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My set of solutions to the problems on Code Forces.
- 2044B Normal Problem
- 2009A Minimize!
- 1999A A+B Again?
- 1985A Creating Words
- 1968A Maximize?
- 1915A Odd One Out
- 1881A Don't Try to Count
- 1873A Short Sort
- 1850A To My Critics
- 1829A Love Story
- 1807A Plus or Minus
- 1722A Spell Check
- 1624A Plus One on the Subset
- 1619A Square String?
- 1551A Polycarp and Coins
- 1520A Do Not Be Distracted!
- 1472B Fair Division
- 1433A Boring Apartments
- 1374A Required Remainder
- 1367A Short Substrings
- 1360A Minimal Square
- 1327A Sum of Odd Integers
- 1231C Increasing Matrix
- 1030A In Search of an Easy Problem
- 791A Bear and Big Brother
- 705A Hulk
- 703A Mishka and Game
- 688B Lovely Palindromes
- 617A Elephant
- 598A Tricky Sum
- 580A Kefa and First Steps
- 520A Pangram
- 490A Team Olympiad
- 466A Cheap Travel
- 456A Laptops
- 451A Game With Sticks
- 431A Black Square
- 405A Gravity Flip
- 339A Helpful Maths
- 337A Puzzles
- 318A Even Odds
- 313A Ilya and Bank Account
- 282A Bit++
- 281A Word Capitalization
- 270A Fancy Fence
- 268B Buttons
- 268A Games
- 236A Boy or Girl
- 230A Dragons
- 208A Dubstep
- 200B Drinks
- 160A Twins
- 149A Business trip
- 133A HQ9+
- 131A cAPS lOCK
- 122A Lucky Division
- 118A String Task
- 116A Tram
- 96A Football
- 71A Way Too Long Words
- 69A Young Physicist
- 59A Word
- 58A Chat room
- 43A Football
- 41A Translation
- 34B Sale
- 25A IQ test
- 4A Watermelon
- 1A Theatre Square