EVO_FRIENDSHIP,// Pokémon levels up with friendship ≥ 220
EVO_FRIENDSHIP_DAY,// Pokémon levels up during the day with friendship ≥ 220
EVO_FRIENDSHIP_NIGHT,// Pokémon levels up at night with friendship ≥ 220
EVO_LEVEL,// Pokémon reaches the specified level
EVO_TRADE,// Pokémon is traded
EVO_TRADE_ITEM,// Pokémon is traded while it's holding the specified item
EVO_ITEM,// specified item is used on Pokémon
EVO_LEVEL_ATK_GT_DEF,// Pokémon reaches the specified level with attack > defense
EVO_LEVEL_ATK_EQ_DEF,// Pokémon reaches the specified level with attack = defense
EVO_LEVEL_ATK_LT_DEF,// Pokémon reaches the specified level with attack < defense
EVO_LEVEL_SILCOON,// Pokémon reaches the specified level with a Silcoon personality value
EVO_LEVEL_CASCOON,// Pokémon reaches the specified level with a Cascoon personality value
EVO_LEVEL_NINJASK,// Pokémon reaches the specified level (special value for Ninjask)
EVO_LEVEL_SHEDINJA,// Pokémon reaches the specified level (special value for Shedinja)
EVO_BEAUTY,// Pokémon levels up with beauty ≥ specified value
EVO_LEVEL_FEMALE,// Pokémon reaches the specified level, is female
EVO_LEVEL_MALE,// Pokémon reaches the specified level, is male
EVO_LEVEL_NIGHT,// Pokémon reaches the specified level, is night
EVO_LEVEL_DAY,// Pokémon reaches the specified level, is day
EVO_LEVEL_DUSK,// Pokémon reaches the specified level, is dusk (5-6 P.M)
EVO_ITEM_HOLD_DAY,// Pokémon levels up, holds specified item at day
EVO_ITEM_HOLD_NIGHT,// Pokémon levels up, holds specified item at night
EVO_MOVE,// Pokémon levels up, knows specified move
EVO_FRIENDSHIP_MOVE_TYPE,// Pokémon levels up with friendship ≥ 220, knows move with specified type
EVO_MAPSEC,// Pokémon levels up on specified mapsec
EVO_ITEM_MALE,// specified item is used on a male Pokémon
EVO_ITEM_FEMALE,// specified item is used on a female Pokémon
EVO_LEVEL_RAIN,// Pokémon reaches the specified level during rain in the overworld
EVO_SPECIFIC_MON_IN_PARTY,// Pokémon levels up with a specified Pokémon in party
EVO_LEVEL_DARK_TYPE_MON_IN_PARTY,// Pokémon reaches the specified level with a Dark Type Pokémon in party
EVO_TRADE_SPECIFIC_MON,// Pokémon is traded for a specified Pokémon
EVO_SPECIFIC_MAP,// Pokémon levels up on specified map
EVO_LEVEL_NATURE_AMPED,// Pokémon reaches the specified level, it has a Hardy, Brave, Adamant, Naughty, Docile, Impish, Lax, Hasty, Jolly, Naive, Rash, Sassy, or Quirky nature.
EVO_LEVEL_NATURE_LOW_KEY,// Pokémon reaches the specified level, it has a Lonely, Bold, Relaxed, Timid, Serious, Modest, Mild, Quiet, Bashful, Calm, Gentle, or Careful nature.
EVO_CRITICAL_HITS,// Pokémon performs specified number of critical hits in one battle
EVO_SCRIPT_TRIGGER_DMG,// Pokémon has specified HP below max, then player interacts trigger
EVO_DARK_SCROLL,// interacts with Scroll of Darkness
EVO_WATER_SCROLL,// interacts with Scroll of Waters
EVO_ITEM_NIGHT,// specified item is used on Pokémon, is night
EVO_ITEM_DAY,// specified item is used on Pokémon, is day
EVO_ITEM_HOLD,// Pokémon levels up, holds specified item
EVO_LEVEL_FOG,// Pokémon reaches the specified level during fog in the overworld
EVO_MOVE_TWO_SEGMENT,// Pokémon levels up, knows specified move, has a personality value with a modulus of 0
EVO_MOVE_THREE_SEGMENT,// Pokémon levels up, knows specified move, has a personality value with a modulus of 1-99
EVO_LEVEL_FAMILY_OF_THREE,// Pokémon reaches the specified level in battle with a personality value with a modulus of 0
EVO_LEVEL_FAMILY_OF_FOUR,// Pokémon reaches the specified level in battle with a personality value with a modulus of 1-99
EVO_USE_MOVE_TWENTY_TIMES,// Pokémon levels up after having used a move for at least 20 times
EVO_RECOIL_DAMAGE_MALE,// Pokémon levels up after having suffered specified amount of non-fainting recoil damage as a male
EVO_RECOIL_DAMAGE_FEMALE,// Pokémon levels up after having suffered specified amount of non-fainting recoil damage as a female
EVO_ITEM_COUNT_999,// Pokémon levels up after trainer has collected 999 of a specific item
EVO_DEFEAT_THREE_WITH_ITEM,// Pokémon levels up after having defeat 3 Pokémon of the same species holding the specified item
EVO_OVERWORLD_STEPS,// Pokémon levels up after having taken a specific amount of steps in the overworld