use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::env;
use std::path::Path;
use std::rc::Rc;
use rustboyadvance_core::prelude::*;
use rustboyadvance_core::util::FpsCounter;
struct DummyAudio {}
impl DummyAudio {
fn new() -> DummyAudio {
DummyAudio {}
impl AudioInterface for DummyAudio {}
fn main() {
if env::args().count() < 3 {
eprintln!("usage: {} <bios> <rom>", env::args().nth(0).unwrap());
let bios_path = env::args().nth(1).expect("missing <bios>");
let rom_path = env::args().nth(2).expect("missing <rom>");
let bios = read_bin_file(Path::new(&bios_path)).expect("failed to read bios file");
let rom = read_bin_file(Path::new(&rom_path)).expect("failed to read rom file");
let gamepak = GamepakBuilder::new()
let dummy = Rc::new(RefCell::new(DummyAudio::new()));
let mut gba = GameBoyAdvance::new(bios.into_boxed_slice(), gamepak, dummy.clone());
let mut fps_counter = FpsCounter::default();
loop {
if let Some(fps) = fps_counter.tick() {
println!("FPS: {}", fps);