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use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
pub use super::exception::Exception;
use super::{arm::ArmCond, psr::RegPSR, Addr, CpuMode, CpuState};
use crate::util::{Shared, WeakPointer};
use super::memory::{MemoryAccess, MemoryInterface};
use MemoryAccess::*;
use cfg_if::cfg_if;
cfg_if! {
if #[cfg(feature = "arm7tdmi_dispatch_table")] {
#[cfg(feature = "debugger")]
use super::thumb::ThumbFormat;
#[cfg(feature = "debugger")]
use super::arm::ArmFormat;
#[cfg_attr(not(feature = "debugger"), repr(transparent))]
pub struct ThumbInstructionInfo<I: MemoryInterface> {
pub handler_fn: fn(&mut Core<I>, insn: u16) -> CpuAction,
#[cfg(feature = "debugger")]
pub fmt: ThumbFormat,
#[cfg_attr(not(feature = "debugger"), repr(transparent))]
pub struct ArmInstructionInfo<I: MemoryInterface> {
pub handler_fn: fn(&mut Core<I>, insn: u32) -> CpuAction,
#[cfg(feature = "debugger")]
pub fmt: ArmFormat,
} else {
use super::arm::ArmFormat;
use super::thumb::ThumbFormat;
cfg_if! {
if #[cfg(feature = "debugger")] {
use super::DecodedInstruction;
use super::arm::ArmInstruction;
use super::thumb::ThumbInstruction;
use super::reg_string;
use std::fmt;
use ansi_term::{Colour, Style};
} else {
use bit::BitIndex;
use num::FromPrimitive;
pub enum CpuAction {
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, Default)]
pub(super) struct BankedRegisters {
2019-06-27 13:13:38 +01:00
// r13 and r14 are banked for all modes. System&User mode share them
pub(super) gpr_banked_r13: [u32; 6],
pub(super) gpr_banked_r14: [u32; 6],
2019-06-27 13:13:38 +01:00
// r8-r12 are banked for fiq mode
pub(super) gpr_banked_old_r8_12: [u32; 5],
pub(super) gpr_banked_fiq_r8_12: [u32; 5],
pub(super) spsr_bank: [RegPSR; 6],
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct SavedCpuState {
pub pc: u32,
pub gpr: [u32; 15],
next_fetch_access: MemoryAccess,
pipeline: [u32; 2],
2019-06-27 13:13:38 +01:00
2019-06-26 22:45:53 +01:00
pub cpsr: RegPSR,
pub(super) spsr: RegPSR,
pub(super) banks: Box<BankedRegisters>,
2019-06-27 13:13:38 +01:00
pub(super) bs_carry_out: bool,
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Core<I: MemoryInterface> {
pub(super) bus: Shared<I>,
next_fetch_access: MemoryAccess,
pipeline: [u32; 2],
pub pc: u32,
pub gpr: [u32; 15],
pub cpsr: RegPSR,
pub(super) spsr: RegPSR,
// Todo - do I still need this?
