MauvilleCity_MapScripts:: @ 81DF385 map_script MAP_SCRIPT_ON_TRANSITION, MauvilleCity_OnTransition .byte 0 MauvilleCity_OnTransition: @ 81DF38B setflag FLAG_VISITED_MAUVILLE_CITY clearflag FLAG_FORCE_MIRAGE_TOWER_VISIBLE clearflag FLAG_HIDE_SLATEPORT_MUSEUM_POPULATION setflag FLAG_SYS_TV_START clearflag FLAG_MAUVILLE_GYM_BARRIERS_STATE setvar VAR_MAUVILLE_GYM_STATE, 0 call_if_set FLAG_GOT_TM24_FROM_WATTSON, MauvilleCity_EventScript_MoveWattsonBackToGym end MauvilleCity_EventScript_MoveWattsonBackToGym:: @ 81DF3A9 clearflag FLAG_HIDE_MAUVILLE_GYM_WATTSON setflag FLAG_HIDE_MAUVILLE_CITY_WATTSON setflag FLAG_WATTSON_REMATCH_AVAILABLE return MauvilleCity_EventScript_Boy:: @ 81DF3B3 msgbox MauvilleCity_Text_NurseHurtMonBackToHealth, MSGBOX_NPC end MauvilleCity_EventScript_Maniac:: @ 81DF3BC msgbox MauvilleCity_Text_AllSortsOfPeopleComeThrough, MSGBOX_NPC end MauvilleCity_EventScript_Woman:: @ 81DF3C5 msgbox MauvilleCity_Text_RydelVeryGenerous, MSGBOX_NPC end MauvilleCity_EventScript_RichBoy:: @ 81DF3CE msgbox MauvilleCity_Text_PokemonCanJumpYouOnBike, MSGBOX_NPC end MauvilleCity_EventScript_CitySign:: @ 81DF3D7 msgbox MauvilleCity_Text_CitySign, MSGBOX_SIGN end MauvilleCity_EventScript_GymSign:: @ 81DF3E0 msgbox MauvilleCity_Text_GymSign, MSGBOX_SIGN end MauvilleCity_EventScript_BikeShopSign:: @ 81DF3E9 msgbox MauvilleCity_Text_BikeShopSign, MSGBOX_SIGN end MauvilleCity_EventScript_GameCornerSign:: @ 81DF3F2 msgbox MauvilleCity_Text_GameCornerSign, MSGBOX_SIGN end MauvilleCity_EventScript_SchoolKidM:: @ 81DF3FB lock faceplayer goto_if_set FLAG_TV_EXPLAINED, MauvilleCity_EventScript_TVExplained msgbox MauvilleCity_Text_ExplainTV, MSGBOX_DEFAULT setflag FLAG_TV_EXPLAINED release end MauvilleCity_EventScript_TVExplained:: @ 81DF413 msgbox MauvilleCity_Text_BeenCheckingOutTV, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end MauvilleCity_EventScript_WallysUncle:: @ 81DF41D lock faceplayer goto_if_set FLAG_DECLINED_WALLY_BATTLE_MAUVILLE, MauvilleCity_EventScript_UncleAskPlayerToBattleWally msgbox MauvilleCity_Text_UncleHesTooPeppy, MSGBOX_DEFAULT closemessage applymovement 7, Common_Movement_FaceOriginalDirection waitmovement 0 release end MauvilleCity_EventScript_UncleAskPlayerToBattleWally:: @ 81DF43D msgbox MauvilleCity_Text_UncleCanYouBattleWally, MSGBOX_DEFAULT closemessage applymovement 7, Common_Movement_FaceOriginalDirection waitmovement 0 release end MauvilleCity_EventScript_Wally:: @ 81DF452 lockall goto_if_set FLAG_DECLINED_WALLY_BATTLE_MAUVILLE, MauvilleCity_EventScript_WallyRequestBattleAgain applymovement 6, Common_Movement_WalkInPlaceFastestRight waitmovement 0 msgbox MauvilleCity_Text_WallyWantToChallengeGym, MSGBOX_DEFAULT msgbox MauvilleCity_Text_UncleYourePushingIt, MSGBOX_DEFAULT msgbox MauvilleCity_Text_WallyWeCanBeatAnyone, MSGBOX_DEFAULT applymovement 6, Common_Movement_FacePlayer waitmovement 0 playse SE_PIN applymovement 6, Common_Movement_ExclamationMark waitmovement 0 applymovement 6, Common_Movement_Delay48 waitmovement 0 msgbox MauvilleCity_Text_WallyWillYouBattleMe, MSGBOX_YESNO goto MauvilleCity_EventScript_BattleWallyPrompt end MauvilleCity_EventScript_BattleWallyPrompt:: @ 81DF4AD compare VAR_RESULT, YES