// List of all members in the webring. Add onto this manually whenever you want to add someone new to the ring.
// Please take time to go through here and use the search-and-replace feature of your favorite text editor to change all instances of atiran to a lower-case or camel-case version of your webring name, as well as change the configuration to your liking.
// Various config options that should be self-documenting.
// Again, if you're hosting this Librering, please change all the instances of atiran to your particular webring name in lower case, and insert valid image URLs for the badges and navigation.
varatiran_ringurl="https://atiran.giize.com/";// The URL of the webring itself, for contact and information purposes.
varatiran_badgeurl="https://atiran.giize.com/badge.png";// The URL of the main badge of the webring; 88x31 recommended, but any size goes.
// If our current location is NOT in the webring, display an error message. The rest of the code only runs if the site has been found in the webring.
"<p>I am sorry, but the atiran display has failed to find you in the member list.<br />Please contact the webring administrator for support if you are the webmaster of this site and believe this to be in error.</p>";
// // If our current location IS in the webring, this is where it continues.
// else {
// // This is a readable (but technologically not very sound) way to loop around when you are either the first or last member of the webring.
// // Now it is time to get to the meaty stuff. This will replace our little display container with the actual display content: a general badge, next/previous buttons, and a webring info and random link.
// // Remove, swap around or change these components as you see fit.
// If you want to choose a text-based display instead without any images, remove or comment up the entire else block above and instead uncomment this one.
// This is a readable (but technologically not very sound) way to loop around when you are either the first or last member of the webring.
// Now it is time to get to the meaty stuff. This will replace our little display container with the actual display content: a general badge, next/previous buttons, and a webring info and random link.
// Remove, swap around or change these components as you see fit.