FortreeCity_House1_MapScripts:: @ 82162BA .byte 0 FortreeCity_House1_EventScript_2162BB:: @ 82162BB lock faceplayer goto_if_set FLAG_FORTREE_NPC_TRADE_COMPLETED, FortreeCity_House1_EventScript_216355 setvar VAR_0x8008, INGAME_TRADE_PLUSLE copyvar VAR_0x8004, VAR_0x8008 specialvar VAR_RESULT, GetInGameTradeSpeciesInfo copyvar VAR_0x8009, VAR_RESULT msgbox FortreeCity_House1_Text_21637B, MSGBOX_YESNO compare VAR_RESULT, NO goto_if_eq FortreeCity_House1_EventScript_21633D special ChoosePartyMon waitstate copyvar VAR_0x800A, VAR_0x8004 compare VAR_0x8004, 255 goto_if_eq FortreeCity_House1_EventScript_21633D copyvar VAR_0x8005, VAR_0x800A specialvar VAR_RESULT, GetTradeSpecies copyvar VAR_0x800B, VAR_RESULT compare VAR_RESULT, VAR_0x8009 goto_if_ne FortreeCity_House1_EventScript_216347 copyvar VAR_0x8004, VAR_0x8008 copyvar VAR_0x8005, VAR_0x800A special CreateInGameTradePokemon special DoInGameTradeScene waitstate bufferspeciesname 0, VAR_0x8009 msgbox FortreeCity_House1_Text_216440, MSGBOX_DEFAULT setflag FLAG_FORTREE_NPC_TRADE_COMPLETED release end FortreeCity_House1_EventScript_21633D:: @ 821633D msgbox FortreeCity_House1_Text_21649F, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end FortreeCity_House1_EventScript_216347:: @ 8216347 bufferspeciesname 0, VAR_0x8009 msgbox FortreeCity_House1_Text_216474, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end FortreeCity_House1_EventScript_216355:: @ 8216355 msgbox FortreeCity_House1_Text_2164DB, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end FortreeCity_House1_EventScript_21635F:: @ 821635F msgbox FortreeCity_House1_Text_21653B, MSGBOX_NPC end FortreeCity_House1_EventScript_216368:: @ 8216368 lock faceplayer waitse playmoncry SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON, 0 msgbox FortreeCity_House1_Text_216597, MSGBOX_DEFAULT waitmoncry release end FortreeCity_House1_Text_21637B: @ 821637B .string "Wrooooaaar! I need it!\n" .string "I have to get me a {STR_VAR_1}!\l" .string "I'll do anything for it!\p" .string "…Uh… Did you hear that?\n" .string "My shout from the bottom of my heart?\p" .string "Having heard that, you will trade\n" .string "your {STR_VAR_1} for my {STR_VAR_2},\l" .string "won't you?$" FortreeCity_House1_Text_216440: @ 8216440 .string "Oh, yeah, right on!\p" .string "{STR_VAR_1}, welcome!\n" .string "{STR_VAR_2}, you take care!$" FortreeCity_House1_Text_216474: @ 8216474 .string "Uh, no, I don't think so.\n" .string "That isn't a {STR_VAR_1}.$" FortreeCity_House1_Text_21649F: @ 821649F .string "No? You won't trade me?\n" .string "Even after I bared my heart to you?$" FortreeCity_House1_Text_2164DB: @ 82164DB .string "I'm going to make VOLBEAT super\n" .string "strong from this moment on!\p" .string "I hope you do the same with PLUSLE!$" FortreeCity_House1_Text_21653B: @ 821653B .string "Trading POKéMON with others…\p" .string "It's as if you're trading your own\n" .string "memories with other people.$" FortreeCity_House1_Text_216597: @ 8216597 .string "ZIGZAGOON: Gumomoh?$"