#include "global.h" #include "test/battle.h" ASSUMPTIONS { ASSUME(B_INTREPID_SWORD == GEN_9); } SINGLE_BATTLE_TEST("Intrepid Sword raises Attack by one stage") { GIVEN { PLAYER(SPECIES_WOBBUFFET); OPPONENT(SPECIES_ZACIAN) { Ability(ABILITY_INTREPID_SWORD); } } WHEN { TURN { } } SCENE { ABILITY_POPUP(opponent, ABILITY_INTREPID_SWORD); ANIMATION(ANIM_TYPE_GENERAL, B_ANIM_STATS_CHANGE, opponent); MESSAGE("The opposing Zacian's Intrepid Sword raised its Attack!"); } THEN { EXPECT_EQ(opponent->statStages[STAT_ATK], DEFAULT_STAT_STAGE + 1); } } SINGLE_BATTLE_TEST("Intrepid Sword raises Attack by one stage only once per battle") { GIVEN { PLAYER(SPECIES_WOBBUFFET); OPPONENT(SPECIES_ZACIAN) { Ability(ABILITY_INTREPID_SWORD); } OPPONENT(SPECIES_WYNAUT); } WHEN { TURN { SWITCH(opponent, 1); } TURN { SWITCH(opponent, 0); } } SCENE { ABILITY_POPUP(opponent, ABILITY_INTREPID_SWORD); ANIMATION(ANIM_TYPE_GENERAL, B_ANIM_STATS_CHANGE, opponent); MESSAGE("The opposing Zacian's Intrepid Sword raised its Attack!"); NONE_OF { ABILITY_POPUP(opponent, ABILITY_INTREPID_SWORD); ANIMATION(ANIM_TYPE_GENERAL, B_ANIM_STATS_CHANGE, opponent); MESSAGE("The opposing Zacian's Intrepid Sword raised its Attack!"); } } THEN { EXPECT_EQ(opponent->statStages[STAT_ATK], DEFAULT_STAT_STAGE); } } SINGLE_BATTLE_TEST("Intrepid Sword activates when it's no longer effected by Neutralizing Gas") { GIVEN { PLAYER(SPECIES_WEEZING) { Ability(ABILITY_NEUTRALIZING_GAS); } PLAYER(SPECIES_WOBBUFFET); OPPONENT(SPECIES_ZACIAN) { Ability(ABILITY_INTREPID_SWORD); } } WHEN { TURN { SWITCH(player, 1); } } SCENE { ABILITY_POPUP(player, ABILITY_NEUTRALIZING_GAS); MESSAGE("Neutralizing gas filled the area!"); SWITCH_OUT_MESSAGE("Weezing"); MESSAGE("The effects of the neutralizing gas wore off!"); ABILITY_POPUP(opponent, ABILITY_INTREPID_SWORD); ANIMATION(ANIM_TYPE_GENERAL, B_ANIM_STATS_CHANGE, opponent); MESSAGE("The opposing Zacian's Intrepid Sword raised its Attack!"); } } SINGLE_BATTLE_TEST("Intrepid Sword and Dauntless Shield both can be Skill Swapped and active their effects on the Skill Swap user") { GIVEN { ASSUME(gMovesInfo[MOVE_SKILL_SWAP].effect == EFFECT_SKILL_SWAP); PLAYER(SPECIES_WOBBUFFET); OPPONENT(SPECIES_ZACIAN) { Ability(ABILITY_INTREPID_SWORD); } OPPONENT(SPECIES_ZAMAZENTA) { Ability(ABILITY_DAUNTLESS_SHIELD); } } WHEN { TURN { MOVE(player, MOVE_SKILL_SWAP); } TURN { SWITCH(opponent, 1); MOVE(player, MOVE_SKILL_SWAP); } } SCENE { ABILITY_POPUP(opponent, ABILITY_INTREPID_SWORD); ANIMATION(ANIM_TYPE_GENERAL, B_ANIM_STATS_CHANGE, opponent); MESSAGE("The opposing Zacian's Intrepid Sword raised its Attack!"); ANIMATION(ANIM_TYPE_MOVE, MOVE_SKILL_SWAP, player); ABILITY_POPUP(player, ABILITY_INTREPID_SWORD); ANIMATION(ANIM_TYPE_GENERAL, B_ANIM_STATS_CHANGE, player); MESSAGE("Wobbuffet's Intrepid Sword raised its Attack!"); ABILITY_POPUP(opponent, ABILITY_DAUNTLESS_SHIELD); ANIMATION(ANIM_TYPE_GENERAL, B_ANIM_STATS_CHANGE, opponent); MESSAGE("The opposing Zamazenta's Dauntless Shield raised its Defense!"); ANIMATION(ANIM_TYPE_MOVE, MOVE_SKILL_SWAP, player); ABILITY_POPUP(player, ABILITY_DAUNTLESS_SHIELD); ANIMATION(ANIM_TYPE_GENERAL, B_ANIM_STATS_CHANGE, player); MESSAGE("Wobbuffet's Dauntless Shield raised its Defense!"); } }