[[project]] name = "sage" desc = "A collection of utilities for home labs written in Rust." tags = ["rust", "homelab", "selfhosted", "utility", "cli"] links = [ { name = "git", url = "https://git.devraza.duckdns.org/devraza/sage" }, ] [[project]] name = "bunbun" desc = "A simple and adorable sysinfo utility written in Rust." tags = ["sysinfo", "neofetch", "rust", "cli"] links = [ { name = "git", url = "https://git.devraza.duckdns.org/devraza/bunbun" }, ] [[project]] name = "vaporise" desc = "A simple, featureful and blazingly fast memory-safe alternative to `rm` written in Rust." tags = ["rm", "rust", "alternative", "cli"] links = [ { name = "git", url = "https://git.devraza.duckdns.org/devraza/vaporise" }, ] [[project]] name = "Ambition" desc = "A textual fast-paced 2D MMORPG written in Rust." tags = ["rust", "bevy", "mmorpg"] links = [ { name = "git", url = "https://git.devraza.duckdns.org/devraza/ambition" }, ] [[project]] name = "rustboyadvance-ng" desc = "A rusty Nintendoâ„¢ Game Boy Advance emulator and debugger. `[Deprecated]`" tags = ["rust", "gameboy", "emulator"] links = [ { name = "git", url = "https://git.devraza.duckdns.org/devraza/rustboyadvance-ng" }, { name = "parent", url = "https://github.com/michelhe/rustboyadvance-ng" }, ] [[project]] name = "radiant.nvim" desc = "A fast and minimal Neovim configuration framework." tags = ["neovim"] links = [ { name = "git", url = "https://git.devraza.duckdns.org/devraza/radiant.nvim" }, ] [[project]] name = "kagayaki.nvim" desc = "A gorgeously soft colorscheme for Neovim." tags = ["neovim", "colorscheme"] links = [ { name = "git", url = "https://git.devraza.duckdns.org/devraza/particle.nvim" }, ] [[project]] name = "DianciEmacs" desc = "A minimal and elegant Emacs configuration framework. `[Deprecated]`" tags = ["emacs", "config", "diancie"] links = [ { name = "git", url = "https://git.devraza.duckdns.org/devraza/dianciemacs" }, ] [[project]] name = "Kagayaki for Emacs" desc = "A gorgeously soft colorscheme for Emacs. `[Deprecated]`" tags = ["emacs", "colorscheme", "theme", "dark"] links = [ { name = "git", url = "https://git.devraza.duckdns.org/devraza/kagayaki-emacs" }, ]