;;; This file contains the packages that Dianciemacs uses ;; magit - A beautiful git porcelain for Emacs (use-package magit) ;;; Themes ;; Install the Doom Emacs theme megapack. (use-package doom-themes) ;; kaolin-themes, depends on autothemer (use-package kaolin-themes :requires autothemer) (use-package autothemer) ;; all-the-icons - Icons for various UI elements (use-package all-the-icons) ;;; org-mode ;; org-superstar (use-package org-superstar) ;;; evil - A Vi layer inside of Emacs (use-package evil :init (setq evil-want-keybinding nil ; Make room for evil-collection evil-want-integration t ; Same as above evil-undo-system 'undo-fu)) ; Set the undo/redo system ;; A collection of keybinds for evil-mode (use-package evil-collection :after evil) ; In order to recognize evil-want-... being set ;; undo-fu, used by evil for undo/redo functionality (use-package undo-fu) ;;; Keybinds (use-package which-key) ;; Provide this file to init.el (provide 'packages)