use clap::Parser; use colored::Colorize; use std::{env::var, path::PathBuf}; use sysinfo::System; use whoami::*; /// A simple and adorable sysinfo utility written in Rust. #[derive(Parser, Debug)] #[command(version, about, long_about = None)] struct Args { /// Show ASCII art only #[arg(short, long)] ascii_only: bool, /// Show CPU architecture #[arg(short = 'x', long)] arch: bool, /// Show the kernel version #[arg(short = 'k', long)] kernel: bool, /// Hide terminal colours #[arg(short = 'z', long, default_value_t = false)] hide_colours: bool, } // Display the CPU architecture fn cpu_arch(args: &Args) { if args.arch { let arch = arch(); println!("{:>17} {}", "Arch".cyan().bold(), arch); } } // Display the kernel version fn display_kernel(args: &Args) { if args.kernel { let kernel = System::kernel_version().unwrap_or(String::from("N/A")); println!("{:>19} {}", "Kernel".yellow().bold(), kernel); } } fn main() { let args = Args::parse(); let bottom = format!("c({})({})", "\"".red(), "\"".red()).to_string(); let ascii = ["(\\ /)", "( . .)", &bottom]; let hostname = fallible::hostname().unwrap_or(String::from("N/A")); let user = username(); let combined = format!("{}@{}", user.italic(), hostname.italic()); let pretty = distro(); let wm: String; if cfg!(windows) { wm = "DWM".to_string(); } else if cfg!(unix) { let xdg_current_desktop = var("XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP"); let desktop = desktop_env().to_string(); if desktop != "Unknown: Unknown" { wm = desktop; } else if xdg_current_desktop.is_ok() { wm = xdg_current_desktop.unwrap(); } else { wm = "N/A".to_string(); } } else { wm = "N/A".to_string(); } let shell_path = PathBuf::from(var("SHELL").unwrap_or(String::from("N/A"))); let shell = shell_path .file_name() .expect("Could not get $SHELL path") .to_str() .unwrap(); println!(); if !args.ascii_only { println!("{: <13}{}", "", combined); cpu_arch(&args); display_kernel(&args); println!("{:>8} {:>6} {}", ascii[0], "OS".red().bold(), pretty); println!("{:>9} {:>8} {}", ascii[1], "Shell".green().bold(), shell); println!("{:>28} {:>4} {}", ascii[2], "WM".blue().bold(), wm); } else { for i in ascii { println!(" {}", i); } } if !args.hide_colours && !args.ascii_only { println!(); let colors = [ "black", "red", "green", "yellow", "blue", "magenta", "cyan", "white", ]; let mut color_string: String = " ".to_owned(); for color in colors { color_string.push_str(&format!("{:>3}", "●".color(color))); } println!("{}", color_string); } println!(); }