;;; lisp/editor.el --- Default configration for Dianciemacs' editor -*- lexical-binding: t; -*- ;;; Commentary: ;; ;; Emacs' default editing experience sucks a lot. There's too much most people ;; will never need and I personally believe modal keybinds to be superior. ;; So, there's a lot changes Dianciemacs will be making to the editor, all of which can be seen in this file. ;; ;;; Code: ;; Quit input dialogues after pressing escape once (global-set-key (kbd "") 'keyboard-escape-quit) ; Line Wrapping (global-visual-line-mode 1) ; Prevent wrapping of words ;; evil - A Vi Layer inside of Emacs (use-package evil :custom (evil-want-keybinding nil) ; Make room for evil-collection (evil-want-integration t) ; Same as above (evil-undo-system 'undo-fu) ; Set the undo/redo system (evil-respect-visual-line-mode t) ; Make evil respect line wrapping :config (evil-mode 1)) ;; evil-collection - A collection of keybinds for evil (use-package evil-collection :custom (evil-collection-setup-minibuffer t) :init (evil-collection-init)) ;; evil-escape - Escape from insert mode using jk (use-package evil-escape :config (setq-default evil-escape-key-sequence "jk") :init (evil-escape-mode 1)) ;; undo-fu, used by evil for undo/redo functionality (use-package undo-fu) ;; Disable the creation of files ending with '~' (backup files) (setq make-backup-files nil) ;; Move files with '#' to system tmp directory (setq create-lockfiles nil) (setq backup-directory-alist `((".*" . ,temporary-file-directory))) (setq auto-save-file-name-transforms `((".*" ,temporary-file-directory t))) ;; Themes ;; Customize doom-themes (setq doom-themes-enable-bold t doom-themes-enable-italic t) (doom-themes-treemacs-config) ; Enable theming of treemacs (doom-themes-org-config) ; And org-mode ;; Set theme to `graphite', Dianicemacs' default (use-package autothemer) (use-package graphite-theme :straight (:package "graphite" :host nil :type git :repo "ssh://")) (load-theme 'graphite t) ;; rainbow-mode - Colourful colour codes! (use-package rainbow-mode :hook (prog-mode . rainbow-mode)) ;; Keybinds ;; Enable which-key (which-key-mode) (setq which-key-idle-delay 0.1) ; Make the popup appear faster (setq which-key-separator " - " ) ; Change the seperator which-key uses ;; general - More convenient key definitions for Emacs (use-package general :config (general-evil-setup t) :init (general-create-definer diancite/leaders :prefix leader-key)) (diancite/leaders :keymaps 'normal "f" '(:wk "File") "n" '(:wk "Org") "m" '(:wk "Magit") "w" '(:wk "Evil") "p" '(:wk "Projects")) ;;; editor.el ends here