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use bevy::{core_pipeline::tonemapping::Tonemapping, prelude::*, window::*, winit::WinitSettings};
use bevy_egui::{egui, EguiContexts, EguiPlugin};
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use std::collections::HashMap;
mod helpers;
use crate::helpers::*;
mod player;
use crate::player::*;
const VERSION: &str = env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION");
const PKGNAME: &str = env!("CARGO_PKG_NAME");
// Create a map of the Hypernova colorscheme
lazy_static! {
static ref HYPERNOVA: HashMap<&'static str, (u8, u8, u8)> = vec![
("BLACK", (13, 13, 15)),
("DARK_GRAY", (21, 21, 23)),
("GRAY", (39, 39, 43)),
("LIGHT_GRAY", (69, 68, 73)),
("SUBTEXT", (217, 208, 215)),
("WHITE", (236, 229, 234)),
("RED", (240, 105, 105)),
("MAGENTA", (232, 135, 187)),
("PURPLE", (162, 146, 232)),
("BLUE", (120, 175, 196)),
("CYAN", (127, 230, 174)),
("GREEN", (145, 214, 92)),
("YELLOW", (217, 213, 100)),
fn main() {
DefaultPlugins.set(WindowPlugin {
primary_window: Some(Window {
title: format!("{} {}", titlecase(PKGNAME), VERSION),
mode: WindowMode::Fullscreen,
// Only run the app when there is user input, reducing resource usage
.add_systems(Startup, (setup, setup_ui))
.add_systems(Update, (render_ui, movement))
// Define UI resources
#[derive(Default, Resource)]
struct UiState {
username: String,
password: String,
#[derive(Default, Resource)]
struct OpenWindows {
login_open: bool,
// Bevy engine setup
fn setup(mut commands: Commands, asset_server: Res<AssetServer>) {
commands.spawn(Camera2dBundle {
camera: Camera {
hdr: true,
tonemapping: Tonemapping::TonyMcMapface,
SpriteBundle {
texture: asset_server.load("player/player.png"),
Player {
movement_speed: 1024.,
rotation_speed: f32::to_radians(360.),
// On startup: setup some UI components
fn setup_ui(mut contexts: EguiContexts) {
// Set Victor Mono as the default custom font
let mut fonts = egui::FontDefinitions::default();
.insert(0, "victor_mono".to_owned());
// On update: render the UI
fn render_ui(
mut contexts: EguiContexts,
mut windows: Query<&mut Window>,
mut ui_state: ResMut<UiState>,
mut open_windows: ResMut<OpenWindows>,
) {
let window = windows.single_mut();
let window_width = window.resolution.width();
let window_height = window.resolution.height();
let ctx = contexts.ctx_mut();
.anchor(egui::Align2::CENTER_CENTER, egui::Vec2::new(0., 0.))
.open(&mut open_windows.login_open)
.show(ctx, |ui| {
ui.set_width(window_width / 3.);
ui.set_height(window_height / 3.);
ui.with_layout(egui::Layout::top_down(egui::Align::Center), |ui| {
let purple = HYPERNOVA.get("PURPLE").unwrap();
let purple = egui::Color32::from_rgb(purple.0, purple.1, purple.2);
let black = HYPERNOVA.get("BLACK").unwrap();
let black = egui::Color32::from_rgb(black.0, black.1, black.2);
// Define spacing between items (widgets) and add manually add some space
// between the window border and the heading
ui.spacing_mut().item_spacing = egui::vec2(0., 10.);
ui.spacing_mut().button_padding = egui::vec2(20., 10.);
ui.add_space(window_height / 22.);
ui.heading(egui::RichText::new("Login").size(30.).color(purple)); // The window 'title'
// Manually add some space between the heading and the text inputs
ui.add_space(window_height / 28.);
// The text inputs
egui::TextEdit::singleline(&mut ui_state.username)
.margin(egui::vec2(10., 10.))
.desired_width(window_width / 4.)
egui::TextEdit::singleline(&mut ui_state.password)
.margin(egui::vec2(10., 10.))
.desired_width(window_width / 4.)
// Manually add some space between the text inputs and the 'confirm' button
ui.add_space(window_height / 26.);
// Manually add some space between the button and the bottom border of the
// window...for scaling purposes
ui.add_space(window_height / 22.);