use bevy::prelude::*; use bevy_egui::{egui, EguiContexts}; use crate::Player; use crate::HYPERNOVA; // Define UI resources #[derive(Default, Resource)] pub struct UiState { pub username: String, pub password: String, } #[derive(Default, Resource)] pub struct OpenWindows { pub login_open: bool, } // On startup: setup some UI components pub fn setup_ui(mut contexts: EguiContexts) { // Set Victor Mono as the default custom font let mut fonts = egui::FontDefinitions::default(); fonts.font_data.insert( "victor_mono".to_owned(), egui::FontData::from_static(include_bytes!("../assets/fonts/VictorMono-Regular.otf")), ); fonts .families .get_mut(&egui::FontFamily::Proportional) .unwrap() .insert(0, "victor_mono".to_owned()); contexts.ctx_mut().set_fonts(fonts); } // On update: render the UI pub fn render_ui( mut contexts: EguiContexts, mut windows: Query<&mut Window>, mut ui_state: ResMut, mut open_windows: ResMut, mut player_query: Query<&mut Player, With>, ) { // Query the player information and put it into scope let player = player_query.single_mut(); let window = windows.single_mut(); let window_width = window.resolution.width(); let window_height = window.resolution.height(); let ctx = contexts.ctx_mut(); let purple = HYPERNOVA.get("PURPLE").unwrap(); let purple = egui::Color32::from_rgb(purple.0, purple.1, purple.2); let black = HYPERNOVA.get("BLACK").unwrap(); let black = egui::Color32::from_rgb(black.0, black.1, black.2); egui::Window::new("Login") .anchor(egui::Align2::CENTER_CENTER, egui::Vec2::new(0., 0.)) .resizable(false) .title_bar(false) .open(&mut open_windows.login_open) .show(ctx, |ui| { ui.set_width(window_width / 3.); ui.set_height(window_height / 3.); ui.with_layout(egui::Layout::top_down(egui::Align::Center), |ui| { // Define spacing between items (widgets) and add manually add some space // between the window border and the heading ui.spacing_mut().item_spacing = egui::vec2(0., 10.); ui.spacing_mut().button_padding = egui::vec2(20., 10.); ui.add_space(window_height / 22.); ui.heading(egui::RichText::new("Login").size(30.).color(purple)); // The window 'title' // Manually add some space between the heading and the text inputs ui.add_space(window_height / 28.); // The text inputs egui::TextEdit::singleline(&mut ui_state.username) .hint_text("Username") .margin(egui::vec2(10., 10.)) .desired_width(window_width / 4.) .show(ui); egui::TextEdit::singleline(&mut ui_state.password) .password(true) .margin(egui::vec2(10., 10.)) .hint_text("Password") .desired_width(window_width / 4.) .show(ui); // Manually add some space between the text inputs and the 'confirm' button ui.add_space(window_height / 26.); ui.add(egui::Button::new("Confirm").fill(black)); // Manually add some space between the button and the bottom border of the // window...for scaling purposes ui.add_space(window_height / 22.); }); }); egui::CentralPanel::default() .frame(egui::containers::Frame { fill: egui::Color32::TRANSPARENT, inner_margin: egui::style::Margin::same(10.), ..default() }) .show(ctx, |ui| { ui.visuals_mut().menu_rounding = egui::Rounding::ZERO; ui.visuals_mut().selection.bg_fill = purple; // Show player stats egui::Grid::new("Stats") .spacing(egui::Vec2::new(20., 10.)) .show(ui, |ui| { let health_bar = egui::widgets::ProgressBar::new( .desired_width(window_width / 10.); let mut stamina_bar = egui::widgets::ProgressBar::new(player.stamina) .desired_width(window_width / 10.); // Show the stamina bar to be empty if the player has no stamina if player.stamina <= 0. { stamina_bar = stamina_bar.fill(egui::Color32::from_rgba_unmultiplied(0, 0, 0, 0)); }; // Show the progress bars! ui.label(egui::RichText::new("Health").color(purple)); ui.add(health_bar); ui.end_row(); ui.label(egui::RichText::new("Stamina").color(purple)); ui.add(stamina_bar); ui.end_row(); }); }); }