@ Only contains a portion of the mauville_man text. The rest is in scripts/mauville_man.inc
gText_SoPretty:: @ 8294295
	.string " so pretty!$"

gText_SoDarling:: @ 82942A1
	.string " so darling!$"

gText_SoRelaxed:: @ 82942AE
	.string " so relaxed!$"

gText_SoSunny:: @ 82942BB
	.string " so sunny!$"

gText_SoDesirable:: @ 82942C6
	.string " so desirable!$"

gText_SoExciting:: @ 82942D5
	.string " so exciting!$"

gText_SoAmusing:: @ 82942E3
	.string " so amusing!$"

gText_SoMagical:: @ 82942F0
	.string " so magical!$"

gOtherText_Is:: @ 82942FD
	.string " is$"

gOtherText_DontYouAgree:: @ 8294301
	.string "\n"
	.string "Don't you agree?$"

gMauvilleManText_ISoWantToGoOnAVacation:: @ 8294313
	.string "I so want to go on a vacation.\n"
	.string "Would you happen to know a nice place?$"

gMauvilleManText_IBoughtCrayonsWith120Colors:: @ 8294359
	.string "I bought crayons with 120 colors!\n"
	.string "Don't you think that's nice?$"

gMauvilleManText_WouldntItBeNiceIfWeCouldFloat:: @ 8294398
	.string "Wouldn't it be nice if we could float\n"
	.string "away on a cloud of bubbles?$"

gMauvilleManText_WhenYouWriteOnASandyBeach:: @ 82943DA
	.string "When you write on a sandy beach,\n"
	.string "they wash away. It makes me sad.$"

gMauvilleManText_WhatsTheBottomOfTheSeaLike:: @ 829441C
	.string "What's the bottom of the sea like?\n"
	.string "Just once I would so love to go!$"

gMauvilleManText_WhenYouSeeTheSettingSunDoesIt:: @ 8294460
	.string "When you see the setting sun, does it\n"
	.string "make you want to go home?$"

gMauvilleManText_LyingBackInTheGreenGrass:: @ 82944A0
	.string "Lying back in the green grass…\n"
	.string "Oh, it's so, so nice!$"

gMauvilleManText_SecretBasesAreSoWonderful:: @ 82944D5
	.string "SECRET BASES are so wonderful!\n"
	.string "Can't you feel the excitement?$"