* Removed HANDLE_EXPANDED_MOVE_NAME * Removed HANDLE_EXPANDED_TYPE_NAME * Removed HANDLE_EXPANDED_ITEM_NAME * Removed HANDLE_EXPANDED_SPECIES_NAME * Removed I_EXPANDED_ITEM_NAMES * Removed B_EXPANDED_MOVE_NAMES * Removed B_EXPANDED_TYPE_NAMES * Removed B_EXPANDED_ABILITY_NAMES * Removed B_EXPANDED_ABILITY_NAMES * Added documentation of names * Github markdown spacing is silly * Removed list per https://github.com/rh-hideout/pokeemerald-expansion/pull/5240\#discussion_r1736860339 * Removed list per https://github.com/rh-hideout/pokeemerald-expansion/pull/5240\#discussion_r1736860339
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Megaman Battle Network Style Names
Prior to 1.10, names in expansion that were too long for the game's UIs were truncated to fit using the naming conventions from the Megaman Battle Network series.
These were removed as part of https://github.com/rh-hideout/pokeemerald-expansion/pull/5240. They are stored here for users that may want to refer back to them or restore them.
Attribute | MMBN | Official |
Item | PewtrCrnches | Pewter Crunchies |
Item | RageCandyBar | Rage Candy Bar |
Item | LumioseGlete | Lumiose Galette |
Item | ShalourSable | Shalour Sable |
Item | HealthFeather | Health Feather |
Item | MuscleFeather | Muscle Feather |
Item | ResistFeather | Resist Feather |
Item | GeniusFeather | Genius Feather |
Item | CleverFeather | Clever Feather |
Item | SwiftFeather | Swift Feather |
Item | AbilityCapsle | Ability Capsule |
Item | AbilityPatch | Ability Patch |
Item | AbilityPatches | Ability Patches |
Item | Exp.Candy XS | Exp. Candy XS |
Item | Exp.Candies XS | Exp. Candies XS |
Item | Exp.Candy S | Exp. Candy S |
Item | Exp.Candies S | Exp. Candies S |
Item | Exp.Candy M | Exp. Candy M |
Item | Exp.Candies M | Exp. Candies M |
Item | Exp.Candy L | Exp. Candy L |
Item | Exp.Candies L | Exp. Candies L |
Item | Exp.Candy XL | Exp. Candy XL |
Item | Exp.Candies XL | Exp. Candies XL |
Item | DynamaxCandy | Dynamax Candy |
Item | DynamaxCandies | Dynamax Candies |
Item | MaxMushrooms | Max Mushrooms |
Item | GoldBottlCap | Gold Bottle Cap |
Item | PrettyFeather | Pretty Feather |
Item | StrngeSouvnr | Strange Souvenir |
Item | FosslzedBird | Fossilized Bird |
Item | FosslzedFish | Fossilized Fish |
Item | FosslzedFishes | Fossilized Fishes |
Item | FosslzedDrke | Fossilized Drake |
Item | FosslzedDino | Fossilized Dino |
Item | SurprseMulch | Surprise Mulch |
Item | YellwApricorn | Yellow Apricorn |
Item | GreenApricorn | Green Apricorn |
Item | WhiteApricorn | White Apricorn |
Item | BlackApricorn | Black Apricorn |
Item | WishingPiece | Wishing Piece |
Item | GalaricaTwig | Galarica Twig |
Item | GalaricaCuff | Galarica Cuff |
Item | GalrcaWreath | Galarica Wreath |
Item | GalrcaWreathes | Galarica Wreathes |
Item | StrwbrySweet | Strawberry Sweet |
Item | ElectrcMemory | Electric Memory |
Item | ElectrcMemories | Electric Memories |
Item | FightngMemory | Fighting Memory |
Item | FightngMemories | Fighting Memories |
Item | PsychicMemory | Psychic Memory |
Item | PsychicMemories | Psychic Memories |
