#[macro_use] extern crate libretro_backend; #[macro_use] extern crate log; use libretro_backend::{ AudioVideoInfo, CoreInfo, GameData, JoypadButton, LoadGameResult, PixelFormat, RuntimeHandle, }; use bit::BitIndex; use unsafe_unwrap::UnsafeUnwrap; use rustboyadvance_core::keypad::Keys as _GbaButton; use rustboyadvance_core::prelude::*; use rustboyadvance_utils::audio::AudioRingBuffer; use std::ops::Deref; use std::path::Path; use std::cell::RefCell; use std::default::Default; use std::rc::Rc; #[derive(Default)] struct AudioDevice { audio_ring_buffer: AudioRingBuffer, } impl AudioInterface for AudioDevice { fn push_sample(&mut self, samples: &[i16]) { let prod = self.audio_ring_buffer.producer(); for s in samples.iter() { let _ = prod.push(*s); } } } #[derive(Default)] struct RustBoyAdvanceCore { gba: Option, game_data: Option, audio: Option>>, } #[repr(transparent)] struct GbaButton(_GbaButton); impl Deref for GbaButton { type Target = _GbaButton; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { return &self.0 } } impl From for GbaButton { fn from(button: JoypadButton) -> Self { let mapped = match button { JoypadButton::A => _GbaButton::ButtonA, JoypadButton::B => _GbaButton::ButtonB, JoypadButton::Start => _GbaButton::Start, JoypadButton::Select => _GbaButton::Select, JoypadButton::Left => _GbaButton::Left, JoypadButton::Up => _GbaButton::Up, JoypadButton::Right => _GbaButton::Right, JoypadButton::Down => _GbaButton::Down, JoypadButton::L1 => _GbaButton::ButtonL, JoypadButton::R1 => _GbaButton::ButtonR, _ => panic!("unimplemented button {:?}", button), }; GbaButton(mapped) } } impl libretro_backend::Core for RustBoyAdvanceCore { fn info() -> CoreInfo { info!("Getting core info!"); CoreInfo::new("RustBoyAdvance", env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION")) .supports_roms_with_extension("gba") } fn on_load_game(&mut self, game_data: GameData) -> LoadGameResult { debug!("on_load_game"); let system_directory = libretro_backend::environment::get_system_directory(); if system_directory.is_none() { error!("no system directory!"); return LoadGameResult::Failed(game_data); } let system_directory = system_directory.unwrap(); let system_directory_path = Path::new(&system_directory); let bios_path = system_directory_path.join("gba_bios.bin"); if !bios_path.exists() { error!("bios file missing, please place it in {:?}", bios_path); return LoadGameResult::Failed(game_data); } let bios = read_bin_file(&bios_path); if game_data.is_empty() { error!("game data is empty!"); return LoadGameResult::Failed(game_data); } let result = if let Some(data) = game_data.data() { GamepakBuilder::new() .buffer(data) .without_backup_to_file() .build() } else if let Some(path) = game_data.path() { GamepakBuilder::new().file(Path::new(&path)).build() } else { unreachable!() }; match (result, bios) { (Ok(gamepak), Ok(bios)) => { let av_info = AudioVideoInfo::new() .video(240, 160, 60.0, PixelFormat::ARGB8888) .audio(44100.0); let audio = Rc::new(RefCell::new(AudioDevice::default())); let gba = GameBoyAdvance::new(bios.into_boxed_slice(), gamepak, audio.clone()); self.audio = Some(audio); self.gba = Some(gba); self.game_data = Some(game_data); LoadGameResult::Success(av_info) } _ => LoadGameResult::Failed(game_data), } } fn on_run(&mut self, handle: &mut RuntimeHandle) { let joypad_port = 0; // gba and audio are `Some` after the game is loaded, so avoiding overhead of unwrap let gba = unsafe { self.gba.as_mut().unsafe_unwrap() }; let audio = unsafe { self.audio.as_mut().unsafe_unwrap() }; let key_state = gba.get_key_state_mut(); macro_rules! update_controllers { ( $( $button:ident ),+ ) => ( $( key_state.set_bit(*GbaButton::from(JoypadButton::$button) as usize, !handle.is_joypad_button_pressed( joypad_port, JoypadButton::$button )); )+ ) } update_controllers!(A, B, Start, Select, Left, Up, Right, Down, L1, R1); drop(key_state); gba.frame(); let framebuffer = gba.get_frame_buffer(); let bytes_per_pixel = 4; let framebuffer_size = 240 * 160; let uploaded_frame = unsafe { std::slice::from_raw_parts( framebuffer.as_ptr() as *const u8, framebuffer_size * bytes_per_pixel, ) }; handle.upload_video_frame(uploaded_frame); // upload sound samples { let mut audio_samples = [0; 4096 * 2]; let mut audio = audio.borrow_mut(); let consumer = audio.audio_ring_buffer.consumer(); let count = consumer.pop_slice(&mut audio_samples); handle.upload_audio_frame(&audio_samples[..count]); } } fn on_reset(&mut self) { debug!("on_reset"); self.gba.as_mut().unwrap().soft_reset(); } fn on_unload_game(&mut self) -> GameData { debug!("on_unload_game"); self.game_data.take().unwrap() } // ... } libretro_core!(RustBoyAdvanceCore);