call_if_eq MauvilleCity_EventScript_BattleWally compare VAR_RESULT, NO goto_if_eq MauvilleCity_EventScript_DeclineWallyBattle closemessage switch VAR_FACING case DIR_NORTH, MauvilleCity_EventScript_WallyAndUncleExitNorth case DIR_EAST, MauvilleCity_EventScript_WallyAndUncleExitEast end MauvilleCity_EventScript_WallyAndUncleExitNorth:: @ 81DF4E0 applymovement EVENT_OBJ_ID_PLAYER, MauvilleCity_Movement_PlayerWatchWallyExitNorth1 applymovement 6, MauvilleCity_Movement_WallyExitNorth1 applymovement 7, MauvilleCity_Movement_WallysUncleExitNorth1 waitmovement 0 applymovement 6, Common_Movement_WalkInPlaceFastestRight waitmovement 0 delay 30 applymovement EVENT_OBJ_ID_PLAYER, MauvilleCity_Movement_PlayerFaceUncleNorth applymovement 7, MauvilleCity_Movement_WallysUncleApproachPlayerNorth waitmovement 0 msgbox MauvilleCity_Text_UncleVisitUsSometime, MSGBOX_DEFAULT closemessage applymovement EVENT_OBJ_ID_PLAYER, MauvilleCity_Movement_PlayerWatchWallyExitNorth2 applymovement 7, MauvilleCity_Movement_WallysUncleExitNorth2 applymovement 6, MauvilleCity_Movement_WallyExitNorth2 waitmovement 0 goto MauvilleCity_EventScript_DefeatedWally end MauvilleCity_EventScript_WallyAndUncleExitEast:: @ 81DF53D applymovement EVENT_OBJ_ID_PLAYER, MauvilleCity_Movement_PlayerWatchWallyExitEast1 applymovement 6, MauvilleCity_Movement_WallyExitEast1 applymovement 7, MauvilleCity_Movement_WallysUncleExitEast1 waitmovement 0 applymovement 6, Common_Movement_WalkInPlaceFastestRight waitmovement 0 delay 30 applymovement 7, MauvilleCity_Movement_WallysUncleApproachPlayerEast waitmovement 0 msgbox MauvilleCity_Text_UncleVisitUsSometime, MSGBOX_DEFAULT closemessage applymovement EVENT_OBJ_ID_PLAYER, MauvilleCity_Movement_PlayerWatchWallyExitEast2 applymovement 7, MauvilleCity_Movement_WallysUncleExitEast2 applymovement 6, MauvilleCity_Movement_WallyExitEast2 waitmovement 0 goto MauvilleCity_EventScript_DefeatedWally end MauvilleCity_EventScript_DefeatedWally:: @ 81DF593 removeobject 6 removeobject 7 clearflag FLAG_HIDE_VERDANTURF_TOWN_WANDAS_HOUSE_WALLY clearflag FLAG_HIDE_VERDANTURF_TOWN_WANDAS_HOUSE_WALLYS_UNCLE setflag FLAG_DEFEATED_WALLY_MAUVILLE setvar VAR_WALLY_CALL_STEP_COUNTER, 0 setflag FLAG_ENABLE_FIRST_WALLY_POKENAV_CALL compare VAR_FACING, DIR_NORTH call_if_eq MauvilleCity_EventScript_ScottApproachPlayerNorth compare VAR_FACING, DIR_EAST call_if_eq MauvilleCity_EventScript_ScottApproachPlayerEast applymovement EVENT_OBJ_ID_PLAYER, Common_Movement_WalkInPlaceFastestDown waitmovement 0 msgbox MauvilleCity_Text_ScottYouDidntHoldBack, MSGBOX_DEFAULT closemessage addvar VAR_SCOTT_STATE, 1 compare VAR_FACING, DIR_NORTH call_if_eq MauvilleCity_EventScript_ScottExitNorth compare VAR_FACING, DIR_EAST call_if_eq MauvilleCity_EventScript_ScottExitEast removeobject 11 releaseall end MauvilleCity_EventScript_ScottApproachPlayerNorth:: @ 81DF5F3 addobject 11 applymovement 11, MauvilleCity_Movement_ScottApproachPlayerNorth waitmovement 0 return MauvilleCity_EventScript_ScottApproachPlayerEast:: @ 81DF601 setobjectxyperm 11, 12, 13 addobject 11 applymovement 11, MauvilleCity_Movement_ScottApproachPlayerEast waitmovement 0 return MauvilleCity_EventScript_ScottExitNorth:: @ 81DF616 