Item | RustedSword | Rusted Sword |
Item | RustedShield | Rusted Shield |
Item | CharizarditeX | Charizardite X |
Item | CharizarditeY | Charizardite Y |
Item | U-Necrozium Z | Ultranecrozium Z |
Item | DeepSeaScale | Deep Sea Scale |
Item | DeepSeaTooth | Deep Sea Tooth |
Item | Never-MeltIce | Never-Melt Ice |
Item | WeaknssPolicy | Weakness Policy |
Item | WeaknssPolicies | Weakness Policies |
Item | SafetyGoggles | Safety Goggles |
Item | AdrenalineOrb | Adrenaline Orb |
Item | TerainExtendr | Terrain Extender |
Item | ProtectvePads | Protective Pads |
Item | Heavy-DtyBts | Heavy-Duty Boots |
Item | BlundrPolicy | Blunder Policy |
Item | BlundrPolicies | Blunder Policies |
Item | UtltyUmbrlla | Utility Umbrella |
Item | CatchngCharm | Catching Charm |
Item | RotomCatalog | Rotom Catalog |
Item | ReinsOfUnity | Reins of Unity |
Item | Dowsing MCHN | Dowsing Machine |
Item | AbilityShield | Ability Shield |
Item | PunchingGlove | Punching Glove |
Item | AuspciousArmr | Auspicious Armor |
Item | BoosterEnergy | Booster Energy |
Item | BoosterEnergies | Booster Energies |
Item | BigBmbooShoot | Big Bamboo Shoot |
Item | GimighoulCoin | Gimmighoul Coin |
Item | Leader'sCrest | Leader's Crest |
Item | MaliciousArmr | Malicious Armor |
Item | ScrllOfDrknss | Scroll of Darkness |
Item | ScrllsOfDrknss | Scrolls of Darkness |
Item | ScrollOfWatrs | Scroll of Waters |
Item | ScrollsOfWatrs | Scrolls of Waters |
Item | TinyBmbooShot | Tiny Bamboo Shoot |
Item | Bug TeraShard | Bug Tera Shard |
Item | DarkTeraShard | Dark Tera Shard |
Item | DragnTeraShrd | Dragon Tera Shard |
Item | EltrcTeraShrd | Electric Tera Shard |
Item | FairyTeraShrd | Fairy Tera Shard |
Item | FghtngTerShrd | Fighting Tera Shard |
Item | FireTeraShard | Fire Tera Shard |
Item | FlyngTeraShrd | Flying Tera Shard |
Item | GhostTeraShrd | Ghost Tera Shard |
Item | GrassTeraShrd | Grass Tera Shard |
Item | GrondTeraShrd | Ground Tera Shard |
Item | Ice TeraShard | Ice Tera Shard |
Item | NormlTeraShrd | Normal Tera Shard |
Item | PoisnTeraShrd | Poison Tera Shard |
Item | PschcTeraShrd | Psychic Tera Shard |
Item | RockTeraShard | Rock Tera Shard |
Item | SteelTeraShrd | Steel Tera Shard |
Item | WaterTeraShrd | Water Tera Shard |
Item | AdamantCrystl | Adamant Crystal |
Item | LustrousGlobe | Lustrous Globe |
Item | BlackAugurite | Black Augurite |
Item | UnrmkblTeacup | Unremarkable Teacup |
Item | MstrpceTeacup | Masterpiece Teacup |
Item | CornrstneMask | Cornerstone Mask |
Item | WellsprngMask | Wellspring Mask |
Item | HrthflameMask | Hearthflame Mask |
Item | FrshStrtMochi | Fresh Start Mochi |
Item | GlmmringCharm | Glimmering Charm |
Item | StllrTeraShrd | Stellar Tera Shard |
Item | JublifeMuffin | Jubilife Muffin |
Item | AuxPowerguard | Aux Powerguard |
Item | ChoiceDumplng | Choice Dumpling |
Item | 2xSpicedRadsh | Twice-Spiced Radish |
Move | ThunderPunch | Thunder Punch |
Move | PoisonPowder | Poison Powder |
Move | ThunderShock | Thunder Shock |
Move | SelfDestruct | Self-Destruct |
Move | HighJumpKick | High Jump Kick |
Move | DynamicPunch | Dynamic Punch |
Move | DragonBreath | Dragon Breath |
