SeafloorCavern_Room9_MapScripts:: @ 8234DC8 .byte 0 SeafloorCavern_Room9_EventScript_234DC9:: @ 8234DC9 lockall setvar VAR_0x8004, 2 setvar VAR_0x8005, 3 setvar VAR_0x8006, 4 setvar VAR_0x8007, 5 applymovement 255, SeafloorCavern_Room9_Movement_2725A6 waitmovement 0 applymovement 255, SeafloorCavern_Room9_Movement_23505C waitmovement 0 playbgm BGM_AQA_0, 0 msgbox SeafloorCavern_Room9_Text_23505F, 4 closemessage addobject VAR_0x8004 applymovement 255, SeafloorCavern_Room9_Movement_2725A4 waitmovement 0 applymovement VAR_0x8004, SeafloorCavern_Room9_Movement_23502A waitmovement 0 msgbox SeafloorCavern_Room9_Text_23507C, 4 applymovement VAR_0x8004, SeafloorCavern_Room9_Movement_2725A6 waitmovement 0 msgbox SeafloorCavern_Room9_Text_2350A6, 4 applymovement VAR_0x8004, SeafloorCavern_Room9_Movement_27259E waitmovement 0 msgbox SeafloorCavern_Room9_Text_23512C, 4 trainerbattle 3, TRAINER_ARCHIE, 0, SeafloorCavern_Room9_Text_2351BC msgbox SeafloorCavern_Room9_Text_2351E5, 4 setweather 0 doweather special sub_80B05B4 waitstate msgbox SeafloorCavern_Room9_Text_235279, 4 special sub_81379F8 waitstate setvar VAR_RESULT, 1 playse SE_W197 setfieldeffectargument 0, 16 setfieldeffectargument 1, 42 setfieldeffectargument 2, 0 dofieldeffect 54 waitfieldeffect 54 closemessage setvar VAR_RESULT, 0 playfanfare BGM_ME_TAMA playse SE_TAMA special sub_80B0534 applymovement VAR_0x8004, SeafloorCavern_Room9_Movement_2725A6 applymovement 255, SeafloorCavern_Room9_Movement_2725A6 waitmovement 0 delay 150 removeobject 7 addobject 1 waitstate delay 60 applymovement 1, SeafloorCavern_Room9_Movement_235040 waitmovement 0 special sub_80B058C waitstate setvar VAR_0x8004, 1 setvar VAR_0x8005, 1 setvar VAR_0x8006, 8 setvar VAR_0x8007, 5 special sub_8139560 waitstate applymovement 1, SeafloorCavern_Room9_Movement_23504B waitmovement 0 removeobject 1 delay 4 setvar VAR_0x8004, 2 setvar VAR_0x8005, 2 setvar VAR_0x8006, 8 setvar VAR_0x8007, 5 special sub_8139560 waitstate delay 30 setvar VAR_0x8004, 2 setvar VAR_0x8005, 3 setvar VAR_0x8006, 4 setvar VAR_0x8007, 5 msgbox SeafloorCavern_Room9_Text_2352A7, 4 playse SE_PC_LOGON applymovement 255, SeafloorCavern_Room9_Movement_2725A4 waitmovement 0 msgbox SeafloorCavern_Room9_Text_2352F6, 4 closemessage applymovement VAR_0x8004, SeafloorCavern_Room9_Movement_235035 waitmovement 0 msgbox SeafloorCavern_Room9_Text_23532B, 4 closemessage playse SE_PC_OFF delay 20 applymovement VAR_0x8004, SeafloorCavern_Room9_Movement_2725AA waitmovement 0 msgbox SeafloorCavern_Room9_Text_23546F, 4 closemessage addobject VAR_0x8005 addobject VAR_0x8006 addobject VAR_0x8007 applymovement VAR_0x8007, SeafloorCavern_Room9_Movement_235057 applymovement VAR_0x8006, SeafloorCavern_Room9_Movement_235057 applymovement VAR_0x8005, SeafloorCavern_Room9_Movement_23504E waitmovement 0 applymovement VAR_0x8004, SeafloorCavern_Room9_Movement_2725A4 waitmovement 0 msgbox SeafloorCavern_Room9_Text_2354F0, 4 playse SE_PIN applymovement VAR_0x8004, SeafloorCavern_Room9_Movement_272598 waitmovement 0 applymovement VAR_0x8004, SeafloorCavern_Room9_Movement_27259A waitmovement 0 msgbox SeafloorCavern_Room9_Text_2355C2, 4 msgbox SeafloorCavern_Room9_Text_235692, 4 closemessage applymovement VAR_0x8005, SeafloorCavern_Room9_Movement_235054 applymovement VAR_0x8004, SeafloorCavern_Room9_Movement_23503A waitmovement 0 msgbox SeafloorCavern_Room9_Text_235723, 4 setvar VAR_0x407B, 1 setvar VAR_0x405E, 1 clearflag FLAG_0x3CD clearflag FLAG_0x33A clearflag FLAG_0x33B clearflag TRAINERS_FLAG_NO clearflag FLAG_0x3E6 clearflag FLAG_0x3E5 setflag FLAG_0x347 setflag FLAG_0x053 clearflag FLAG_0x3B0 clearflag FLAG_0x3B1 setflag FLAG_SYS_WEATHER_CTRL setflag FLAG_0x081 setflag FLAG_0x3C7 setvar VAR_0x40C6, 2 setvar VAR_0x40A2, 1 setflag FLAG_0x33C setflag FLAG_0x33D setflag FLAG_0x33F setflag FLAG_0x35B setflag FLAG_0x3B2 setflag FLAG_SPECIAL_FLAG_0x4000 warp ROUTE_128, 255, 38, 22 waitstate releaseall end SeafloorCavern_Room9_Movement_23502A: @ 823502A step_right step_right step_right step_right step_right step_right step_right step_end .incbin "baserom.gba", 0x235032, 0x3 SeafloorCavern_Room9_Movement_235035: @ 8235035 step_left step_14 step_end .incbin "baserom.gba", 0x235038, 0x2 SeafloorCavern_Room9_Movement_23503A: @ 823503A step_01 step_40 step_down step_41 step_28 step_end SeafloorCavern_Room9_Movement_235040: @ 8235040 step_14 step_14 slow_step_down step_14 step_14 step_14 slow_step_down step_14 step_14 step_14 step_end SeafloorCavern_Room9_Movement_23504B: @ 823504B step_32 step_32 step_end SeafloorCavern_Room9_Movement_23504E: @ 823504E step_18 step_18 step_18 step_18 step_18 step_end SeafloorCavern_Room9_Movement_235054: @ 8235054 step_right step_right step_end SeafloorCavern_Room9_Movement_235057: @ 8235057 step_18 step_18 step_18 step_18 step_end SeafloorCavern_Room9_Movement_23505C: @ 823505C step_14 step_14 step_end SeafloorCavern_Room9_Text_23505F: @ 823505F .string "ARCHIE: Hold it right there.$" SeafloorCavern_Room9_Text_23507C: @ 823507C .string "ARCHIE: Fufufu…\n" .string "So it was you, after all.$" SeafloorCavern_Room9_Text_2350A6: @ 82350A6 .string "ARCHIE: Behold!\p" .string "See how beautiful it is, the sleeping\n" .string "form of the ancient POKéMON KYOGRE!\p" .string "I have waited so long for this day to\n" .string "come…$" SeafloorCavern_Room9_Text_23512C: @ 823512C .string "ARCHIE: It surprises me, how you’ve\n" .string "managed to chase me here.\p" .string "But that’s all over now.\p" .string "For the realization of my dream,\n" .string "you must disappear now!$" SeafloorCavern_Room9_Text_2351BC: @ 82351BC .string "What?!\n" .string "I lost to a mere child like you?!$" SeafloorCavern_Room9_Text_2351E5: @ 82351E5 .string "ARCHIE: Fufufu…\p" .string "I commend you. I must recognize that\n" .string "you are truly gifted.\p" .string "But!\n" .string "I have this in my possession!\p" .string "With this RED ORB, I can make KYOGRE…$" SeafloorCavern_Room9_Text_235279: @ 8235279 .string "The RED ORB suddenly began shining\n" .string "by itself!$" SeafloorCavern_Room9_Text_2352A7: @ 82352A7 .string "ARCHIE: What?!\p" .string "I didn’t do anything.\n" .string "Why did the RED ORB…\p" .string "Where did KYOGRE go?$" SeafloorCavern_Room9_Text_2352F6: @ 82352F6 .string "ARCHIE: Hm? It’s a message from our\n" .string "members outside…$" SeafloorCavern_Room9_Text_23532B: @ 823532B .string "ARCHIE: Yes, what is it?\p" .string "Hm…\n" .string "It’s raining heavily?\p" .string "Good… That should have happened.\n" .string "That is why we awakened KYOGRE,\l" .string "to realize TEAM AQUA’s vision of\l" .string "expanding the sea.\p" .string "What?!\p" .string "It’s raining far harder than we\n" .string "envisioned? You’re in danger?\p" .string "That can’t be…\n" .string "That’s just not possible…\p" .string "Hold your position and monitor\n" .string "the situation!$" SeafloorCavern_Room9_Text_23546F: @ 823546F .string "ARCHIE: There’s something wrong…\p" .string "The RED ORB is supposed to awaken\n" .string "and control KYOGRE…\p" .string "But… Why?\n" .string "Why did KYOGRE disappear?\p" .string "Why?!$" SeafloorCavern_Room9_Text_2354F0: @ 82354F0 .string "MAXIE: What have you wrought?\p" .string "ARCHIE… You’ve finally awoken KYOGRE,\n" .string "haven’t you?\p" .string "What will happen to the world if this\n" .string "downpour continues for all eternity?\p" .string "The world’s landmass will drown in\n" .string "the deepening sea…$" SeafloorCavern_Room9_Text_2355C2: @ 82355C2 .string "ARCHIE: W-what?!\n" .string "Don’t get all high and mighty with me!\p" .string "Wasn’t it you, TEAM MAGMA, that\n" .string "infuriated GROUDON?\p" .string "So long as I have this RED ORB,\n" .string "I should be able to control KYOGRE…\p" .string "I should be able to control it…$" SeafloorCavern_Room9_Text_235692: @ 8235692 .string "MAXIE: We don’t have the time to\n" .string "argue about it here!\p" .string "Get outside and see for yourself!\p" .string "See if what you’ve wrought is the\n" .string "world that we desired!$" SeafloorCavern_Room9_Text_235723: @ 8235723 .string "MAXIE: {PLAYER}, come on, you have\n" .string "to get out of here, too!$"