optimize/gpu: Optimize read_pixel_index calls inside render loops.

Former-commit-id: 763b24a151ddd3dcb69afacabcb214b26ad03052
This commit is contained in:
Michel Heily 2020-03-28 15:39:57 +03:00 committed by MishMish
parent 699b2decd2
commit 414c1b0557
3 changed files with 161 additions and 109 deletions

View file

@ -249,20 +249,31 @@ impl Gpu {
/// helper method that reads the palette index from a base address and x + y
pub fn read_pixel_index(&self, addr: u32, x: u32, y: u32, format: PixelFormat) -> usize {
let ofs = addr - VRAM_ADDR;
match format {
PixelFormat::BPP4 => {
let byte = self.vram.read_8(ofs + index2d!(u32, x / 2, y, 4));
if x & 1 != 0 {
(byte >> 4) as usize
} else {
(byte & 0xf) as usize
PixelFormat::BPP8 => self.vram.read_8(ofs + index2d!(u32, x, y, 8)) as usize,
PixelFormat::BPP4 => self.read_pixel_index_bpp4(addr, x, y),
PixelFormat::BPP8 => self.read_pixel_index_bpp8(addr, x, y),
pub fn read_pixel_index_bpp4(&self, addr: u32, x: u32, y: u32) -> usize {
let ofs = addr - VRAM_ADDR + index2d!(u32, x / 2, y, 4);
let ofs = ofs as usize;
let byte = self.vram.read_8(ofs as u32);
if x & 1 != 0 {
(byte >> 4) as usize
} else {
(byte & 0xf) as usize
pub fn read_pixel_index_bpp8(&self, addr: u32, x: u32, y: u32) -> usize {
let ofs = addr - VRAM_ADDR;
self.vram.read_8(ofs + index2d!(u32, x, y, 8)) as usize
pub fn get_palette_color(&self, index: u32, palette_index: u32, offset: u32) -> Rgb15 {
if index == 0 || (palette_index != 0 && index % 16 == 0) {
return Rgb15::TRANSPARENT;

View file

@ -118,41 +118,56 @@ impl Gpu {
let half_height = bbox_h / 2;
let screen_width = DISPLAY_WIDTH as i32;
let iy = screen_y - (ref_y + half_height);
for ix in (-half_width)..(half_width) {
let screen_x = ref_x + half_width + ix;
if screen_x < 0 {
if screen_x >= screen_width {
if self
.obj_buffer_get(screen_x as usize, screen_y as usize)
<= attrs.2.priority()
&& !attrs.is_obj_window()
let transformed_x = (affine_matrix.pa * ix + affine_matrix.pb * iy) >> 8;
let transformed_y = (affine_matrix.pc * ix + affine_matrix.pd * iy) >> 8;
let texture_x = transformed_x + obj_w / 2;
let texture_y = transformed_y + obj_h / 2;
if texture_x >= 0 && texture_x < obj_w && texture_y >= 0 && texture_y < obj_h {
let tile_x = texture_x % 8;
let tile_y = texture_y % 8;
let tile_addr = tile_base
+ index2d!(u32, texture_x / 8, texture_y / 8, tile_array_width)
* (tile_size as u32);
let pixel_index =
self.read_pixel_index(tile_addr, tile_x as u32, tile_y as u32, pixel_format);
let pixel_color =
self.get_palette_color(pixel_index as u32, palette_bank, PALRAM_OFS_FG);
if pixel_color != Rgb15::TRANSPARENT {
self.write_obj_pixel(screen_x as usize, screen_y as usize, pixel_color, &attrs);
macro_rules! render_loop {
($read_pixel_index_fn:ident) => {
for ix in (-half_width)..(half_width) {
let screen_x = ref_x + half_width + ix;
if screen_x < 0 {
if screen_x >= screen_width {
if self
.obj_buffer_get(screen_x as usize, screen_y as usize)
<= attrs.2.priority()
&& !attrs.is_obj_window()
let transformed_x = (affine_matrix.pa * ix + affine_matrix.pb * iy) >> 8;
let transformed_y = (affine_matrix.pc * ix + affine_matrix.pd * iy) >> 8;
let texture_x = transformed_x + obj_w / 2;
let texture_y = transformed_y + obj_h / 2;
if texture_x >= 0 && texture_x < obj_w && texture_y >= 0 && texture_y < obj_h {
let tile_x = texture_x % 8;
let tile_y = texture_y % 8;
let tile_addr = tile_base
+ index2d!(u32, texture_x / 8, texture_y / 8, tile_array_width)
* (tile_size as u32);
let pixel_index =
self.$read_pixel_index_fn(tile_addr, tile_x as u32, tile_y as u32);
let pixel_color =
self.get_palette_color(pixel_index as u32, palette_bank, PALRAM_OFS_FG);
if pixel_color != Rgb15::TRANSPARENT {
screen_x as usize,
screen_y as usize,
match pixel_format {
PixelFormat::BPP4 => render_loop!(read_pixel_index_bpp4),
PixelFormat::BPP8 => render_loop!(read_pixel_index_bpp8),
@ -189,44 +204,60 @@ impl Gpu {
// render the pixels
let screen_width = DISPLAY_WIDTH as i32;
let end_x = ref_x + obj_w;
for screen_x in ref_x..end_x {
if screen_x < 0 {
if screen_x >= screen_width {
if self
.obj_buffer_get(screen_x as usize, screen_y as usize)
<= attrs.2.priority()
&& !attrs.is_obj_window()
let mut sprite_y = screen_y - ref_y;
let mut sprite_x = screen_x - ref_x;
sprite_y = if attrs.1.v_flip() {
obj_h - sprite_y - 1
} else {
macro_rules! render_loop {
($read_pixel_index_fn:ident) => {
for screen_x in ref_x..end_x {
if screen_x < 0 {
if screen_x >= screen_width {
if self
.obj_buffer_get(screen_x as usize, screen_y as usize)
<= attrs.2.priority()
&& !attrs.is_obj_window()
let mut sprite_y = screen_y - ref_y;
let mut sprite_x = screen_x - ref_x;
sprite_y = if attrs.1.v_flip() {
obj_h - sprite_y - 1
} else {
sprite_x = if attrs.1.h_flip() {
obj_w - sprite_x - 1
} else {
let tile_x = sprite_x % 8;
let tile_y = sprite_y % 8;
let tile_addr = tile_base
+ index2d!(u32, sprite_x / 8, sprite_y / 8, tile_array_width)
* (tile_size as u32);
let pixel_index =
self.$read_pixel_index_fn(tile_addr, tile_x as u32, tile_y as u32);
let pixel_color =
self.get_palette_color(pixel_index as u32, palette_bank, PALRAM_OFS_FG);
if pixel_color != Rgb15::TRANSPARENT {
screen_x as usize,
screen_y as usize,
sprite_x = if attrs.1.h_flip() {
obj_w - sprite_x - 1
} else {
let tile_x = sprite_x % 8;
let tile_y = sprite_y % 8;
let tile_addr = tile_base
+ index2d!(u32, sprite_x / 8, sprite_y / 8, tile_array_width) * (tile_size as u32);
let pixel_index =
self.read_pixel_index(tile_addr, tile_x as u32, tile_y as u32, pixel_format);
let pixel_color =
self.get_palette_color(pixel_index as u32, palette_bank, PALRAM_OFS_FG);
if pixel_color != Rgb15::TRANSPARENT {
self.write_obj_pixel(screen_x as usize, screen_y as usize, pixel_color, &attrs);
match pixel_format {
PixelFormat::BPP4 => render_loop!(read_pixel_index_bpp4),
PixelFormat::BPP8 => render_loop!(read_pixel_index_bpp8),