applymovement EVENT_OBJ_ID_PLAYER, MauvilleCity_Movement_PlayerWatchScottExitNorth applymovement 11, MauvilleCity_Movement_ScottExitNorth waitmovement 0 return MauvilleCity_EventScript_ScottExitEast:: @ 81DF628 applymovement EVENT_OBJ_ID_PLAYER, MauvilleCity_Movement_PlayerWatchScottExitEast applymovement 11, MauvilleCity_Movement_ScottExitEast waitmovement 0 return MauvilleCity_EventScript_BattleWally:: @ 81DF63A msgbox MauvilleCity_Text_WallyHereICome, MSGBOX_DEFAULT trainerbattle_no_intro TRAINER_WALLY_MAUVILLE, MauvilleCity_Text_WallyDefeat applymovement 6, Common_Movement_WalkInPlaceFastestRight waitmovement 0 msgbox MauvilleCity_Text_WallyIllGoBackToVerdanturf, MSGBOX_DEFAULT applymovement 6, Common_Movement_FacePlayer waitmovement 0 msgbox MauvilleCity_Text_ThankYouNotEnoughToBattle, MSGBOX_DEFAULT applymovement 6, Common_Movement_WalkInPlaceFastestRight waitmovement 0 msgbox MauvilleCity_Text_UncleNoNeedToBeDown, MSGBOX_DEFAULT return MauvilleCity_EventScript_DeclineWallyBattle:: @ 81DF683 setflag FLAG_DECLINED_WALLY_BATTLE_MAUVILLE msgbox MauvilleCity_Text_WallyMyUncleWontKnowImStrong, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end MauvilleCity_EventScript_WallyRequestBattleAgain:: @ 81DF690 applymovement 6, Common_Movement_FacePlayer waitmovement 0 msgbox MauvilleCity_Text_WallyPleaseBattleMe, MSGBOX_YESNO goto MauvilleCity_EventScript_BattleWallyPrompt end MauvilleCity_Movement_WallyExitNorth1: @ 81DF6A8 walk_left walk_left walk_down walk_down walk_left step_end MauvilleCity_Movement_WallyExitEast1: @ 81DF6AE walk_down walk_down walk_left walk_left walk_left step_end MauvilleCity_Movement_WallyExitNorth2: @ 81DF6B4 delay_16 delay_16 walk_left walk_left walk_left walk_left walk_left walk_left walk_left walk_left delay_8 step_end MauvilleCity_Movement_WallyExitEast2: @ 81DF6C0 delay_16 delay_16 walk_left walk_left walk_left walk_left walk_left walk_left walk_left walk_left delay_8 step_end MauvilleCity_Movement_PlayerWatchWallyExitNorth2: @ 81DF6CC delay_16 delay_8 walk_in_place_fastest_left step_end MauvilleCity_Movement_PlayerWatchWallyExitEast2: @ 81DF6D0 delay_16 delay_16 delay_16 walk_in_place_fastest_left step_end MauvilleCity_Movement_PlayerWatchScottExitNorth: @ 81DF6D5 delay_16 walk_in_place_fastest_left step_end MauvilleCity_Movement_PlayerWatchScottExitEast: @ 81DF6D8 delay_16 delay_16 walk_in_place_fastest_left step_end MauvilleCity_Movement_PlayerWatchWallyExitEast1: @ 81DF6DC delay_16 walk_in_place_fastest_down step_end MauvilleCity_Movement_PlayerWatchWallyExitNorth1: @ 81DF6DF delay_16 walk_in_place_fastest_left step_end MauvilleCity_Movement_WallysUncleExitNorth1: @ 81DF6E2 walk_left walk_left walk_left walk_down walk_down step_end MauvilleCity_Movement_WallysUncleExitEast1: @ 81DF6E8 walk_left walk_down walk_down walk_left walk_left step_end MauvilleCity_Movement_PlayerFaceUncleNorth: @ 81DF6EE delay_16 delay_8 delay_4 walk_in_place_fastest_down step_end MauvilleCity_Movement_WallysUncleApproachPlayerNorth: @ 81DF6F3 walk_right walk_right walk_in_place_fastest_up step_end MauvilleCity_Movement_WallysUncleApproachPlayerEast: @ 81DF6F7 walk_right walk_up step_end MauvilleCity_Movement_WallysUncleExitNorth2: @ 81DF6FA walk_left walk_left walk_left walk_left walk_left walk_left walk_left walk_left step_end MauvilleCity_Movement_WallysUncleExitEast2: @ 81DF703 walk_down walk_left walk_left walk_left walk_left walk_left walk_left walk_left walk_left step_end MauvilleCity_Movement_ScottApproachPlayerNorth: @ 81DF70D walk_up walk_up walk_up walk_up walk_up walk_up walk_left walk_left walk_left walk_left walk_in_place_fastest_up step_end MauvilleCity_Movement_ScottApproachPlayerEast: @ 81DF719 walk_up walk_up walk_up walk_up walk_up walk_left walk_left walk_left walk_left walk_left walk_up step_end MauvilleCity_Movement_ScottExitNorth: @ 81DF725 walk_left walk_left walk_left walk_left walk_left walk_left walk_left walk_left walk_left step_end MauvilleCity_Movement_ScottExitEast: @ 81DF72F walk_down walk_left walk_left walk_left walk_left walk_left walk_left walk_left walk_left walk_left step_end MauvilleCity_EventScript_Wattson:: @ 81DF73A lock faceplayer goto_if_set FLAG_GOT_TM24_FROM_WATTSON, MauvilleCity_EventScript_ReceivedThunderbolt compare VAR_NEW_MAUVILLE_STATE, 2 goto_if_eq MauvilleCity_EventScript_CompletedNewMauville goto_if_set FLAG_GOT_BASEMENT_KEY_FROM_WATTSON, MauvilleCity_EventScript_BegunNewMauville msgbox MauvilleCity_Text_WattsonNeedFavorTakeKey, MSGBOX_DEFAULT giveitem ITEM_BASEMENT_KEY setflag FLAG_GOT_BASEMENT_KEY_FROM_WATTSON msgbox MauvilleCity_Text_WattsonWontBeChallenge, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end MauvilleCity_EventScript_BegunNewMauville:: @ 81DF77A msgbox MauvilleCity_Text_WattsonWontBeChallenge, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end MauvilleCity_EventScript_CompletedNewMauville:: @ 81DF784 msgbox MauvilleCity_Text_WattsonThanksTakeTM, MSGBOX_DEFAULT giveitem ITEM_TM24 compare VAR_RESULT, FALSE goto_if_eq Common_EventScript_ShowBagIsFull setflag FLAG_GOT_TM24_FROM_WATTSON msgbox MauvilleCity_Text_WattsonYoungTakeCharge, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end MauvilleCity_EventScript_ReceivedThunderbolt:: @ 81DF7B0 msgbox MauvilleCity_Text_WattsonYoungTakeCharge, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end MauvilleCity_EventScript_RegisterWallyCall:: @ 81DF7BA lockall pokenavcall MauvilleCity_Text_WallyPokenavCall waitmessage delay 30 playfanfare MUS_ME_TORE_EYE msgbox MauvilleCity_Text_RegisteredWally, MSGBOX_DEFAULT waitfanfare closemessage delay 30 setflag FLAG_ENABLE_WALLY_MATCH_CALL clearflag FLAG_ENABLE_FIRST_WALLY_POKENAV_CALL releaseall end MauvilleCity_Text_UncleHesTooPeppy: @ 81DF7DC .string "UNCLE: It's because of POKéMON that\n" .string "this boy's got more pep, I suppose…\l" .string "But he's become a bit too peppy…$" MauvilleCity_Text_WallyWantToChallengeGym: @ 81DF845 .string "WALLY: Aww, UNCLE, please?\p" .string "I want to challenge this GYM and see\n" .string "how much better I've become.\p" .string "Please? May I, please?$" MauvilleCity_Text_UncleYourePushingIt: @ 81DF8B9 .string "UNCLE: Now hold on, WALLY.\p" .string "Since you started living with POKéMON,\n" .string "you have grown quite a lot stronger.\p" .string "But don't you think you're pushing it\n" .string "to suddenly challenge a GYM?