pub(super) bs_carry_out: bool,
pub(super) banks: Box<BankedRegisters>, // Putting these in a box so the most-used Cpu fields in the same cacheline
#[cfg(feature = "debugger")]
pub last_executed: Option<DecodedInstruction>,
/// store the gpr before executing an instruction to show diff in the Display impl
#[cfg(feature = "debugger")]
gpr_previous: [u32; 15],
#[cfg(feature = "debugger")]
pub breakpoints: Vec<u32>,
#[cfg(feature = "debugger")]
2019-06-26 22:45:53 +01:00
pub verbose: bool,
#[cfg(feature = "debugger")]
pub trace_opcodes: bool,
#[cfg(feature = "debugger")]
pub trace_exceptions: bool,
2019-06-25 03:35:52 +01:00
impl<I: MemoryInterface> Core<I> {
pub fn new(bus: Shared<I>) -> Core<I> {
let cpsr = RegPSR::new(0x0000_00D3);
Core {
pc: 0,
gpr: [0; 15],
pipeline: [0; 2],
next_fetch_access: MemoryAccess::NonSeq,
spsr: Default::default(),
banks: Box::new(BankedRegisters::default()),
bs_carry_out: false,
#[cfg(feature = "debugger")]
last_executed: None,
#[cfg(feature = "debugger")]
gpr_previous: [0; 15],
#[cfg(feature = "debugger")]
breakpoints: Vec::new(),
#[cfg(feature = "debugger")]
verbose: false,
#[cfg(feature = "debugger")]
trace_opcodes: false,
#[cfg(feature = "debugger")]
trace_exceptions: false,
pub fn weak_ptr(&mut self) -> WeakPointer<Core<I>> {
WeakPointer::new(self as *mut Core<I>)
pub fn from_saved_state(bus: Shared<I>, state: SavedCpuState) -> Core<I> {
Core {
pc: state.pc,
cpsr: state.cpsr,
gpr: state.gpr,
banks: state.banks,
spsr: state.spsr,
bs_carry_out: state.bs_carry_out,
pipeline: state.pipeline,
next_fetch_access: state.next_fetch_access,
// savestate does not keep debugger related information, so just reinitialize to default
#[cfg(feature = "debugger")]
last_executed: None,
#[cfg(feature = "debugger")]
gpr_previous: [0; 15],
#[cfg(feature = "debugger")]
breakpoints: Vec::new(),
#[cfg(feature = "debugger")]
verbose: false,
#[cfg(feature = "debugger")]
trace_opcodes: false,
#[cfg(feature = "debugger")]
trace_exceptions: false,
pub fn save_state(&self) -> SavedCpuState {
SavedCpuState {
cpsr: self.cpsr,
pc: self.pc,
gpr: self.gpr.clone(),
spsr: self.spsr,
banks: self.banks.clone(),
bs_carry_out: self.bs_carry_out,
pipeline: self.pipeline.clone(),
next_fetch_access: self.next_fetch_access,
pub fn restore_state(&mut self, state: SavedCpuState) {
self.pc = state.pc;
self.cpsr = state.cpsr;
self.gpr = state.gpr;
self.spsr = state.spsr;
self.banks = state.banks;
self.bs_carry_out = state.bs_carry_out;
self.pipeline = state.pipeline;
self.next_fetch_access = state.next_fetch_access;
pub fn set_memory_interface(&mut self, i: Shared<I>) {
self.bus = i;
#[cfg(feature = "debugger")]
2019-06-25 03:35:52 +01:00
pub fn set_verbose(&mut self, v: bool) {
self.verbose = v;
pub fn get_reg(&self, r: usize) -> u32 {
match r {
0..=14 => self.gpr[r],
15 => self.pc,
_ => panic!("invalid register {}", r),
/// Gets PC of the currently executed instruction in arm mode
pub fn pc_arm(&self) -> u32 {
/// Gets PC of the currently executed instruction in thumb mode
pub fn pc_thumb(&self) -> u32 {
pub fn get_reg_user(&mut self, r: usize) -> u32 {
match r {
0..=7 => self.gpr[r],
8..=12 => {
if self.cpsr.mode() == CpuMode::Fiq {
} else {
self.banks.gpr_banked_old_r8_12[r - 8]
13 => self.banks.gpr_banked_r13[0],
14 => self.banks.gpr_banked_r14[0],
_ => panic!("invalid register"),
pub fn set_reg(&mut self, r: usize, val: u32) {
match r {
0..=14 => self.gpr[r] = val,
15 => {
self.pc = {
match self.cpsr.state() {
CpuState::THUMB => val & !1,
CpuState::ARM => val & !3,
2019-06-27 13:13:38 +01:00
_ => panic!("invalid register"),
pub fn set_reg_user(&mut self, r: usize, val: u32) {
match r {
0..=7 => self.gpr[r] = val,
8..=12 => {
if self.cpsr.mode() == CpuMode::Fiq {