Move | ExtremeSpeed | Extreme Speed |
Move | AncientPower | Ancient Power |
Move | SmellngSalts | Smelling Salts |
Move | FeatherDance | Feather Dance |
Move | GrassWhistle | Grass Whistle |
Move | PhantomForce | Phantom Force |
Move | TrickOrTreat | Trick-or-Treat |
Move | ParabolcChrg | Parabolic Charge |
Move | Forest'sCurs | Forest's Curse |
Move | PetalBlizzrd | Petal Blizzard |
Move | DisrmngVoice | Disarming Voice |
Move | DrainingKiss | Draining Kiss |
Move | CraftyShield | Crafty Shield |
Move | FlowerShield | Flower Shield |
Move | GrssyTerrain | Grassy Terrain |
Move | MistyTerrain | Misty Terrain |
Move | King'sShield | King's Shield |
Move | DiamondStorm | Diamond Storm |
Move | SteamErption | Steam Eruption |
Move | HyprspceHole | Hyperspace Hole |
Move | WatrShuriken | Water Shuriken |
Move | MysticalFire | Mystical Fire |
Move | AromaticMist | Aromatic Mist |
Move | EerieImpulse | Eerie Impulse |
Move | MagneticFlux | Magnetic Flux |
Move | ElctrcTrrain | Electric Terrain |
Move | DazzlngGleam | Dazzling Gleam |
Move | BabyDollEyes | Baby-Doll Eyes |
Move | PowerUpPunch | Power-Up Punch |
Move | OblivionWing | Oblivion Wing |
Move | ThousndArrws | Thousand Arrows |
Move | ThousndWaves | Thousand Waves |
Move | LightOfRuin | Light Of Ruin |
Move | PrcipceBldes | Precipice Blades |
Move | DragonAscent | Dragon Ascent |
Move | HyprspceFury | Hyperspace Fury |
Move | FrstImpressn | First Impression |
Move | BanefulBunkr | Baneful Bunker |
Move | SpiritShackl | Spirit Shackle |
Move | DarkstLariat | Darkest Lariat |
Move | SparklngAria | Sparkling Aria |
Move | FloralHealng | Floral Healing |
Move | HighHorsepwr | High Horsepower |
Move | PsychcTrrain | Psychic Terrain |
Move | RvlationDnce | Revelation Dance |
Move | CoreEnforcer | Core Enforcer |
Move | ClngngScales | Clanging Scales |
Move | DragonHammer | Dragon Hammer |
Move | PsychicFangs | Psychic Fangs |
Move | StmpngTantrm | Stomping Tantrum |
Move | PrsmaticLasr | Prismatic Laser |
Move | SpectrlThief | Spectral Thief |
Move | SnsteelStrke | Sunsteel Strike |
Move | MoongestBeam | Moongeist Beam |
Move | Natur'sMadns | Nature's Madness |
Move | PhotonGeyser | Photon Geyser |
Move | SplishySplsh | Splishy Splash |
Move | BouncyBubble | Bouncy Bubble |
Move | SparklySwirl | Sparkly Swirl |
Move | VeeveeVolley | Veevee Volley |
Move | DublIronBash | Double Iron Bash |
Move | DynamxCannon | Dynamax Cannon |
Move | FishiousRend | Fishious Rend |
Move | ClngrousSoul | Clangorous Soul |
Move | BehemthBlade | Behemoth Blade |
Move | BehemothBash | Behemoth Bash |
Move | BreakngSwipe | Breaking Swipe |
Move | StrangeSteam | Strange Steam |
Move | FalsSurrendr | False Surrender |
Move | MeteorAssalt | Meteor Assault |
Move | ExpandngForc | Expanding Force |
Move | ShellSideArm | Shell Side Arm |
Move | MstyExplsion | Misty Explosion |
Move | RisngVoltage | Rising Voltage |
Move | TerrainPulse | Terrain Pulse |
Move | SkitterSmack | Skitter Smack |
Move | BrningJelosy | Burning Jealousy |
Move | CorrosiveGas | Corrosive Gas |
Move | DualWingbeat | Dual Wingbeat |
Move | ScorchngSnds | Scorching Sands |