$" MauvilleCity_Text_WallyWeCanBeatAnyone: @ 81DF963 .string "WALLY: I'm not pushing it.\p" .string "If I combine forces with RALTS,\n" .string "we can beat anyone!$" MauvilleCity_Text_WallyWillYouBattleMe: @ 81DF9B2 .string "WALLY: Oh! Hi, {PLAYER}!\p" .string "I've gotten a lot stronger since\n" .string "we met.\p" .string "{PLAYER}, I want you and my UNCLE to\n" .string "understand that.\p" .string "{PLAYER}, please, will you have\n" .string "a battle with me?$" MauvilleCity_Text_WallyMyUncleWontKnowImStrong: @ 81DFA4A .string "WALLY: Oh… If you won't battle me,\n" .string "{PLAYER}, my UNCLE won't know that I've\l" .string "become really strong.$" MauvilleCity_Text_UncleCanYouBattleWally: @ 81DFAA5 .string "UNCLE: {PLAYER}{KUN}, was it?\n" .string "On WALLY's behalf, can I ask you to\l" .string "battle with him just this once?\p" .string "I don't think he's going to listen to\n" .string "any reason the way he is now.$" MauvilleCity_Text_WallyPleaseBattleMe: @ 81DFB42 .string "WALLY: {PLAYER}, please!\n" .string "Battle with me, please.$" MauvilleCity_Text_WallyHereICome: @ 81DFB6D .string "WALLY: {PLAYER}, thank you.\p" .string "Okay… Here I come!$" MauvilleCity_Text_WallyDefeat: @ 81DFB96 .string "WALLY: … … … … … … …\p" .string "… … … … … … … …\p" .string "I lost…$" MauvilleCity_Text_WallyIllGoBackToVerdanturf: @ 81DFBC3 .string "WALLY: UNCLE…\n" .string "I'll go back to VERDANTURF…$" MauvilleCity_Text_ThankYouNotEnoughToBattle: @ 81DFBED .string "{PLAYER}, thank you.\n" .string "Being a TRAINER is tough, isn't it?\p" .string "It's not enough just to have POKéMON\n" .string "and make them battle. That isn't what\l" .string "being a real TRAINER is about.$" MauvilleCity_Text_UncleNoNeedToBeDown: @ 81DFC8A .string "UNCLE: WALLY, there's no need to be so\n" .string "down on yourself.\p" .string "Why, what's keeping you from becoming\n" .string "stronger and stronger?\p" .string "Come on, let's go home.\n" .string "Everyone's waiting for you.$" MauvilleCity_Text_UncleVisitUsSometime: @ 81DFD34 .string "UNCLE: {PLAYER}{KUN}, it just dawned on me\n" .string "that you must be the TRAINER who kept\l" .string "an eye out for WALLY when he caught\l" .string "his POKéMON.\p" .string "Why don't you visit us in VERDANTURF\n" .string "sometime?\l" .string "I'm sure WALLY would enjoy it.$" MauvilleCity_Text_WallyPokenavCall: @ 81DFDFB .string "… … … … … …\n" .string "… … … … … Beep!\p" .string "WALLY: Oh, hello, {PLAYER}!\p" .string "I just wanted to tell you that\n" .string "my uncle bought me a POKéNAV!\p" .string "Now I can get in touch with you\n" .string "anytime, {PLAYER}!\p" .string "… … … … … …\n" .string "… … … … … Click!$" MauvilleCity_Text_RegisteredWally: @ 81DFEB4 .string "Registered WALLY\n" .string "in the POKéNAV.$" MauvilleCity_Text_ScottYouDidntHoldBack: @ 81DFED5 .string "SCOTT: Hehe…\n" .string "I was watching that match!\p" .string "You're friends with that boy WALLY,\n" .string "aren't you?\p" .string "But you didn't hold anything back\n" .string "and beat him impressively.\p" .string "Yeah! That's what a real POKéMON\n" .string "battle is all about!\p" .string "I idolize TRAINERS like that!\p" .string "… … … … … …\n" .string "I'll be cheering for you!