self.gpr[r] = val;
} else {
self.banks.gpr_banked_old_r8_12[r - 8] = val;
13 => {
self.banks.gpr_banked_r13[0] = val;
14 => {
self.banks.gpr_banked_r14[0] = val;
_ => panic!("invalid register"),
2019-06-27 13:13:38 +01:00
pub fn get_registers(&self) -> [u32; 15] {
pub(super) fn change_mode(&mut self, old_mode: CpuMode, new_mode: CpuMode) {
let new_index = new_mode.bank_index();
let old_index = old_mode.bank_index();
if new_index == old_index {
2019-06-27 13:13:38 +01:00
let banks = &mut self.banks;
banks.spsr_bank[old_index] = self.spsr;
banks.gpr_banked_r13[old_index] = self.gpr[13];
banks.gpr_banked_r14[old_index] = self.gpr[14];
self.spsr = banks.spsr_bank[new_index];
self.gpr[13] = banks.gpr_banked_r13[new_index];
self.gpr[14] = banks.gpr_banked_r14[new_index];
2019-06-27 13:13:38 +01:00
if new_mode == CpuMode::Fiq {
for r in 0..5 {
banks.gpr_banked_old_r8_12[r] = self.gpr[r + 8];
self.gpr[r + 8] = banks.gpr_banked_fiq_r8_12[r];
2019-06-27 13:13:38 +01:00
} else if old_mode == CpuMode::Fiq {
2019-06-27 13:13:38 +01:00
for r in 0..5 {
banks.gpr_banked_fiq_r8_12[r] = self.gpr[r + 8];
self.gpr[r + 8] = banks.gpr_banked_old_r8_12[r];
2019-06-27 13:13:38 +01:00
/// Resets the cpu
pub fn reset(&mut self) {
self.exception(Exception::Reset, 0);
pub fn word_size(&self) -> usize {
2019-06-26 22:45:53 +01:00
match self.cpsr.state() {
CpuState::ARM => 4,
CpuState::THUMB => 2,
pub(super) fn get_required_multipiler_array_cycles(&self, rs: u32) -> usize {
if rs & 0xff == rs {
} else if rs & 0xffff == rs {
} else if rs & 0xffffff == rs {
} else {
pub(super) fn check_arm_cond(&self, cond: ArmCond) -> bool {
use ArmCond::*;
match cond {
Invalid => {
// TODO - we would normally want to panic here
EQ => self.cpsr.Z(),
NE => !self.cpsr.Z(),
HS => self.cpsr.C(),
LO => !self.cpsr.C(),
MI => self.cpsr.N(),
PL => !self.cpsr.N(),
VS => self.cpsr.V(),
VC => !self.cpsr.V(),
HI => self.cpsr.C() && !self.cpsr.Z(),
LS => !self.cpsr.C() || self.cpsr.Z(),
GE => self.cpsr.N() == self.cpsr.V(),
LT => self.cpsr.N() != self.cpsr.V(),
GT => !self.cpsr.Z() && (self.cpsr.N() == self.cpsr.V()),
LE => self.cpsr.Z() || (self.cpsr.N() != self.cpsr.V()),
AL => true,
#[cfg(feature = "debugger")]
fn debugger_record_step(&mut self, d: DecodedInstruction) {
self.gpr_previous = self.get_registers();
self.last_executed = Some(d);
cfg_if! {
if #[cfg(feature = "arm7tdmi_dispatch_table")] {
fn step_arm_exec(&mut self, insn: u32) -> CpuAction {
let hash = (((insn >> 16) & 0xff0) | ((insn >> 4) & 0x00f)) as usize;
let arm_info = &Self::ARM_LUT[hash];
#[cfg(feature = "debugger")]
(arm_info.handler_fn)(self, insn)
fn step_thumb_exec(&mut self, insn: u16) -> CpuAction {
let thumb_info = &Self::THUMB_LUT[(insn >> 6) as usize];
#[cfg(feature = "debugger")]
(thumb_info.handler_fn)(self, insn)
} else {
fn step_arm_exec(&mut self, insn: u32) -> CpuAction {
let arm_fmt = ArmFormat::from(insn);
#[cfg(feature = "debugger")]
self.exec_arm(insn, arm_fmt)
fn step_thumb_exec(&mut self, insn: u16) -> CpuAction {
let thumb_fmt = ThumbFormat::from(insn);
#[cfg(feature = "debugger")]
self.exec_thumb(insn, thumb_fmt)
/// 2S + 1N
pub fn reload_pipeline16(&mut self) {
self.pipeline[0] = self.load_16(self.pc, NonSeq) as u32;
self.pipeline[1] = self.load_16(self.pc, Seq) as u32;
self.next_fetch_access = Seq;
/// 2S + 1N
pub fn reload_pipeline32(&mut self) {
self.pipeline[0] = self.load_32(self.pc, NonSeq);
self.pipeline[1] = self.load_32(self.pc, Seq);
self.next_fetch_access = Seq;
pub(super) fn advance_thumb(&mut self) {
self.pc = self.pc.wrapping_add(2)
pub(super) fn advance_arm(&mut self) {
self.pc = self.pc.wrapping_add(4)
/// Perform a pipeline step
/// If an instruction was executed in this step, return it.
