PikalaxALT c042e5148b Decoration + decoration_inventory (#89)
* SetDecorationInventoriesPointers

* ClearDecorationInventories

* CheckHasDecoration

* DecorationAdd

* DecorationCheckSpace

* DecorationRemove

* sub_8161A38

* CountDecorations; Funcion renaming

* Disassemble decoration data structs, tilemaps, and descriptions

* sub_8126968

* sub_81269D4

* through sub_8126A88

* through sub_8126B2C

* sub_8126B80

* sub_8126C08

* sub_8126C48

* sub_8126CA4

* sub_8126D10

* sub_8126E44

* sub_8126E8C

* sub_8126F68

* sub_8127058

* sub_8127088

* sub_81270E8

* through sub_8127208

* through sub_8127268

* sub_8127284

* through sub_81272F8

* sub_8127330

* through sub_8127480

* sub_81274A0

* sub_8127500; makefile now tells scaninc to scan headers

* Actual real fix to mapfile being in build/emerald instead of wd

* through sub_812759C

* through sub_812764C

* through sub_8127744

* through sub_81277BC

* sub_81277E8

* sub_8127814

* through sub_81279C4

* through sub_8127ACC

* sub_8127B04

* sub_8127B54

* sub_8127B90

* sub_8127D38

* sub_8127E18

* sub_8127F68

* sub_8128060

* ConfigureCameraObjectForPlacingDecoration

* SetUpPlacingDecorationPlayerAvatar

* sub_812826C

* through sub_8128414

* through sub_81284F4

* sub_812853C

* sub_8128950

* through sub_8128AAC

* through sub_8128BBC

* c1_overworld_prev_quest

* sub_8128C64

* sub_8128CD4

* sub_8128D10

* sub_8128DB4

* through sub_8128E18

* through sub_8129068

* sub_8129088

* through sub_81291E8

* sub_812925C

* sub_81292D0

* sub_81292E8

* gpu_pal_decompress_alloc_tag_and_upload

* AddDecorationIconObjectFromIconTable

* GetDecorationIconPicOrPalette

* AddDecorationIconObjectFromFieldObject

* AddDecorationIconObject

* through sub_8129708

* sub_81297F8

* sub_81298EC

* SetUpPuttingAwayDecorationPlayerAvatar

* sub_8129ABC

* sub_8129B34

* sub_8129BCC

* through sub_8129C74

* through sub_8129D8C

* sub_8129E0C

* sub_8129E74

* sub_8129F20

* sub_8129FC8

* sub_812A040

* nonmatching sub_812A0E8

* through sub_812A22C

* sub_812A25C

* sub_812A2C4

* through sub_812A39C

* Remaining fns in decoration.s

* Decompile decoration headers

* Decompile all remaining decoration data that had already been disassembled

* Disassemble two data objects

* Suggest structure of list menu template

* decompile through decoration list menu template

* Disassemble decoration icon graphics table

* Rip icon gfx

* Decompile deco icon table

* Decompile more data related to drawing decorations

* Decompile gUnknown_085A7250 structs

* Decompile two sprite templates

* Decompile remaining data in decoration.s

* Decompile decoration ewram

* deco -> decor
2017-10-22 17:55:07 -05:00

32 lines
1.3 KiB

#ifndef GUARD_MENU_H
#define GUARD_MENU_H
#include "window.h"
struct MenuAction
const u8 *text;
union {
void (*void_u8)(u8);
u8 (*u8_void)(void);
} func;
void box_print(u8, u8, u8, u8, const void *, s8, const u8 *);
void sub_8198070(u8 windowId, bool8 copyToVram);
void SetWindowTemplateFields(struct WindowTemplate* template, u8 priority, u8 tilemapLeft, u8 tilemapTop, u8 width, u8 height, u8 palNum, u16 baseBlock);
void SetWindowBorderStyle(u8 windowId, bool8 copyToVram, u16 tileStart, u8 palette);
void schedule_bg_copy_tilemap_to_vram(u8 bgNum);
void PrintMenuTable(u8 idx, u8 nstrs, const struct MenuAction *strs);
void InitMenuInUpperLeftCornerPlaySoundWhenAPressed(u8 idx, u8 nstrs,u8);
u8 GetMenuCursorPos(void);
s8 ProcessMenuInput(void);
void blit_move_info_icon(u8 winId, u8 a2, u16 x, u16 y);
void reset_temp_tile_data_buffers(void);
int decompress_and_copy_tile_data_to_vram(u8 bg_id, const void *src, int size, u16 offset, u8 mode);
bool8 free_temp_tile_data_buffers_if_possible(void);
u64 sub_8198A50(struct WindowTemplate*, u8, u8, u8, u8, u8, u8, u16); // returns something but it isn't used, fix when menu.s is decomp'd
void CreateYesNoMenu(const struct WindowTemplate *windowTemplate, u16 borderFirstTileNum, u8 borderPalette, u8 initialCursorPos);
s8 sub_8198C58(void);
#endif // GUARD_MENU_H