Move | JungleHealng | Jungle Healing |
Move | SurgngStrkes | Surging Strikes |
Move | DragonEnergy | Dragon Energy |
Move | FreezngGlare | Freezing Glare |
Move | ThnderusKick | Thunderous Kick |
Move | GlacialLance | Glacial Lance |
Move | AstrlBarrage | Astral Barrage |
Move | PsyshieldBsh | Psyshield Bash |
Move | SprngtdeStrm | Springtide Storm |
Move | MystcalPower | Mystical Power |
Move | MountainGale | Mountain Gale |
Move | VictoryDance | Victory Dance |
Move | HeadlongRush | Headlong Rush |
Move | BitterMalice | Bitter Malice |
Move | TripleArrows | Triple Arrows |
Move | InfrnlParade | Infernal Parade |
Move | CeaslessEdge | Ceaseless Edge |
Move | BlekwndStorm | Bleakwind Storm |
Move | WildbltStorm | Wildbolt Storm |
Move | SndsearStorm | Sandsear Storm |
Move | LunarBlessng | Lunar Blessing |
Move | LastRespects | Last Respects |
Move | SpicyExtract | Spicy Extract |
Move | PoplatinBomb | Population Bomb |
Move | RevivlBlesng | Revival Blessing |
Move | KowtowCleave | Kowtow Cleave |
Move | ColisinCours | Collision Course |
Move | ElectroDrift | Electro Drift |
Move | ChilReceptin | Chilly Reception |
Move | ChillingWatr | Chilling Water |
Move | GigatonHammr | Gigaton Hammer |
Move | BlazngTorque | Blazing Torque |
Move | WickedTorque | Wicked Torque |
Move | NoxiusTorque | Noxious Torque |
Move | CombatTorque | Combat Torque |
Move | MagiclTorque | Magical Torque |
Move | MatchaGotcha | Matcha Gotcha |
Move | TeraStarstrm | Tera Starstorm |
Move | BurnngBulwrk | Burning Bulwark |
Move | MightyCleave | Mighty Cleave |
Move | TachyonCuttr | Tachyon Cutter |
Move | AllurngVoice | Alluring Voice |
Move | SuprcellSlam | Supercell Slam |
Move | PsychicNoise | Psychic Noise |
Move | MalignntChan | Malignant Chain |
Species | Dudunsprce | Dudunsparce |
Species | Corvisquir | Corvisquire |
Species | Corviknigh | Corviknight |
Species | Barraskewd | Barraskewda |
Species | Centiskorc | Centiskorch |
Species | Polteageis | Polteageist |
Species | Stonjourne | Stonjourner |
Species | Meowscarad | Meowscarada |
Species | Sqawkabily | Squawkabilly |
Species | Kilowatrel | Kilowattrel |
Species | Brmblghast | Brambleghast |
Species | ScreamTail | Scream Tail |
Species | BruteBonet | Brute Bonnet |
Species | FluttrMane | Flutter Mane |
Species | SlithrWing | Slither Wing |
Species | SndyShocks | Sandy Shocks |
Species | IronTreads | Iron Treads |
Species | IronBundle | Iron Bundle |
Species | IronJuguls | Iron Jugulis |
Species | IronThorns | Iron Thorns |
Species | RoarngMoon | Roaring Moon |
Species | IronVliant | Iron Valiant |
Species | WalkngWake | Walking Wake |
Species | IronLeaves | Iron Leaves |
Species | Ptchageist | Poltchageist |
Species | Fezndipiti | Fezandipiti |
Species | GouginFire | Gouging Fire |
Species | RagingBolt | Raging Bolt |
Species | IronBouldr | Iron Boulder |
Species | Crabminabl | Crabominable |
Species | Blacephaln | Blacephalon |
Species | Bsculegion | Basculegion |
Species | Flechinder | Fletchinder |
Type | Fight | Fighting |
Type | Electr | Electric |
Type | Psychc | Psychic |
Type | Stellr | Stellar |