261 lines
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261 lines
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#ifndef GUARD_DATA_H
#define GUARD_DATA_H
#include "constants/moves.h"
#include "constants/trainers.h"
// Red and Leaf's back pics have 5 frames, but this is presumably irrelevant in the places this is used.
enum {
struct MonCoords
// This would use a bitfield, but some function
// uses it as a u8 and casting won't match.
u8 size; // u8 width:4, height:4;
u8 y_offset;
struct TrainerSprite
u8 y_offset;
struct CompressedSpriteSheet frontPic;
struct CompressedSpritePalette palette;
const union AnimCmd *const *const animation;
const struct Coords16 mugshotCoords;
s16 mugshotRotation;
struct TrainerBacksprite
struct MonCoords coordinates;
struct CompressedSpriteSheet backPic;
struct CompressedSpritePalette palette;
const union AnimCmd *const *const animation;
#define MON_COORDS_SIZE(width, height) (DIV_ROUND_UP(width, 8) << 4 | DIV_ROUND_UP(height, 8))
#define GET_MON_COORDS_WIDTH(size) ((size >> 4) * 8)
#define GET_MON_COORDS_HEIGHT(size) ((size & 0xF) * 8)
#define TRAINER_PARTY_IVS(hp, atk, def, speed, spatk, spdef) (hp | (atk << 5) | (def << 10) | (speed << 15) | (spatk << 20) | (spdef << 25))
#define TRAINER_PARTY_EVS(hp, atk, def, speed, spatk, spdef) ((const u8[6]){hp,atk,def,spatk,spdef,speed})
// Shared by both trainer and frontier mons
// See CreateNPCTrainerPartyFromTrainer and CreateFacilityMon
struct TrainerMon
const u8 *nickname;
const u8 *ev;
u32 iv;
u16 moves[4];
u16 species;
u16 heldItem;
u16 ability;
u8 lvl;
u8 ball;
u8 friendship;
u8 nature:5;
bool8 gender:2;
bool8 isShiny:1;
u8 teraType:5;
bool8 gigantamaxFactor:1;
u8 shouldUseDynamax:1;
u8 padding1:1;
u8 dynamaxLevel:4;
u8 padding2:4;
#define TRAINER_PARTY(partyArray) partyArray, .partySize = ARRAY_COUNT(partyArray)
struct Trainer
/*0x00*/ u32 aiFlags;
/*0x04*/ const struct TrainerMon *party;
/*0x08*/ u16 items[MAX_TRAINER_ITEMS];
/*0x10*/ u8 trainerClass;
/*0x11*/ u8 encounterMusic_gender; // last bit is gender
/*0x12*/ u8 trainerPic;
/*0x13*/ u8 trainerName[TRAINER_NAME_LENGTH + 1];
/*0x1E*/ bool8 doubleBattle:1;
bool8 mugshotEnabled:1;
u8 startingStatus:6; // this trainer starts a battle with a given status. see include/constants/battle.h for values
/*0x1F*/ u8 mugshotColor;
/*0x20*/ u8 partySize;
struct TrainerClass
u8 name[13];
u8 money;
u16 ball;
struct TypeInfo
u8 name[TYPE_NAME_LENGTH + 1];
u8 generic[17];
u8 palette;
u16 zMove;
u16 maxMove;
u16 teraTypeRGBValue; // Most values pulled from the Tera type icon palette.
