> Project deprecated as part of my move to self-sustainability, and as I no longer use Emacs. I've moved to Neovim, and you'll be able to see my config soon.
To install Dianciemacs, first clone the repository to your appropriate Emacs directory - generally `~/.emacs.d` for Linux and macOS - alternatively, `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/emacs` may also be used (typically `~/.config/emacs`)
If you wish to make your changes to the default configuration, simply make any desired changes to the the `init.el` file in the `user/` directory - this directory is (as implied by its name) reserved for user configuration, so feel free to add any extra files.
Dianciemacs, as of the time of writing, works well as an Emacs configuration - but that's about it. Feature-parity with other Emacs configuration *frameworks* is planned, but, truth be told, it's abysmal right now. I recommend you give this config a try nevertheless.
Contributions are very welcome! Honestly speaking, I don't know all there is to know about Emacs/lisp, so if you want a cool feature (that I may or may not have on the roadmap) and have the e-lisp proficiency, I'll happily consider it.