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use std::fs::File;
use std::io::prelude::*;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::str::from_utf8;
use memmem::{Searcher, TwoWaySearcher};
use num::FromPrimitive;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use zip::ZipArchive;
use super::super::util::read_bin_file;
use super::{Addr, Bus, GBAResult};
use super::backup::eeprom::*;
use super::backup::flash::*;
use super::backup::{BackupMemory, BackupMemoryInterface, BackupType, BACKUP_FILE_EXT};
/// From GBATEK
/// The first 192 bytes at 8000000h-80000BFh in ROM are used as cartridge header. The same header is also used for Multiboot images at 2000000h-20000BFh (plus some additional multiboot entries at 20000C0h and up).
/// Header Overview
/// Address Bytes Expl.
/// 000h 4 ROM Entry Point (32bit ARM branch opcode, eg. "B rom_start")
/// 004h 156 Nintendo Logo (compressed bitmap, required!)
/// 0A0h 12 Game Title (uppercase ascii, max 12 characters)
/// 0ACh 4 Game Code (uppercase ascii, 4 characters)
/// 0B0h 2 Maker Code (uppercase ascii, 2 characters)
/// 0B2h 1 Fixed value (must be 96h, required!)
/// 0B3h 1 Main unit code (00h for current GBA models)
/// 0B4h 1 Device type (usually 00h) (bit7=DACS/debug related)
/// 0B5h 7 Reserved Area (should be zero filled)
/// 0BCh 1 Software version (usually 00h)
/// 0BDh 1 Complement check (header checksum, required!)
/// 0BEh 2 Reserved Area (should be zero filled)
/// --- Additional Multiboot Header Entries ---
/// 0C0h 4 RAM Entry Point (32bit ARM branch opcode, eg. "B ram_start")
/// 0C4h 1 Boot mode (init as 00h - BIOS overwrites this value!)
/// 0C5h 1 Slave ID Number (init as 00h - BIOS overwrites this value!)
/// 0C6h 26 Not used (seems to be unused)
/// 0E0h 4 JOYBUS Entry Pt. (32bit ARM branch opcode, eg. "B joy_start")
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct CartridgeHeader {
// rom_entry_point: Addr,
game_title: String,
game_code: String,
maker_code: String,
software_version: u8,
checksum: u8,
// ram_entry_point: Addr,
// joybus_entry_point: Addr,
impl CartridgeHeader {
fn parse(bytes: &[u8]) -> CartridgeHeader {
// let (_, rom_entry_point) = le_u32(bytes).unwrap();
let game_title = from_utf8(&bytes[0xa0..0xac]).unwrap();
let game_code = from_utf8(&bytes[0xac..0xb0]).unwrap();
let maker_code = from_utf8(&bytes[0xb0..0xb2]).unwrap();
// let (_, ram_entry_point) = le_u32(&bytes[0xc0..]).unwrap();
// let (_, joybus_entry_point) = le_u32(&bytes[0xc0..]).unwrap();
CartridgeHeader {
// rom_entry_point: rom_entry_point,
game_title: String::from(game_title),
game_code: String::from(game_code),
maker_code: String::from(maker_code),
software_version: bytes[0xbc],
checksum: bytes[0xbd],
// ram_entry_point: ram_entry_point,
// joybus_entry_point: joybus_entry_point,
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug)]
pub enum BackupMedia {
impl BackupMedia {
pub fn type_string(&self) -> &'static str {
use BackupMedia::*;
match self {
Sram(..) => "SRAM",
Flash(..) => "FLASH",
Eeprom(..) => "EEPROM",
Undetected => "Undetected",
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Cartridge {
pub header: CartridgeHeader,
bytes: Box<[u8]>,
size: usize,
backup: BackupMedia,