pub fn step(&mut self) {
match self.cpsr.state() {
CpuState::ARM => {
let pc = self.pc & !3;
let fetched_now = self.load_32(pc, self.next_fetch_access);
let insn = self.pipeline[0];
self.pipeline[0] = self.pipeline[1];
self.pipeline[1] = fetched_now;
let cond = ArmCond::from_u8(insn.bit_range(28..32) as u8)
.unwrap_or_else(|| unsafe { std::hint::unreachable_unchecked() });
if cond != ArmCond::AL {
if !self.check_arm_cond(cond) {
self.next_fetch_access = MemoryAccess::NonSeq;
match self.step_arm_exec(insn) {
CpuAction::AdvancePC(access) => {
self.next_fetch_access = access;
CpuAction::PipelineFlushed => {}
CpuState::THUMB => {
let pc = self.pc & !1;
let fetched_now = self.load_16(pc, self.next_fetch_access);
let insn = self.pipeline[0];
self.pipeline[0] = self.pipeline[1];
self.pipeline[1] = fetched_now as u32;
match self.step_thumb_exec(insn as u16) {
CpuAction::AdvancePC(access) => {
self.next_fetch_access = access;
CpuAction::PipelineFlushed => {}
2019-06-25 03:35:52 +01:00
/// Get's the address of the next instruction that is going to be executed
pub fn get_next_pc(&self) -> Addr {
let insn_size = self.word_size() as u32;
self.pc - 2 * insn_size
pub fn get_cpu_state(&self) -> CpuState {
pub fn skip_bios(&mut self) {
self.banks.gpr_banked_r13[0] = 0x0300_7f00; // USR/SYS
self.banks.gpr_banked_r13[1] = 0x0300_7f00; // FIQ
self.banks.gpr_banked_r13[2] = 0x0300_7fa0; // IRQ
self.banks.gpr_banked_r13[3] = 0x0300_7fe0; // SVC
self.banks.gpr_banked_r13[4] = 0x0300_7f00; // ABT
self.banks.gpr_banked_r13[5] = 0x0300_7f00; // UND
self.gpr[13] = 0x0300_7f00;
self.pc = 0x0800_0000;
2019-06-26 22:45:53 +01:00
#[cfg(feature = "debugger")]
impl<I: MemoryInterface> fmt::Display for Core<I> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
writeln!(f, "ARM7TDMI Core Status:")?;
writeln!(f, "\tCPSR: {}", self.cpsr)?;
writeln!(f, "\tGeneral Purpose Registers:")?;
let reg_normal_style = Style::new().bold();
let reg_dirty_style = Colour::Black.bold().on(Colour::Yellow);
let gpr = self.get_registers();
for i in 0..15 {
let mut reg_name = reg_string(i).to_string();
let style = if gpr[i] != self.gpr_previous[i] {
} else {
let entry = format!("\t{:-3} = 0x{:08x}", reg_name, gpr[i]);
if (i + 1) % 4 == 0 { "\n" } else { "" }
2019-06-26 22:45:53 +01:00
let pc = format!("\tPC = 0x{:08x}", self.get_next_pc());
writeln!(f, "{}", reg_normal_style.paint(pc))
2019-06-26 22:45:53 +01:00
#[cfg(feature = "arm7tdmi_dispatch_table")]
include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/"));
#[cfg(feature = "arm7tdmi_dispatch_table")]
include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/"));