Had to leave some unfinished due to complexity at the moment
83 lines
1.9 KiB
83 lines
1.9 KiB
.include "asm/"
.include "constants/"
.section .rodata
.align 2
gEmotion_ExclamationMarkGfx:: @ 85505AC
.incbin "graphics/misc/emotion_exclamation.4bpp"
.align 2
gEmotion_QuestionMarkGfx:: @ 855062C
.incbin "graphics/misc/emotion_question.4bpp"
.align 2
gEmotion_HeartGfx:: @ 85506AC
.incbin "graphics/misc/emotion_heart.4bpp"
.align 2
gIsTrainerInRange:: @ 855072C
.4byte IsTrainerInRangeSouth
.4byte IsTrainerInRangeNorth
.4byte IsTrainerInRangeWest
.4byte IsTrainerInRangeEast
.align 2
gTrainerSeeFuncList:: @ 855073C
.4byte sub_80B4178
.4byte sub_80B417C
.4byte sub_80B41C0
.4byte sub_80B4200
.4byte sub_80B425C
.4byte sub_80B4318
.4byte sub_80B435C
.4byte sub_80B4390
.4byte sub_80B43AC
.4byte sub_80B43E0
.4byte sub_80B4438
.4byte sub_80B44AC
.align 2
gTrainerSeeFuncList2:: @ 855076C
.4byte sub_80B43AC
.4byte sub_80B43E0
.4byte sub_80B4438
.4byte sub_80B44AC
.align 2
gOamData_855077C:: @ 855077C
.2byte 0x0000
.2byte 0x4000
.2byte 0x0400
.align 2
gSpriteImageTable_8550784:: @ 8550784
obj_frame_tiles gEmotion_ExclamationMarkGfx, 0x0080
obj_frame_tiles gEmotion_QuestionMarkGfx, 0x0080
.align 2
gSpriteImageTable_8550794:: @ 8550794
obj_frame_tiles gEmotion_HeartGfx, 0x0080
.align 2
gSpriteAnim_855079C:: @ 855079C
obj_image_anim_frame 0, 60
.align 2
gSpriteAnim_85507A4:: @ 85507A4
obj_image_anim_frame 1, 60
.align 2
gSpriteAnimTable_85507AC:: @ 85507AC
.4byte gSpriteAnim_855079C
.4byte gSpriteAnim_85507A4
.align 2
gSpriteTemplate_85507B4:: @ 85507B4
spr_template 0xffff, 0xffff, gOamData_855077C, gSpriteAnimTable_85507AC, gSpriteImageTable_8550784, gDummySpriteAffineAnimTable, objc_exclamation_mark_probably
.align 2
gSpriteTemplate_85507CC:: @ 85507CC
spr_template 0xffff, 0x1004, gOamData_855077C, gSpriteAnimTable_85507AC, gSpriteImageTable_8550794, gDummySpriteAffineAnimTable, objc_exclamation_mark_probably