u16 damageCategory:2; // Used for B_PHYSICAL_SPECIAL_SPLIT <= GEN_3
u16 useSecondTypeIconPalette:1;
u16 isSpecialCaseType:1;
u16 padding:12;
const u32 *const paletteTMHM;
//u16 enhanceItem;
//u16 berry;
//u16 gem;
//u16 plate;
//u16 memory;
//u16 zCrystal;
//u16 teraShard;
//u16 arceusForm;
struct FollowerMsgInfo
const u8 *text;
const u8 *script;
struct FollowerMessagePool
const struct FollowerMsgInfo *messages;
const u8 *script;
u16 length;
extern const u16 gMinigameDigits_Pal[];
extern const u32 gMinigameDigits_Gfx[];
extern const struct SpriteFrameImage gBattlerPicTable_PlayerLeft[];
extern const struct SpriteFrameImage gBattlerPicTable_OpponentLeft[];
extern const struct SpriteFrameImage gBattlerPicTable_PlayerRight[];
extern const struct SpriteFrameImage gBattlerPicTable_OpponentRight[];
extern const struct SpriteFrameImage gTrainerBackPicTable_Brendan[];
extern const struct SpriteFrameImage gTrainerBackPicTable_May[];
extern const struct SpriteFrameImage gTrainerBackPicTable_Red[];
extern const struct SpriteFrameImage gTrainerBackPicTable_Leaf[];
extern const struct SpriteFrameImage gTrainerBackPicTable_RubySapphireBrendan[];
extern const struct SpriteFrameImage gTrainerBackPicTable_RubySapphireMay[];
extern const struct SpriteFrameImage gTrainerBackPicTable_Wally[];
extern const struct SpriteFrameImage gTrainerBackPicTable_Steven[];
extern const union AffineAnimCmd *const gAffineAnims_BattleSpritePlayerSide[];
extern const union AffineAnimCmd *const gAffineAnims_BattleSpriteOpponentSide[];
extern const union AffineAnimCmd *const gAffineAnims_BattleSpriteContest[];
extern const union AnimCmd sAnim_GeneralFrame0[];
extern const union AnimCmd sAnim_GeneralFrame3[];
extern const union AnimCmd *const gAnims_MonPic[];
extern const union AnimCmd *const sAnims_Trainer[];
extern const struct TrainerSprite gTrainerSprites[];
extern const struct TrainerBacksprite gTrainerBacksprites[];
extern const struct Trainer gTrainers[];
extern const struct Trainer gBattlePartners[];
extern const struct TrainerClass gTrainerClasses[TRAINER_CLASS_COUNT];
// Follower text messages
extern const struct FollowerMsgInfo gFollowerHappyMessages[];
extern const struct FollowerMsgInfo gFollowerNeutralMessages[];
extern const struct FollowerMsgInfo gFollowerSadMessages[];
extern const struct FollowerMsgInfo gFollowerUpsetMessages[];
extern const struct FollowerMsgInfo gFollowerAngryMessages[];
extern const struct FollowerMsgInfo gFollowerPensiveMessages[];
extern const struct FollowerMsgInfo gFollowerLoveMessages[];
extern const struct FollowerMsgInfo gFollowerSurpriseMessages[];
extern const struct FollowerMsgInfo gFollowerCuriousMessages[];
extern const struct FollowerMsgInfo gFollowerMusicMessages[];
extern const struct FollowerMsgInfo gFollowerPoisonedMessages[];
static inline u16 SanitizeTrainerId(u16 trainerId)
if (trainerId >= TRAINERS_COUNT)
return trainerId;
static inline const struct Trainer *GetTrainerStructFromId(u16 trainerId)
return &gTrainers[SanitizeTrainerId(trainerId)];
static inline const u8 GetTrainerClassFromId(u16 trainerId)
return gTrainers[SanitizeTrainerId(trainerId)].trainerClass;
static inline const u8 *GetTrainerClassNameFromId(u16 trainerId)
return gTrainerClasses[gBattlePartners[trainerId - TRAINER_PARTNER(PARTNER_NONE)].trainerClass].name;
return gTrainerClasses[GetTrainerClassFromId(trainerId)].name;
static inline const u8 *GetTrainerNameFromId(u16 trainerId)
return gBattlePartners[trainerId - TRAINER_PARTNER(PARTNER_NONE)].trainerName;
return gTrainers[SanitizeTrainerId(trainerId)].trainerName;
static inline const u8 GetTrainerPicFromId(u16 trainerId)
return gTrainers[SanitizeTrainerId(trainerId)].trainerPic;
static inline const u8 GetTrainerStartingStatusFromId(u16 trainerId)
return gTrainers[SanitizeTrainerId(trainerId)].startingStatus;
static inline const bool32 IsTrainerDoubleBattle(u16 trainerId)
return gTrainers[SanitizeTrainerId(trainerId)].doubleBattle;
static inline const u8 GetTrainerPartySizeFromId(u16 trainerId)
return gTrainers[SanitizeTrainerId(trainerId)].partySize;
static inline const bool32 DoesTrainerHaveMugshot(u16 trainerId)
return gTrainers[SanitizeTrainerId(trainerId)].mugshotEnabled;
static inline const u8 GetTrainerMugshotColorFromId(u16 trainerId)
return gTrainers[SanitizeTrainerId(trainerId)].mugshotColor;
static inline const u16 *GetTrainerItemsFromId(u16 trainerId)
return gTrainers[SanitizeTrainerId(trainerId)].items;
static inline const struct TrainerMon *GetTrainerPartyFromId(u16 trainerId)
return gTrainers[SanitizeTrainerId(trainerId)].party;
static inline const bool32 GetTrainerAIFlagsFromId(u16 trainerId)
return gTrainers[SanitizeTrainerId(trainerId)].aiFlags;
#endif // GUARD_DATA_H