fn load_rom(path: &Path) -> GBAResult<Vec<u8>> {
match path.extension() {
Some(extension) => match extension.to_str() {
Some("zip") => {
let zipfile = File::open(path)?;
let mut archive = ZipArchive::new(zipfile)?;
for i in 0..archive.len() {
let mut file = archive.by_index(i)?;
if".gba") {
let mut buf = Vec::new();
file.read_to_end(&mut buf)?;
return Ok(buf);
panic!("no .gba file contained in the zip file");
_ => {
let buf = read_bin_file(path)?;
return Ok(buf);
_ => {
let buf = read_bin_file(path)?;
return Ok(buf);
impl Cartridge {
pub fn from_path(rom_path: &Path) -> GBAResult<Cartridge> {
let rom_bin = load_rom(rom_path)?;
pub fn from_bytes(bytes: &[u8], rom_path: Option<PathBuf>) -> Cartridge {
let size = bytes.len();
let header = CartridgeHeader::parse(&bytes);
let backup = if let Some(path) = rom_path {
create_backup(bytes, &path)
} else {
println!("Header: {:?}", header);
println!("Backup: {}", backup.type_string());
Cartridge {
header: header,
bytes: bytes.into(),
size: size,
backup: backup,
fn create_backup(bytes: &[u8], rom_path: &Path) -> BackupMedia {
let backup_path = rom_path.with_extension(BACKUP_FILE_EXT);
if let Some(backup_type) = detect_backup_type(bytes) {
match backup_type {
BackupType::Flash | BackupType::Flash512 => {
BackupMedia::Flash(Flash::new(backup_path, FlashSize::Flash64k))
BackupType::Flash1M => {
BackupMedia::Flash(Flash::new(backup_path, FlashSize::Flash128k))
BackupType::Sram => BackupMedia::Sram(BackupMemory::new(0x8000, backup_path)),
BackupType::Eeprom => {
BackupMedia::Eeprom(SpiController::new(BackupMemory::new(0x200, backup_path)))
} else {
fn detect_backup_type(bytes: &[u8]) -> Option<BackupType> {
const ID_STRINGS: &'static [&'static str] =
&["EEPROM", "SRAM", "FLASH_", "FLASH512_", "FLASH1M_"];
for i in 0..5 {
let search = TwoWaySearcher::new(ID_STRINGS[i].as_bytes());
match search.search_in(bytes) {
Some(_) => return Some(BackupType::from_u8(i as u8).unwrap()),
_ => {}
println!("Could not detect backup type");
return None;
use super::sysbus::consts::*;
const EEPROM_BASE_ADDR: u32 = 0x0DFF_FF00;
impl Bus for Cartridge {
fn read_8(&self, addr: Addr) -> u8 {
let offset = (addr & 0x01ff_ffff) as usize;
match addr & 0xff000000 {
SRAM_LO | SRAM_HI => match &self.backup {
BackupMedia::Sram(memory) => & 0x7FFF) as usize),
BackupMedia::Flash(flash) =>,
_ => 0,
_ => {
if offset >= self.size {
0xDD // TODO - open bus implementation
} else {
self.bytes[offset as usize]
fn read_16(&self, addr: u32) -> u16 {
if addr & 0xff000000 == GAMEPAK_WS2_HI && (self.bytes.len() <= 16*1024*1024 || addr >= EEPROM_BASE_ADDR) {
if let BackupMedia::Eeprom(spi) = &self.backup {
return spi.read_half();
fn write_8(&mut self, addr: u32, value: u8) {
match addr & 0xff000000 {
SRAM_LO | SRAM_HI => match &mut self.backup {
BackupMedia::Flash(flash) => flash.write(addr, value),
BackupMedia::Sram(memory) => memory.write((addr & 0x7FFF) as usize, value),
_ => {}
_ => {}, // TODO allow the debugger to write
fn write_16(&mut self, addr: u32, value: u16) {
if addr & 0xff000000 == GAMEPAK_WS2_HI && (self.bytes.len() <= 16*1024*1024 || addr >= EEPROM_BASE_ADDR) {
if let BackupMedia::Eeprom(spi) = &mut self.backup {
return spi.write_half(value);
self.default_write_16(addr, value);