ROUTE128_STATE, 1, Route128_EventScript_1F6B57 .2byte 0 Route128_EventScript_1F6B57:: @ 81F6B57 lockall delay 20 applymovement 4, Route128_Movement_1F6C89 waitmovement 0 msgbox Route128_Text_1F6DF5, MSGBOX_DEFAULT closemessage applymovement 4, Route128_Movement_1F6C91 waitmovement 0 msgbox Route128_Text_1F6E48, MSGBOX_DEFAULT closemessage applymovement 5, Route128_Movement_1F6CAD waitmovement 0 applymovement 4, Route128_Movement_2725A6 waitmovement 0 msgbox Route128_Text_1F6E5A, MSGBOX_DEFAULT closemessage applymovement 5, Route128_Movement_1F6CBB waitmovement 0 applymovement EVENT_OBJ_ID_PLAYER, Route128_Movement_2725A6 waitmovement 0 msgbox Route128_Text_1F6F1E, MSGBOX_DEFAULT closemessage applymovement 4, Route128_Movement_1F6C96 applymovement EVENT_OBJ_ID_PLAYER, Route128_Movement_2725A4 applymovement 5, Route128_Movement_1F6CA8 waitmovement 0 msgbox Route128_Text_1F704F, MSGBOX_DEFAULT closemessage delay 40 applymovement 5, Route128_Movement_1F6CB0 applymovement 4, Route128_Movement_1F6C9B waitmovement 0 removeobject 5 removeobject 4 delay 100 setfieldeffectargument 0, 1 dofieldeffect 30 waitfieldeffect 30 addobject 3 applymovement 3, Route128_Movement_1F6C87 waitmovement 0 applymovement EVENT_OBJ_ID_PLAYER, Route128_Movement_2725A8 waitmovement 0 msgbox Route128_Text_1F70C9, MSGBOX_DEFAULT closemessage applymovement 3, Route128_Movement_1F6C85 applymovement EVENT_OBJ_ID_PLAYER, Route128_Movement_2725A6 waitmovement 0 msgbox Route128_Text_1F70EA, MSGBOX_DEFAULT applymovement 3, Route128_Movement_2725AA waitmovement 0 msgbox Route128_Text_1F721B, MSGBOX_DEFAULT closemessage applymovement 3, Route128_Movement_2725AA waitmovement 0 delay 50 setfieldeffectargument 0, 1 dofieldeffect 30 delay 15 removeobject 3 waitfieldeffect 30 clearflag FLAG_SPECIAL_FLAG_0x4000 setvar VAR_ROUTE128_STATE, 2 releaseall end Route128_Movement_1F6C76: @ 81F6C76 walk_fast_left step_end Route128_Movement_1F6C78: @ 81F6C78 walk_left walk_left walk_left walk_left walk_left walk_left walk_up walk_up walk_up walk_up walk_up walk_up step_end Route128_Movement_1F6C85: @ 81F6C85 walk_up step_end Route128_Movement_1F6C87: @ 81F6C87 walk_fast_left step_end Route128_Movement_1F6C89: @ 81F6C89 walk_fast_down walk_in_place_fastest_left delay_16 walk_in_place_fastest_right delay_16 delay_16 walk_in_place_fastest_down step_end Route128_Movement_1F6C91: @ 81F6C91 lock_facing_direction walk_slow_up delay_16 unlock_facing_direction step_end Route128_Movement_1F6C96: @ 81F6C96 walk_fast_left walk_fast_left walk_fast_left walk_in_place_fastest_right step_end Route128_Movement_1F6C9B: @ 81F6C9B delay_16 delay_16 walk_fast_up walk_fast_left walk_fast_up walk_fast_up walk_fast_up walk_fast_up walk_fast_up walk_fast_up walk_fast_up walk_fast_up step_end Route128_Movement_1F6CA8: @ 81F6CA8 walk_left walk_left delay_8 delay_4 step_end Route128_Movement_1F6CAD: @ 81F6CAD walk_left walk_in_place_fastest_down step_end Route128_Movement_1F6CB0: @ 81F6CB0 walk_fast_left walk_fast_left walk_fast_left walk_fast_up walk_fast_up walk_fast_up walk_fast_up walk_fast_up walk_fast_up walk_fast_up step_end Route128_Movement_1F6CBB: @ 81F6CBB walk_right walk_in_place_fastest_down step_end Route128_EventScript_1F6CBE:: @ 81F6CBE trainerbattle_single TRAINER_ISAIAH_1, Route128_Text_2A287F, Route128_Text_2A28AB, Route128_EventScript_1F6CEA specialvar VAR_RESULT, ShouldTryRematchBattle compare VAR_RESULT, 1 goto_if_eq Route128_EventScript_1F6D09 msgbox Route128_Text_2A28D7, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end Route128_EventScript_1F6CEA:: @ 81F6CEA special sub_80B4808 waitmovement 0 msgbox Route128_Text_2A2916, MSGBOX_DEFAULT register_matchcall TRAINER_ISAIAH_1 release end Route128_EventScript_1F6D09:: @ 81F6D09 trainerbattle_rematch TRAINER_ISAIAH_1, Route128_Text_2A2975, Route128_Text_2A29B8 