View file

@ -48,38 +48,48 @@ impl Gpu {
let mut start_tile_x = bg_x % 8;
let tile_py = (bg_y % 8) as u32;
loop {
let mut map_addr =
tilemap_base + SCREEN_BLOCK_SIZE * sbb + 2 * index2d!(u32, se_row, se_column, 32);
for _ in se_row..32 {
let entry = TileMapEntry(self.vram.read_16(map_addr - VRAM_ADDR));
let tile_addr = tileset_base + entry.tile_index() * tile_size;
macro_rules! render_loop {
($read_pixel_index:ident) => {
loop {
let mut map_addr = tilemap_base
+ 2 * index2d!(u32, se_row, se_column, 32);
for _ in se_row..32 {
let entry = TileMapEntry(self.vram.read_16(map_addr - VRAM_ADDR));
let tile_addr = tileset_base + entry.tile_index() * tile_size;
for tile_px in start_tile_x..8 {
let index = self.read_pixel_index(
if entry.x_flip() { 7 - tile_px } else { tile_px },
if entry.y_flip() { 7 - tile_py } else { tile_py },
let palette_bank = match pixel_format {
PixelFormat::BPP4 => entry.palette_bank() as u32,
PixelFormat::BPP8 => 0u32,
let color = self.get_palette_color(index as u32, palette_bank, 0);
self.backgrounds[bg].line[screen_x as usize] = color;
screen_x += 1;
if (DISPLAY_WIDTH as u32) == screen_x {
for tile_px in start_tile_x..8 {
let index = self.$read_pixel_index(
if entry.x_flip() { 7 - tile_px } else { tile_px },
if entry.y_flip() { 7 - tile_py } else { tile_py },
let palette_bank = match pixel_format {
PixelFormat::BPP4 => entry.palette_bank() as u32,
PixelFormat::BPP8 => 0u32,
let color = self.get_palette_color(index as u32, palette_bank, 0);
self.backgrounds[bg].line[screen_x as usize] = color;
screen_x += 1;
if (DISPLAY_WIDTH as u32) == screen_x {
start_tile_x = 0;
map_addr += 2;
se_row = 0;
if bg_width == 512 {
sbb = sbb ^ 1;
start_tile_x = 0;
map_addr += 2;
se_row = 0;
if bg_width == 512 {
sbb = sbb ^ 1;
match pixel_format {
PixelFormat::BPP4 => render_loop!(read_pixel_index_bpp4),
PixelFormat::BPP8 => render_loop!(read_pixel_index_bpp8),