$" MauvilleCity_Text_WattsonNeedFavorTakeKey: @ 81DFFE4 .string "WATTSON: Oh, {PLAYER}{KUN}!\n" .string "You look like you have a lot of zip!\l" .string "That's a good thing, wahahahaha!\p" .string "Fine! I've decided!\n" .string "I need a favor, {PLAYER}{KUN}!\p" .string "MAUVILLE CITY has an underground\n" .string "sector called NEW MAUVILLE.\p" .string "{PLAYER}{KUN}, I'd like you to go there and\n" .string "switch off the GENERATOR.\p" .string "The GENERATOR has been running a bit\n" .string "haywire. It's getting unsafe.\p" .string "Here, this is the KEY to get into\n" .string "NEW MAUVILLE.$" MauvilleCity_Text_WattsonWontBeChallenge: @ 81E0154 .string "WATTSON: Don't you worry about it.\n" .string "It won't be a challenge to you.\p" .string "The entrance to NEW MAUVILLE is just\n" .string "a short SURF away from ROUTE 110.\p" .string "That's it, then, you have my trust!\n" .string "Wahahahaha!$" MauvilleCity_Text_WattsonThanksTakeTM: @ 81E020E .string "WATTSON: Wahahahaha!\p" .string "I knew it, {PLAYER}{KUN}! I knew I'd made\n" .string "the right choice asking you!\p" .string "This is my thanks--a TM containing\n" .string "THUNDERBOLT!\p" .string "Go on, you've earned it!$" MauvilleCity_Text_WattsonYoungTakeCharge: @ 81E02AA .string "WATTSON: Wahahahaha!\p" .string "It pleases me to no end to see\n" .string "the young step up and take charge!$" MauvilleCity_Text_NurseHurtMonBackToHealth: @ 81E0301 .string "You know, it's cool to have POKéMON\n" .string "battles and stuff…\p" .string "But if your POKéMON gets hurt,\n" .string "you have to nurse it back to health.$" MauvilleCity_Text_AllSortsOfPeopleComeThrough: @ 81E037C .string "The roads of this town stretch north\n" .string "and south, and east and west.\p" .string "Because of that, we get all sorts of\n" .string "people coming through.$" MauvilleCity_Text_RydelVeryGenerous: @ 81E03FB .string "Have you been to RYDEL'S CYCLES yet?\p" .string "RYDEL, the owner, is a very generous\n" .string "man.$" MauvilleCity_Text_PokemonCanJumpYouOnBike: @ 81E044A .string "Even if you're riding a BIKE,\n" .string "wild POKéMON could jump you.$" MauvilleCity_Text_CitySign: @ 81E0485 .string "MAUVILLE CITY\n" .string "“The bright and shiny city of fun!”$" MauvilleCity_Text_GymSign: @ 81E04B7 .string "MAUVILLE CITY POKéMON GYM\n" .string "LEADER: WATTSON\l" .string "“The cheerfully electrifying man!”$" MauvilleCity_Text_BikeShopSign: @ 81E0504 .string "“Ride in gravel and shake up your\n" .string "soul!”\l" .string "RYDEL'S CYCLES$" MauvilleCity_Text_GameCornerSign: @ 81E053C .string "“The play spot for all!”\n" .string "MAUVILLE GAME CORNER$" MauvilleCity_Text_ExplainTV: @ 81E056A .string "Hi, do you check out TV at all?\p" .string "They've added a bunch of cool new\n" .string "shows recently.\p" .string "TV is so cool. I've seen my friends on\n" .string "TV just out of the blue.\p" .string "And, sometimes, they even put you on TV\n" .string "without telling you.\p" .string "I wish I would be on TV sometime.\p" .string "That's why I think you should check\n" .string "out TVs whenever you can.$" MauvilleCity_Text_BeenCheckingOutTV: @ 81E0699 .string "Hi, have you been checking out TVs?$"