203 lines
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203 lines
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@ contest move effect descriptions
gContestEffect00hDescription: @ 827CB82
.string "A highly appealing move.$"
gContestEffect01hDescription: @ 827CB9B
.string "After this move, the user is{next}more easily startled.$"
gContestEffect02hDescription: @ 827CBCE
.string "Makes a great appeal, but{next}allows no more to the end.$"
gContestEffect03hDescription: @ 827CC03
.string "Can be repeatedly used{next}without boring the JUDGE.$"
gContestEffect04hDescription: @ 827CC34
.string "Can avoid being startled{next}by others once.$"
gContestEffect05hDescription: @ 827CC5D
.string "Can avoid being startled{next}by others.$"
gContestEffect06hDescription: @ 827CC81
.string "Can avoid being startled{next}by others a little.$"
gContestEffect07hDescription: @ 827CCAE
.string "After this move, the user is{next}less likely to be startled.$"
gContestEffect08hDescription: @ 827CCE7
.string "Slightly startles the{next}POKéMON in front.$"
gContestEffect09hDescription: @ 827CD0F
.string "Slightly startles those{next}that have made appeals.$"
gContestEffect0AhDescription: @ 827CD3F
.string "Startles the POKéMON that{next}appealed before the user.$"
gContestEffect0BhDescription: @ 827CD73
.string "Startles all POKéMON that{next}have done their appeals.$"
gContestEffect0ChDescription: @ 827CDA6
.string "Badly startles the{next}POKéMON in front.$"
gContestEffect0DhDescription: @ 827CDCB
.string "Badly startles those that{next}have made appeals.$"
gContestEffect0EhDescription: @ 827CDF8
.string "Startles the POKéMON that{next}appealed before the user.$"
gContestEffect0FhDescription: @ 827CE2C
.string "Startles all POKéMON that{next}have done their appeals.$"
gContestEffect10hDescription: @ 827CE5F
.string "Shifts the JUDGE’s{next}attention from others.$"
gContestEffect11hDescription: @ 827CE89
.string "Startles the POKéMON that{next}has the JUDGE’s attention.$"
gContestEffect12hDescription: @ 827CEBE
.string "Jams the others, and misses{next}one turn of appeals.$"
gContestEffect13hDescription: @ 827CEEF
.string "Startles POKéMON that{next}made a same-type appeal.$"
gContestEffect14hDescription: @ 827CF1E
.string "Badly startles POKéMON{next}that made COOL appeals.$"
gContestEffect15hDescription: @ 827CF4D
.string "Badly startles POKéMON{next}that made BEAUTY appeals.$"
gContestEffect16hDescription: @ 827CF7E
.string "Badly startles POKéMON{next}that made CUTE appeals.$"
gContestEffect17hDescription: @ 827CFAD
.string "Badly startles POKéMON{next}that made SMART appeals.$"
gContestEffect18hDescription: @ 827CFDD
.string "Badly startles POKéMON{next}that made TOUGH appeals.$"
gContestEffect19hDescription: @ 827D00D
.string "Makes one POKéMON after{next}the user nervous.$"
gContestEffect1AhDescription: @ 827D037
.string "Makes all POKéMON after{next}the user nervous.$"
gContestEffect1BhDescription: @ 827D061
.string "Worsens the condition of{next}those that made appeals.$"
gContestEffect1ChDescription: @ 827D093
.string "Badly startles POKéMON in{next}good condition.$"
gContestEffect1DhDescription: @ 827D0BD
.string "The appeal works great if{next}performed first.$"
gContestEffect1EhDescription: @ 827D0E8
.string "The appeal works great if{next}performed last.$"
gContestEffect1FhDescription: @ 827D112
.string "Makes the appeal as good{next}as those before it.$"
gContestEffect20hDescription: @ 827D13F
.string "Makes the appeal as good{next}as the one before it.$"
gContestEffect21hDescription: @ 827D16E
.string "The appeal works better{next}the later it is performed.$"
gContestEffect22hDescription: @ 827D1A1
.string "The appeal’s quality varies{next}depending on its timing.$"
gContestEffect23hDescription: @ 827D1D6
.string "Works well if it’s the same{next}type as the one before.$"
gContestEffect24hDescription: @ 827D20A
.string "Works well if different in{next}type than the one before.$"
gContestEffect25hDescription: @ 827D23F
.string "Affected by how well the{next}appeal in front goes.$"
gContestEffect26hDescription: @ 827D26E
.string "Ups the user’s condition.{next}Helps prevent nervousness.$"
gContestEffect27hDescription: @ 827D2A3
.string "The appeal works well if the{next}user’s condition is good.$"
gContestEffect28hDescription: @ 827D2DA
.string "The next appeal can be{next}made earlier next turn.$"
gContestEffect29hDescription: @ 827D309
.string "The next appeal can be{next}made later next turn.$"
gContestEffect2AhDescription: @ 827D336
.string "Makes the next turn’s order{next}more easily scrambled.$"
gContestEffect2BhDescription: @ 827D369
.string "Scrambles the order of{next}appeals on the next turn.$"
gContestEffect2ChDescription: @ 827D39A
.string "An appeal that excites the{next}audience in any CONTEST.$"
gContestEffect2DhDescription: @ 827D3CE
.string "Badly startles all POKéMON{next}that made good appeals.$"
gContestEffect2EhDescription: @ 827D401
.string "The appeal works best the{next}more the crowd is excited.$"
gContestEffect2FhDescription: @ 827D436
.string "Temporarily stops the{next}crowd from growing excited.$"
@ unused move names
gUnusedContestMoveName0: @ 827D468
.string "RAIN DANCE$"
gUnusedContestMoveName1: @ 827D473
.string "RAGE$"
gUnusedContestMoveName2: @ 827D478
.string "FOCUS ENERGY$"
gUnusedContestMoveName3: @ 827D485
.string "HYPNOSIS$"
gUnusedContestMoveName4: @ 827D48E
.string "SOFTBOILED$"
gUnusedContestMoveName5: @ 827D499
.string "HORN ATTACK$"
gUnusedContestMoveName6: @ 827D4A5
.string "SWORDS DANCE$"
gUnusedContestMoveName7: @ 827D4B2
.string "CONVERSION$"
gUnusedContestMoveName8: @ 827D4BD
.string "SUNNY DAY$"
gUnusedContestMoveName9: @ 827D4C7
.string "REST$"
gUnusedContestMoveName10: @ 827D4CC
.string "VICEGRIP$"
gUnusedContestMoveName11: @ 827D4D5
.string "DEFENSE CURL$"
gUnusedContestMoveName12: @ 827D4E2
.string "LOCK-ON$"
@ contest type names
gContestMoveTypeCoolText: @ 827D4EA
.string "COOL$"
gContestMoveTypeBeautyText: @ 827D4EF
.string "BEAUTY$"
gContestMoveTypeCuteText: @ 827D4F6
.string "CUTE$"
gContestMoveTypeSmartText: @ 827D4FB
.string "SMART$"
gContestMoveTypeToughText: @ 827D501
.string "TOUGH$"