msgbox Route128_Text_2A29DC, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end Route128_EventScript_1F6D20:: @ 81F6D20 trainerbattle_single TRAINER_KATELYN_1, Route128_Text_2A2A1F, Route128_Text_2A2A94, Route128_EventScript_1F6D4C specialvar VAR_RESULT, ShouldTryRematchBattle compare VAR_RESULT, 1 goto_if_eq Route128_EventScript_1F6D6B msgbox Route128_Text_2A2AB7, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end Route128_EventScript_1F6D4C:: @ 81F6D4C special sub_80B4808 waitmovement 0 msgbox Route128_Text_2A2AF9, MSGBOX_DEFAULT register_matchcall TRAINER_KATELYN_1 release end Route128_EventScript_1F6D6B:: @ 81F6D6B trainerbattle_rematch TRAINER_KATELYN_1, Route128_Text_2A2B41, Route128_Text_2A2BAB msgbox Route128_Text_2A2BDD, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end Route128_EventScript_1F6D82:: @ 81F6D82 trainerbattle_single TRAINER_ALEXA, Route128_Text_2A2C1C, Route128_Text_2A2C79 msgbox Route128_Text_2A2C95, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end Route128_EventScript_1F6D99:: @ 81F6D99 trainerbattle_single TRAINER_RUBEN, Route128_Text_2A2CD9, Route128_Text_2A2CFE msgbox Route128_Text_2A2D0D, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end Route128_EventScript_1F6DB0:: @ 81F6DB0 trainerbattle_single TRAINER_WAYNE, Route128_Text_2A2D3D, Route128_Text_2A2DA9 msgbox Route128_Text_2A2DBA, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end Route128_EventScript_1F6DC7:: @ 81F6DC7 trainerbattle_single TRAINER_HARRISON, Route128_Text_2A2E0F, Route128_Text_2A2E44 msgbox Route128_Text_2A2E6C, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end Route128_EventScript_1F6DDE:: @ 81F6DDE trainerbattle_single TRAINER_CARLEE, Route128_Text_2A2EC8, Route128_Text_2A2EFA msgbox Route128_Text_2A2F2F, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end Route128_Text_1F6DF5: @ 81F6DF5 .string "ARCHIE: What happened…\n" .string "What is this wretched scene…\p" .string "Did I…make a horrible mistake?$" Route128_Text_1F6E48: @ 81F6E48 .string "I…\n" .string "I only wanted…$" Route128_Text_1F6E5A: @ 81F6E5A .string "MAXIE: Do you understand now,\n" .string "ARCHIE?\p" .string "Do you finally see how disastrous\n" .string "your dream turned out to be?\p" .string "We have to hurry! We have to do\n" .string "something before the situation goes\l" .string "completely out of control!$" Route128_Text_1F6F1E: @ 81F6F1E .string "MAXIE: {PLAYER}, don't say anything.\p" .string "I know that I have no right to be\n" .string "critical of ARCHIE…\p" .string "But the way things are now, I doubt\n" .string "that we humans will be capable of\l" .string "doing anything about it.\p" .string "But neither can we stand by and\n" .string "just watch helplessly.\p" .string "The responsibility for putting an end\n" .string "to this falls to ARCHIE and me…$" Route128_Text_1F704F: @ 81F704F .string "MAXIE: This defies belief…\p" .string "Those super-ancient POKéMON…\p" .string "Their power is unbelievable.\n" .string "They've upset the balance of nature…$" Route128_Text_1F70C9: @ 81F70C9 .string "STEVEN: {PLAYER}{KUN}!\n" .string "What is happening?$" Route128_Text_1F70EA: @ 81F70EA .string "This is terrible…\p" .string "After the scorching heat wave ended,\n" .string "this deluge began.\p" .string "If this doesn't stop, all of HOENN…\n" .string "No, the whole world will drown.\p" .string "This huge rain cloud is spreading\n" .string "from above SOOTOPOLIS…\p" .string "What in the world is taking place there?\p" .string "There's no point arguing here…\n" .string "SOOTOPOLIS might provide answers…$" Route128_Text_1F721B: @ 81F721B .string "{PLAYER}{KUN}…\n" .string "I don't know what you intend to do,\l" .string "but don't do anything reckless.\p" .string "Okay.\n" .string "I'm going to SOOTOPOLIS.$"